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and some, increasing oiiesliiiluic'for every"addiHoxal" ounce or fraetiou of an ounce. 6S* Except in the following cases, where specia ates are payable. 4.—To THE CONTINENT 0* KuROPH via TMKSTK. Not exceeding J oz.. .. ~ Ib. 6d Exceeding i oz., and not exceeding 1 on. .. S3. ~ loz., „ „ 2 02. .. 6s. And bo on, increasing three shillings for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce. s.—To Sran and Turkey. , Letters, will be forwarded via Alexandria and Jaffa unless marked for transmission via the United Kingdom)'; and will be charged as follows: — Not exceeding J oz. ... «. ... lid Exceeding £ oz.. and not exceeding 1 oz. la. lOd. And so on, increasing one shilling and tenpence for every additional ounce or fraction 0 an ounce. "6—To China and the Eastern Archipelago. Letters addressed to Hongkong, Penang, Singapore, 01 any part of China or Japan, the Phillipine Islands. ■,rava, Sunietra, Borneo, Labuan, the Moluccas, and Siam, are chargeable as follows : — Not exceeding A oz. ... .. .. .. Is Exceeding % oz. and not exceeding 1 oz. . ~ 2s And so on, increasing two shilling for every add ional ounce or fraction of an ounce. 7. —To Naval Officers on Foreign Stations. Letters addressed to Officers serving on board any Her Majesty's ships on a foreign" station, when gent through the United Kingdom are chargeable follows: — No exceedin 0z.... ... ... ... 1« Exceeding i oz., and not exceeding 1 oz. ... 2s. •' „ oz., „ „ . 2oz. ... is. And bo on, increasing two shillings for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce.' B.—To Naval Seamen and Soldiers. . Letters sent to or by Seamen and Soldiers in Her Majesty's service will be transmitted within the Colony, and between the Colony and any Post Office in the British dominions, at a charge of One Penny, provided that the following regulations are observed :— - 1. Each letter must, not exceed half an ounce in, weight. ' " '• 2. It must be superscribed with'the name, of th« writer, his description or class in the vessel' or regiment/ and- signed by the officer at th» me in command 8. The postage mustbe pre-paid. Every letter of this description, posted or re«. ceived in this Colony not in accordance with the foregoing regulation, will bd treated as an ordinary etter 9.—Free Letters. Letters on the public service of Her Majesty's Naval and Military Forces, are exempted from, the payment of postage, if bearing the words "On Her Majesty's Service, and the signature of the command of the force on the service of wliich the letter is despatched. But such letters cannot be transmitted by any irregular route, or one entailing idditional expense on the Colonial Government.. Letters on the public service of the General, Government of the Colony are transmitted free by: post, L if bearing the words, "On the Public Service only,',', and the signature of some officer of the General (Jo j, vernment authorised to frank official letters. 10.—Registered Letters. ~ Legestration Fee ... ... .. ... la, in addition to the ordinary postage chargeable on any other. Except in special coses, as xhibited in table subjoined. NEWSPAPERS. To any part of the Colony, if published in the Colony,'and posted within seven days from publication .. .. Free. If not published inthe Colony, or not posted within seven days from publication, each .. . ..; .. .. Id,. 2. To the United Kingdon, via Southampton, or by direct ship .. .. .. Free' To the United Kingdom, via Marseilles, each .. . .. .. ;. 3d, . 8. To the Continent of Europe, via Trieste, each ... ... ... ■ .... 2d.' 4. To Syria and Turkey. (not through the United Kingdom), not exceeding two , . ounces ... :• . ... ... ... Id nd so on, at the rat f. one penny for ever addi Anal two ounces. Note.- For the Postngo chargeable on Newspapers, forwarded to other countries, through the United Kingdom, see table (A) subjoined. BOOK PACKETS 1. To any. part of. the Colony, or o the United Kingdom,, via Southampton Not OKceedine ioz ... , ... ,„ 4J, Exceeding <1 oz., and not exceeding 8 0«... B<l. > ~ Boz., „. „ 16 0z... Is. 4d. And ho on, increasing eight pence for every addi isiual half-pomld, or fraction of lialf-n-pound. 2. To the following British Colonies— Ascension ■ lonian Islands ' , Bermuda • Natal British West Indies Now Brunswick > Canada ' Newfoundland Cape of Good Hope* ' Nova Scotia ■ Falklaiul Islands Prince Edward Island Gambia St. Helena' Gold Coast Sierra Lcono Heligoland ' lt Vancouver's Island Not oxceedinct'4 oz. ... ... ... 7<l Exceeding 4 oz., andnotexcecding S oz. ... Is. 2d Boz.. ~ „ 10 ok. ... 2s. 4d. and soon, increasing onoHmlling and two penco for every half-tiouYid, or fraction of h'alf-ii-pound. • •" , MtEPAYMENT BY STAMPS. All letters, pnekots, and newspapers posted in New Zealand, must bo prepaid by affixing postage abelo the colony of sufficient value. LOOSfi LETTEK9. All letters received from beyond scas,at any Potif Office in this Colony,* which have not been regularly posted at the place of despatch (loose letters), are chargoabie with full postage, according to th« rates established by the foregoing tables, unless they are letters which it is not compulsory by law to send by post, in which case thoy ure chargeable with the inland rate of postngo only. INBUI?I'jniISNT PAY.MKNT. ■ Letters and packets liable to more than one rate postage,* and addressed to places within the Colony, or to the United Kingdom, it bearing at lonst as ingle rate, will be forwarded and charged with the postage . deficient, and another single rate as a fine. Lettors and packets so addressed, and bearing less than a single rate of postage, and,all letters and paokots otherwise addressed, not bearing the full postago chargeable, will bo detained nnd returned to the sender in all eases, .vhero practicable. Newspapers, if posted without prepayment of the full amount o postago chargeable, enn neither be forwarded to thei destination nor returned to the sender; but will bs delivered or:forwarded to the person addressed, on application, within six months, at the office where same were posted, and payment of the deficient postage in stamps. REaISTiIATIOH. Any person can have a letter registeredby affixing on it by means of the proper labels the amount of the registration tee, in addition to the proper postage, and presenting it at a Post Office during office hour* and at least one hour before the closing of the mail by which it i» desired to he transmitted.' Every precaution will ba adopted to ensure the safe delivery 01 registered letter, by entering it on the letter bills, and obtaining areceipt for the same on delivery. As th« Post Office, Tiowevcr is not responsible for the loss ot any letter, whether registered'or otherwise, persons sending bank notes or drafts are advised to take the ■umbers and particulars, and to cut tlio notes or drafts in halves, and to send them by different post. / kjj-dikkction. Letters, Newspapers, and packets wil. bo re-directed Jrom one Post Office to another on the written instruction's of the person addressed, but on re-directiom ~ are chargeable with h new and distinct rate of post age, to be paid on delivery. OVERLAND CARRIAGE. No Postmaster will be required to receive my book-packet for transmission by an overland mail, from its weight or any other cause the packet appear calculated to retard the carrier. • • ■ pknalties. ■ Any person sending as exempt from postage letter* • not liable to xemption, or enclosing a communication in the nature of* a letter in nny newspaper book-packet areliable to a penalty of j£2o. . SIZE AND WEIOHI. No hoojc ket or packet of newspapers will bt received, any Postmaster be required Jo receive any _ i fit excepd two feet in length, ojji foot in width or depth, or three pounds in weigfft. - BOOK-PAOKKTS TO BE OPEN FOB INSPEOTJOH.' ■ "Every book-pneket shall be sent open at the endp or sides, and there shall be no enclosure sealed or otherwise closed against inspection sent in or; with such packet, nor any thing printed or written in ths nature of a letter. . , _ ; • ; ... contents. With the nbove limitations," a, packet-book may s contain any number of separate books, maps, prints,or photocrrnphs, and any quantity of paper, vellum,' or parchment, either printed, written on, or plain, (exclusive of anything in the nature of a letter > whether sealed or open,) with the binding, covering-, or mounting attached or belonging to such book print, map, .or photograph, and all things legiti mately appertaining to'or necessary for the transmission !ot any enclosed literary orartistic matter but exclusive of glass in any form.- The names and address of the. sender may appear on the cover. "] r} CROSBIE WARD. Postmaster-GneraL

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 363, 18 February 1863, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 363, 18 February 1863, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 363, 18 February 1863, Page 8