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foßNEfczti areVequlred from partie^ willing to <jo«- " "£~ ll" ac* ">«■ «ie Canvassmg'and Papering of three S ?F m«S rin*^ l|wS ti .'*A Vrty f to Mr. ««>.- Grien>. B tfoidi,i)g fetor Oihce, rrinccs-3treet t over Switzer*B. * nnENDERS are invited for the Erection ofa'Vuia X Resideace- . . , Plan 3 and specifications to bo seen at the'©flies) of C. GREENFIELD, 1 •ArcMle*, . ; ' > Mauae-strcct. miiNDERS will be received on or bejforc X Saturday, the 20th inst., /roia pßrtics ,wiamz to pay a realty for the use of day. wwdUl£dj, too» and all the nsoal appliances ot?a brick-fiW,!' biwiaiion near Dunedin. Apply to Jlonaon and Yafi'r laud, Avchitects, Sinclair's Chambera, Princes-street xvort/i* ' t r i S"~EPIUATK TBNDKttS nro required for iUje pr P enter s 'andP!a,tcrer 3 'work l of 2 Slain c bpeaifieatiousto l>e seen «t the oflice of tlcundersicbed, where tendew are to be left or. or LefoieThuisdiVtbe 18th i«bfc,,'afc 4 p.m. .' - •*, - MONSON & VAHLAND,. Architocft. DUNEDIN .GAS LtOlir AND COKE C At- ! PANY (LIMITED.) milß Directors wM,receive Applications for! the X remaining Shares at par until further notice'"" MARTIN SHOLL, '~ Sccretarj'. rpENDSRS will be received by the undefined tions to Shop and Dwelling iv Geoi-ge-atrcet Labor Arcnitrcfc. Afftcliig^nn-street, , '; riWMUKIta will be received till 4 pm of Friday X the uM., at the Office of ills Honor the SuMTiutflßdent, fot tbe Erection of about six cHaius of Post and. Ruil Fencia* m the Ajiuc road, Port V/iialmera. ::■'£ ■■■■}■ *■;.■:.•- <:■■ ;;V- '■■-.",-,i(; i i; • \ ••-«; : •, A;.«pedficati.on may be seen, and-farm^ of tender obtamfd at the Office of tha' Provincial fiogiaeer.— By onler, Tn«'MAs DiOKi Provincial SecreUry. \ ..;.*--heptember,- 18<a. .'; ji ;■ \;- r s ; .y,., :.-=,,.,,/; •■■ •<■■- .;;■"•. .' : ■":;.;-■;■ ._<limited.V : .;;": "."■ ■-; :v- ; ■;■ ■ Inoorporate'l under, the " Joint Stock Cdmpany'a Act, 1860," passed by tha General Assembly, ■; Session 3, No. 13. ; CAPITAL .-- - . £50,000 With power to increase It. : IN FIVE THOHSAnF SHARKS OF TEN POUNDS EACH. i A preliminary Deposit of Ids.; per Sliare aoon applicatioo. , ;v.. ■"> A-payment of 40n, per Share on the allotment of Shares. / •:•■■■•;"■ - : ;-. ;. y ....,..;.., No subsequent call shall' be jwule exceeding 2tk per Share, nor witlwut three raon t:«'t* notice being Ktvcn after the previous coll Imss been paid. : - To be eohdiicted by a Board of Directors, elected by the SfaarehoUen at the first General Meeting Jiel«l m terma of the " Joint Stock <jtempauy*B Act, 18G0." The Board of Directora shall Isavel tha general manaercmeut and control of tii« ~Company'<i operaPROVrSIONAL DIRKCTOR3 : -: : J. DKA&mKiD, Esq., Chairman. iAs»»'J<» B*»» ps<iv GEoiwm Tvßmvit, Bso G, Cha'Wj'orp, K«q. P. Lai«o, Esq > G. H. -Jwrjiat, Emj. L. Lrtt, Esq. A. P. STtfAttT, Et^. ■« c. HAaTJCAjc/E^. }[}'■■■'. ■:: ';.;■ ;V;BANKiItSr ' ■■■ • '■•■■' '; - : TUB BASTK 0? »EW ZBAtANO. I /SOLICITOR: SECIIBTARY: G. H, VEjtsEti^ Esq. The objects and Intentions which the proposed Company hare iv view, are forthwith to purSuas the screw steamers Wonga Wong* and Storm Bird, the em\ hulk Caledouia,and a] ! stores belonging to Uie Wellington Steam Navigation Company ; to procure a sfeain vessel of light draught of water, adapted for catering such rivers as the Wairau, the Sumner, the Mouawatu, &&jr ftnd also, as early n* practicable, to purchase a :«team vessel of «u«ldei!l tonnage, steam power, ami cabin aecommodatbn as will ensble the Company, to maintain mpi4 and regular eotntottnieatkm between Cook's Strait, Auckland DuuedJn, and tho eeveral intcrniedkte porta. 11 is furtljer propoawl alwawto keep fa View the importance of juakinjr such arrangements as will ensure tue grxdual but certain expansion of the Company'" operations- i The termmaUon of the Wellington Stoam Navigation Company,-by effluxion of time, and the encouraging success which has attendal jt» working—the important Ixsnefits it has been the means of oonferringuiK.o this and the other Ports of New Zealand, by suppling tlie means of quick and regular cammunicntion, have led the -'promoters' of the pwjectod Uumpaziy to ask their feflow-colonlrts to unite with tlieru in forming a Company oa a larger ba»i»,not confined as the preceding one was to purely local traffic, but one with more £eaeral views iind objects, to be called " Tho New Zkland Steam Navigation Company (Liuuted}." The present time appears to be a most farw-aya opportunity for inaugurating a Company having such views; as therein evety reason to bolifve that throughout the whole Colony we are on tho eve of important event*,nnd that population and trade is rapidly on the increase. The Company entertain no doubt that tbey wfll very soon be in a position to tender to pertonn some portion of tho Infer-Provincial Maif Service—and it is believed that the General Government and tlw various ..provincial authoritieswould readily avail them selves of the services of vessels owned by a'■ Nev» Zealand proprietary, and directed by local, energetia aud responsible Managoroent. y ' The great aucceas of the various Australian Steam Companies leave little doubt that similar results will ije secured by a New Zealand Steam Comany,«gteblisbed on a broad and permanent basis, susceptible of expansion/with a view to meet the requirementa of that prosperous, futi^ro wluch it ia believed will certaiuiy and shortly be realised iv New Zealand, f •r»lt is consequeutly proposed that nn Association should be formed, having a Capital of £60,000](with power to increase it), in »liarea of £10 <»eh; and tire co-operation and ■assistance of setUers throuzhoßt the Colony ia invited. A considerable number of shares will be reserved for allotment for petsbna residing In tlie neighboring Provinces, ? The Balance Sheet of the Company will beimade up every half year—say oa the Ist Sepember and Ist March of each year—and a .copy forwarded to each Shareholder. ; "..■.''"'. ':" "■'.'"' ; '' The qualificatidn for YoUng at'the election of ihe first Board of Directors shall be the payment *of the first call, sayjof«£2 10s.;• per.share. ; t , Shareholders to be allowed to vote by.Proxy. Any person holding^Twerity-five Shares shall be* eligible as a Candidate for the Board-of Dli^ctoii. Shareholders shall be entitled to vote iv proportion to the number of their Shares, according to , the Scale given m the Joint Stock Companies Act,! 1860, Table B. ■ ' ' Application for Shares to be made in the following form, and addressed to the Provisional Secretary New Zea'and. Steam Navigation Company (Limited), Custom House-street, Wellington: or to J, Jones & Co., Dunedin. FOBM OP APPLICATION. To the Directors of the New Zealand Steam Navigation Company {Limited): .Gentlemen, ' I request you will allot mo Shares the above Company, and I hereby ajrree to accept that, or any less number which xoay bo al'otted. me, upon the terms mentioned in published Prospectus. I beg to forward you at the same time o cheque for £ , beb« the preliminary deposit on Shares. Name of Applicant: Profession or Business: •Residence: < Number of shares: Signature: - Dated the day o 1862,. • August 29tb, 1868, , ' . ,JOHN JONES & CO., ,- Jettr-atrt"

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 233, 18 September 1862, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 233, 18 September 1862, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 233, 18 September 1862, Page 3