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; (Before A. 0. Strode, Esq., KM.) j DairjfEESsiss.—Thomas Moore was fined 20a. and j costs for being drank, ; j John Barnes arid William Hooper -were cbnrged | with creating a disturbance, by fighting ia Princes Street, Hooper saW that there was a dispute bet .veen tbern asrto the removal of some stuff from the] ground of SrnUh find Marshall, in Princes Street. | Mr. Barnes\eoii;ired him .to'put him off the ground, and he, in self-kfeuce, put Mr. Barnes on his iuick, There was no blow struck, and the scuffle was not really in Princes Street.. •. The-Magistrate said that a crowd was collected, and the streetobstructed by the fighting. Hoopsr thought that there was a vast 'difference between "fighting" and what occurred in this case. Tho Magistrate said tLat Hooper was ! drawing a distinction without a difference. The f defendants were five.l 20s. each, and costs. - j 'NtriSANCES.—Constable JSiinon reported nuisance I abated ia the case* of L'imbert and Co., audS. K. it. | Jone3. Henry Casper was fined 20*. and costa. fio i-hadi promised to remove the filfth, but had simply ; collected it into■ heaps. The Magistrate said that ! this sort of thing could not bs permitted. The health |of the inhabitants was not to be jeopardised because ! people qhose to be so negligent. r-'<;-'": i;. ■ ■-•'■' civii cases. ■•'-■-'■ ■-.-■ ■ - Bridgrnan v. M'Leod.—Aclaim for £10 upon a dishonQured promissory note.^ -The tsote was given two ye"ars and three /months'ago/ 'for Ttha balance of an iieeount dne to one Arnold, for a horse and cart. ; Arnold had assigned the note to the pkiintiff. The : defendant hud Only recently returned here from Can. terbojry, and the plaintiff said that he had admitted ha«ng known Arnold, but claimed that Arnold was reolly in his debt. The defendant—l said I knew Mr." Arnott, not Arnold. I know nothing about the bill. The Magistrate—Look at the signature, is it yours] , The defendant—No, it is not, to the best of my recollection. The Magistrate—Don't shuffle, but give a positive answer. The defendant—lt is not, to the best of my knowledge. ■ • The Magistrate^—Can you write your name 1 The defendant—Yes. The Magistrate—Then write it. IThe paper having bean handed to Mr. Strode, he saiil.l If these are not one and the same signature, I never saw" « case of the kind. They are precisely alike, even1 to the final turn of the 'rd.' I hold the signature to this note to be yours. Judgment for £10 and costs.

r /Mearlow-v. rPoTOe3.- :i-Mn Sooth was for Uhe plaintiff, aad afi-.'Ward for' the■•••!defendant.'-.'-:'The' claim.wii3for£ls 15s. BJd.; balanceof rentdiie for' a bovise'in \ Emerald Hill;1 Victoria. Tlie iiJaintiff ;eaid thattlie aeferidantonly a few days a^o admitted; the debt; a"hd in. Victoria he frequently promised ib pay. :He,J the plaintiff, had been In : Otago; since Bece^ber last. "The ti^entlaiit said that; Mk wife gave; np the cottage ni ore than' two years 'and < a-lalf ago: andfdr»aUiie'kreV• 3lie7 had paid the reut regularly.n Sbe;\vas; a!iViays in a;- position to do so; ,aud,the plaintiff/whd knew1 that he (ths defendant) jbeing in comioand of a vessel/ rwas in and out of Melbourne abonfc* once a month, neverj applied for tjie paytttenfc of anj' arreni's of rent. In Taet^ brittt 'a day or two ago (Wednesday) he never heard a word oiftlie" matter-from-, the plaintiff, and he d^niedi most 7 positively; tha£ he had: made; the nadnussioiralleged by tHe;; plaintiffi" He, 1 the idefeuI'tlabti; liad reasoif to ;believe tliat tHereat had beeat'pai&'Tjy'})£& wiff tcj the:defendaiit's-agent;-but^his ! mte wa^; still- in^yict»n».-' ;^he. MagiaSrate:said hobeliCTed'; i!tM; 6ren6* iJjditev arict Should 'give jddgiheni;: for tlie^^ [amount^^^ clriimed, with costs.i vftEp." J yVarit:s^ia" if ;wtf can-jirdve Ket-eaftertliat the rent \m pad inWictoriar-—^^ '■^I'haVeydur^femedj'.vv-? :;, :-:;a^-:- } -.:.^ ~-.;. ?;.5;..--:.^l '« SSndersvZ-Dayaiid'Meivule.i^-Tljo plaihtlffwho is captaih;"".of 'ilie'7Sqoeeßs;"; -claimed -:lAz" B.* 6d.> for lighterage; bt^bo'dsyex'Abdul Me'djH; v?The defeadants ffiled '%&£•s&, allegirig'the;loss,'tlirpugKtliephtintiff's p%lect/of a ca^/crate/orTjjackage) fo^wluchib 'Lail Jglywa'receipttd the ship.' TheMasioggdods consistedof a ;;?aße-^of7^ra^et3'Vjirorth;! LIB 4sv iSat"wliolesale prices.3^JndgTment'forthe-defenaahts/fo^ m .*!;■»}' ,v. :■ :<$ i.* : <*JfQdgnient|^ default 7in the following; >cas# ;~St"raaftn -v^Gordon and- Hankin, lA 17s. 6d. al^^riffiiHtfv;^trebibald'DicJ:, 1 i 2 33/ ;j OoJliet •y! Biddl§, JLlsfifona'Bill;;nAharVwSimpsony; Par< nell^ and HendarExmT-MO 6s. 3d. for butcheis hieat. va , Dkmis6e«l^iliere;being no appearauce—Burke v; WK&k.ef,T& 10».; Bunceiv.Solomon, LlO bn;a,pro-mißSpry-not^'Polkiek T^Sfeniield^Lß Bsi' Hdi 5" .«J;

«E(qrg^p wiUi! keeppg 33ttorderly: lioaS^tß? t^mS 4o?Tepiite<l^tfi(Kr^ 'vfak tdiicharged ■.•.■.;;■■■;;*;;..>,■--'■■■:••.■-,■.-..■' •'•' ■' .

'Ann Malohej gba'rged with being a disorderly pf j;L cob, ajul having .no risible lawful mean"; of support, was committed to Lard labor for two months. '- Charges'oif Rqbbebt.—^Charies Matthews, keeper of the Albloa in the Arcade, was charged with stealing £4 from William Onrr, It appeared tbat Carr wa3 ia tbe defendant's house during a drunken row; that he offered to figut several porsonß ; and tbat liv frequently took, out bU punse. eotitainiwg £4, an<l v/jived it about, Oa tiie next morning, tbe purse and money were found in Matthews' possession"; but he altageil that Core pave ta<sm to Mm to keep for safety. The case \vas dismiK3cd. > M tthews wss further charged witli Btealing a pair of blauketa, the property of Aibart GrifStha. The prosecutor stated that ou Friday, -when he was^ posaanpr throuorli tt.e ArciviJ, M?t«iews called him into his house and asked him to " eh'int." He • went in, but said he was uot ia Uie liabit of " sbouting." >H f got into cqnvfircviitfo with Alitthewg, who,' witli^liis wife, was ia his (couiplainant's) service sotno six or eaves months a^o. It wa3 said that the buuso wa--< capable of accommodating 30 boarders, and beiug cuvioaa to Ree where so many persons could be stowed &svay, he asked to be shfcwn over ths piomisea. This was done, aud vrlnn in one of ths rooms below the footway level, he saw the pair of blankets now produced, and which he at once recognised as his property. Mrs. Matthews bvA "Cliar'ey must have packed the«u up when we left you," but when -Alatt'uvrs was called, ho said be knew nothing of the blankets, and that hit wife must haye1 pnckeil them up by mistake. He (the complainant) replied that th° sooner iha Mankcts were at his house the better, and Matthews brought them in half an hour. He missed many things while Matthews and his wife were in 1>» service. Bub-inspector Wcldoa said that Matthews's house w i>» tbe woi'bt conducted in Duntuiu. The Magistrate: 1 hive heard of it before es beiu^ so. lftealivo Tuckwell stated tbat in the book 3of the depar metit there were no lens than six reports ol robberies committed in ATattlievvs's Louse, he being suspected of every one of tinm. The Mogistiafj saU that from Mntthews's previous character, taken in euunection v.-ifh the statement of Mr. Griifiths, he had n<j doubt whatever that the blankets v/ero stolen. Matthews: If your Honor will oD'y remand the case— Tho Magistrate: I remand ii by sending you to Kaol for two calender mouths, there to be kept at hard labor. Mison Oi'fkxces.—Oonbtable Nimon reported tho nnwance cliarsrenj ngftim-t Mr. A. Jacks>n to have bven abated. JoLn Wilsan was fined 4s and coita, for allowing two cows to Bhuy. Miller v. Boyd, (civil ca«o) wiis dismissod, the plaintilFnot appearing.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 233, 18 September 1862, Page 6

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RESIDENT MAGISTRTE'S COURT. FRIDAY,SEPT,12. Otago Daily Times, Issue 233, 18 September 1862, Page 6

RESIDENT MAGISTRTE'S COURT. FRIDAY,SEPT,12. Otago Daily Times, Issue 233, 18 September 1862, Page 6