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Auctions. MONDAY, 23r-l FKURUAIiY, At 12 o'clock. PORT cII~L.UERS po.ktobeVlo bay. Itnport.iut Sale of Land. To Farmers, Market Gardeners, Fishermen, Boatmen and Others. - , CJ G. ISAACS and CU will offer for public ancO, tion, af ho'won's Hotel, on Mjnday next, the 23r.l iJist, ;it 12 o'c-1 vk, . 1 allotiieut in Poit Chalmers, fronting Jleridinn street 1 do dj do, do Uar:ington-3trect. A Ist. 8 ten acre Fmms in l'ortohello Bay district, a'l fit fir the plnuirli, facing thj J3ay and exactly opposite H.rt Clial;ii(Td. 'Xitlf.'C'O>;n Ri-ant. Terms -Cash.; SATURDAY. FEUKUARt 28, i Atl2fjr 1 oVlick. ..:. ,::., r- ■■■;.) ; SHEKP KUN "FOR SALE, j By Public Auction. | MESSRS BUUNKLL, URNNETT. k SPROT. will off r for f-ale by unction (nnl< ss previously Vspo«cd nf), on e'aturu'ay, 2Sth iustaut, at 12 for 1 O'conk, . ~.■:•:: Thnt rxsellent SHERP RU:V, containing . TVVKNTV -THOUSAND ACHES, Mtui ed on the Ashhurton, and now occn--l»ieil l.v — Seymour, K-q. ■ The impr v< ments are substantial, ami dray com-, municiitiou ei;sy. j Terms at sale. I Christchurch, January 2oih, 18C3. j i : — . 1 SATURDAY. 23th FRBRUARY, i At .2 fo.'l o'clock. \ RUN, CATTLE, *c , FOR SALE, ; By l'ub'ic .Auction. . MESSRS BUR>JELL, Bfcl>fNßTTand SPROT are favored with instructiotis from T. H. ! P tts. Ksq . Obiiiftahi, to sdl by public auction, on Saturday, ' February, at 12 for 1 o'clock. That VALU A Bt.K RUN, containihsr 50,000 acres, situited bet*epn the As-hliiutoii and the R^ngita'a, mid well-known to l>e one <f V.c best and most useful runs in the Cantinury prownco. At the s-itne time thu, will submit either with or without the run, between £00 and 6)0 HEAD of CATTLE, now 'lepa'fu ing on thfi country. vh v iinctiiinceiv«, wi h cutifi jence, invite the attention of cm jtiili-its to tin above invc-lment. the breed of .tattle beins < f tin* choicest nature, and the rim of the richest deturiptinn. Term« at sale Chiistchurch, January 2Ctb, 1863. F )R SALE, VALUABLE SHEEP RUN IN THE OTAGO PROVIMCK. MESSRS. BURNELITbRNNETT and SPROT have rfccived instructions from W. K. Mac(ioiia'd, Kb<| ,of the Oraii. toolf.r for sal-' that valuable Hun. No. 254 (Otajro). situate! within 40 miles of Dmmi'in—qui^e out of the probability <>f " bunilreds"—with a jinoil road to tLe town. The lun is c iiiMdereil one of ths be.-i iv the Gtag>> Province, and consists of about 120,000 ACRES (more or less). Tho Stock consists of between ' 6,000 nnd 7,000 Ylixed Sheep. The improvements arc most substantial, tnd consist of— llousp, containing six rooms Iron store Stone sl.eep yards Lnrge pool siable Std'kyard Milking->arJ Overseer* bouse Slii'aieis' hut flood Imge store WooWitd, 01 s 32 Pen-yard First r te dip ?5 feit trough. T*o 4fO puilun iiiiileis Three 01) t'.'il'on do. Iron ili-jiiniipr stage Pump, &c, &o. Two Out-stations, properly found. The Biiildinsrs are situated mostly on a b'oek of freehoU Jaud, containing 111 acres. | The Station ia in first-rate working order, and needs no further outlay fur i nproyeuienti. Hertford-Street, Chrislchurch, January 19, 1863. TO BPORTSMEN. FOR SALR by Piivate Contiact, "n<! if not disposed of by the Ist day of Apri. next, will then be offered'liy I'ublic Auutimi, the f. llowing pro nisinp 'fhoiviiubbiid llorses bred iv the Proviuce of Atilson :— •.■.-■■■ I—Chesnut colt Victor Lee, 3 years old, by Potentate, out < f Woods o^k vPhoslm's dam) by Tlu.oreu-i. Vide "New Zealand StuU Book," ji. 33. ■ 2-Che-nut flily. Mayflower, 4 yearso'd, by St tfile.«, out of Wo dstofik. !<t. Giles by Sir llimiles "New Zealaud Stud 15. ok," p 35. 3—Brown imira, Snppliiie, 4 yea>-s old, by St. Aubin, out o*' Penre. by Gil Bias. St. .Aubin by Hay Ali Idlston. Vide " New '£■ aiaiid Stutl Hook." 4—Foul, out of Sappli're. by Towton. The almve anitinds ar ■ well worthy the attention of ■porting men, nml 'p-.iriiculir< of pri p. &c, may he obtained Irnm W. K. Ml-liolsihi. I sq, Wo'id^tock P«ik. Ntlsitn. Victir I a iva< in traiuiiig tor the l:t~t Ne!smi Kace«. liur. nut with an ae<i>nt which prevented Mid starting: I'll i* a long low l.offe, and believed to be exctedinfrly Also, For Sale, The following Thoroujjhlire 1 Colts nnd Fil'ies, particulars i f which way b« obtained of 11. Redwood, Ksq, '• tiigo. I—Chitchat, eh jr. by Towton, nnt of Chntt-, 1 year out. Chatty by O|ieintnr, Vitle • New Zeal md Stud Bouk." p 5. Th s lioiaj is r< m irkabl.v liand'om", Hiid proii i<es to be ye y Cast; nnd the Operator blond btinir imtoi'ijualy vtout runntr^ 2—Cluttierer, br p by O'aiuden, 3 y ars old. out of Clumy. «'amden by Call>-mlvr, out of Ons>a'>'lra. Vide #<f«ew Z;a!and Stud Beok'' 'I'he pi-i formalities <f Cnaiden on the V'iciorian Turf, and pl-ewht-re, ftannp liim us a first-c'assiMce hor.-e. '^hatteivr is O'.lv jiibt iin>ken, and hi's never been tiled. 3 —F.ddeal. b f by 'IWion, lyearod. out iif Kegaiia. by M. John. A ren.akably fine and of the bear ru'iiiing blood in the coloi ies Vda '"New Zealand Stud Hook." 4—llarnonv. b c foal, broth/r ta FaVelnl. 5- Wiiy Dny, b c foal by Towton, out tif Sweep, ■ by -ir Hercules, out of Hes^tu by Whisker. Vide " New1 Zealiiml Snnl Book." . Board and Residenoa. A BBKVLEIX HuTEL, Maclaguan - sir^et. rV. MiKlauie Hubert. The ah .ye hotel offers superior board and reiidencj to gentliii.ea and families. Bit&Ku mm Kesiaein-e -Two gentlcmeu can be nccomiDodatail ; ccimiute bedrom*. ' Mrs Jenkins. (Jliftoii Viilu. ilHchitrgitu-strcet. ' . . /■"IASTLtMAJNU B>AKDLNG HUUSE, \j Ciimberland-ktnet, : Near Supreme Court House, Board and Rtsidunce by the day or week—by the week 255. Goo J rieds. THOMAS KIBBLR, From (Jastlemaine, Victoria. '_ Y/T ii s~! m v i H • a BEDFORD II )USE, BELL II LL. Superior i oard and Residence for Families and' Uwitltmen. 'IIWJ Genlleinen can meet with Comloitablr JL Hort'ein CL-iitial part •f • rim-ts-strcet, Apply •Mr Helms, tobac siiniar, l-'iinces-atreet. PmVAI'K lsoai.l aniflU-iideiicViTsiiort distance trom the iv t Uffij.'. Apply .Medical i>i»pensary, M-use-street. PRIVATE Bjard an I KesidetU'P. Knqiire Kir'<side Cottage, Scotland (geacrally cailei London) atrccU Terms moderate, ,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 365, 20 February 1863, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 365, 20 February 1863, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 365, 20 February 1863, Page 3