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Schedule A. Province } of \ Canterbury. ) ■ LICISNSE TO OCCUPY TOWN LANDS. Whereas of hath been duly deared the purchaser for the sum of pounds, shillings, and pence, of the section of the Waste Lands of the Crown hereinafter described land hath this day paid to the Treasurer of tlie Waste Lands Board of-the Province of Canterbury, the said sum of ■ pounds, shillings, and pence,.the receipt whereof w hereby acknowledged, New. mov wt j*«n asb these

PR-KSiiNTS_:WiTN-ESS, that We,, hi pursuit■;!•<■ oiiho powers vested in us* ns Commissioners of (he snicl Waste Lands Board, do hereby auth oris:> ami empower 'the said ■ liis lieii-s -■ assigns, at any tim« :\lU\r the date herefure, to enter ii])on nil that section of land situated in street, iv the town of marked, No. in -the authenticated'map of the said town in the Crown -Lands Office and co;it,ai:ii(ig aures, or thereabouts, being the section of and purchased as aforesaid, and to hold and enjoy Uio same for his aud'thtjir absolute use and benefit Given under our hands at the sitting of the Waste La:ids Board held ■ at on tlm • - day or - t^ Schedule B. , Province )■ V of \ Canterbury.) - LICENSE TO OCCUI'Y RURAL LAND. Whereas of hath been duly declared the purchaser for the sum of . pdjiml*, shillings, and pence, of the section the Waste Lanils of the Crown hereinafter described, and hath this day paid to the Treasurer of thr Waste Lands Board of the Province of Canterbury, the said sum of pounds, shilling*, and pence, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, NOW KNOW ALL MEN AND THESIS presents witness, that We, in pursuance of the powers vested in us as Commissioners of the said Waste Lauds Board, do hereby authorise and empower the said his heirs or assigns; at any time after the date hereof, to enter upon all that section of land situate and hounded as hereinafter described, that is to say ; and to hold and to enjoy the same for his and their absolute use and benefit, subject nevertheless to the Ilegnlations now-in fores for the sale, letting', disposal, and occupation of the Waste Land* of the Crown within the Province of Canterbury. Given under our hands at the sitting: v of the Waste Lands Board, lielu at on the day of 18 Schedule C. Province ) »f \ Canterbury. ) LICENSE TO BEPASTURE STOOK. Whereas of hath been duly declared to bo entitled to a license to depasture stock upon the Waste Lands of the Crown within the Province of Canterbury, upon the terms and upon tho conditions hereinafter mentioned: Now therefore We, in pursuance of the powers vested in us as Commis sioners of the Waste Lands Hoard to tho said Pro vince, do hereby grant to the said, the exclusive license, from and after the date hereof, until tho first day of May next, to depasture stock upon the land situate and bounded as hereinafter described, that is to say— - and containing acres or thereabouts. Subject nevertheless to all the provisions and conditions containing iv the Waste Lands Regulations now in force within the Province of Canterbury. Given under our hands at the sitting of the Waste Lands Board, held at . on the day 01 18 v Endorsement. I, the within-named for valuable consideration to me paid by of do hereby transfer to the said the within written Pasturage License, and all my estate and interest, therein. Witness my hand tills d y of 18 Witness APPENDIX Clauses 35 and 43, which were repealed by the Waste Lands Itegulutions Amendment Ordir. \ nance, Sess. VII., No. 2, 1850, originally stood as follows: — 35. No section of rural land shall be sold containing less than twenty acres; provided that any section so limited by frontage lines or private lands as to contain less than twenty acres may be sold by auction at the upset price of forty shillings per acre; the time and place of sale, and the mode of sale and payment of purchase money to be as nearly as may be in accordance with the regulations herein contained, applicable to the sale of Town Land. 43. If any person shall at any time have made and completed at his own cost "any public road or britlga or any pnblic main drain, or any part of such rqqij, bridge, or drain, such person shallj upon application to the Waste Lands Board, be entitled to a free grant of rural land in such situation as he shall select, subject to the conditions as to form and frontage in these regulations contained, to such an extent as the Board shall adjudge, not exceeding one acre for every four pounds sterling which he shall prove to the satisfaction of the Waste Lauds Board that lie shall have actually expended in tlje coiistruction of s(j/ffe road, bridge, or drain. ' ."* ProviV:i always that it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the" Board that the money so e^nencjed hy the applicant line hpp.n beneficially expended' for ho use and advantage of the public. Provided al hat no application tor less th'au twenty acres shall be received under this clause, but that where any amount of compensation awarded by the Board shall he of a less amount than twenty acres of land, the party entitled may pay the balance in cash upon the same terms as other applicants to purchase rural lands under these regulations. Clauses 67 and 68, which were repealed by proclamation of the Governor,' dated Hth August, 1856, p.ublished in the Provincial Government Gazette, Vol. 111., No. 17, p. 03, ith September, 1856, qriainally stood an follows ;— 67. HQldeus of pasturage licenses with preemptive right in connection with purchased lands,., whether under the Canterbury Association or the Crp,\yu, shall be entitled to claim pasturage licenses over the lands included therein upon the terms of these regulations, with a pre-emptive right oyer such land, to be exercised subject to these regulations' as regards nqtice of application, payment of deposit aud purchase money; 'price of land, and size and sjiape u,j blocks. If the land eoyer.ed by sii'eh ftKerremptiye r.ighfc shall be included %vithin the limits of a run held by license under clauses 50 and 53, the holder thereof, on paying rent for tlje same," may take credit for the amount paid by hint in respect uf lands oovered by such pre-emptive right. 68. Nothing in these Regulations shall he interpreted to affect the legal rights or equitable contracts made by the Canterbury Association or the Government, with holders of tho pasturage liconses; but i any person holding a license under the Canterbury Association or the Government, shall voluntaril resign the same to the Government, lie shall be eh titled to receive a license under these Regulations and shall from the date of such exchange hold his run~at the rate and on1 the conditions specified, in these Regulations. APPENDIX 11. Clauses Nos. 33, 51, 52, 65, 66, and 71, which lo repealed by the " H aste Lands ltegulati Amendment Ordinance, Sess. IX., No. 1 originally stood as follows: — 33. Immediately on the payment of the purchase money in full, the1 purchaser shall recciye ii-ora tha CommissioiKTS a " License to Occupy," in the form set forth in the Schedule A hereto annexed, which he shall return again it) the 'Conimissioiiers when' he shall receive the Crown Grant of the Land. Such "License to "Occupy" shall be transferable by endorsement, in the form set forth in the Schedule. 51. Tl)c fee slifill be pftid to the Treasure> pj- tlja Waste Lands Board every year, in advance; for tlie first year on the issue of the Lice-use, and for tlii second and every subsequent year on the first day of May; and every pasturage license n>t renewed by payment of the required fee on the first day of Miry shall, unless good cause to the con£ rary be shown the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board, be considered as bandfooned. 52. Every pasturage license shall be in the form set forth in'the Schedule C hereto annexed, and shall be transferable by endorsement in the form set forth in the Schedule; "and shall entitle the holder to the exclusive right of pasturage over tho lands specified therein, upon the terms above stated. It is intended that such license shall be renewable from year to year until tlie fynd spepifipd therein shall be purchased granted, or reserved, under these Regulations: ap'tl if so renewed, the fee to be paid in respect of sueli licenses shall not be altered until the 'fiWof May, 1870. Such license shall give no right to the soil or to the timber, and shall immediately determnc over any land which may be purchased, granted, or reserved under these Regulations. A reasonable right of way shall be allowedTthrough all pasturage runs. 65. The applicant for any rural lind included in any pre-emptive right shall deposit wiih the Tieasurer of the Waste Lands Board a sum equdto 4s. per acre of the purchase money, and the remainder lie shall pay within one week from the date of his application being granted, or forfeit such deposit. Such deposit, however, shall be immediately rettirjed on demand, if the hdlderof the'pre-emptive rljjliv.shall pp'rcliijsa any portion of the land applied for; : •" ' '"■'"' 66. If the holder of the pre-emptive ««££. decjde npon purchasing any portion of thi" and ara«?d:f6r, he shall forthwith pay to the Treasurer of-iM. Waste Lands Board a deposit of 4s. per acre of tje purchase money of such portion; and if he shalli^'ithjirsix. weeks thereafter have paid the remained of tiff j^^' chase meney, he shall .forfeit such dposit. together V with all risrht or title to the land." 71. All "payments on account of losturage rnn shall in future be made <m the first ay of May, at the Land Office, at Christehurch, iud the Waste Lands Board shall sit at tl*at place f* the Treasurer to receive the same. ** ' • ;

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 158, 19 May 1862, Page 6

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SCHEDULES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 158, 19 May 1862, Page 6

SCHEDULES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 158, 19 May 1862, Page 6