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(From the Otago•J^it'fiess^ !: -vy |j ' ' Those who are familiar with Sheridan's cMrnjinT; ; ing comedy of " The School' foi.'Sßandal^",!'Vvill.. remember with what adniifalildTtaß^ilMSan'i;; ' dour contrived to damage'f'He cfiWa'ctftrs^f k\f ' her acquaintances, while-, pretending-tp'-haiyej &,''. horror of tale-bearing "'^ja.^p^laoOlil^e; i Pope's Atticus, " just hintiTa-i£|'t)Jt,iflpq..iliesi-'/j i tate_ dislike," but .b^iajj^-pl^^p-'^agti^y.-.' stories, and hoped.jthay were'not true; sljie";' had heard them reported^-bdt%^6plGliW2c6" Ao'' dreadfully censoriqm.'-.'.'fMb' ./<&&*> CMlojisr,;: race is far fromirbeinglextlhctHtiftlife'^JiSen^: i day, nor are theiHV6i^e\);b'i,t-tJf, «jct¥tions*oS' t^6^ > family confine^ r ,.W^rp.W,'frfM bf a. private society.y'Tfipreiarein^em Candour tri^jgi •'e^e/y/,;'^lk^;^^rr4lniid>; their industry'is as re^ij^^l^as^a''lbeiri great prototyjpofeldw.sta^Kwv.'^-^W"*" J Otago, a^'ftiiih'f' &WxsctM>V&¥\A\tylo'Z: these "•go^d^M3Mfc*»pW*»'« kindest spirit ß^re_eyeFread^fe^irculat^^ j

■ ■. ■■ ">\ ■■■; ■» ■■■ -n;-™ "'^ v-; r'T.'i'.?■'-'■' "".y,l"'g^v »'"'^»'M -—y~—r-~ rejitfi'tfe. to ylliw T disfaiiYarifrage.'tfS Gopgpicutms a'totfrtg'tliese -itfittoe ~-Melbourne'*Avgiis's. 4T jofrrTfenjl^^ ;iij r ... .tUe,ypla:ce' 'fwliere.' I ;.am^d^^4|,^ °X^^ TscienceT to. speak- iHp.(trn tliyandiherefore,,sl jj truth I spcakvimpugn it whoso -list," is yet ; sit ■all tildes' 'Vdlling to; give '•currency to: statev 'Mrits^wliichma/y tend to'flepr^cffit'e^O'tago^h $^y;^o£%^AfuH£™^ ft iendty -: -interest .hi „ the ...progress pf ..'-the., iigty -golrl-countr^ which.ha9-ispeneid;fio -fine.-?a,,field lot-' Vixkofian 'efi'tei'prise,' thky-i^.'KS.-yeHcits' nb p.g4?>sl^ilali.ij\I'tliiSji^'fE.'f^ * lei- i ' pftjiffrt'utiily uloulH..upou.''tti,ei::peijni.ivncp^lojL I ,iJ5 pi"ogi|tfjv^y. "nlt/is notddilcultito:«'e-

'flffiSij^sysCL'mrttib'effoiftjftb ittjaro'Otsgo..^ a&p '|l>g-fc^;: ( is^ 'cpi.o,iVy,ii'and, x ie>y ing; .^Ul^a^^"^^* •of i)taga proying --.more : i^tlfactivei<thajiiTyTip.foria"as'a field'for emigration" il|om Eulropej; Ts.ebl«!,ti! .tU^qW'£;false'coi6;tVr'upoir^lb4ts' r^. .■ports'r'especting ~sew'Zealand' "and'.-il*' ..goW[--fields'.;! trusting,that:'.thejT ; wi^s 9f>idtep,.din|: emigrants-may-thus be prejudiced T audihoping that. "Otago% loss vmay be; Victoria's! gain,; i-i J;!,'T,li3,t'.the' Argul has sdt't^if^obj'egtbefbre^it TisiuTamainnei; proved,b.y'TtHi;1 f^.^tlt^^p^'its riastii.siuiiniary..fbr^uroji).e,;.ipu,vil»^ed''Q l Ui',,,tfte 25th March, that journal took especialV.paujs •t'oi'iivoid'iii'oi'e!'fhap'the,:m6st:'cursoi-y.."!aUusiou 'to tlie' 6 tago •gold'-fie^lhe-'oTlty direct'nothSa F of?them, iin ftct^eiug^cpn^eWn; tli^'lMoWr-'■ing.-brief .paragraph :rrr-.t;»ij *~{i « 0 *«li >W ?.ot<;j ,Prom New Zealand, we have !nioiuW'oYftip(!iidiiifrl'dist^ !'ri^";b'feyilii';'t6'-tHl^iitlie'^l*'fleWß-.'BftOlttg»,ilwhow :'tlio'ram'aiid"cold;1 ami tho'Wtfnt'iOf timbevt.-feri nreJTwiipd iiiid'-fin- ininihg pm-p«es,rrettto>nrdigger'3dife 'Yih'ptissible of enuhVaiice' iii, wirttts'r. «»? -■ '■vl r ~u <'-* ;Xt;' w*?l 1,: be ; .plJse. r.ved-. th a^'p^ra^raph. is' ig'geniously .-arranged sa as.,toT;Cqnyey ,tp '^W^Jg'peare'readers; the jnostrgloomy^ideai^of^jsrew Zealarid generally;"' '''From»N.ew:Zealand^we i'Thave'bnly tlie1 imiuoui'syof;impending f.dis'tuife^ were on thecve.of beiug^de.solated, by,-j'aii v ifl--tbrriecine; war of'-races;, i The (Argus, -writer,: js ';welT"awaTre 'of thedgiiorffince^that prevailsiin ',fiurppe . .South', §ea,:,',':Tfet&T, ifqes ,] pot -ve^niTe^fp hoaid • that:vto, most n people..,Ne'w T&ealaii'das'a ierrp iiieojriiitmj-- andi: that: very iewoare; aware .that ;the ';";itopeaditig '^diiHUf bailees,'' .-'even: S ujj"posing."tliere to ;be "apy i'fe'ail;foundation; for^fie "rumors,',' miist of necessity fie confined vt'o'^a :portioiiiOf.thei Northern .Island, ;and could,,#3 little affect Otago as a row at John O'Groat's ,'ppiild; [ diVturb''th'e: peace OS" diVhiiiish •: the e'aru.irigs.'pj^the'^miM.r^ wesay, :does,potJ.fequirsytp. lop' t'oltl -all tTjiis ; ■■ bu oh the .ignorance, of English reader's;' it lias prefaced -its notice of the. Otago .'^bldfielil's, by'Ulie"'. dl'lisibii ; to'""ruino.ured diSturliauces!"' " Sirs.,"CaiVd'6'uri' herself ;.;%ould haj-dlyhave inanagedib.etteri..,.,..,.,., -... y^T^" The statement that the "carly.winteryl'ithe 'tVraiif' aYid:'c6,ld,"r'audr the**want o£ tinab'er," '^..rk.iidt&d'.'dig^^^ disingepuops./.' a/.wora^,'jttVNYilli V^ Mt3>t^^* •is>-saidiNof I theiextraorxliijai-y iirichnpss' .of^tlie ;Otagb J"gold'''fields—6f/'the' hhigh *avera"gc "e^iWjr^^'^of '■' iti'in'a'rs-L-'df '■ "the '• > 'of ".'coal" !aii Jd;; lignite;''"'iibt" '"a '"'!;'!bf ..tljphr^iiuWibfiF .:.i; ships,.,.cqn^tjintly fleays ing Melbourne witUhifwifhcargoe&Viibf! gp.*d, iL-'afid'!hioi'e l:tlian,fu,ll! jmssen^ers '%r'o'fKrfo;l%'ut',!ihe'HVlnteV'arta'.'flie'cWld ate .(jykve i lt : , 1 u l p t qn.,|t->vij^ ) |he mottvlTof which is' but too apparent. Witli-yfegajd even to^the^vinte^^ attempted to be m/ide, the facts are deliberately falsified. That4h'^' ;lof' lOt'ago;.l,is'tincertain has never been' atteiinp.'ted ( 'to'p4^p||]lt but that it is anything like what'the' ''svg&s would seek to represent it, is absolutely buktrue ; and so far from ths "early wirftfit*" having commenced at the time thd, Argus summaiy was penned, the real fact;, is.^jUft during the last month there \yas mx',#Jm.o>st uninterrupted succession of warm; fine. Says, with the thermometer averaging'oVer sixty deg. at noon, and occasionally reaching eiftliity deg. in the shade in the afternoon.■'';','-,,;[",!..'));„* But it is said that people of a* certaiiii blass should have good memories, and certaiHly :tt|ie Argus would do well to lay the^'Tiiofiiel'^,,fpVjj>verb to heart ; for, in other p,a,rfs,.of ;,the,?.a"irje issue of the paper, we find statements. ;wiiioh tend, in a remarkable maniierj"t6| 'cototr'adifct the sweeping condemnatiou'pas's'ed',iijj6ii;\N^Hv Zealand in the paragraph i.^plcljail^./devolQd to it. The poison, indeed; .•.heatSy>£-tts own antidote. In notioing;. .theiAiWdtbrian goldfields the Argus ha? to;ati\iounfr;-'(or'ft,.e6fi-tinuous falling off in t^fi'T'yiSrd;'^fid:^.it''.jd^;g so after the following f^]i^.^77yv7;7'7sks<i

The yield of the gold-fields;isUtiU'much;:bel6vr.tiffit of former years. The enligratiohitd New Zealand has carried off, for the time/ large'liunibeTs: of-tlie (most able and vigorous of ou'r'iiiinhig'population;' '/fhe following table gives the rtr-rlvaTs'ft'om aiiddepat'tures for Otago, since the first' intollfgence arrived here-Tof the opening of the gohUfieldst^thi'pi-eseutfdate':^*-Departures during the first TaslF.ijvt .'•. ,1. 12,418"! Ditto since resiuhed emigra'tioii ■■•swi.fii :9j7o^, :>;',.•"{" -'"0 ' J'.y:.;f!-,--..i,-( " 22/12(1 Immigration'frtnri Gtagoi ■.' J.1.:.:;-.','.'•» 15;275s ,-i-:■:-. jtf.-4.-1 -i.-i.l yhri j..-.,:i »:.[f bo.-Vt Bulainie'Of'einigra'tion'iH' i^i ..'.".'■..'. 16]84a* With so largeV toliilcti6W iiitlfe'i'anks of'Vicfefihn miners as thH table'disclt>Sbs,Viif oSiiWdt' be'HvOniliiftd that a smalle'i;'quffritity-o?%bl^^ this colony,, ~-The gpld-fle% returns of the iHjhftig surveyors, '.pist' pub! jih'ed/'!cle3rl^'pi-r6ve'tli'altlile'nqm-bers nctually'''6iiiplay6ii iW,ViWintii^''-!tii-ef nb^'some 10,000 jQW,}:jigy&;'^ The cat is.i'qpi pfoi"fi'j?flgYi''Ti^i3B!fev-9^i»le " usual: rumours .of .ifnpenTdJ^g-...distur,bgiac.§s,'' in spite:-'<jf. the'-'*' .eaWy.-.jvinter/.'^ini spite/of ' want.'',df^imb'ef/'fd^'fit,e^-,09d,-'-.'npWaVd^, 'x)f 22,ti$''tficifiriap^ for; th.e;,despiseTd r|;otag9j,^ of the nnmber ;ha!ve.: remained; there., ilt?y?puld be"diffifctil t'! tq-'fiud,''ft'i'!ho're'daniniiigicoaimen-jtaf^. rijjon'^t'e c^MmnieS'^pPthe''/lr^s: ;tha,ii is «i#l^ #'Sii^)'tw-T;i'i;iS ''"" S'jit; *^'hay' i i.'with''the^r^[s-.yet. [TJie;§aiJ^'"(|f yfc&ssk%ty&[ be.-freated'of^nd ,jii>: doi,ng!,tlijs''' ti '$,9ss 'ffKs'j&s''Qfss]js% to tppiibtOj-eliroUiclesQ'.iTnpqEta^t.^n^tep^a^'^at 'oftliefeipbrtatioq ofjl^o'TOZtjaiand.g'Qlay/taken ,W, Ml'lb'tfurtiy .f(>tj"kraflsluprmoht..'.^ lA<ScdrdM%md m^ln i^'m',mlMyJM gin<<Hirtiifg ,W33S jounpes trajisli'iupf;a|ii-oin t :NM;ZkMaai,Ves£e'lS? i"-lThe „t;p •" Lpwdiicii 9 n 6fMyimt^'mm\m,t^ea.v Andia liuje/f^rtlfeKj ,»ndei; jth&Tsapip, ijjjaffl^- ''"' ■Th6'^otal'<i'riarittltfj>-'b'f;-' N;eW.; sZealamb goldtv B }iipped ,:iw>iit'tljiS' "iiorrteiiee tiie) opeaiiigoftho' minestatfiitasM ;liliy'aiiiWun't;ed:'f(!/!S29,e6B^(Snitesy l'B3'/270.nouil&s of %ludH,Svtis,sKi{)pMi'iaaa6lij iind:9BjS36ioimoe'stdt«iuK ;tKg'fct}Went"j»ikr;,"'»»'' V J.J,af- s,"li-'i- ;l-( --'>'r" 'MhwuJ "' J [Sd'4H^t("^tiildni^ l:'6iir[ cpntempbrarj%>i'QWn ,- ; stat?M^s,,',' QJtMl ,Wf,JM ;^§;!"th'an,'-«6feht 4no»thß,i,at-trafitefl fc Crpiij..y,i#jifcla/- l^lMejfMout ■di7'^o ) o:;:.'pe6ple|ijand;i/hair;PeC;ti"t.o,''JVt^oiji-ne :' 229;606.,6t"iii,ees :iof'.the Jpreoious-i metaUi sJc'rttty 'T welffeis'Ttqi-' WM'kce'Mlf dferiied' wotthy wf a t^i^i:,:^^;,^^ 'K^ "j™. ?n ZL ■t^l'T. <l7 iikM *m«

dfjghskdjjfskjg kgkgjsikjks

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 122, 7 April 1862, Page 5

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OTAGO THE ARGUS Otago Daily Times, Issue 122, 7 April 1862, Page 5

OTAGO THE ARGUS Otago Daily Times, Issue 122, 7 April 1862, Page 5