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REGULATIONS FOR THE - DISPOSAL, SALE, LETTING AND OCCUPATION OP THE WASTE LANDS 03? THE CROWN IN THE PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY: AS A3LENDED. •1. A LL Regulations now in force in the Pro- _/\_ vince of Canterbury for the sale, letting, disposal, and occupation of the Waste Lands of the Crown are hereby repealed. 2. All such Waste Lands shall, from and after the day on which these Regulations shall come into force, be sold, let, disposed of, and occupied according to these Bcgulatious, and not otherwise. 8. Every Act which the Superintendent is hereby authorised or required to perform he shall perform solely in accordance with the advice of his Executive Council for the time being, and such ndvice shall be recorded on the minutes of the Council. II. —THE "WASTE LANDS BOARD. 4. There shall be established a Board to be called the Waste Lands Board, to consist, of one Chief Commissioner, and of not less than two nor more than five other Commissioners, all of whom (except such one as shall be appointed to act as Treasurer) shall be appointed and be removable by warrant under the hand of the Superintendent. 5. One member of the Waste Lands Board shall also be the Treasurer thereof, and such member shall be appointed and removable by the Governor. 6. The Waste Lands Board shall sit at the principal Land Office of the Province, at certain stated times to be determined by the Superintendent, and shall also sit for special purposes at such places and at such times as the Superintendent shall direct; of which sittings due notice shall be given in the Provincial Government Gazette; and one or, more newspapers published in the Province. 7. The Chief Commissioner when present, and m his absence then some member selected by those present at any meeting of the Board, shall preside thereat, and shall have a casting vote in all questions coming before the Board. 8. All questions coming before the Board shall be decided by a majority of the Commissioners present 9. All meetings of the Board shall be attended by at least three Commissioners, and shall be open, to the public. 10 All applications for Land and for Pasturage and for Timber Licenses shall, after hearing evidence when necessary, be determined by the Board at some sitting thereof. 11. The Board shall have power to hear and determine all disputes between the holders of Pasturage and Timber Licenses respecting the boundaries of runs and districts, and shall have and exercise all the powers which may be lawfully had and exercised by any Commissioner of Crown Lands, under the provisions of the " Crown Lands Ordinance, Sess. X., No. 1;" and the " Crown Lands Extension Ordinance,. Sess. XI., No. 10." x " , „ . 12. All the routine business of the Laud Department shall be transacted by the Chief Commissioner, subject to such regulations as may be made by the Board in that behalf. 13. A book to be called the«" Application Book shall be kept open during office hours at the Land Office, in which the name of every person desiring to make any application to the Board shall be written in order by himself or any person duly authorised on his behalf. And the Commissioners shall, during the sitting of the Board, consider and determine all applications in the order in which they shall appear iti the application book. Provided that if any person dial; not appear liimself or by some person duly authorised on his behalf before the Board when called i'l hie. turn, his application shall be dismissed until his name shall appear again in the Book in order. Provided also that if two or more persons shall apply at the same time to write their names in the Application Book the Chief Commissioner shall bracket thennames, and shall initial the bracket; and whea they shall appear before the Board, the Board shall determine the priority of right to be hard by lot. And it shall not be lawful for the Board to hear any application except such as shall be'mode in accordance with this regulation. 14. The Board shall keep true and detailed mi auto of all applications made to the Board, and all decisions thereon, and of all sums of money paid to the Trcr.- ---• surer, and generally of all the proceedings of ihe Board; and such minutes shall be signed by all the Commissioners present at any meeting. Anil such minutes shall be open to the inspection of all persons desiring to inspect the same, at all reasonable hour.', on payment or the sum'of two shillings and sixpence for every such inspection. x 111. —SURVEYS. 15. There shall be a Chief Surveyor who shall be appointed and removable by Warrant under the hand of the Superintendent, and as many Assistant Surveyors as shall be necessary,, who shall be appointed and removeable by the Superintendent upon the recommendation of the Chief Surveyor. 16. All surveys shall be conducted in such manner as the Board by any regulations to be made in that behalf shall direct. IV. —THE LAND REVENUE. 17. All payments to be made iv respect of land shell ,be made to the Treasurer of the Board during the sitting thereof, and the ■Treasurer shall thereupon give receipts for the same. 18.—By the 02nd clause of the Constitution Act the Governor is authorised and required to pay out of the revenue arising from the disposal of the Waste Lands of the Crown all the costs, charges, and expenses incident to the collection, management, and receipt thereof; and also to pay out of the said revrnuts such sums as shall become payable under curtain other provisions therein contained. The Treasurer of the Waste Lands Bor.rd shall, therefore, pay out of nil the funds coining into his hands under these regulations all such sums for tlie above-named purposes, in such manner and to such persons as the Governor shall direct. . V. —PUBLIC RESERVES. 19. Reserves for the uses of the Provincial Government and for other public purposes may, upon the recommendation of the Provincial Council, be raat'.e by the Superintendent; and sha'l not bii alienate! from the specific purposes to which they shall have; been severally dedicated, except under the provisions of an Act. of the General Assembly, entituled tl;o " Public Reserves Act, 1854;" and a. full and complete description of every such reserve and tf the purposes to which it shall havo been dedicated shal!, as soon as possible after ifc shall have been made, be published in the Government Gazette of the Province, and set forth on the authenticated maps in the Lnn-t Office. Provided that the Superintendent m;iy ; if the Provincial Council be not then sitting, temporarily reserve land for such purposes until the next session •f such Council. 20. Reserves for public highways, bridle-pathr, awl foot-paths, shall be made by the Superintendent, and shall,be set forth on the snthttniicatpd nirsis i;: !"i • Land Office. The Superintendent and the Prov: icii.l Council may by Ordinance alter the line of any ;uc'i highways, bridle-paths, and foot-paths, and dispose of the land theretofore used for thj same. 21. Tlv? Snycrint-MtVi't its ay 'i mporariy re-ervs any iaud for tlie pres. rvntion or sale of the timber thereon; but such land may at any time cease to be so reserved upon a resolution of the Provincial Council. 22. The Superintendent, may, upon the recommendation of the Provincial Council, byproclamation in the Government Gazette, reserve from the operation of these regulations any tract of country in which the precious metals may be found to exist: and the land within such tract of country shall be disposed of according to regulations hereafter to be issued and published in that behalf; in the same manner and under the same authority as these present regulations. VI. —TOWN LANDS. 23. The sites of towns shall be determined by the Superintendent, upon the recommendation of the Provincial Council, ami shall be notified by proclamation in the. Government Gazette of the Province. 24. Town Lands shall be sold by public auction, in sections,, the size and upset price of which shall be ; determined by the Superintendent and the Provincial Council; and having been so determined, for each ~ town severally, shall not again be altered. 25. The time and place of every auction sale shall be fixed by the Superintendent, and shall be notified in the Government, Gazette, and one or more newspapers of the Province, at least thirty days before such sale shall take place. 25. No such notification of any sale of town lands shall be published until a map of tlie town, signed by the Chief .Surveyor, shall have been laid open for public inspection'in the Land Office; and such map shall set forth, accurately delineated, all the town sections numbered consecutively, so far as laid out, showing the sections to be submitted for sale, and the public reserves iri connection with them. . 27. Town sections may be put up to auction, either by order of the Superintendent, or upon the appliea- '. tion of some person wan shall, at the time of making • such applic'atien, deposit ten per cent, of the upset: price with the Treasurer of tix; Waste Lands Hoard. Such'deposits'shall,'if uo"advance on the upset price be made, be considered as tlie deposit upon the sale at such public auction. 28. If any section shall be purchased by other than the original applicant, the deposit money shall be forthwith returned on demnncl. 29. Ten days at least before any such auction sal«, a, list of all the, sections about to be offered for sale lhall be pubiishe'd in tlie Government Gazette, and •ne or more newspapers of the. Province. 30. Every auction sale of land shall he held by the Commissioners in open court as hereinbefore provided. 31. The person who shall be declared the highest bidder at such auction shall immediately pay a deposit of ten per cent, of the purchase money to the Trea- . surer, and in defiant thereof, the section shall be again immediately put up to auction. •32. Tiie remainder of the purchase money shall be paid to the Treasurer in full, within one week after

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 44, 6 January 1862, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 44, 6 January 1862, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 44, 6 January 1862, Page 2 (Supplement)