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For Sals|JH)K SALK,. S:.i|)-\j iMttinsrs (nassena-er). 'Apply JO to Tickle ami Co. >: ' FIREWOOD. Firewood. Firewood, for Sale. mixed, nearly dry, at 10s. per cord, on the ground tJu-ee miles froia Va??pv Bridge, on the new >Vi;-t H.-iloiorti Una,) p \t W; rt l f^,1s ALL Kinus of Farm aud Garden Seeds, from New Crops. LAW, SOMNER. k'QO., ' iS^edsm^n, ; . Ortason. Bo'rijii-tyUo'umrtl, i\., w Lais-'ci, ex Haitiraura. W ITTIM^KA-M BiiU.-,, Princes-street. pACKSXDDLES Packsad<ll-a. SliaftTn^fss A and Le ding do. i<) sivvit variety, asvi sold cheap, at. F-a&or anrl Granger's, corner* of Pvitxcosstrcet and liiuh-srrc«t. piUNTIXG P\PKR. Rffteiv-d, pr Scnresuv ! X and Star of Tasmania, 07 Bales Priiuius;! Paper, of superior quality. PRKDERICK MOSS and CO. 81 NCL AI R'S HAMS and B\ OON, just srri-ed, p;r Aboukir, fi-oia Glasgow, now landing in I prime condition. MORISON, LAW, and CO., | ' Walker-street. SHKEP-V7ASH TOBAO(X). Manufactured and Leaf, cv Sale by the Unde-sianed MOIiISON, LAW, and CO., Walker-stireet. A RARE O.PPOETfrNITT. ier Sale, the Lea«e of an half section of Grnun •', witn Cottate 10 xlB fe-t. Kitchen and Wdl; Heut hemgirpe. with buiMine: allotmen-s let. Wor particiiars. apply A. J Darrinatou, on the ground ab v;me Uni<v. Jack St-re. Statford street. ' OIANOS. PIANOSF. KRULL b.-gs to intimate to thft Inhabitants of Dui.e-hn. and the vicinity, th it he has jnst received per Srar of Ta-mania, nn.i Planter, a splendid c m signmei-t of Broad wood's worlil-rpmnvted pianos, of um-qunlled to ie and finish—to which he b&is to draw the attention <f inteiiding purchasers.' w-o w>y l'ispect the same o<i applioati'm to Messrs R. B Ala'ti!. and C o . M.uipe-sfcr et, D neJiu. a'uti .c. notice. Monster Clorhiiig; and Boot and Shoe Conprmv, H21 r and 23 Bourke-stieet East, Mellujnrnf.' AYE much pleasure to inform the Storekeepers of Diincdin «n>l th« Goh!fields, that they have jnsr- cooiplet-ed extensive alt-. rari-»ns and additions to r'eir V/hole^ale iJ^puitnient, where a-oo'lscan he purchased full ten per cent cheaper than any other house in Melbourne. And the p-e-i a-lvanta.^ we off«>r is, that Store-kpepei-s can have any quau'iies an I size-! they wish our w.-i Extensive Ketail Tradk Enable 3us to DO SO. Ori»krs, however smalt., shall have our prompt attention. Our stock consists of the following jroods • - BK»-Dr~*lADK CLi*THIN". SupTior E igl sL and coloiiial-ma^e Superior P'ior a-i.i B 'aver Monkey Ja. kets S-'poriur Doe an'J Twccf rowsors" Suwnior Blue (Jlorh Fmck art': Dress Coats Snpevis-.r Black and Fancy Doe Tr .w«ers Stip-r;or Black and Fancy Doe Waistcoat^ Bedford Cord, English and colonial-made Pants a id Trowsf-rs Worsted < ord Trowsers Moleskin Trows^rs ' Red White. Blue, and G'-ey Blankets Saxony ;m1 oher Fl.tanel JShirts, English or coloiuk -made Kcrs ys, Pants, and "raw<rs 1-Uisiery of all defcriptions French and Esglisu Felt Hats Waterproof C.othing, our own patent manu<actu!^. BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. Colo-- ial-made B iota in variety .'American yraine I Leather Boots . Ladies' Boots nnd Shows of ah descriptions. Parries •onvarding any amount over ten p. unds for Goods, 110 charge will be m.tde for cases or miiyume charges. a Please well observe our address, Monster Ciothintr and Boot and Shoe Company, Wholesale and Ketail, 21 and 23. Uonrke street East, Wear N< w Pust-oftiee N.B.—We be? to -inform the public that we have noconuecion with any lioumj in lunedin. It lias come to "in- hearing that soin person or persons h;iv- : "r commenced business under our style, the MonsieClotaing Company, we have no connexion v^ith any na«:ii person or persons. MR MARKS, Manager. Mjpc- r-flmnng. " all work and n ) play makes jack a dull b j\," they say AG >0D SONG-, Comic or Synriu.e ital; a ;-{Ood Dance, with good Music; and a night of iun and real joviaiity, may be ha/i any night at T. B. SMlTtl'ri, Shakspeare Hotel, EatM-ay-sfcreet, Not forgetting, at the snine rime, a first-rate nobbier or a glass of genuine.English ale, mild or bitter, o)-----or new s-rved in one of the largest music and amuse. ment Lalls in Dune lin. Goou ijoanl and lodging, good meals, jrood beds and everything else good, and at moderate prices, ai the SHAK3PRARR. H SMiTFI. Proprietor. DUG'LD M'MUTLEN, 'late"of~(Jaririii7"your brother has amvei in Unned n, aud is'very anxious to see you ; is stopping at the London Diniug Booms. j >HK MATCH hetwee~irthe~]?a"e Horses came oil L , on the Ocean Ueach and was wou easily by Thomas Dick on s Bay Horse " Tummy," one huu-dr-d a-side- £100. 2otir.\ove»nher. NOTICE. 'HO COiVTRACTORS.—Tenders are invited for JL the Huiidiijg of a Punt. l > i ans and SpecificHt.iuns to be teen at our oitic^, on Saturday, tne 2,iud inst. Teuders to be sent, in on Monday, 2itn, at noon ; tne lowest T^nd^r not necessarily accepted. 0. H. bII.LES and Ou , • . 12 Victoria Cham ers, _Dimedin, 20th Nov., 1562 Mjt_se-strept. LuaT. P<OMI?fG from Mr Farley's, New Works., opposite KJ ilie Jet y, on iVedn slay ni^iit, orgoin»' round the Beach ho ne, a (iol ■■ Watcii. The tiiuler bringing the same to t-te Brtnch Uffice of this Paper, will be handsomely rewarded. ' £1 U .WARD. T OBT, on Wednesday Jayt, a black and tan Col lie JLJ Bi'ch. answering to fr.e name 4 Tibbie." Had • ■•n a 'ea-i-ueru col:ar with ch»in attuched. Whoever will bring her the ila>-p of Edn Boarding-nouse will receive the anove re-.vard. FOD N D, between Jnnction and Tmpeka, a sum 0/ Money. The owner c n hive it by paying ex-i-ens s- John Jo^epa Ford, opposite" Age Hotel, Wetherstone's. Ft v ISTtTIJJNiJri REWaTTT; LOST, 01 Wednesday, 19th instant, between the head of VVaihc'a Lake and (joodalFs Tokom:u----110 Hotel, a Pocket-Houk containing sev-n five-p-.mnd notes (£is). Union Bank of uistralia, Lauti certificate, and several receipts The abovo rewarj will he paid to any pers n leaving the samt at the offic* of this paper; or at MANSffOitU'S Store, Tokrmuui-i-o. 19 h Novemb r, 18J2 < t^n f Ui\D itiivVAitiA Lost, on Saturday ■J night last, a Bay Horse, lanie off shoulder, branded H off shoulder, Q- near back. Whoever will bring the same to Mr Hammonii"s Shoeing1 i^orge, back of ohak-p re Hotel, will receive the above reward. FREEM SONARYATAGO K1 L WI N NI S <i - JB : \J . No. 4i7, Holding ot the (xiand uo ge of * Jd; Will hold their Hr&t annual Fe^iival, on Monday, Ist December, 1802 ; to celebrate i>fc. Andrew's Day, at their Lodge Room, Princes-street. hupj;crou the 'la-Meat haif past 6 o'clock, p.ra precise y. Tickets— Oae Gui ea. To be had of Bro. James Mills,. It. Vv". M , rit*ii")rd-street.,' ~ James Mackay, S. W., iiattray-street „ Jolin M'Keiien, J. W., Octagoa y, Johu Siubald Princes-street ! . ~ -William ti. Beck, fsec. BATH S. —B AT H S.- BAT ti jj.— City tsaths, Ratrray-street.—Warm, Cold, aud Shower Baths. Open from 6 a. in to 8 p.m. Sundays, till 12 noon. Private B.itlis for Ladies.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 288, 21 November 1862, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 288, 21 November 1862, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 288, 21 November 1862, Page 6