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B.M.Sweeney ... 0 2 0 IZ —"T : : . C. Hammond .. 0 2 6 Wanted J. Miller ~. 0-2 6' ■ : .— T. Alexander .. 0 5 0 VX7ANTKD to Hire, a good Piano. Address Piano, Meyer and Pricbard 0 2 6 »V office of this paper. - * , Harm Bros. ..-.060 WANTED for the country, a Nurse UirL Apply I? Bruce " 02 6 Wto Mrs. Pike, Carisbrook. ~ **' Mrs. JJrowa .. 0 6 0 OT'ANTfiD, ajob tosiok wellsor borefor Water. E. Klein ... 06 0 * TV to James Petigrew, London greet, " J. T .Lockliard ... 010 0 \\f ANTiJt), immediately,^ smart Lad. Enquire Collected by John Pewe, Esq., ; T V SteinhoflT, tobaccoolsfc, Rattray-street. - j Tokoimurirp— \» 7 ANTKi>, at the Union Hotel, two Housemaids. £ Jew *' 010 0 TV None but competent persons need apply. ; <■} Mines Km '." .010 0 W A? TEH' a respectebie Boy, J. Levy, RatCollected at Episcopal Church, ■y V tray-street, opposite Otago Hotel; Tokomairiro-- ... 5 0 0. IX7 ANTED, a respectable Female Servant, forthe Collected by Bank of New Zea- YY Qoldflelds. Apply' at the Shamrock Hotel. Son ' per W' Ja* WANTJSD. Washing at ss, per dozen.- By letteri "^Nicholas Oliver .. 02 6 W M^J/L., office of tluiW^r ,; W. Jamieson .. 010 0 TtTANTED a Daily Encageiuent as Needle Woman P. G. Adderley .. 0 2 6 *^ for a short time. GVJI., Branch Office of this . paper. ■:;■ : :";• ./../... '■ , ;•.;. ': -,■ „//,■. ; ,\.\ 487 i 9 ' YITANTBD. Miners and Navvies for the Lytteiton FEED SAVERY" »V and Chriatcharch Bailway. George Holmes Hon Treasurer & Co., Contraetom / / b Dunedin, 16th Sept., 1862. ' ' TTTANTKD, a Bayer for a new Tent, 12 x 10, ■ mi T V with wooden floor and fireplace. Enquire at ~" ~ t T~w :■■•■* '- ■-':.'•■' '• Mr. Penney'a Store, opposite Koyal George Hotel. frOSt, ffOimpl &0 %1/ANTIiD, a good general Female Servant. — — ■ .. —r-===ss=r - '~ YY Apply Mrs. Dr. Worrell, Moray Place, near £>KE\VARD. Glasgow Arms Hotel, LOST, Stolen, or Strayed^ from Mr. GOODALL'S TT T.^nPn/ ' ■ ' 'V t» i r« ; -\'•*"■" Paddock, Tokomairiro, one Kay Mare, wearing TX7ANrED, engagement as Daily Governess by an a belt rouml neck with No. 26 thereon, branded EM -I* experienced teacher. Address, Alpha, Post, near shoulder. Afco, one Browa Mare, wearing belt office,-Danechn. . round neck with No. 05 thereon, and branded 3 near \\TANTED, a Housemaij, a girl about fourteen shoulder, and a heart near rump.: .Whoever ■will YY years of age to look after children. Apply at deliver the game, or give satMaetory Information the Caledonian Hotel. • °I^S^^^^^& e ££? W A ? T£D competent Hou^maid "S^e ■-:-■ ;. ■'■' WILLIAM PEEMAN jJL &X&8S!?* W"to**""* "^ Tokomairiro, September 3rd, 1862. Apjiy Between n anm. . _____ ~—■'- - "■' ■"■ '■' ■-■ ' ' ••■ ': "' - \X7"ANTiSD, everybody, to know that the finest '-r^MTTMTk- o ' , YY Trabucos Cigara, nre to be had at, George i^iU vssp,~ -btrayed on -Mount Stewart, a Dark Pound*, corner of Mange and l»riuces street. »^I ey. 11 1 (w&, h halter on^ braaded EA on YIfTXNTEI), all Dunedin to know where to *j£"t wtS?^2?f«^ <*n**u» »>y W Genuiuo Tobacco, at George Pound's Club paying expen^ incurred. If not claimed within Divan, corner of Princes and Manse-street. F<rS^^to&^eSl^- - WA«TE P> aFemale^peyttoworka^wing April22rd. 1862. ANTEI) immediately, a Furnished House,'of ■»«*,««■ Cave V^ a young Black *?* t; m«au- *** him T&aSSiTi^i WAITED, Squared Bri or Black Pine Logi; thirty LjKi tSXte^a? 1« BOM Wr?y ex ,VV from 8«8*to 16 x 16, and from 8 feet tS peases. Apply to John Meek, otmaru. 7 %L^^_J*PjL}^Hj^aS^t__..__^___ September 11,1802. \\f ANTED, a young Man to make himWge. —— ■ - ■ YV nerally useful. Apply between 9 and 10 to 1?IOUND, a Bull Dog, tan colored, white points **• ItaphatrL auctioneer and valuator, Eochester ' longa-opped. lie owner can have the same by Ho"ge> Boil HUI. paying expenses to .\VrANTBO, sitoation as Manager or Barman in an THOMAS TURNJSR, YV Hotel, 15 years experience, flrst-clas referTuapeka Fiat. ences, with eecunty U required, town or country. .»#B *~" not clairacd within one wtjek iroui date, Address W. H. W., offifte of this paper. will be sold to defrny expenses. ITT ANTED, to Kent or purchase, from fifty to one feeptet«pcrß, lStog. YY hundred Acres of Improved Land, with Houie *"""" ~ — ; — — — and Outbuildings. If for sale, state the lowest cash v^TRAYED into my padd-iek, since April last; one price. Address J. T., Post office, Dnnedin. JO brown and white Steer, brand mdistinct. If 11/ ANTED, by a gentleman, a©3 48, a situation v not claimed within fourteen days, will be sold to YY Bookkeeper or other place of confidence, is a adray expenses. thorough accountant, and baa a general knowledge of w ,•» 1? m - ■. JAMES AITKEN. mereanUleatfaire. Adirrn W.G. S., Box 53, P«tWoodside, Eat.t Taierl, office .-'..■ , llllll ,^ mb!liiig!l_. WANTED All to Know that the Tictoriaa '■■ • — ~^~!^S^ZL'r'ril T.rrS^gJgyßl—™^"*^" yy Kegistry Office has Bemoved from Maclag- «. ~ „„„ gan-«treet those exteiudve Premises, 35 and BQ, _. ffllSCellaxieOUS. Arta j e . Where all orders wilf be promptly attended .' ' .l_u:: '..zr?. ...i. "- ■" — to. ' _ SHAG TALLEY DIGGINGS. T\7"ANTED, by a gemleman conversant with TjARTIES proceeding to the above digging* can YV Mercantile matters, and of thorough business JL be eupp'tetl with all sorts of diggers' tools, tiro- habits, an engagement Ui a Store, or other suitable visions,'wearing apparel, &&, at Dunedin prices employment, satwfactory references given. Additss, at the Store of the Undersigned. F. M., Branch office of thli paper. ■ JAMJES JO^ES. ' Waikouaitl. A \\TA NTKI)» *** wUo P4? * vl«t *° Dunedia w —-—~— —^ ? T know tl«at, &t North's Otago Dinina Rooms. TIyfESSHS. PILLIET& ADAMS, SURVEYORS, near tha Police Barracks, Princes-street South a IYX DRAUuIITSMEN, and LAND AGENTS, first-class Dinner can be bad for 2a., consisting of Surveys eflected in all parts of tlwt Province. Plans, aonps, jointa, pastry and cheese, maps, executed with dispatch. Transact all business tttaNTKO a Partner in « T?im,rf«h! n ™ ii';.: " __o^:l.Macla gg au. S t r ect, near the Arc Me. PUBLIC^OTICE. nZt°%rJVslTr>o*rSt U££ mHE Inhabitants of Dunedia are requested to 1?, by letter, E. B. W., office nf this paper. X otU-nd a PUBLIC MEETING, to be held at XITANTED every oae to know, that Clutha Coals the Shamrock HotH, at half-past Seven o'clock, on YY are now being delivered at the CluUra Coat BATUIIDA.Y EVENING, for the purpose of taking Shed, on the Beach, at the reduced price of £2 into consideration what steps shal! be taken to reduce P*r on > for cash on delivery, the present exorbitant price of Meat. , GEOEGE GEEEN, BANK OP NEW ZKAIJIND. (Office of $* Guiding Star, Princes-stre^ove ■ ~ - ■ Hmtzer's.) TO BUILDERS, &b. \\T ANT X D T~O — S ELL mENDERS will be reofcived up to 80th September YV JL next, for the erection of new Bank Premises 2 first-dues Mares, and 4 draught Horses all in Dunedin, according to plans and specifications to warranted thoroughly staunch, be'seen at the Office ot David Ross, Architect, Subject to anytriaL To be seen at Mr Ellfe's Maase-street. Btables. North East Valley; also, 3 Carts and 3 sets The Contractors will be required to enter into se- of Cart Harness and 1 leading Harness. curity for the due fulfilment of the contract. TTrVwipim v*.^, T~C .. .■ ■; rThe Bank will not be bound to accept the lowest, or W^ V,Tn ft^JS?\?-« iP o** $* **£ ""* »ob" any tender. ' Yj tain Fenane Wire of superior quality. Also, hiinedln lSth Aiiffiiß^ 1R««> Sellars and Gray's Ploueius. at Punedta, 13Ui August, 186,. GEORGE M«INTOSH% FOUND in Princes-street, on Monday, a Brooch Blacksmith, Hope-street. _ of gold twist. Apply to W Biverly, Jeweller. \kf ANTED, a Married Uounle fora SlationTTSan ;— * : YY to plough and make himself useful, wife to BOOKS! BOOKS! !— 500 New and Popular oookforfos r.?l^lS!iv „.„«,»., Works,just landed ex Geelong, from London. DALGETI, RATTRAY & CO., All half bound, suitable for a library, for Sale, Walker-street. Also, the Dunedin Library, the':" proprietor IMPORTANT TO MINING ENGINEERS being desirous of disposing of it. Will bs CAPITALISTS, AND CONTRACTORS ' happy to meet with a purchaser. Jrlaurice Joel, \TfTANTED a Partner in an important original rnnces-street. f y invention for the transmission of power withJ ntiw «4t}»Ar.Tr»rrnri i *' ■ r « out the use of iron shafting. Power can be conveyed °i ?m ?^S QP GH '" ate ? t Oaa)a ™' 'n«y in any direction for one, two, three, or four different JU Co., ncalmiec, Octoson. . tlle^ s% & tu^^ me!au of cmve^,^\,fr °m rH AttnPtfS! nnf {~ n ntnr ,w» a , —: ~ TXTANT?D« a? ml™ Married Man with a small ri AHDENS put in Complete Order, on very VV " capital to manage, and take an interest in an i^-JS^i'r^%': A^reMaardeneriMeaw... Hotel, Store, and smVl Farm, situated on & Law, Sumner& Co., Seedsmen, Octagon., main road to the diggings, about 30 milea from "~~1~. —^~~ : —; ——■ —;.'■ ■ ■'.' '.. ; town. ,''. •..,.'■' ..' • .■ "VTELSON nOT.TVrtTS tu*. «»«,* t?i«»+ ♦ If preferred, the Proprietor is wflling to SeU liis A Three Schokrshlpswiule offered for competition ™- 4 vSIS^IO^ olf?H,B Ba¥. —" one Foundation Scholarship of the annual, value of \v ANTED^the public at large to know, that the £30, tenable for two years, to which all students at * L City Surveyors are on the ground at Greenthe College, Wheresoever born or resident who shall WiC" on the Bay, marking out the allotments which not have attained the age of eightoen at the above ore t0 «°W at the London Auction Mart, opposite date, are admissible; the Alfred¥ell Scbblarshin of •the^ oßt Office. Plans can also be seen by intending tlve annual value of £20; tenable"for two years' to purchasers, and boata will leave and take parties free which all boys under fifteen at the above date are'ad- of chaif e»,P a Wednesdays and Saturdays, to Bee this missible; and one Foundationi Scholarship of £10 for sneqaa's neqaa'ie<'e^?*e 'u4-i~.___: ■-■■ j'-^- ■-- /■■ - ■ .-., onoj'ear^ to which students in the junior school only HP^ 0 Mates Wanted for Hartley Diggings, fiaa areadmissible. ' T ;^ • ; 4- a good pack horse. Apply to A. 8.. office of . The names of candidates,'together with 5 wftificates this paper. o their age, must be sent in to the Principal " any ;._ v _,. - nninta - '■■ " • —• '■ ——~ time not later than the 22nd of September. Candi- T|KAPJjU'S Assistant wanted for a General dates must attend in person at the College, on Wed- •*-' tore on Tokomairiro. Apply, M'Callam and nesday, the 24th of September, at 9*30, a.m., to be Murray, Maclaggan-street. examined on that and the following days. rrvn nnnnnT t»t?rb wZZTT ; ' SnwEors or Examinltion. T° SSS^SJKSSB^"?^' by^ cx Ve™n<*& Candidates for the first Scholarship wfll be ex iLi/w^flKT. JJ? or Farm manager. amined in Scripture History, Geography, Arithmetic, Apply W- office of papsr* • and in writing English from' Dictation: thosa who mm*m^^mam**mm*aa'am°imm**'**'**'—**m*mmam» pass a satisfactoiy examination in those subjects will " " ' be further examined in— DC7NEDIN JEWISH CONGREGATION. ! 2* So^CatJiS^TaS 111 IHE1 HE Metnbere of the abova- Congregation, are r Si™, t l£ •- n^ri ' J- requested to attend a General Meeting, to take' 4' AW?S?« f*?£?T'J!3.t L, tv Place at the Hoose of H- E- Nathan; E^., High. 4. Algebra, w for as Quadratic Equations £ treet . at v o^]wik a TO- , ' ""»' J«n thePunicwa ra afUSS^' **" * °BW™ *" 7. Greek History to the end of the Persian wars B7?i3ef' 8. English History. ' By order, w JOWPW ' '' 9. French' Grammar, translation from English "' w« «s into French, and from French into English. * ' . non..Bsec. { Candidates for the second Scholarship will be ex- ———— amined in Scripture History, Geography, Arithmetic, wottph to inmrcpn?! nv titi?" tbifioh writing Englisfe from Dictation,' Latin Grammar' NOTICB T0 ME*^?sf, OF THE JEWISH Jacob's Latm lieader, Eutropius, and English His- l&ilf 1\ , tory. ' • T\IVIN ; S&vice during the approaching* UoliCandidates for the third Scholarship will be ex- J-/ days, will be held at the House of H. E. mined in Scripture History, Geography, writing Nathan. Esq., High-street. Persons wishing seats English from Dictation, Latin Accidence, English '.will please make application to History and Arithmetic. • ' H.JOSEPH, The Scholarships will be awarded to the three boys Hon; Sec. who do beat in the three several examiaationß. '- - l P.P.—The New Year commences on the Evenins On the Ist of May, 1863, five Scholarships will be of the 24th Instant. . fa. offered for competition, viz., two Foundation Scholar- ■ ——^ • &^J%^L tSSSi t&^ L • WTOkL DUNEDIN LODGE M.U.1.0.0.F. * ' £30, and the Newcome Scholarahio of £SO. Due ' TS REMOVED to the Shamrock Hotel, flattravice of the terms on which they wfll be competed • l X street. ~ ' **ai*t"J v^l^^? 1.. . '.'* ._ * , -I' , - ' .*. " Lodge nightß, every Thursday, at half-past Seven Farther particulars may 1« learned by *ppfcing to o'clock; , • ' ±™>v*sevtsu the Principal, Nelson College NewZealani—- - . ' ' CHARLES GEEY *' J Nelaon June 18th. [ Secretaiy.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 232, 17 September 1862, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 232, 17 September 1862, Page 6