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, ot ea<_li Oluuuaut. tion i^it-nuiioH 01 oamt. Siguature • ['___ ' i ■ IC/lHill William Cumberland st, Dun-freehold lock 14, Section 39, Cumberlnnd utreet.jHeuiy Eurge, householder '•' V ' ■ edin Dunedin 10i> fi.tfp, ,Jabe/ Job Walker st, do leasehold' 14 years from 18G2, shop and dwelling-house, Andrew Fleming, freeholder George street, D unedia ' 10.1 lainilfon, Jiinies Kirn No. 204,Manio-freehold Dunedin J.Fraser.'do toto ■■'' ■•■■•■••■■ . . . . .. . . ...-■..-. ... ■ .-:, . .... ...... : 104 FTannali Peter Port Chalmers household Gray street, Port Chalmers Arichibald J. Ritchie, do 105 llarnott! Jeremiah Off Gt King at, Dun" do Harnett's cottages, off Great. King street, /William Spicer,'householder etlin ■ Dunedin ; ■...■--. ■■■■'■••. 100 Harrison, William Henry Dunedin household House in Forth street, Pelichet Bay, do ' Ernest Rowden Hill, do 107 Hurt,' James Tyeth do freehold ections 9, 10 and 20, Block 37, do John Teunant, freeholder 108 Henry. Kobert Octagon household Octagon, Dunedin , W. 1L Cutten, do . ' . , 109 Hill, "Ernest Rowden Dunedin • nousehbld Cumberland street, do . Riehd. Nevill Reid, householder 110 Hill, George Hcriot row, do freehold Section 2S, Bbck 24, do Wm. Somerville, freeholder - 111 Hislop John Forth st, do do A house and two sections, Forth street, Wm. B. Ogilvie, do * . Dunedin 112 Hislop, Mungo Dunedin leasehold Lease of cottage, 8 years from 1863, Block 19 John Outram, do '. * Section 45, Royal terrace, Dunedin 113 Holmes, James George st, do household George street, Dunedin L. Solomon, householder 114 Honnor, Henry London st, do do Part of, Block 20, London street, H. N. Moore, freeholder Dunedin 115 Hood, James Raniage George st, do leasehold Lease, 10 years' uuexpired at 1863, George E; Chalmer, householder street, Dunedin IIG Hornby, John : Port Chalmers freehold Mary street, Port Chalmers Archibald J. Ritchie, freeholder ■'> 117 Howell, George Dunedin jI do York place, Block 17, Section 11, Dunedin Jn. H. Jenkinson, householder ■■■■■: "I 2 leasehold Filieul street, Block 17, Section 12, do ■■■■■.• ■ ■■'~! i 118 Howlison, Robert Ftoslyn "' freehold Block 26, Section 12, Great King street, do Chas. Reid, freeholder li'll9 Hutohinson, John Edward Gt King st, Dunedin leasehold Great King street, do J. S. Douglas, householder f'l'aO Hutchison, William Forth st, do household Dwelling-house, Forth street, do Thomas Park, freeholder ■ '"I'M liiflram William Henry Port Chalmers do George street, Port Chalmers Archibald J. Ritchie, do 122lnnes Thomas do leasehold Shipchaudler's store at do James Mathieson, do • 123 Inveraritv William David Dunedin freehold Sections Nos. 55, 56, 57, 58, Cargill street, Thomas Calcutt, do ■" ' Dunedin . 124 Isaacs, Samuel George Jetty at, Dunedin do Town lots, Port Chalmers John McCubbin, householder 125 Jack M'Lean Watt Dunedin houshold House in Scotland'street, Dunedin Robert Jenkinson, freeholder l* Ja<ro'John Weslev Albany st, do do Dwelling-house rented at £4 as. per month, in Geo. Eldershaw, householder ° ' j. - Albany street, Dunediu 127 Jenkins William Port Chalmers do House, Port Chalmers Thomas Brebner, freeholder 12 Jenkinson, John Hartley Dunedin freehold Section 329, do . do do 12U Jenkinson Robert do leasehold Lease, having 8 years to run, from 30th April, M'Lean, Watt Jack, do ' . 1863, of Section in Cargill street, Dunedin . ■ . 130 Johnson, Thomas Hilton do household House in George street, do _ _ William Hutchinson, householde* 131 Johnston James do leasehold Lease ot Church Lands, North East Valley, 9 F re d. Dick, do ' years to run from 1863, North Harbor District ,- ". 132 Jones John Waikari freehold 11 acres with dwelling house,'Waikari John W. Laing, freeholder 3 Jones' Thomas Edward Hanover st, Dunedin household Hanover street, Dunelin Henry Howell, householder ' ■ ' X " ■ ' ..... ■ v.- .- ■v Kennedy James George st, Dunedin leasehold Lease 10 years to run, from 1863, Robert Burns Frederick Dick, do ' •" • hotel, Section 8/Block 2a, George street, Dunedin 135 Kennedy John Port Chalmers do George street, Port Chalmers David Kilgour, freeholder 136 Kerr John Gt King st, Dunedin household Great lung street, Dunedin Henry Burge, householder ' 137 Kev'james London st, Dunedin freehold Sections 9,10, Block 18, do Henry Green, freeholder ;"M<JftKil<'our Robert Dunediu leasehold Lease of rural land, Sections ,35,36,37,38,39, James Kilgour, do -.138 Juifepur,, Kodert , »<= 40, and 100 acres behind Block 9, for 7 ■ -•■■■• years, from 4th September, 1862, North , : : . . • Harbor District 139 Kincaid James .do household House in Cumberland street, Dunedin Charles K'Queen, householder 140 Kingston Georae Port Chalmers do Red Store, George street, Port Chalmers Archibald J. Ritchie, freeholder 141 Kingston, Thomas do freehold One Section, North Harbor . do do . 142 Lakeman Howard Albany st, Dunedin leasehold Lease, 13 years to run, Sections 34, and 35. cor- Edmund Quick, do 142L,akeman, Howard } , ncr of Albany and Queen streets, Dunedin ' /* : 143 Timb Robert Sawyer's Bay . freehold Sawyer's Bay, North Harbor District David Kilgour, do ; 144 Lambert, James HalU North-East Valley leasehold Lease^hav^3 years and 2 months to run .Oliver Vcale, householder East Valley, North Harbor Provincial District . .. i4"sTnnrlP^ Adam * Tokomairiro do Part of Section and house in George st, Dunedin Henry Arnold, do 146rawDa^d Port Chalmers freehold Currie street, Port Chalmers Archibald J. Ritchie, freeholder 147 Law Henderson Dunedin household Henot Row, Dunedin , Jas. Whitelaw, do usrpiirmont Thomas George st,-do do George street, do L. Solomon, householder 149 I tol Andrew Cumberland st, do' leasehold 14 years from 1562, ground and shop, George F. Fenwick, freeholder i*a ljecs, Amtrew street, Dunedin . * 150 Tindenian Fran* George st, do do 14 years from 1862, George st, do Henry Burge, householder SlLrndsTv^eonfe Dunedm flour mills freehold George street, do . Robert Dods, do 152 Little Midler London st, Dunedin household London street, do A. Mercer, freeholder 153 Livingston Alexander Sunnyside.Kaikorai, freehold Sections 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Block 20, Dunedin Walter Dayrdo ■ ■•'■•■■' neHr Dunedin T54 Txirkip Andrew Dunedin leasehold Lease 14 years, Great King street, Dunedin Wm. Somerville, do i« rr^ip iv-iliinin George st, do household Corner of St. Andrew & George street.Dimedin L. Solomon , householder 156 Lon^worth John Gl^ King st» do leasehold Lease to run years,from February 24t1i,1862, Matthew Miller, do ijourag«wLu,uu U u =, 2 houses in Great King street, Duuedin ■ 1 "57 Tow'times senior Moray place, do do 12 years lease from 1803, do do ' Henry Burge, do 58 Low' James' •' Great King rt, do do 1 1 years lease tonm.from 18fi:}, <Jo do do do 159 Liikfeß, William ; George st, do ' household George street, do, < io 4o 1 • f 1 leasehold !4 years lease from 1862,. of Section, in EH-Hugh Gourlay, freehojdpr 160 Mackay, William Dunedin j ? geetSSos?!^ Clmlmors U . W . Murray, hopsehold^r in MWkip Tolm ' Eden st, do 'household House in Eden street, Dunedm Robert Mackie, freeholder ir-j W-irki- Kfiiwrt Dunedin freehold 2 Sections in Eden street, do v John Jyiackie,*householder 163 Macintosh, William H'gh st. do leasehold 5 and^J years lease, from _1862, allotment in John France, freeholder 164 Mansford, Thomas Anstey Sawyer'sßay . freehold & Sections 63' and 64, Sawyer's Bay, North John Robert Monson, do '■■ liousehold ■ Harbor District . ....,-. (I freehold House and J- Section, George street, Port Jas. Geo. Lewis, do 165 Mansford, William Henning Tokomairiro 6 o aS'of Tand, Mansford Bay.' oining .do do Town Belt of Port Chalmers Nth. Hurbbi l-fifi Marshall Francis iunior Waikari household' Honse'in Waikari District : ■ Francis Marshall, householder lG7MarsS, John GtKing st, Dunedin leasehold Woter^of Leith brewery, Great King street Henry Burge, do 168 Mosßey, Joseph Morgan. ■• n™edin do U tober ' W2,, Great Ch M . Roid,.fi«ehoMer ~l (, M . a.'m Tnmpq ' Port Chalmers freehold Section 23, Currie street, Port Chalmers Archibald J.Ritchie, do noMatliesoipctef Maclaggan sc, Dune- do Fleriot Row, Dunedin , George Dancan, do ... w nrt . Piyi] Tolm Great King st,do leasehold 14 years lease from 1862, property in Great Henry Bnrge, householder It l aiati.ews. dorm n King street, Dunedin 17-. Mitthews Times Alexander fnvercargil freehold Sections 42 and 43,810ck 20. Filleul street, do James Walker Bain, freeholder i- MHlar TamA Sawyer's Bay do Section 105, Sawyer's Bay, North Harbor Archibald J. Ritchie, do 1m -M w John do . household Sawyer's Bay, do : do do 175 Mitchell John Hanover st, do do Hanover street, Dunedin ■■~„,. A. M'Leod, householder i-r\l,mi, Tnnipq Dunedin freehold Section 38, Block 2, Blueskin, North Harbor James Weatherly, freeholder -- vtm- ,!, TmniM fartor do household House in St. Andrew street, Duuediu Jus. Mollison, householder i-sMorH^ Tolin Craigie Bank freehold Section 27, Blueskin, North Harbor Johnllodper, freeholder 179 Morton Atwell Havris Port Chalmers leasehold & Corner George street, Port Chalmers . James O. Mallach,'householder ' ' household isn Wort™ William Dunedin least-hold Cottage'and lease of Section 72, for 14 year James Kilgour, freeholder 180 Norton, William from Jauuaryl, 1862,Queenstreet,Dunedin is \fn« Moss Maclagganst.Dune- do 12 years lease from 1863, of property i Henry Burge, householder ioi iiwm, juum di v George street, Dunedin • lfioMuir Pobert Waikouaiti freehold Building allotments, Great King street, do William Mackay, freeholder I'm \luiriiead Fohn Blueskin do Rural hind, North Harbor Matthew Paterson, do (, Robert Henderson Dunedin do Sectionsi3,Block2l,GreatKingstreet^unedin William Hepburn,householder lßsMcGrea HueK Gamble . Stuart st, Dunedin household1 Opposite the Gaol, Stewart street, Dunedin John Graham, do lSf McDonald Gluts' TKbs Younc Duhsdin leasehold Lease 4 and-J-years to ruiiirom 1863, of dra-Thomas Itobertson,"do ' ' .**•'••:'f ■ '' per's simp, called Crystal Palace, Georg street, Dunedin 18"* McGill Niel Port Chalmers household Sooftu sti'pct, Kort Chalmers , David Kilgour, frccliolder 188 McHuMi William do leasehold Mount -street, t}o . itrchibaldj. Ritchie; dp *' 189 McKelTar John Dunedin household I'ornei-of Octagon, & Gpo^gc street, Dunedin William Gbw^Vis, do' 190 McKenzie James Great King st, do do Great King street, do Henry Burge, householder 19 uMcKerras'James Taylor ForthPlaee^Dimedih do House in Forth Place, Dtmedm James Brown, freehojder ' 192 McLean George buflediu freehold Constitution street, do John Swit^er, householder, iqsMcLellan Duncan do do 1 Section and-house, corner of St. Andrew James Porteous, freehold** ' ' and Leith streets, Dunedin 194 McLennan, Donald Blueskin do Blucslciu, North Harbor District David Kilgour, ;do 195 McLennan, William George st, Dunedin household George street, Dunedin. Henry Burge, householder . ; 196 McNeill John ' Albion Hotel, do freehold Albion Hotel, Great lung street, Dunedin William Henry Mouson, do 197 McNicol Malcolm Blueskin do Rural Lund, North Harbor John Muirhead, freeholder 198 McPberson, Robert Diinedin do, House nnd. Section, No. 20, Block 36,Dunedin Thoma^Redmayne, do 199 McQueen, Charles do household House in Forth street, do James Kimjaid, householder V l freehold Sections 56, 60,62, N. E. Valley, North Har- J. S. Douglas, "do "■' ■ N ** ' ■ bor District ' ' ; > 200 Nathan, Hyam Edward ' North EastValleyJ 2 do 60 acrc^of land, Secto»NjVg^^ A. H. Williamson, do ,■'•■ ■ ' '" -| •■■■■.■ District . ■ ■ ' ■■■■■-.•■■• ■ - - ■ ■. ■ - . '■ 201 Nelson, William Williamston, Maori do One quarter acre, Waikari ... , _ Richard Sandilands, freeholder 202Nicol,Davir pSdln . do So much^ J ohn Findlay do within the District of Dunedin and suburbs North, " Waikari" 203 O'Donnoghue, David George st, Dunedin household Dwelling-house George street, Dunedin Samuel Cohen, hou ß eho?^ F - 204 Orr, John Dunedin freehold . Section 3"j block-32, Dunedm John Jardine Carruth.ers, .free^. ■n - ' holder • •• « * « ' / 1 leasehold Part of Section 92, Block 32, Forth Place, icorgc Gibson, householder Resent Ro-ull Dunedin, twelve years to run '. •-' Wm m William. Queen 6 t,Dun e :J 2 freehold «c«ei^ad, Dunedin, / ' rooms and cellar ,206 Paine, Cornelius John Port Chalmers — household George street, Port Chalmers Archibald J. Ritchie, freeholder f6J Park, >Valter (lt " *' lawyerl? B.ay . freehold Section 32, Block 1, Blueskin, North Harbor John Gralmm, houst-holder ' 208 Parsloe, John North East Valley leasehold ' Itf. years tp run of 'ease of i aero and *of Donald Ross, freeholder ■'-'.. ". % i i-,-,:f- • ■■'■ ]and,> North E^s.t Valley, North Harbor Provincial District ' '' • • r 20*} Paterson, Peter . ,-,; George st, Dunedin do Leascibr 14 years from October JBGI, of 2 enry Burge, householder ' ' •• .* '" . :•<• houseß and 1 store, Georgo street/Dune v din ' ' ' '•" ' .210 Paton, John Port Chalmers freehold House and I Section, WickMe Terrace, Port Archibald J. ffeehßl4gf • ■' " ' , •• phaltners 211 Pellett James * Dunedin household Pillans Cottages, George street, Dunpdin John Graham, householder 212 Perry, Thomas Port Chalmers freehold mckliffc Terrace, Port Chalmers David Kjlgour, freeholder 213 Poulton, James Edward Gt King st.Duncdin . do , ■ Section 1 Block 30 and house, Great JfrugHenry ilcConmck, do • street, Dunedin

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 412, 16 April 1863, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 412, 16 April 1863, Page 2