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HARD-IP DUCHESS. LONDON', October 7. Thi- Duchc-,, of Sutherland is selling her family pictures and household treasures. She informed a reporter: "I am hoping for a good sale to keep me in bread and butter. Everybod.v is getting terribly broke. I never remember such time-." .MYSTERY CITY. LONDON. October 7. The secrets ot Sh.shuan. tile holy • ity of Spaui-h Morocco, are likely to be diM-lfk-ed mjosi. Spaniel troops have arrived within a few miles of this mystery city. where the white man has never trodden. POST HAGS STOLEN. LONDON. October 7. A novel robin ry followed ihe dropping of tile mail basts from a train at Acklington .-tation. Northumberland. Three men felled the waiting postman and di camped with, the hags tn a motor ear. TO EXPLORE NEW (.TINEA. LONDON. October 7. j The Norwegian explorer l.iimholtz v id leave Chri-tiania on Saturday for

Ne-.i \nrk to arrange an expedition ;>rio,, Papua. It i- expected thai he will I- away for :l year. He will start by way oi Holland lor India i;i .human, ai < ompaniicl by -cioii;i-i-. gcolo-gi-t-. and a botanist, ami 170 Dyaks Borneo, under the leader-hip of lour of their own chiefs. It i- hi:> intention to cro-s praclic•iliv an unk'ioui! belt- in Central New Omllea* FLOODS IN SCOTLAND. I LONDON. Octoier 7. Ti..- Higl;!..nii- have experienced tile •.W)i-[ tinec- -;! l(. the historic o/cr.inwing oi the Moray in l<2'.). It i- impos- .-!•>!• ye: to gauge the extent of ihe (ii-.:-:.:. but ;i:e river- 'lay. Spiv. Dee. ;.iid Doii an r-iiiMi"; ln.'Mi!.-. A :-.:r;n. i"- hoti.-e!:oi.| in the li.iimnr i! are:: w;':- i-oiateii. :.'i.\ v. a.- re-n. d uit'l ditiieiilty with a color boat. A li.-rd of

>!cilaii'i po:ii. - v.. . .ivi p: away. |-'ro:u tile lower reaches ~; the Uc, sheep, hayrick-. tr. c-. and poultry Wire swept into the sea. Shipping at Aberdeen -offered -verelv. Five drifters and two -ai: !i -trainers wen- v.i. ,-kcd and driven a-hon-. A big watchdog fastened to .: kennel v.a- -wi pt into tile Dec The dog w:i- re--tied. Ore:;: numbers of wild grain -ti-.c.U-. \\..o.trn -tore-shei:- tioai<:l down Ihe I). .- tike a nii::,>r ol .V.:-!'-'- ::.'.-. 'I ii- ISleachfi.'lil iinen •.lor':- have been partially de-llovcl. .■:.-i :ln- damage '.- e-tiiiu.t.'d al {.'10.N'IISII.ITV DIYdiiCKS. I.I).M)i)N. Ociob r s. Till ca-e- si iio.\ii fur hearing m the next Divoi.e ('our; term -in-lilii--' tile petition by tile Duchess of Marlborough lor a di-- • Jul ion ofher marriage with the Duke The <■::-.• will be a 'icletiii. i <;!:••. Lady and Lady Ocorg.(Tuiimondeiey are ai.-o seeking diIJOYAL IHiSIi OSTHACisnX LONDON. O. ioher That the unfortunate ILI.C. ]■.■.<:< are o-tra.-isi-d r.o; only in iitc. but .■>.:•. in death, i- [.oiiiiid in;: in an .v'i.i:'! report on ihe rrpri-ii- ;.r Tubbc.-. ;:rr;. lor the murder oi Inspector Urady. The report r. ::.!<- ia.-w th. eiiii.-::!b:e- got i ompli-'ely out ol hand when they saw the body of the murdered inspector and heard the groin- of the v.ouna.d .-■:- geaiu. ami In gan the work of de<!ru.--

-inn. de-pia ih<> c-tiorts oi their >,'--■■ r to prevent tliom. T!ir report ad!;: ■•Th.- i-»-Tii;i in - of poor >"iiii» Hr.idv '.veiv • iirrii'l ; hr-.ii'_'u 'I ii' ':ii ih--holl'd. 1- 01 'lis eoillr;'l!e.-. Xot a sillLTl' o'lt-lder >wl the moral eoiUM-e to sfto'.v . nrteire" Thi- ( ;-;;-;:'ci.-i:i i:ii'i--.~ :ii r-ir-i ',:> the YiAJ. vei- om--h. '!'!;. y tee! that !':••■' ar" ~<:--i:>! ontra---. •.'•>: • inly v. hen living, '"ir. even uiieii -had." SU! ■|lli!M\' ; r.FKCHA.M'S r.F.XKFACTOI?. I UXPOX. Octoa. r 7. Sir Th..»::!.- iieeeWani".- heiieiaetor is -l-iuiny 'Wiiii ■-. Itiianeier. cotton magnate, and rat •'.._,■ niiiii. Hi- iv:i> formerly :i '..T.-UI-iy. r. :i-l «->:;.|;ii:i- Lis as--i»'.T.nci- :«» el-: ;>!!•! ji-.-n-.'! >■: lii-iiuii-.i-rt-m;.~ tor ;!;• ' -kii--_c over of ceiruni nt <:•• Tli. in::-. !:. •■:.:'. ii- int. !•'•-: -. It is •;..;. i- .'..t, ! ;;■ ,; i- invulvi <I. A jir-'vi'."- (.;'■.!•■ -i;i;n! that "a man u':i,i ear, -i.un :• eh ipte for six s .!!>•! :- "iiii'i'ii •■iii'inii-s." had cciiiii' 10 t : :i- .'•.-■•: i- i: Sir Tlicma-. 1.-i'ham. At :i in.', nm- >■■■ i-rn!i'.i;r.- lii' 1 I'rii'ii'l's iKi'nr v. ,i- kept :• .-'•!'. t. hnr i ompli'ii' ami 'Mrlv i)::v!':i in- KiTr promi-eil. • MniMiy V.'L'he !s nil.- Hi til' hestUuu'.vri .•! London eiiy nun and ""s|i ■!••[- " "ii the racecourse he is ill • ti'rr::'- ••! tii' :'im_'. ami think.-- noltiinir .:! puriiiiLi LH'.. t'l'il mi a horse that ho tami,--. N.i !ii-,--(•!::•> fiiliu is staged •■• the X:itioli;il CiuW ■vitiiollt -limit-v Whiti- hi-inu' in the I'niiit rnw. ;r.— l i.iir-kine his pick for bi;i money. An-! ••-Iri:ii::y" is iar from Wcinj: :i -iuf- — in.-. Wh-th i" it In- man or Wcast in

athh-ties or sport, lie ha- wonderful judgment, am! seldom chooses :• dud. Hi' i- ;i youthful liiiii'lli'-n.U'HI man of me-dtum-iieijdil. ni ini-xiiiuistiHii' lithe i'iir_'V. :m'it ni'-y uii. uith :i cheery -.::W-iiiiLj f->r everyinnly. He pride.,- liini--.-!i i.-i; In im' -eli-niiide. :uii.l his socinl .pinliti s ir.:ve not Wren dulled liy the t":n:iin-i:'l --iu-.'i ss which has Wrnn«ht !iim ;li • compnnioiiship of the lihieWlooled -entrv nf Kllitland.

SICF MAX ESTATES. I.OXDOX. Oeioher S. The riiMTSUnlul. lit of the Times :il Milan says that- the ferment i>f situation ill Italy find-- solin oitrlmis :uicl | f.ictiirt -i|Uc expressions in tin.* country • li-tri.-t.-. Tlu' pessauis. ton. have now learnt to shout "viva Lenin." wild" the old. shepv iit. of lhi south and the I i-l:ii:d- i<" awakenim: to :i twilight of j h.izv aspiration. Isohr.ed eases of !;nu! orrupation lien? Home, and it! tile 7Solo;rna. i-Vrrara. and Trrvien districts, luive been followed !.v ccn-ider.iblo proportions in Sicily, where the conditions of tin laborers are I h:irf[er. The svsiem of land t.niiri- is ! almost feudal." The socialist co-opera- ' tive - eiiiitrol ill-- iiiiiviment. which cou-s.-ioii-lv aim- :it the abol'iiion of ilil.tmediarv -peculators, in the direct cultivation of land and the sale oi prefhii-. The co-operatives iMiarantcc the landlord- their r. tits, provided that they :ir. fixed b\ commissions composed o! pra-.Mit-. landlords. experts, and consumers. Here most of the l.i-i v-iatt*- seized are partitioned into small lots and distributed anion:! the laborers, amidst

•rrt'.iT enthusiasm, tin- Usui p::i<_- landir.vntr? -t'.itiini: niicl wavinir banner-. Describing th<- methods adopted, the correspondent states that 1000 peasants. iiio.-Jtlv on horseback, usually men liy order of their lea trues and proceed to th-> estate. They enter the mansions yem rally without opposition. Raron Cameraia spontaneouslv ceded his estate at Valgnarnera. and it was occupied in :i few minutes. The rrd tht'S waves over many old castles. *mo of which date bach to the Xorrnan times. The pri-ri ~<;o:is consist of squads of peasants w'th mounted guards. Catholics :>.r. participating in the movement, and priists and monks are leading them. A few days ago a eolnmn of 2000 Catholic peasants, with white fines, marched on its way to occupy estates at Alcamo. headed l>y an aged priest on horseback earning a bi<r cross. The movement is essentially an economic one. and is nor likelv to eause any conflict, but will t/raduallv had to n peaceful transformation of the system of land tenure on the island. Piernre-'|ile proerssiolis were v.itnc*sed. when thniHiim monks with ui>. raised crucifixes were seen leading thousands of peasants to occupy large estate- for eultivation. So far 200 estates liavr been seized. The movement is semi-approved of by she Government, whieh has issued a decree authorisinir tho transfer of batllyenltivated land to the peasants and members of co-operative societies. The peasants, once in possession of the estates, hoist flags and mount guards.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14821, 21 October 1920, Page 7

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SYDNEY SUN CABLES. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14821, 21 October 1920, Page 7

SYDNEY SUN CABLES. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14821, 21 October 1920, Page 7