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41. Any person making a ditch and -bank fence lands adjoining Waste Limits of the Crown may take out'of such lam's half the land required for the ditch Mid bank: provided that no ditch or bank shall be more than six feet in/vvidth. VIII.—COMPENSATION LANDS. 42. Whereas it is desirable that private persons should be enabled to,receive portions of Waste Land in exchange for private lands taken for roads or for other public purposes; if any person shall be entitled to receive any compensation in respect of any land which shall have been taken for the'■",-purposes of a road or of any oljier public work, or in respect of any damages done tt>" his property by the "taking of such land lor sucli purposes, such person shall, nnon application to the. Waste Lands Board, be entitled to a giant of rural land in such situation as he shall select, subject to the conditions as to form and frontage in these regulations contained, to the extent of one acre for every two pounds sterling of the amount of compensation which the applicant shall be entitled to receive in respefit of the land taken for such purposes or'in respect of such damage as aforesaid. 43. If any person shall contract with the Superintendent to make and complete, within a given time, any public road, bridge, or drain, or any part of any such road, bridge, or drain, furnishing such security as the Superintendent may require for the due completion ot such contract, and shall select such portion of rural land as he shall be willing to accept by way of payment or compensation, or by way of part payment or compensation for such work j. it shall be lawu the Superintendent to reserve such portion o landfrom sale for such given time but no longer; and sucli person shall, on. the completion of such contract, be entitled to a free grant of such land, or so much thereof as the 'Board shall adjudge, not I exceeding one acre for every two pounds sterling which the Superintendent shall certify to the Waste Lands Board to be the honiifide value of the work so done by-such person according to the prices for work and materials, at the time of performing such contract current iiij.'the district. Every such reservation of. land from public sale shall be.ipuftiiVhcd in -the.Government Gazette of the Province,, as"'directed-id clause 19 of these Regulations. ■ / ": . No .sucli' reservation, shall continue in force fora longer period than twelve calendar months from the date on which it shall have been made. No land included in a Pasturage License with Preemptive Right shall, as against the holder of such Pre-emptive Right, be so reserved or gTanted. until he shall have been allowed the option of purchasing such land in the manner prescribed in clauses 64 and 66 to these Regulations. ''■• •-.'. No greater amount of land than 250 acres shall under the provisions of this clause be reserved or granted to any person under any such contract, unless in payment of work for which a vote has been passed by the Provincial Council. No greater amount .of land than 1000 acres in the aggregate shall, in any one year, be reserved or gTanted under the provisions or this clause, without the special sanction of the Provincial Council. Provided always that every parcel of land so granted shall be subjected to the same sonditions as to form | and frontage as any rural lava so < under these Regulations; provided also that no application for less than 20 acres hhall be received under this clause, but that where any amount of compensation awarded by the Board shall be of less extent than 20 acres of land; the person entitled may pay the balance in cash upon the same terms as other applicants for the purchase of rural lands under these Regulations. IS£.—NAVAL AND MILITARY BOUNTIES. 44.. Whereas the Superintendent and the Provincial Council and other the inhabitants of Canterbury arc desirous to aid in makiugprovision for the maintenance of such persons of Her Majesty's land and sea forces as may be discharged ;is unfit' for further service in consequence of wounds or loss of health incurred in the present war with Russia, and also for the maintenance of the widows of those who may be killed in such war:— Any such person or widow shall, upon application to the Waste Lands Board, and upon the production of satisfactory evidence from the proper authorities as to such discharge or death," be entitled to receive a free t>T{int not exceeding 30 acres of the Waste Lands within this Province, subject to the conditions as to form and frontage contained in these Regulations; provided always that such application shall be made to the Wa3te Lands Board by such person or widow in person witliin three years after such discharge or death. X.—PASTUKAGE. 45. Until sold, granted, or reserved for public purposes as herein provided, the Waste Lands may be occupied for pasturage purposes by persons holding licenses from the Waste Lands Board to occupy the same. .46. Any person applying for a pasturage license shnll st'a.te to the Commissioners what arc the boundaries and extent of the run applied for, and the number and description of the stock which he possesses,,or will undertake to place upon the run within twelve months from the date of the license. , 47. The extent of run-allowed to each applicant shall be at the rate of 120 acres to every head of great cattle, and 20 acres to every head of small cattle. The words " great cattle" shall be construed to mean horned cattle, horses, mules, and asses, male and female, with their offspring above six months of age; and. the-words "small cattle" shall be construed to mean sheep, male and female, with, their weaned offspring. — 48, Every pasturage run shall be'in one block, and, as far as circumstances will admit, of a rectangular form: the frontage, under oi-dinary circumstances, shall not be greator than one-half the depth. -' 49, The fee to be paid for the license shall be at the ollowing rates: —For every run containing less than 1000 acres, twenty shillings for every hundred acres; for every run containing 1000 acres, and not less than 5000 awes, two-pence per acre for the first thousand and one penny per acre for every acre in addition. For pvcrv run contaiuincr 5000 acres or upwards, one farthing per acre for the first and second years, one half-penny per acre for the third and fourth years, three-farthings per acre for the fifth and every subsequent year; provided that the first year shall be taken to be the time elapsing from the date of the original license to the first day of May next following. 50. No pasturage license shall be granted for a less annual fee than £2 10s. 51. The fee shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Waste Land Board every year, in advance; for the I first year on the issue of the license, and for the second I and every subsequent year on any sitting day of the Board, between the 20th day of April and the "first-day I of May, inclusive; and every pasturage license not I renewed by payment of tho required fee, on or before I the first day of May, shall, unless good cause to the Contrary be shown to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board, be considered as abandoned. I 1' oU. Every pasturage license shall be in the form set forth in the Schedule C to the Waste Lands Regula- , tions, and shall be transferable by endorsement in the form set forth in such Schedule, and such transfer shall be deemed to be complete upon notice thereof being . 'duly given to the Waste Lands Board, and not before. A pasturage license shall entitle the holder thereof to | the exclusive right of pasturage over the land specified therein upon the terms above stated. Such license shall be renewed by endorsement from year-to year, i until the land specified therein shall be purchased, granted, or reserved under these regulations j and the fee to bo paid in respect of such license shall not be altered until the Ist May, 1870. Such license shall give no right to the soil or to the timber, and shall immediately determine over any land which may be purchased, granted, or reserved under these regulations. A reaBonabie right of way shall be allowed through all pasturage runs. S3. It at any time during the first four yeai-s after , the issue of the first license the quantity of stock for" , the run shall be less than -that originally required, or during the next three years less than twice that amount, or dining any sul<scn.uonl period less than three times that amount, the Waste Lands Board may declare the whole or a portion of such run to be forfeited; provided always that with regard to runs granted prior to ' the issue of these Regulations such first period of- four years shall commence from the date on wluch these Regulations shall come into operation: provided that one or more runs'field by the same individual or firm may for the purposes of this clause be considered as one run. . 54. In any case in which a nmholder can prove to ■ the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that he is precluded by arrangements entered into previous to the ' passing of these regulations from actually, for a given period, placing his stock on Ms own run, it shall be. sufficient if he prove to the satisfaction of the Board that he possesses .within the Province the requisite amount of Stock, and will undertake to place the same n the run at the expiration of such peoiod. 55. Every holder of a license shall, at any time, upon a written order from the .Waste Lands Board to that effect, make a true and complete return of all the stock ion his run; and if he shall wilfully and knowingly make any false return, the Waste Lands Board shall immediately declare his license to be forfeited. 56. Every run or portion thereof which shall have been forfeited, as above provided, .shall be.put up by the Waste Lands Board to public auction, after an advertisement in the Government Gazette, and one or more newspapers of the Province. A licensegranted after forfeiture shall be deemed to be an originallicense. Upon appeal from any person whose run has been forfeited, within CO days from the date of such forfeiture, it shall be lawful for the Superintendent .to reserve or suspend such forfeiture either wholly orrin part. 57. Every person taking out a license for a run which is not stocked will be required to deposit with the Treasurer the sum often shillings for every- hundred acres included in the license, which will be returned without interest as soon as he shall have fulfilled.the conditions in respect to stocking the run within the prescribed ' period; .but if such conditions be not fulfilled such deposits shall be forfeitecl, ... . ~.0- v ■ 58.. The above ru 'O respect to stocking a sun, and to the lodgment of « p money with the. Treasurer, shall not apply to ru less than 5000 acres. . 59. Every holder' of a license may be required at .any time to pay for the actual cost of the survey of -Jus run at a r^teaQtexceedine2o9. for every thousand SWre.B, .' '

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 119, 3 April 1862, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 119, 3 April 1862, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 119, 3 April 1862, Page 7