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vincial Counil, at any time, ami from time to time, by proclamation in the Government Gazette of the Province, to reserve for the purposes hereinafter mentioned any lands within the Province, adjacent to or in the neighbourhood of any town, now or which may hereafter be formed, and to declare that on and from a day to be named in such proclamation all depasturing licenses issued under these regulations, in respect of such reserved lands, shall cease and be ot no effect; on and from which day, all such licenses shall, as respects such lands, cease and be of no effect accordingly. And it shall be lawful for the Governor at any time, hereafter, by regulations to be issued in that behalf, according to the provisions of the Waste Lands Act, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and Provincial Council, -to regulate the occupation of the Waste Lands of the Crown within such reserved districts. TIMBER. 75. If any tract of land shall have been reserved for the sale of the timber thereon, such timber may be sold by public auction at an upset price and subject to conditions to be fixed by the Superintendent, and the purchaser shall agree to remove the same within a certain time; and all the timber not removed within such time may be again put up to public auction. 70. No person shall, without a license, cut or remove any timber from any Waste Lands of the Crown (except timber which lie shall have purchased under the last clause); and any persons so cutting or removing timber shall be liable to pay the cost of such license for one year together with the costs of recovering' tile amount of the same. 77. Every license for cutting or removing timber shall be issued for oae month, or for one year, at tiic request of the person applying for the same; and a fee of 10s. shall be paid upon every monthly license, ami of £5 upon every yearly license. 78. A license shall entitle no one but tiie person named therein to cut down standing timber, but it will authorise him to employ any number of persons, during the term of the license, to saw, split, or remove the timber so cut; and such license shall not be transferable. 79. A license to cut timber shall extend only to the district named therein. " 80. If any person duly licensed shall have established a saw-pit for the purpose of sawing timber, no other person shall cut timber within 50 yards of such pit without consent of the person first occupying sue saw-pit; provided that it the person establishing such pit shall not use the same, and shall not cut timber within such distance as aforesaid from the pit for 28 consecutive days, it shall be lawful for any other homer of a license to enter thereupon, and to cut timber as though such pit had not been established. 81. If any person shall, for the purpose of removing timber, have made a road upon laud being the Waste Lands of the Crown and not being a highway, it shall not be lawful for any other person to use the same without the permission of the person making the same first obtained; provided that if such road shall no be used at any time for 90 consecutive days, it slia.l be lawful for any holder of a license at any time there- \ after to use the same. 82 If any person holding a timber license shalJ be proved before the Waste Lands Board to have offended against any regulations herein contained respecting timber, or to have wilfully or negligently injured or destroyed by fire or otherwise any timber .ie'longing to the' Crown, such license shall be, and shall be immediately declared to be forfeited, and it shall be at the discretion of the Board to refuse toissuo another timber license to the same person.


Schedule-A. Province ~) of \ Canterbury. ) LICENSE TO OCCUPY TOWN LANDS. Whereas of ' hath been duly declared the purchaser for the sum of pounds, shillings, and pence, of the sectioij ot the Waste Lands of the Crown hereinafter described, and hath this day paid to the Treasurer of the Waste Lands Board of the Province of Canterbury, the said sum of pounds, shillings, mid pence, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, NOW KNOW ALL MEN AND THJ'SIS presents witness, that We, in pursuance of die powers vested in us as Commissioners of the ;.iid Waste Lands Board, do hereby authorise and empower the said his heirs or assign.?, at nny time sitcr the date hereof, to enter upon all that section of l;;nd situated in street, in the town of markeu, No. in the authenticated map of the said town in the Crown Lands Office and containing awes, or thereabouts, being the section of laud so purchased ns aforesaid, and to hold and enjoy the same for his and their absolute use nud benefit. Given under our hands nt the sitting of the Waste Lands Board held at on the day of 18 Schedule B. Province ) of \ Canterbury. ) LICENSE TO OCCUPY RURAL LAND. Whehbas of hath'been duly declared the purchaser for the sum of pourcls shillings, and pence, of the seetioi. ot the Waste Lands of the Crown hereinafter describe, awl hath this day paid to the Treasurer of 1 he Waste Lands Board of the Province of Canterbury, the said sum of pounds, shillings, and pence, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, NOW KNOW ALL MEN AND THJJSJf. presents witness, that We, in pursuance of ihe powers vested in us as Commissioners of the said Wiiste Lands Board, do hereby authorise and empower the said his heirs or assigns, at any time atter the date hereof, to enter upon all that section of land situate and bounded as hereinafter described, that fc to say ; and to hold and to enjoy the same for his and their absolute use and benefit, subject nevertheless to the Regulations now in force for the sale, letting, disposal, and occupation of the Waste Lauds of the Crown within the Province of Canterbury.

Given under our hands at the sitting of the Waste Lands Board, held at on the day of 18 Schedule C. ■ Province ) of [ Canterbury. ) - . LICENSE TO DEPASTURE STOCK. Whereas of hath been duly declared to 1)0 entitled to a license to depasture stoak upon the Wnste Lands of the Crown within the Province of Cci'ilwhury, upon the terms and upon Iho conditions hereinafter mentioned : Now therefore We, in pursuance of the powers vested in us as Commissioners of the Waste Lands Board to the said Province, do hereby grant to the said the exclusive license, from and after the date hereof, until the first day ot May next, to depasture stock upon the land situate and bounded as hereinafter described, that is to say— and containing acres or thereabouts. Subject nevertheless'to "all the provisions and conditions contained in the Waste Lands Regulations now in force within the Province of Canterbury. Given under our hands at the sitting of the Waste Lands Board, held at on the day of 18 Endorsement. I, the within-named for valuable consideration to me paid by of do hereby transfer to the said: the within written Pasturage License, anil all my estate and interest therein. Witness my hand this day ot 18 Witness APPENDIX I. Clauses 35 and 43, which -were repealed by the V/aste Lands Regulations Amendment Ordinance, Sens. VII., No. 2, 185G, originally stood as Jbllotos :— 35. No section of rural land shall be sold containing ■ less than twenty acres j provided that any section so limited by n'ontatre lines or private lands as to contain less than twenty acres may bo sold by auction at the upset price of flirty shillings per acre; the time and place of sale, and the mode ot sale and payment of purchase money to be as nearly as may be in accordance with the regulations herein contained, applicable to the sale of Town Land. 43. If any person shall at any time have made mid completed at; his own cost any public road or bridge or any public main drain, or any part of such road, bridge, or drain, such.person shall, upon application to the Waste Lands Board, be entitled to a free grant of rural land in. such situation as he shall select, subject to the conditions as to form and frontage in these regulations contained, to such an extent as the. Board shall adjudge, not exceeding one acre for every four pouncta sterling which he "shall prove to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that he shall have actually expanded in the construction of such roatl, bridge, or drain. Provided always that it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Board that the money so expended by the applicant has bew beneneinllyg expended for

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 44, 6 January 1862, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 44, 6 January 1862, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 44, 6 January 1862, Page 2 (Supplement)