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ANTKU to Hire, a good Piano. Address I'iano, oiflce'ofthH paper. WANTED for the country, a Nurse tiirl. Apply ' to Airs. Pike, Carhhrwk. WANTED. Wa~hin<j at, oi. pjr doze'u. iJy letter afra. J. IT, office of this paper. ANTED, a Ujok. Melbourne Hotel, Mac Jag * Y\rANTED, a Servaut of All Work. Apply Mis. _T y. Lowia, Staffurd-streety opponte Unioq Hotel: \AI A?TKD a Needlewonjai'. Apply next A'ew ■V V Manac, Beil Hill W'AWTEu a Lad tbat can Milk Cows, and make i^. |"«' s«lt generally nseful. Apply ProudfoDi's Dairy, Madagj»;tu-strec»._ _* W' AJ*'' a regular supply of Fresh Butu-r, vr ■ x.J^lh^' Vegetables—weekly. Apply Mr. might Confestnner, Princes-street - "W ANTED.—A «ood Btroa ff Active Girl, who can ij ' c 0. 1'6^ generally useful. Apply at the Bj»r_of the Criterion Hotel W AN ffiiU a iSmart Lad to make himself jrtnenext New Manse, Bell Hill. A«TKU TO'LlSl', lour Offiae*, two minutte' from Pcst-ofiicc. Apply to W. Ho^rko-, Hope-street. *^ W AN TED, a Competent Housemaid. Apply between II and 1 o'clock st'Madame Cay per'a, Hoi)o-stieet f opposite AMinga Hotel: 'ANTED, to sell UOOO Yards iioiue-Hmiig Calico. Pelling's Papcrhauging- Warehouse Georgc^itrget,J>clow Koynl George. _____ WAN fKD a Situation in a fionr mill by a good stone dresser. Apply to A. Mercer, Piinccsstreet. \X7ANTKD, «n artive middle aged Female to keep ivL;« T?* 6 in'!? .^ gentlemen. Apply' Messrs^J. X and C. Burke, Princ^strcat Sonthl W rA N TKb, an vo^ngenmui as l>aii\ Uortrtuhß. p » J? fln cx P«ienced teacher. Address Alpha, Post-ofhce. Dunedin. l W "ANTED. Minpn and Navvies for the Lytteton *nd thnstchureh BaUway. George Holmes &_Co.,_ContrnctorK W'AyiPPi tverybod^ to know that the finest Trabucos^ Cijmra, nre to be liad at George W ANAlJ^» til JJonedin to know where tb"*_el GeiiHino Tobacco, at George Pound's Qnb Dtvan, forngr of Pnacea a»d Manse street. . I\rANTET), •Sqoare.l K«l or Hiaek Pine ix5T H fon* xßto 10 x 10, nnd from 8 feet to^S C^-J^Fi. Jiel^andCo. «»l»«w WANTED, a youug Mln to lnakTlulSelFKer a '-'J^*. ua'ful- APPIy & and 10' to Il'ou'se, SaHUi aUCtiolieCr '°°d valuator ' Rochester XX! ANTiSD hyUte Advertiser, wiio haa t our o"r i * »,, ,« ye h°"re *l|«engaged in'ths day, employment i as Utrk or Book-keeper, Address Ntmo, ofico of ttu* paper. WANTED, fcituaUon"a»Managcr or Bannanliran Hotel, 15 j-ears experience, fir?t-cJasa refcrencta, with security jf Required, town" orcounlry Address W. H. W., ofSce of tbia paper. W rAKTED to JOIK HstabUshtsl Business to invest £500 5o £1000. Address, Smith, care of Mr. J. Lfsinjr, Eden Cottage, Walker-street September 18th; ISdi*. ■• - . 'A>l'£D AH to Kaow that tha Vietoriaa Kegistiy Office hm Removed from Sfacla"-gan-strect to those exiesmive Prtmists. 85 and 30, | Arcade. Where all orders will be promptly ctie&ded ■ ' ' ; .- ■.-. -' | W rANTED, all who pay a visit to Dunedin to I know i^at, at North's Otago Dining Booais near the, Police Barracks, Princes street South, a flrst-clasa Dinner can be had for 25., consisting of »on; a, joints, pastry and cheese. W. ANTED, a Partner in a Flourishing' Banhiess capital required, £600. The business is situated m one of the Most prominent thoroughfares, doing a first-class business, aud to a business man, is a sure fortune in a few years. No iccumbrauce in rental; and as to position, not a better in town Apply, by letter, E. B. W., office «f this paper. \\T ANTED every one to know, that Clutha Coals T T are now being delivered at the Clutba Coal Shed, on the Beoch, at the reduced price of £2 per Toa, for cash on delivery. GEORGE GREEN, (Office of the Guiding Star, Princes-streef;^ve Switaer's.) - W AN TED T~O 8 ELL 2 first-clnss Mares, and 4 draught Horses, all warranted thoroughly staunch. Sulject to any trial. To be seen at Mr. EllisV StaWea, Nortli East Valley: also, 0 Carts and 3 sets cf Cart Harness and 1 leading Harness, \y ANTED, Farmprs to know, tbat they can obJ,V - ? encJo? Wire of superior quality. Also, Sellare and Gray's Ploughs, at GHORGE M'INTOSH'S, Bfoeksaath, Hope-street. YJif ANTED, a I'artner with from £100 to £_M>. T t Barfe opportanify to toake uwmey, and likely to realize a fortune. By a permanent increasing nnd mast lucrative business, not yet carried out in this va'-t extending city and ncmtrom gold fields, much required to meet the present and coming emergencies. The advertiser has a thorough knowledge of the iatended business in all its various branches, having' heretofore rtaifeed a fortone under similar eircumstnnecs as how nquired ia this great growing Province. ' Has no 'Joubt but an arrangement can be entered into by an interview with an active and business man. Addrea* by letter, care of Mr. C. Frederick Beeby Ageat, Mante-street, for « ■•*.*'• .'.'SHARP." N.B.—None but Lena fide.signatures and address win be treated with. IMPORTANT TO INNING ENGINEBE^" CAPITALISTS, AND CONTRACTORS. WANTED a Partner ia an important original invention for the transmission of power without the nse of iron shafting. Power can be conveyed in any direction for one, tfl">, three, or four different objects in dirertiona opposite to each othsr, whether over or around a bill, through or under any TiiJume of water, whether sea or river j for propelling any loachincry, from a quarter to six-horse po%ver, at half the co,st of the piescnt means of conveying power Apply to JAMES POKSYTH. M/Fariant's Cottage, i'ehchet Bay, the Liveutor; cr to Messrs. GILLIES &. STREET, Prfaces-Wt, Duaedin AllAltE OPPORTUNITY. VITANTED, an active 3larried Alaa with small t JT f capital to manage, and take aa interest in an Hotel, Store, and small Farm, aituated on the main road to the diggings, about 30 miles from town. If preferred, the Proprietor i 3 willing to Sell his interest in the Lease on liberal terms. Apply O A office of rltls paper. ~ * GREENWICH ON THE BAY.' WANTED the public at large to know, that the City Surveyors arc on the ground at .Greenwich on tlw Bay, niarkiucout th 2 allotments which ai?.^. bo so!tl.St. the London Auction Jklart, opposite tus'Tost Office. Plaha can nlsq be seen by intending purchasers, and boats will leave ,and take parties free of charge, on Weduesdaya and Saturdays, to see this unequalled estate. . , A THORpUGn~ROOKEBPER wants emXl.» ployment. Satisfactory references. Apply J.M.., Messrs. lloyse, Mudie & Co., Stafford-street; •mi) RUNIIOLDERS.--Wanted, cyan expenenced JL '. .person, sitt_,tion asS^tion or Farm manager Apply W., office of this paper. ° 110 RUNHOLDEES.-Wanted, by an expe- . rienced^ person, a ritiiation ia Manager of a station. Address, caro of Mr. J. Laing-, Kden Cottage, Walker-street. DCTNEDIN JEWISH CONGREGATION. IUE Members of the above Congregation, are revested to attend a General Meeting, to take place at the House of H. ii. Nathan, E*q. } Hicb- , street, at 11 o'clock, a.m., on Sunday next the 21st 1 instant. 1 Business:—-The election of Honorary Officers for the ensuing year, i By order, H. JOSEPH, Hon. Sec. NOTICE. TO MEMBERS OF THE JEWISH DIVIN Se vice during the approaching Holidays, will be held at the House-of H E Nathan, Esq.,- High-street. Persons wisMnc Lai's will please make application to H. JOSEPH, Hon Sec P.S.—The New Year commences on the Eyeninff jof the 24th instant. • ■• ~ j-.'-nj..> X

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 234, 19 September 1862, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 234, 19 September 1862, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 234, 19 September 1862, Page 6