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7ljlp^!^>y|^ TV* 7;. Smith, permanent- employment ;and' Rood mmfnamite, Post<)ffi©e;ri_^: 1; WeteafguL^AAA.'- '■.*!* ? A -».-.-:•:. xi-A &3A#?v#■ ?.-■-; M i. \.•■ 7 <::>*«.«=; ' H^^l^!2^ Gej?tlemanjthoroughly accustcime 7v?"i* y^*o.-.the J)rapery,arid Slop trade, to raTariage^a^ •a letter to J. Aland R. •i ; : Bai^^gtaffi)^d-street.'.';.7 y. 7::,'- 7.7 • 7777:7. r:7 ■" / AST* 1?? 130 a Marrie,i? Couple to Rent«afirst-clas* ;: 7^»- Hotel in the couatry -tu'rnWied. Jmmediate (' ,ryj airpod opening. Apply to Messrs Gillies arid - Street,; rrmces-street. - :■'. -7 . -^I^^NTED Pu^haisers; for Clutha Coal at £2 per i .7': vT- 7 '-*on: A much 'superior quality to any pre- . vious shipments.; WH. T. Greeri, Switzer^s BuiWinffsV . .Princes-street. '"■'■ 7 - ..'• '• [ '■'"■ ■■'■'■■ ' - -.? ' ■\/|7^l^ isl> three good Drivers for double arid s ¥ .^single7 teams, contract work. - Apply to Mr • pavidCarson,.ShararockTLivery Stables, or to James •' JMyTK?nißie. ,-,...>', ;.7- ,77'j.;, A..-.. "-. ... >'y:T'..: '■ -\; ! l :"\)|F AOf immediately an experienced shepherd - V T forsa Station in•■ Southland. : References re--7 -quired^ Apply to^W.; H. Aylmer, care of Dalgety, y -Rattray and Go., Dunedin. i :.--. A. . ~y. .;■'-. f - ' -^V^ST^-J^S raakirig Paper • 7,TT^", P.ag3. Constant'eirip'.oyirient given to -good hands. t None heed apply unless jtised to the bo>ii ??^-. ' ApP^'H- Howell, Staffori-streetj:nnear Royse.I Co::; -.■'.; ;'.-. v;.; ... ->. _■ ■.-..? ■ *:.,:,•;-..• ■J ' [. 44WJK>LS0RTERS.AND FKLLMOiNGiiRS. "' ■j TVTANTED a few steady,, com petentr Men 7as wool- '; .I \". sorters and fellmongers; constant efnplbvineit '. given.. Apply to James Smith and Co., Wool Warehouse, North Branch, Tokomairiro. ' ANTED,.the public to know that a really fir<t.class Dmner,= consisting of soups, joints, and ( paltry, can be had for 25,-at Norths' Otago Dining ;•• Rooms, below .the Police Barracks, Princes-street 'South. ;-, -■•'■'■; ■'..- ; .. ;.-. . m. '• ■ - ;" withaMercautile House, !. -*T- -a? Clerk.or Storekeeper, by a person accus- ;■• tomed to the business. Reference" for Three arid a-' i halfye vrs in last situation, iri Bond and Free" Stores, i and li ghlora'ffe Establishriierit, as chief clerki : Address J. M., office of this paper. . , ■.---' ■ TXTANTED Diggers and Others to .know that tbe : TT-, most direct route to Moa Flat, the Teviot, and ' Lower Dunstan Gold Fields is via Waipori. Dunedin to El Dorado Accommodation Hou-e, fc? mil s • WaipoiiCamp, 10 : Lower Dunstan Township, 68 ; total . 105 miles. Plenty of Supplies along the road.j ,? I OO' BE WARD.—Stolen or Strayed from Young's 3JO Accommodation House, Pleasant River, on 17 !? thy November; a Blsck Mare, switch tail/branded A on off shoulder, IB oa near shoulder, .andSori nerr '■' W P- ny:. person-bringing her to Mr Youngi Plea- ; sant River, ov Mr Fleming, Moeraki, will receive the' - above reward. sth December, 1862. 7 " ! : For Sale- ■-■■,-.. =••■; ■ ON. SALE,''.at the Stores: of the.. Undersigned— , 140 bags ban ■'." ... y ■ ', ";' 5 casos English hams ' ' Bed herrings, in tins 7 New seasons'assorted pint pickles t Wilkies'cabin bread Assorted paper bags Brown paper, royal band and tea paper Assorted shop twine Bright Mauritius sugar Coftee—l, 2, and 3-ib tins Carbonate soda, kegs, 1 cwt each ( Tartiiric acid, 56 lb jars Fine salt ; 7 Borwick's baking powder , Sperm caudles, 50 boxes, ex Scoresby - , "Pea flour, mustard ■ ' Honey , ■ 24' dozen galvanised iron buckets Avei-y's 4 cwt platform weighing machines American pick and axe handhs Camp pveijs—l3, 14, 20-inch Avery's oblong counter scales Fryingpans, assorted. T ..." HENRY GREEN, . '• T ".-..■ Walker-street. \ Hj^lP DRAYS and Wharf Urnys. from the hest JL maker in Sydney, a few left unsold ; and in ; order to clear out wid be sold che.ip. Apply J. Iticliardson,,.crocer, George-street, nearly opposite ■ the Bath Hotel. . ■•■'.-. ». • ' • _j_ ' ; -- • ■ : , OOR, SALE, a well bred Bull. Apply to Mr , JL' , Buck worth, Anderson's flay. ' "•■ : CiiDAK. OIiDAR. : Tp, 70 7 n 8 7 A L E . '■ I 1,000 feet x 1 inch, cedar ' HENRY GREEN, (•; ..." '. •'-'..- .i Walker Street. Tenders^ '77., TENDERS will be received at the Office of the Provincial jSecretafy, until 4 p.m., of Tuesday the Ninth instant, forthe construction of a Culvert 1 "under the BeaM Roai^, with Sluice Gates and Tide Valves, etc. Han*, aud Specifications may be seen and form of tenfltr^btainedr at'- the Office of the ; Provincial Engineer. ByOrdey, THOMAS DIUK, Provincial Secretary. sth Dei|ember, 1862. "XT"O r eligible|P^der havingybeei formerly given, ; Jl\ ~ Tender^Mll again^e ]r€sceiyed,at,thejOfiice of the Provincial Secretary, iiupedirij üb^l^Pour o'clock on Tuesday, lift 9th day of' £Decembe>; Alg62, from 7 parties wil|lh£ *to supply. the police tl>eriarjment ~ during thei period ending 31st Ma\ch, 1863, with the article?*' \%?J Provincial Wtfrhiiient■ . GdSeite, N0.'.218 (whicH^aze«e may be'lha-J from' Mr\Liv-ngstQ&-; 'Bodk^llel), excepting the Kerosene Oil. V^rt-hjr. informa^tdp. may be had at the; Office of, tt&: GifemissiQne^ Of Police. By. Orderi THOMAS UlCKrcErciviuciai Secretary. - sth ■ Deceraber.^62. A 7.. . . ' -?**■ ------ *>■■'■.■ •■ '■■.''•<. ;'■ :,- • :' .-',; ■ -.;,.;,'' .'...-Soliet." T BUILDINGLOTS to LET, Oheap.-N. Wales Filleul-street. back of the. Royal Gecrge. FFICE TO LET.—To Let, opposite the^ost Office in Jetty-strep.t, hi a first-rate business position, the, Office lately occupied by Mr O. Predk. Beebv.y Apply, to Professor Hotvlev.-Jettyrstrcei. STORE to LET.—To Le.t,a large, Store in Hopj- : street, adapted; either for retail or wholesale business, .and capable of storing 200 tons goods/ plenty of yard; room. Kitchen and ; bedrooms if rc^ubed. : Apply to, W.„Hooper. : ; ri OLK'I', a three-roomed Cottage;on Bell i Hill; - .^';'^- S.:Wils6ii. - " ; "' '. - .''':7>;^-'i -. ;-' '■ ■ TO LET, a Five-roomed Cottage in Stafford-street, , Cole. Hoyt And g«. . ; ;y 7T T7 ' ; ■ f|lo.v 'liKT.'—A Small: House in. Stewart-street. ■'>■ Crichtou4 Dalryrtiple and Co; ■-■;;-;' :■ mO LET, Office and Store,in Stafford-steet. Apply, ;to'J.'A. arid.R. Baira,7Sta{ford,st.reet. : TO? LET, a-; Stone Store,, in ; High-street, next^ ~ Union.Bank.; Apply' to^Bing^ Harris, ;& Co. TO LET/ "a 'Thr^room^d' Cottage/ at , Cq^b and Go's office, corner, "f&fansiq street,, ' . trr!o:LET4itwo-rooihed Cottages; .also, Shop and; X Dwelling. John Solomon, Caledonian•: ■ Hotel,'Walkerrstreet. .../■;.,.y^ ,^:,-y;,yi-; ■ fTIO LET,7six-rbomed Cottage, Shop,; :and 7'Cellar,' J :':J_ - Walker-street. ; yßicbardsori; 1 ajjoinirig Cale-doniannbtel/^aiker-street. ;. r ■-.', AA -7,77 AfV\Qi LET. ri; Brewery in full working qrd «r,^ with a ■-■ X viigoodcorinectioDjiplant, ajnidall materials on the premises. fcApiplyvZ- %.. oj&ce pf^hg paper.A?y ;fnO;^ET,^he7GFpper Floor7overtb^-Commercial yX'-Sales7 Room, ; Apply ;ti> J. v ' Dariiels and Cd^Anctiiaieers^Tr 1 J --7 vyJ 7 T •''rii'-.\i yTV)LET.^A ::Stable/ya!So7Twi)^Stores.T A Apply lf .X'7Jairies." McGuire, .Stewart* Street;-Timbei:"' - Yard;.y 7f 7^7777 7: 7Tff IS'S ;.(7 ;• *: t: 177-: I TO -LETt-A Teh RoomedvHohee;ibeaiitifully situ- ~ ; ated pn Hill, North East Apply to, : 'DaividiMilrieM.Paih^r^Gpbrge "*•■;.'<-7y '.'.A 7 :■s•■ % fJ^O^^^^^f^ best 1!' t X7 Ji>art>of CPrmcfes-street; A vAptdy7^7^^Mercer ' ycorn^ 77.i- ;7,f'7'4; ""Tj^T' '77l7'-~¥a'7- V fIIQaLEIV^a ;House^ntaimpj^fe ■•?' Xi7^Gi«den/ in ;Fwtb^ar.eet,y?ebcfeet '^yiiV'jApply,' - ~ i'-I^ter^WaW£wte^ol»rfegte!^ '.',-■ ■' fT\Pu JLET, together or7sejsrateh£ the First amL - X^ <&sand;Ploofs W'th^l^^ -hitherto known as the.Caf- de Paris'.; For particulars r'appli^y'Cl^^anftyGol^M^ c AlM\o SelPorTHef Tt^el^^^o^rih^bus: S<»« withi, '% '4&. ,nMth7l T\ JO.Jje .let on lease, the best BusinessiSite in| J 'llXl^ )^<sr^^ tl Prince arid-'Staffoi^Vstreets. : Apply to Mr? Jaroe3 ] $Brtti^ yq iHdus^^tain^Si^wlM^S^ I nished throughoctina^very^superior"m'^toei-7 i Pos- - ,Se>sion taken7bri/Th'e7.Bt|t instant., Full par-. -" iia|E^pifcfee^#fil#^^P^ra_Jffift % 7^mWmw^mwmmt^^^^^H^m $

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 301, 6 December 1862, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 301, 6 December 1862, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 301, 6 December 1862, Page 6