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(Hv Kdwnrd Miirslmll.) "Mjiii to Mint" is tlii' title of John I ,f> it ell's I.'IIIIOUs hook, wlllotl llil'l lll'Pll translated iiitu ulciui-it every tiuin»n«e, Mini which propounds a system til" inline,il novcvnment in industry ali'endy put in operation in si mi"- el Atnericiili mdust rinl es) nblishincnl s, employing lnnii,v hundreds of thousands ui illi'tl. So I asked the famous thinker In •H)«Hest I lie applical inn ol inililMrail lie. nun■ rii c,\ (whirl) hi 1 book ontlineO to I lie present hall linn world nul list rin I Mtnation.

His reply, considered us m whole, in nil her stii'rl liiiii. lor it siiKKeM" »<»- tiling less than the appointment ol' ti J£ ,-.. ; ,r Annlo-SiiNon < 'oininisMion to worl; mill pendent ly ol (iovei iniieli I mid to lie -elected nol by ollit inldolii. hut b\ industry, to meet mill map n ureiit international industrial prnnrammc. ||o believes (Ins vast internalionul effort should he made at once, and he thinks thai at the start it idioiltd he tinned to I lie F,ni_'.lis|i-speal<ill|;, penid.-. I'eelinu thai I hey could easiest arrive al a loiindat ion lor and thai after they hud rightly starleit tin' spread ol the idea would he i-niooih. mevit able. ami ea-y. And lie mentions I lie names ol those whom he believes should serve on it. It is the profound helicl ol M r I ,i'iteh jha I evil iuII nein es einaiiat inn I rolil the recently enemy countries and troin lius-ia and Japan, are cndeavorinu to desi my industrial efficiency in I lie oilier principal nations ol I lie world, and that every i'.ivil disturbance plays iiitn their hand. II elects itial net ion must he ipiietly taken. ••'| til world." Mild lie, as we di«eusi<- , ,1 ill, mallei, "ha-- Oiruuk into a tnwilhi lahor and indunl rial iniillern 'is it had shrunk loii|'. npo. in ntanv oilier iii.ii mi, ami a - it i - incvi I a hie t tia I the total is -nil i.l Ihe Depot lal lolls lollow U"' i tie war should idirink it HI |Killllcat mailers.

••'l'h, i n , ol Ihe miners of (irent til' lain, for example, have become those . I the American miners. And ihe eon/en;,- of American and lintish mincM are the concerns of the shipping and' mi railroad world--. What does that 111, .ill;' Inevitably Iha I I liese eolleerun ill m! rvtrv man and every woman, nlid part iculai ly every ha h y (or oilier ah'-o-liiii de|icndcnl oil the prosperity and ,i i ot In r 10110 in practically all j.a i . - nl t lie world. "'I hi-- inter-, ..iiimuuity interest inui-t '.I ;111mii leil and not atom' must the it i. ,-. and iniue-ow ei'iol (ileal llri- .: i' 11 ;;c| limetlier upon a rational basis , .If!• till |M'l I ill).', lo ii considerable event. • | ccial inteic .ts, lull I his co-opcra i mil-1 al-n lie extended to im-ludu lie mini i . and miiie-owuers of Amcrii'ii. ,i ih i word .I he miners' I roubles in J|. Il tiiilain arc el va-l iinpoi'lanee , America, mi -1 a., iiiiner-' Irouhlcs ill \i!'ciicau would In of vast importance (.real llrilaiu. The world has In 11"l<. What I am licttiun at in tln«; ,\ i' ic i jca can help save the llrilish industrial situation, iust ns(irea.l Hrit.iiili an In lp i-ave iln Ainerican industrial it in. I ion. There are practical IhingH, ■ill l id and inc(|Miralile and therelore dili'er from polilical affairs, I have lioi i:i■ i • whatever to colli rilinle lo I lie 1.e.."1ie ol Xatlclls colli lovels.v. Illlt I i ll illtill'-e|y interested ill allll fully lII' lit v.- ill l lit■ practicability el a l,ca,t>i|f 111 1 niliisl rial Peace, "The work ol its oi I'aiiisat ion nmsl, lie doll'' by really practical men, by nor', ei, who know workers and employer- who knew employers. I'oliti- ■ laiis. Ml far. utterly have laileil. The pre!,l in i onceriis iudiislrv rat tier'sl'iall polil Hs . I believe I lie lalllll'e ol til" politicians lias been due iii t he fact t hat tlicv have had amnio' (hem lew or even none *\lio have I la- c onolll ic view. And Ila economic vn w is by (:ir t In l 11111 -1 iii11 x 111 a 111 ui all views al tliis lime, when the world mu-i be reasonabb icadiusted or drill into real i bail.. and win n lone. ale at wnil. lo briiiji about the chaos with i tie i 11o11j'ht t hat I nun I lie I raiment s , I ike 1111-1 her collapse ol ti.iveiilinenl < rich ;ii< kiii};'- may be pat tiered lor ilic anibiiioii- and iiie ' i iipuloii" men w hj,, 1 111 oiii'li tin wat I I|i|e:u , ireil I o rain power, but 111■ til ami who are rin 11 led to n i'a ill il and aii;-monl .. whatever . .el it niav i ntail to ,ii I,el -.

• ' Mill ill |it 1111 hat V1.".l nl'.lio lll'.' ■ 111, |-ly 111. . 1111J..-I .-111 tu '•■ til.' IlltllO- | |*j; i|ll i Slllll ' Hl' 1111 lII' ' I'Ml II •11111 l

■•I h;,\ lij.l i In' . linn.. t.ilUmn: Ilia 11. I': .i\ • I Willi Ilill in »In l 111 l V«' !i ii i iiinri lii'.l \\ 11 11 vll.i I 11. I ,i! I- in i In- I'ai i'ii|" a n imii- > 'llll.-. -I. H. I w In<si• v.ii. i- 11111"> 1 t nnl aII \ 111 lllVlll lilt;.III. Mln II 1..' V. 1- ll> 1,:.... i li.i ii a \ i:ii' 11 1 *. li-r.-iiu 'I III ililli, nliii". mill -ii ii I ill. i ill'' i'l'- | | ill, ;11 1111 l 111 111 1 111' " IM' > I" IMi'lIM 1 '.V ' I uiil 11.' I In' niih » ii\ .mi "1 I ; ..'l'll,, winil,< "mi' 11- ii- <i'" iiii««f. woiv nut i mi-l I ii. In .' in lul'n'. : i 1111 11111 l - I'll nd'lpll'll nil' "I "111 111 '".ill ll '" • l"l'l«'> ,11,1 I 111. (' ■ 1111 il <\ II - 'III' « "lll'l ' ' 11 I '" • I. Tlii-. ll,' WM ili'lllh In 1.1 Vl<l. I lic .t mill.l In' in i ,11111.1 i-1" 'iI lln .nU'.ll tin' • ;illlili. n 1 i.HI i.I I 1111 l (11111 lV- ll" ll lll,v ...i, wi.lolv ad.ipti'd in Am. ii< n and |s \ known ii* "itUlnst ri:il <l. iihh im v. j *\- ii imitU'i ..1 lint, llu intonin- : ii, mil n|'|ili» in urn <' I 'hi*- I'' ■ lll !l " i iiillilt' -i- ii- npplii n'. mil t>> II t-ltlfill' | ~i.,nl In 1 lir I'ilitoil Sluti'- it lliif- '"'''ll ( ~ . v . , 1 t., !..• a- olio, liw with '•«' V. ,(i. - -„ is .1- Willi Hi.— Wil l J ~V,ll ""1111l I' 1 - • wit" *. 111, I ill.i t ns il '''l- ,M "'" 111 C || nII I < lllli'il Vi I|". '* : "111111. I'l'IHV I- II- IH'l'l'-t-.11.V 111 IH'I'l"- } |l\. j. 11l 1IIT!111(- .1.. I" <|. Ill' 1 I \ ■ |,S } ,',' l V lir-1 , S|MV--I.>||. ill' .111- -I'll-, "llll.'l 3 i,i,j m.irh tvt'iv HHI'M n.i t > 5 ;l ,i M v out ol l.i' k i.i i»iM ovacily th;it J ~il r I li' -nil' "I' 11"' <'l I"' 1 '. . . f "'11',.. i.fll' ul' industry li.i* iKi'ii «nJ fill, ,I ml., mil (i|'|.i>-in;; t.>ro<*. Tlii. 5 tin' fit'llt1 jiivmM'- pr* *>l lhat M'lt* | 'diit idl no', only Inn- not o\i>.!oil hill { lli.u wi'.h ai- l Ih-n now ntv it 1 ~;l ll 11.1 i .'\i''t. . , J " 1 11. 11l- IIV I- -l. k "-I. k holO. Mckl't" in 3 |.:ii"hni.l nil.l -nil -ii'lo-i' "'lm'wli.-iv m * il„ w oi'i. 1. DiMii'H'i ii.'y I- tho on, l''<>' 5 if nil whi * fill! .-is re 11. And 111 indil-- '' 11 \ tlt'in.HT.'.i'y n.0.1 ii.u In* to ono j Hat.. 11. 11l till' |H'i -I'll! <-i' Hilt It'll, ii *- i' / inini low .ii.l linit'li I'm?.'.' i \ Inn,:--, with ' u'oai.l iti whtoh at pri'M'iit I do not S wfdi lo ultor propho, i>". • o-opoi nlloti S liolwoon indu.-try. mndo lip holh t'l iVoi kt-i's iiiul oinplov i i'-. in I« i>"it Hntaiii f niitl Aminoa. i- ahoui :1 s - t.u- n s «<" S .-iiltl t.-o. Milt » t .'ul.l t tint Ini, 2 I'olilus li.i- nothing to >l.' with it lint J tin' .'ll'tifi niul mtti t'l tho K) 1 jzL E iii>;lio-l tlovi-lt pint lit ol '.hi- individual f ;iml l hi.- fan ht'-l 1»' mv. niph-htNl hv y , ,i-< ii..-nili vi- I'tfort. i "Wo t'.iimot hj, ,I'tt.nn 1 1 ih;- oKcrj wil l.', ll '• Iho hi>'.li. -; .1111 .u>d otj 1,. i't if indii-i tin I tit iii.'oi .1. \ I lioiv fl 1".. f. ■ Iho iit'otl lor nulii-tr,.'! Mi'lii.m I at> j ,- oi| .illioii!' tlio-'o poop!.'- ant! 1 11, \ J rll a\ \i i \ in II to optT.ito in tho dovolop- *> tnoiii. Mutll.ll 1 Hot; - t.u.iid mutual !• .'iini- iuii-t ho • uh-t it ul«'d t. t>o-\u>; f, rllol t-- to" .11.1 op; 1.-it. ,i;!;:■■ 5 "vii, 'h a otimuiil to.'. il u fvi-t.'tl i'.i>w f uoiil.l p.ll hot,-to tho hoi 1,1 Iho ij , 1 or.,'ini,' uiiii.-t i.v .1 '.ho ptvM-iit i -hoitnoo. A:ul .1 would pi. .-flit a plan I a hull would ..•;',.nnl\ in. ! ,1 d.-ft 1111 o * pit'l'.iiutuo ol ompk\.s- uul omp!ovo<\I* . .in: 0,l 1, ; mutiiii !'. -|'. ril\ Vhi. i union would not hj, |',v::.',il T | 1110, •. 1.■ > and .tnu v. 1 lu-oit tin.' lo' J ii .viituiv and a h'.lt I'll.. ..'oiintut S 100 1,. ili. -o uaiio",- t, ul.l '',to»;o'.t .1 J \ .i--t and aMo honif ol i.idu--t lin I 1 donio. la. \ loiiiul.'tl .-n tho hioidi'-l and i "I: '■■ ut \ i li.'ii'.lu lli 11 (lio ..iliututJ 100 ■ houl.l ho, oiiio |>.t man,-in and tlii'. S \. hj, ii u tut. to lo.iutioii an mill'l! 1' I i'll.-- Ivo -■ 11011 it I I o ,'aii. tl I Ini-. th. |l p.lh|,, mi,l iho woil.l in i t iioial u 011' I | !' iiiiiiio.l t.v ,h,- Ih k - I. 'II,'III , I ihf tll-plll.> . t-VI-l;!!,'. .I'i » i .• .iit\.n . Im- 1..', n inintv.l '.ll (la- p!t>. |, >< ~1 tho t1; o\ ill uitlusiifd 1 t.l, uln liit'i ih, M.'iai 1;: .'in. imd. ■' k I .'till:; 0,1, !| lllll) ,!> : t U' Wol k lo- -t J .lid '.a; lifi.i ' l ll '.!|,' !•-- -v ill 1' t. J . 111 oiloi hj". 'a- 1 ,''!oi i m it-w .m!

I i i oki;\ roNsi i;t oru>\ in I | t:\ia vNi>

I I T>(>* !v.( H.uuh I d'lv i ti Htit un ,iu' u>i th,» vt (lu< "IVum* 1 It u a Ihv.U i'.Viulo lom, tv t>uil( xUviu;, hut im;, u-h.*l>U' H... New AvittiUvl Kv !>U" - *\> , l.ul

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Bibliographic details

Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14871, 21 December 1920, Page 3

Word Count

SOLUTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROBLEM. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14871, 21 December 1920, Page 3

SOLUTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROBLEM. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14871, 21 December 1920, Page 3