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\ , . Government Notices. ' * * - EURAL LAND. ■ »5 © 2 -fP-ICAHT. ACBSAOH. tCWAHIY ASD OSBOBIMZOS. A R* '■■■!* • ~" B$& TilTßß^^ ?,2 autha Sertions, 6,8^ 10 and 12, Block XCIII. 640. George Graham . 80 0 0 North Harbour and'Bloe ß kin, part of Section 18, 5403 PatricklU ' 8 S X S Ine\C?S, Section 7. Block IX. <mw ratnek Ford 800 0 0 CJutha ?4,0 and 8, Block XLVIL „ 3, 4, 5 and 6, „ XLI. ~ 1,2, 4 and 6, „ XLIII. 5104 J. Richardson 15 0 0 CluV^rt'of Seiu'on's/B^kXXIX, adjoining US iW^?1 Ikan SS-S 3i See. 43 Block IV ;S SSF i s^^£4ll David Young 73 2 5 " ?' "M' &il2 O.M.M'Gown SO 0 0 « PotitKTnnicifntA rhilatt 5«5 William Wilson 10 0 0 " P4"ol3** ' »» V. 6410 Johnßeay 10 0 0 w " " v* 6417 James M'leod Nicholson 10 0 0 '» »» " V. 5418 John Douglas - ■ 13 0 0 " rnna^ninc oart 34 " v' -5419 Frtser and Gardner 80 0 0 Hun No. ITo°bomelS. " The above applications will be decided at this Office, on MONDAY the 29th day nf rrptpmbwb 1862. Those marked* thus by Auction atl2o'elodcnoon. ' day of SEPTEMBER, W. H. CUTTEN, Waste Land Board Grace, Chief Commisaioner. Dunedin, 16th September, 1862. POMAHAK A DISTRICT, _ _ , ~" Bmkjks 1, 2, as» 3. r* "WTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thai Blocks 1, HlO LET, the late Cafe ioSr^ces^t XX 2, and 3, of the Pornalmka District, will be X Ingaireat Mr. F. Luhnin^T' rnn«sstl«t----open for Application on MONDAY, the 15th day of Txya iw ,«.:<;irH ~T.l ■ '- , Seltember and the Applications decided on T S SX*2,° i£WM T^ ta THURSDAY, the 25tb day of September, 1862. Jl street. Cnchton, Dalrymple & Co. The land comprised within these three Blocks is r V° B& kT ON BUILDING LEASE, Sections rituate between the Pomahaka and the Clutha, and is -L ' 144 and 182, Port Chalmers. Henry Green, about 20 miles north from the Clutha Ferry. There mo LET a Two-roomed Cntim,^ m, i£iti"iFn is a good supply of Bush on the wooded islands of 1 O S Wite eH HJI 4he Clutlia, which are in the immediate neighbour- riSft , "»;» — hood. There are about 13,000 acres in the three V- . iilJL I > » akelloUse ' *'ith ntensUa-■ complete. Blocks. vr» AJPP I3r Coleman, Princes-atreet, opposite W. H. CUTTEN, Police Depot yyw W«.a wi it inir CUef Coolol^oll^ mO I*ET, FoorS-roomed Houses, off Staffi>rdWaa?lSSSSfia«. 4^ Apply Riordaa Brother Cafe 1c —— — • fJW LET, a Sevea-roomed HOUSE, in llferayLEABE OF THE GOVERNMENT RESERVE rlk«,f Apply SomDer <rium> near Royal SANDSPIT, WAIKOUAITI. . F^^r~m - __ tpOLBT, Shop and two Eooms, opposite ICvaf "VTOTICE Is hereby given thai Leases of the Go- £- Gefse Hotel. Enquire Pelling, Painter, JL\ vemment Reserve, on the Sandspit, Waikouaiti, toeorge-street. ! m jaU off in rilotreentiL wUI be put np to AucUon, fpO LET—hve Cottages, dose to the bridee at Uie m UieLand Office DuodTin, onMonday, theCthday' JL Waterof I*ithJ^twoC^togelit Cavra-! of October next, at 12 o'clock, noon. sham. Apply to F. Fulton, The Forbury W. H. CUTTEN, fjlO LET, a couvenieuyjteee in the bert part of Wa^Landß^&T 0^1"11^- Ji^^T&n^m^^^ Ee^' Dunedin, 4tU Sent. 1862. fltg LET, > Four Roomed Hous^^iSuie^street; 1 .'- X *ear church-in Walker-4reet. Apply, H, rpENDERS will te received at the office of his V^iSigg: : i iEv'o 1' ? e SwrinUnten*. Ull 4 p.m. of Fri- rpO LET, one House, Maclasßan-street- also, day, 19ih September, for the erection of Fenciug at X three Houses opposite theTciuh^ S JS* theGeolorfcal Stu-rev Offlecs. Dunedin. Speciflca- Raphael, Auctioneer^ Valuator!^ochesterVoul" tion may be seen, and forms of tender obtained, at tae **n Hill ««««r, wocnesier tiouse, office of the Provincial Engineer. By order, Tiiom as ft \n ikt b Bi > . » Djc^Proviaeial Secretary. D Jedin, Member T^, \STX£ri&?S S?^ -- - • B £ oaag" app]y to Aiexanto Hastie > " _• . J n ~ "• r pO 4 BE LET ON^BUILDING LEASE—FronBoard and Residence. t + tages, s^tion 54, Wock 23, CasUe-street; See ; ■ *"**?' «^ k 29» George-street; also part section 9, BOARD AND RESIDENCE-Wanted, resgecW TIT,, , B'^^°°'^eet. Henry Green. able boarders in a private family. Apply Staf- 1 1U,^ C1 »—Situate in Georj^-street, and opposite ford House, opposite Union Hotel, Stafford-street jr- l? e »«»Qence of Thomas Dick, Esq., a commo- ; . <"ous Bis-roomed house. Apply to BOARD AND RESIDENCE.~Urse double- JAMES TtTHNER, Storekeeper, bedded Room, with sitting room in private —— Great King-street'.-.APP'y gfafln Jone», JeweUer. fpO BLACKSMITHS. -To Let on Lease BlackR OARD and RESIDENCE at Mr*. Stevenson's, t£hed?aSo'aSSßriuS 'Sff tZftT^ i> second house above. Wesleyan Chapel Dowling- PETER GRANT; Btreett V—-—; : ' Gowrie Farnt West Taieri. PRIVATE BOARD and Residence, 30s, per TT\O LET, a .substantial commodious seven-roomed JT week. Kent House, Bell HUl~4eaacy Yw X House, in High-street. uus "w*u roome<l flE£: M..S. LEERS, mWO Gentlemen can meet with * home in a gen- 7 Tamora House X tieman's family in town. Address Delta, office MP 0,- 1^ oa **wet Business allotments in the of this paper. - JL Towns of Port Chalmers, Oamaru, and Claren- ——— don, - ■ ■ -.' ' - M l L ■■"«_.?, •" ° V S E » RICHARDSON & REYNOLDS &tethere ß i?^J|^UofDay.nd T^S^Sa^!^^ Two or three gentleman She accommodated with l&ut *oViatM U°^ DeXt to *«**& JSK. JctScS?" * PriV&te f<Ußilyj aPPIjIQ Z~~ LA^^LET. Mr. Lesrmont, Storekeeper, will point out th 6* T^° Lf t-.°°, J ,l *ase ' on -dvantageous terms, house. .A several Building Sites fronting the Octagon ABBEYLEIX HOUSE. ~ grX__S_ ffife y ?^V A "PRIVATE FamUy Hotel and Boarding Establish Plans may be seeo, and further* i-™-.? f ment. The bes taccommodation, and the bes upon apppucation to _r_f^£S_o_r w£™i table in Dnnedin. Terms moderate. and Dally Time* Oflk^fam 2 X „_??*- HUBERT'S CAFE AND CLUB, -_,„_,„ ' TO LET. -i-— -—-_ corner of FTIHE Homestead at Rocklands, 46 miles from PRINCES _n» MANSE STREETS. JL .Dunedin, on the main road to the Dunstan •■This commodious property consists of AT the request of numerous Gentlemen, Madame tne »°USE, containing six large room*. Hall and Hubert has decided upon providing for ? good sked Loft; KITCHEN Ind Servant's roo^ BOARDERS fif THE WEEK, detatded; IRON STORE, on pnes^TAS Terms:— '* n aaopodation for aboat a doien Ws^ TWO GUINEAS. STOCK YARD and Ont-houses. _S?a Pad' DOCK, containing nine acres, securely fenced and ' A LIBE RA L CAR T E r^Jy for crop, and a GARDEN conU^'^St WUI always be open for selection from, either for *J«e acres. A stream of good water runs close to Breakfast, the House. This is a splendid opportunity for startine Luncheon, ' anJaotel.- ° DiDnerj Supper, to^a^gS!^l^^-^^^^ FROM BAtr n _h°T'o 12 »m A ?™S Stall? table o t0 ««* «-«l for vayfti o a.m. 1 o 12 t.u. livery stables. Law, Soamer_ Co., seedsmen, Uctagon. . ' MADAME HUBERT ~ ~ Trusts that her desire to provide a desideratum, the . „„.„ DISTRICT. want of which has long been felt, will meet the A oT^T 1 ft *? ApPly to Q«Uies and requirements of her friends. -f*- btreet * I-ind and Estate Agents, Surveyors, —■ . • .','■' ' ~ — CTPTb«^l_i Frontage, StaSord-street, to Lit. TO DRAPERS AND STOREKEEPERS. dineaHoteL ?rt ° Let '.Farley's Arcade. AlBLUE . AND GREY SERGE SHIRTS, —= — GUERNSEYS fpHE time for receiving offers for »,» t_« * Ribbe4 panta, lambswool shirts, Crimean do. 1 Burnham wST^TtiJ^^gj t Aberdeen half hose, lambswool do. hereby extended untU further notice neuingum» v t . Serge « pants, women's and children 1* colored Offers will be received, addressed to hosiery . - , JO fßiWßnnn White and colored shirts, cloth caps, wool cravats Or to * Flannel shirts, braces, belts, silk handkerchiefs LEVIN &. CO and scarfs . WriHni*An Blankets,- flannels, baize, calico, towels, muslins Particulars may be' obtained from Messrs imk ; ToUets, quilts, hucks, sclestias, roll, lining, mond & GiDies, Dunedin. -Messrs. KictTable, damask; oil baize, Swiss curtains, '■mww— __m_ wm^^m^__._. dwarf curtains, holhuids "~" ■ ~™*"^M^^_S. Sewed collars, fancy ties, falls, hair nets, stays mHE NATIVE POLICY OF tfvw 7w a t a urn Black and colored coourgs, blackalpacas, French X m^* OF NEW ZEALAND mermos, girls'sealskin jackets, mena 1 black '-» aorfunvt and colored eac ooato . A bPJ*ECH Cord trowsers,«doe,do^ Bhepherd suits, &c Delivered in the House of Representatives of New Extra pekoe congouj in half-cheaf» ■ _ Zealand, by Invoke of saddlery, door mate,&c, JAMES EDWARD FITZGERALD On Sale by T. S. HARRISON k CO., Tor|few E_Wnd. To be had at the A* _W Branch Office, __m_—__-_-_-___«H__g ßnß , Alahsb Stkeet. , ; ■■•;*'■ • NOTICE " 'F___i^_?_& <__as_ ii__ T^S'rl^^ls"^ <459 ~;■; =' ft * ««.■ . v . __^a_B3SBS^" A?^ 1

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 232, 17 September 1862, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 232, 17 September 1862, Page 3