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Stock THIS D\y7 ~ FRIDAY, 20th FEBRUARY, At 12 o'clock (.harp. Provincial .Sale Yards. HOUSES. Ex Yacht Club, from Melbourne. DRIVER, MACLEAN ami"' CO, are instructed by — Dolitio, Ksq . to sell by au> the above yards, on Friday, 20lli instant, ex Yacht Club, from Melbourne, lOsupeiioi- well bred upstanding Horses, landed in excellent conditiou, and free from blur.di. The above have been cmrfully selected by —. Dobb-s, Esq;, to suit this market, and are for posiiive sale. SATURDAY. 21st FEBRUARY. At 12 o'clock. Provincial Sale Yards. HORSES. FIRST-CLASS TASMANIAN HORSES. : Ex Isabella, from Hutart Town. DRIVRR, MACLEAN, and CO. are favored with instructions from Captain Coppin to sell by auction, at the above Yards, on Saturday, 2Ut iiist., at twelve oVl<ck sharp, Without the slightest Reserve, QA Splendid Florses and Mares, tJ\J Copsistinp1 of Heavy Draught and Sa/ldl • and Harness Horses, all in first-rate condition. The ab»ve horses have been carefully selected expressly for thi< maiket l>y a wvll,-known judge; and the Auctioue ra feel sati^lirtl lint on inspection they will be found quite ti;> to r presentation. TTTANTED TO PURCHASE--10 0 FAT* PI G S AKD 100 STORE . PIGS. VICTORIAN BUTCHERS' COMPANY. Stafford street. TO FARMERS, SETTLEKS, AND OTHKKS. A CHOICE number of■ Milkiinr Cows, Heifers, Steer?, Dairy Utensils, aud Poultry ta be sold immediately. '■ E. LAING, Portobe'lo. ClUll Shlp, a very supeiior Boar, half-bred, from D Mr Murray's celebniti d imported stock. The boar is about twelve mo ths old. and weighs 3001b ' Apply to A. Gardiner. Anderson's Hay. Missing Priend3. • AA. FRYER,—Your Wife is lying dying. , Vteturn immediately to the old schoolroom. AD. HA NDYSIDES,—Address Wanted fron ; . himself or friends. Mr. Murray, Economist > (iffie°. MellimiriiP.. Important advices. JOHN HYAN, late of Farley's Aroade, your wi c has arrived fro a home, write to Edward Liukins ~. immediately.. "JOSEPH DIMKLOW. Write;' your wife is ex". Pi cneriingly anxious.—lß7, Autumn-street, Ashb3-, Geelong. Inforiuation iroin any one will greatly oblige MRS DIXON, or KEAN, a Letter for you at the Gridiron H-tel. P. G. ; Pfc/iUSIi SHAN jN;Yn, JnteolKoseimimcii, Irel.nitl— l Jlease write to your tisttr Winifred, at Post , Office, Dnnedin. _ '^^ OHN M~VICaII, last heard ofeominst from Mea Creek to the Dunstan, pl'a>e write to Angua M'Doimlil, Messrs Rorton nnd M:Master. Waitwki. Til LI AS H'hN.KY. UaMSaY your Cousin Sarah 8 i has arrived, ]>er John Duncan, and wishes to bear from you. Address Emigration Depot, Dunedin. Houes and LandFOR SALK, Lease otShop and Premises opposite. Queen's Arms, Priaces-su-'-er. FOlt SALE, the Good-will and Lease, having two year 3 and six months to run, of a Small More, doinir a good business. It is situated in a risinpr Ircality, within feven lninntes' walk of tho ' Pest Office. The present occuptmt being er.gaqred in, ■ a mining speculation wishes t> leave. For further paiticuluv!, apply to Mr John Griffen, 'Walker-' street. 16rh February, 18G3. i^OR SALls.—That Frerhold Property, see. C 3, . block 32, corner of Genrge-Rt'e't and Diinchsstrpet; together wtb a substnntial six-roomed House thereon. Tlie earden is well Hoiked with a great variety of fruit and forest trees. Terms One-third Cash,, do in thrpe months, do in, six months; secured upon the property. Title-Crown grant Apply to T. w. BAMPORT>, Mnnse-street. TJ O T IS L FOR SALE On the High road to the dippings, nine miles from Dunedin, now doing a capital trade. The property is freehold. ■ . For particulars, apply to . 7 ., JAMES FINCH and GO., Rdttrav street. . FO, R S A L E, The well-known Hope-street Free Stores, 60 x 132, rent L 24 per'annum. CLEVE and CO. SOtli Deoetnher, 18fi2. NOTICK. Respecting Deserter trom the Army and Navy. Attorney-General's Office, Auckland, sth April, 1862. OREQOENT instances having occurred of Do JD sertion from Her Majesty's Sea and Lan forces in this Colony, , Notice is hereby given, that the most rigorous proceeding will be taken against any person enticing, away, harboring, concealing, or employing Deser. ters. The enactments relating to the above oflence are subjoined for information, are suojome FRAJVCIS D FENTO N, Assistant Law Officer. CLAUSES OF IMPERIAL ACTS RELATING TO DESERTERS. Naval Desertion. 10 and 11 Viet,, chap. 62, sec. 11. ' And be it enacted, That every person who, words" or any other means whatsoever, shall persuade any person in Her Majesty's Navy to desert, or im-, properly absent himself from his duty, shall forfeit' and pay the sum of twenty pounds for every such act • and every person who shall assist or procure an person in Her Majesty's Navy to desert, or impro perly absent himself from his duty ; or shall conceal employ, cr continue to employ any person belonging to tier Majesty's Navy, who shall be a deserter, or improperly absent from his duty, knowing him to be uch a desertor, or so improperly absent, shall forfeit and pay the sum of thirty pounds for every such assistance, procurement, concealment, employment, or sontinuing of employment, as aforesaid.'' Marine Desertion. 21 Viet., cap. 7, sec. 54. . " Any person who shall, in any part of Her Majes y's dominions,, by words or any other meansi whatao- ■. ver, directly or indirectly, procure any Marine to esert; or shall by words or by any other means whatsoever, attempt to procure or Perß"ade ? n/ A l*; rine to desert; and any person who, know-ng U> d t Marine is about to desert, shall aid or ff st deserting; or, knowing any Marine to be »tet« •hall conceal such deserter or aid or >«*■"& 'eserter in conceal in" himself, or aid or assist in tv rescuT S hnJl be deemed guilty of a -^™r, and shall, on conviction .thereof, be liable to ay adjure. „„„„. . ' ... •'■■;■ 21 Viet., cap. 9, Sec 88. "Any person who shall, in any part of Her Ma-. ... r)3 ;, je<ty* Jominions, or by any means whatsoever dirlctly or indirectly, pVocure any Suldier to desert, or attempt to procure or persuade any Soldier to desert, andJy peraon who, knowing that any soldier is about to desert, shall aid cr assist him m deserting, or Knowing any tioldier to be a dwerte, shall conceal uch dasarter, or aid or assist such deserter in am.ealin liimself, or aid or assist in his rescue, shall bC| eetne 1 guilty of' a misdemeanor, and shall, on con. iction thereof, be liable to be punished by She o* mprisouiuent, or both, as the Court before whidl sack conviction shall take place may adiote .

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 365, 20 February 1863, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 365, 20 February 1863, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 365, 20 February 1863, Page 6