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Pubue Companies. JSTOrthern~;ass,urancs " compaYy Capital—£l,2s9,76o. Invested Capital—-£404,449" FIRE INSURANCES effected at the current rate* and proposals made fv the Agents -will be concluded witl ou&anv reference or delay whatever. LIFj IN^URANCEjj effected at reduced rates of premium. " Superintendent for Australia, JAMES R ATT RAY, Melbourne. Agents for Otaeo, A. L. THOMSON and CO, Stafford-street. Danedin. AUSTRALASIAN INSURANCE COMPANY _„„ „ V MARIKB BRANOH. .mHE UNDERSIGNED paving been appointed JL Agents for the Ports of Otago," are prepared to take maritime risks Coastwis% and to and from the British Colonies and Great Britain. On Gold by first class steamer to 1 Melbourne and Sydney I On Gold by Al vessel to Great 1 At lowMt Britain \ On Wool by first clasa vessel to fcurren * *»*« Melbourne . ( On Wool by Al vessel to Great of Pr«mi*m Britain j W. & G. TURN3ULL & CO., July 11.1862. I*medi»--THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON EIRE AMD , ;; LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Empowered by Acts of' Pitrliarneni ' . Established in 1836 i >, Having a Colonial Proprietary, and the following •-' -: •■' Board-of Directors in Sydney-:-— ;= Js S. Willis, Esq., Chairman. i' - . .-.. Hon. G..K. Holden, Esq., M.L.C , J. B Watt, Esq.: M.X;(X ; Bori; E. D.. Thomson,^Esq., C.8,,M.L.C. ." .-■■■■Bi--Buchanaiij-..Esq.-.. ■.•.-:■. :-■•_.:,- , ;. ; Edward Knox, Esq. ; - , . /. ,\ , r . Offices-rAlargaret-^ti-eet, Wynward4quare. ; .Resident Secreta,i7—A. Stanger Leathes. Capital subscribedexceeding. .....L......'r£l,Bß0000 ■Accumulated Funds and Capital paid up exceeding....;... 1156600 Of which £200,000 are invested in the ' ; Colonies; in Governmeat and other '■'■ /'Securities. -'-''■' i-; "--1.-.- ~,;:; ; - . Reserve^ SurplusPund £215,000, with uni ~ limited liability o% the Shareholders; ..■'.-.■. THE UNDERSIGNED has been appointed ■- Agent For Ota«o:axid Southland and.isautho- . nsed to receive applications for Insurance in both the Fire and Life Departments, which will be dealt with by the Directors in Sydney, upon terms as liberal as those of any other office. . / , ' Medical Eeferee-^-HErrRY Nelson, M.B. —.«. Claims aire^ttled in the 'Colony. , v Tables of Rates" for"Fire and Life, [nsurance in all its Branches, and every information; can be obtained from . . ■•'."■•■.■•, i GEO. S. BRODRICK, - , h Mercer'B Buildinga, Princes-street. ' ■■'■'■ ■>-■■■• Agent for'the Company. -' N.B.—Applications "from^Southland will be received through; Messrs. T; J. White! and Co., invercargill,and Messrs.' Surman and Crerar.ißivei-ton^ from whom Forms of Application and Tables of Ratea can be obtained. ' . » . ;.-,,; T> R O S P E ,C VT U S . THE DUNEDIN WATERWORKS COMPANY. Limited LiabilitYv' To be'lncorporated under the "Joint Stock — - .. Company's Act." -- Capital.-. ;..;..... .£30,000, In 6,000 Shares,of £5 each, with power to increase . • ■■■'. the Capital. : : A Preliminary/Deposit of lO^'. per share, payable to tlie en dit <>t the Company's account with t|;e ; Bank of New Zealand,.upon application for khares. A farther, payment of 10s. per share, payable on allotment. • And all subsequent calls to be. ma-Je at the rate of £1 per share, at intervals of at least two months. Provisional Directors : John Hyde Hard.*, Esq., Deputy-Superintendent. A. Ghethain Strode, Esq., Reiideut Magistrate. ; W. H. Cutten, Esq:, Chief Couimissioner of ... Crown Lands. ; , / : Thomas Dick, Esq., Provincial Secretary. E. 8. Cargill, Esq., Merchant. F. J. Alderson, Esq., Merchant. W- H. Reynolds, Esq., Merchant. - .-.'.■ James Paterson, Esq., Merchadt. Jame9 Jones, Esq., Merchant. (With power to add to their numb«r.) Consulting Engineer: . J. Ti Thompson, Esq., Chief Surveyor. Solicitor: • J. A. J. MacGregor, Esq. . . Secretary: A. G. M'Combe, Esq. Bankers: Bank of New Zea'and. ; •: An ample supply of pure water, for th^ use of the inhabitants of Dunedinis daily* becoming a matu>r of urgent necessity • and as the increasing prosperity of the Otagogo'd fields justifies the anticipaHon "of a large and rapid increase in the population of the .town, this necessity assumes an? importance which cannot be exaggerated. >".- ■. '. '. , ; ■•, The streams of water which ran through the town, and which were once sufficient and siiitabJe f»r all requirements, are now no longer capableof affording, nor is it desirable to rely unon those sources for, a supply of this essential element of health •and cleanliness; ; ;r . , .'. ;: ;■;■ ■. .' Any uudei taking 'which shall not provide largely for the present -and future wants of this rising city will, in the opinion of.'the promoters of this-company. be unworthy of support; and itia with a view to the fulfilment of tin* object that they have decided upon availing themselves of the-best of' several sources of suppiy "whi'-h are practically inexhaustible, and in which, no engineering difficulties-.present themselves. -In order W'secure-the ad vantages of. the advice and_ suggestions of the most, practical and,experienceil engineers and scientific men in the Proviuce,. the promoters have deternuuetl *, to offer a suitable^ premium tor'tW best devised scheme for- supplying the£town and suburbs with a never-fai ing?and powerful Sjupp'y-of pure and wholesome water.; > ; ■CpntJ-actors of known ability, and experience are prepared to undertake and proceed with the works' as soon as practicable. ',;■ :, T , ~/ ' r It is proposed that the capitalshall; be £30,000 in 6,000 shares of £5 each, with cpower to. !«■ rease the cagital. A pr«-liujinary depos tof 10s p^r-'share; to be* "paid to the credit of the t'ompaiiy s accountjwitli the Bank of, New Zealiud, upon application for shares; a farther per;Bbar-' ,oa allotuieiifc| , and tbe,s t ubs^qaent"calls< made at the rate of £1 p6f share, ■- aud at intervals of not less tljan two mouths. "- :':.:/'■' i ■■' ;.--■■*' The .CoinpSny wiH-he f^nder the ,"Joint' Stock Companies Act, "iand be-conducted' by a Boai^ij oF Direetora td bs elected at the'firit general :'iaeetlnjeriof the bharehnlders in terms of jsaid Kelt - rThe.qualification;for voting at such first general ineeti% shall be the:: payment bf £1 !per share, aiid shareholders holding tty'enty-five Rharesfihall' be..='eli». '^bletpeervg-ontlie/Bbm^lef ©ir«cJbrs^ i; —- IV ii ;■* , The promoters c msidering that the working classes •and small vh^usebdldera'are; peculiarly interestetl my andj;will;rec«riefgreatiami.•ijasfing besiiefit 'from this inbabitantot the 'Twvh rwillcoi.sidef it hisrdutiy toat onceeiu'ol himself aa a eljaTeholder in tbe:Company. - ■...A^a'me'diumvfoV^thelnvestment of Capital, no reasonable doubt can be entertained of the success or remunerative character of the scheme, in Hngland, in Scotland, andinitheadj cenr colonies, H'milar under akinga hSve broved/inost- profitable to the shareholders, and in a sanatoryaiid pecuniary point'of view the adva:itagea which tlieinhnbitanrs of Uiinediu will derivfe from a ■suiierabundjintjsupply of pure water cannot Jbe,estim,at2d till actually within the reach of everyj-ihdiyidual^; ■;-^ - / s w^l#lihe^Hngle_ item of Insurance which now can^pnlyia^Jcerlfunj^rcunistances be effected; iand- at a- Tui^us^rate; i^wiir beneflt the "owners ioflvproperty hy^ia;a reduction of present rates of premiuni fromiflDsf and^^&'pVri cent to about jcpnsequence of a Bimi-v : nnd<ai|kin^*havih]Ef Be^tf^in roduced iutb Me - ;bdaw^irtn>xtensiv^^^ almost no it - ?possi|>ilityv:*while during $fie period thai Mell>oume nf^f^l^*!* Jfi&ebt Jfl(«»P>e supply, rf .water, the :J(^^^r^rt^hyfefiJre amuuotett to a much larger "sum':tnah>y(>iEild^h>ive; wnstracfed-several waTet-works. .«?J^/H*9S?. '?*& j^?- and if jmaaedtate sl^«s are not s!*; tq? vpi^f n6f*ncß^;jßia?aniit;3f as an *xte.usiye fire ■^^thw'Jtl^^'|||ppu)afed'ltowii,t it may devastate" sin^oa^|p^^ ihe entire capital of - > - iuM.^^. jr^pects it is?jiijpi(sssib'e td'esßmatc'theJ vv^j^| O fj%|W^p|^|K|i|^fle3ig«M?to construct ;hers||b|^a^t^hir^pi&-antl^gi sanatory ;md economical coijsideratiohs/it^ir faeiieved that ah ample jur§ ir water permeattol town is of "Aiffii' cieht iiraeucy'aud- iuipor.anetf to xnclucc the Oovern;]ont; tmd/ the public ffiost h«urlaly to support .this *|SiStSe»|akinjc.»'.^C s^h^^^M&Vis,^ , "- "'•'■f'"> l^picaUdn^Mr -Sba^^l; bejreceijred at»future, ||||f which, due *oUc« wOi £;&** — «

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 303, 9 December 1862, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 303, 9 December 1862, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 303, 9 December 1862, Page 9