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ou««»>>r waeUoa ef an «Hice< . • CS^Kxitpt in the foilcwißg easts,, where speda ates ate payaM*. ' " „ . ..^ &—3D© shk CsxrisTsre of Kckoms ma Triksts. Not exceeding |©ju. .. ♦. Is. 61 Exe^ius? J e^, ai»l iwt exeswung 1 os. .. Ss. I to., ~ v ios. .♦ 6*. And so on, iacr«einjj three shillings for every attdit««alj ounce or fraction of an on«ce. j s.—To Syria asm SVrkkt, . LeUers will be feorwarded r*i» Alexandria and Jaffa unles* marked for transmission rite tlis United Kiusxloui). »R<l will be changed as fellows:— Not exceeding 4 «*> •« -•> »•* *** Exceeding Jo*.. anil not exceeding 1 oi. Is. lfti. And so on, inervasing one shilling anil tenpence far every additional ounce «r fraction o an ounce. V6—To Ciuxa axi>>thk Kasikks Akcuicklaoo. Letters addressed to llongkona Ponang. Singapore, oi any part, of China or Japan, the Phillipine Islands. fava,~Smuetra, Borneo, Labuan, the Moluccas, aad Siain, are chargeable as follows :=— Not exceeding * oi, ... .. .. .. Is Exceeding 4 wt. and not exceeding 1 ox. . .. 2« And so on, increasing two shilling for every add ional ounce or fraction of an ounce. . - • 7. —To Naval Officers on Forkiqs Stations, letters addressed to Officers sereins; on board any Her Majesty's ships on a foreign station, ichen sent through the United Kingdom are chargeable follows:— . . . No exceedin 0i.... ... ... ~~ 1c Exceeding 4 oz., and not exceeding 1 oz. ... Si. >. oz., „ ~ 2 ox. ... 4s. And so on, increasing two shillings "for every additional ounco or fraction of :m ounce. ■ ■ S.—To Naval Skamkn akb Soldiers. letters sent to or by Seamen and Soldiers in Her Majesty's service will be transmitted • within the Colony, and between the Colony and any Post Office in the British dominions, at a charge of One Penny, . -" prowled that the following regulations are observed :— ■ . 1. Each letter must not exceed half an ounce in ■weight. -'-■■.. • -,j ~ 2. It must be superscribed with the name of the : -writer, his description; or class ■in the vessel or regiments and signed by the officer at ths. -f me in command . .■ .. 3. The postage must be pre-paid. , Every letter of this description, posted or' received m this Colony not in accordance -with- the ■ foregoing regulation, will be treated'as an ordinary etter > ■ ... ... 9.—Frks Lkttsrs. Letters on public service of Her Majesty* Naval and Jtilitary Foit»s, -are exempted from the ■ payment of postage, if bearing the words '' On' Her ... .Majesty's Service,'' and the signature of the offlceria . .;.. command'of tLe force on the service' of which the letter is despatched. But such letters cannot b« transmitted by'any irregular route, or one' entailing; idditional expense on the Colonial Government. letters on the public service of the GeneraLQo.verament of the Colony are transmitted free by post, if bearing' the words," "On the PublioSirvice only," and the signature of some officer of tlie General (io vernment authorisdl to fnvnk official letters.' ' ; 10.—Rf.custerep Lktteb;. ~ Legestration Fee ... ..." ' '.. ... it ; in addition to the ordinary postage char«eable on any otlser. "Except in special casts, as xhioited in table subjoined. " „;-. , _: i, NEWSPAPERS. -- Vg ' To agy part of tLe Colony, if ptiblisheot : , in the, Colony, and posted within seven • - v" "days from publication ' \. .. Fr«f,-- . If not published intlie ColonTj or not - p^stftl within seven days 1 rom publioa.- - ■> tion, each .. ... .. —;* .. Id, 2. To the United Kingdon, cfa-Sauthanipton, - or by direct ship .. .. ~ Fr«e To the United kingdom, via Marseilles, each ... .. .. % ~ 3d, S. To the Continent of Europe.* via Trieste,eseh^ ... ...■ ... ... . ai, 4. To Syria and Turkey (not tliMttgh' the • "■« United Kiiigdoni), not exceediiig two *. ounces .'.. ...- ... . .„* ,w nd so or, at the rat f one penny for ever oddi Anal two ounoes. Note.- For the Postage chargeable on Newspapers, forwarded to other countries, through the United Kingdom, see table 1A) subjoined. •;, *" HOOK PACKETS ' ' ' 1. To any nurfc of the Colony,, or o the United Kingdom, via Southampton ; Not.exceeiliuff-toz ... ... •' „, 4d t Exoeedwg -t oi., aud not exceeding 8 0a... Bd. „ Son:.; „ „ 1C 0k... Is. 4d. And so on, wcrcasms eight pence for every addi ian:il half-pound, or fraction of half-s.-pQuud. ** 2. To the following British Colonies— . Ascension lonian Islands Bermuda '. Nat<U British West Indies " Kew Brunswick Canada Newfoundland " ' Cape of Good Hope* -Nova' Scotia Falkland Islands Prince Kdward Island Gambia " St." HeJeua Gold Coast Sisnia Leone Heligoland Vancouver's Island' ■ Not exceeding 4 ob. ... ... . ,„ Exceeding 4 oz., and not exceeding S oz. .„ Is. 3d S oi.. ~ „ iij o«. ... 2s. id. and so on, increasing one shilling and two pence fry - every lialf-DOtmd, or fraction of half-a-neund, ' TRKPAYStSST 1»Y S*ASsi«. " All letters, pickets, and no\vsp»pcn posted ia New icihuiil, must be-prepaid by: amxing - postagj *bels tV.e eglany of sufficient value. ,V°O|S I.STSEGS. ■ All letters reeeivwl from beyond Ge,is,Rt any Post Office in this Colony, which have not lien regularly posted- at - the plane of despatch (loose letters), are chiu^eable with full postage, according to'the rates established by the fojxgoing übles, unless -th«y are lottere which it is not compulsory by law to send ' by posU in "which case they are elnvrgaible.-with >the" inland rate of postage only. ' ISSUFFIWEST PATMKST. . • , Letters and packets'liable to more than one rate postage, and addressed to places witliin tlie Colony, or to the United Kingdom, it bearing at least as ingl« rate, will 1« forvvaixled and cliarg&l >rfth the postajt deficient, and another single Rrte as a fine. Letters and packets so .addressed, aiid bcjirmg-less th.iv h single rate of postage, and all letters and packets otherwise addressed, not bearing the full postage chargeable, will be detawed and'- returned to the sender in all cases >vhere practicuible. Newspapers, if posted without prepayment of the full amount o postage chargeable, can neitlier be forwarded to thoi destination nor,'returned to the sender; but will be delivered or forwarded to the person addressed, on application, within six months, at the office \rhcr* same were posted, and payment of the deficient postage in stamps. • • fisaisrju^ioif. Any person can'havp ii letter registered % affixing on it ny iisenns ol* the proper labels thß""nino»nt of thS registration &c. In adiliUon 'to tl'io"proper'nostk!»e, ano jreseuting it'*at v a Vast Office during office hou^s aud at least tine hour before the closing'of the wail hy which it. is desired to lie transmitted. Every nvtt cnution will be adopted to ensure the safe delivery oi "■'.- registered letter, by entering: it on the letter mils, and obtaining arcceipt for the same ou delh-erv. Asthc Post Otlice, however is not re^iwnsilile foj> tfe loss ol any letter, whether registered or otherwise, persons sending bunk notes or drafts are advised' to take tio »nmbers and pnrticnlni's, aud to cut the notes o»----drafts in halves, and to semi Uiembydtfiorent nost ! Letters, ne^spnners/^ndjvtckqts-wa. be re-tlircatod-., from one I'ostOifico to another on the wjitten instructions of the jHii^on addressed, but on redirection are cliargcable with a new and distinct rate.of post age, to be paid on delivery* • . OYKISLASD CARIUAGJS, No Poatinastw will bo requjtod io recer\-e any book-pneket lor transmission by an overlaid lasiK from its weight or n«y other "cjjuse the paeketaß» pear calculated tp «(ard the carrier, P PENALTIES. ' Any person sending as exempt from postage, letters not liable to xernption, or Qnclosinc a coinmuaica. Uonm the nature of a letter in -any newspaper book-packet areliablc to a penalty oi ;£2O. * SIZH AND -WEIGHT. No book ket or packet of newspapers will o« received, . any Postmaster be required to r«h ceiveany ifit exceed tu-o feet in length, ona foot in width or depth, or three pounds in weight. BOOK-PAOKKIS TO BE OPEN FOB I'NSPKCMOx". Every book-pneket shall bo-sent open at the ends or sides, and there shall be no enclosure sealed or otherwise closed against inspection sent in or with such packet, nor any thing printed or written ift th« nature of a letter. content^. ' .■". With the above liipjtatiori*, a, packet-book m^y contain apynumbpr of separate books," maps, print*, or photographs, and any quantity of paper, vellum, or parchment, eitjier printed, written on, or plain, '(exclusive of anj-tliing'in the nature'of-'aletter whether sealed, or. open,) with the .binding, coverjnaL or mounting attached or belbnging to such' book print, map, or photograph, and all tilings legit} mately or npecs-sary for 'Ihe tram* mi&»ion ot any cmHosed ljtefary or'ar^tio matter, but exclusive ofgjass in any foira. T'lienMnesantt address of the sender may appear on" the cover. ' GB.QSBIE WA?i), Postmas.ter-GueraL

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 364, 19 February 1863, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 364, 19 February 1863, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 364, 19 February 1863, Page 8