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HOJIK ANT) FOREIGN XKWS. [By Ei.ircnic cttLitiiaAPW—CoPißtLiiiT., (FV Pre*» Association.) Hi)R.i"!.[[:r.K conditiox.-; rx UCSStA. (A. mid X.Z. Cable AssrU llw v,|. lietoh.-r '.' h. ~t ~..". p.m. I.OMXI.N. October P.I. llr Fl'. <;, Well.-s lu.- m,minded, a tortnijtht.'s visit to Cai.-si.i at the Soviet .unvniiiii-rit's invitation. Mr Welis ikiiias that the lo.nlitioris ui Russia arn hm-nlile almost beyond description. Mr \V«lli» and Maxim iiockt worked out .1 proiiTi in establish a refugee > 010rr.% ill Riisii.i. tiir members or the learned |imiiwit>i:;.. arts and. s. lunr-. who nu'li'rt.ikc nut in parlii ipat-e in Russian; until the ,ir, a or r. ■■> ton :irnvi.'ii. Mr Wells ho|us to ,ave th- remainder "I thi' "in!. Ilii,'.i nha." a- he . iin-i<ier:-Hiimii . ainii.l l.e re '•enerat.'d .'. ithout thru- 11..|',..


(A. ami N".'/. C'ahle Assn..> Rcii'lvial I In,hi. t '.MI. at ■'•.■', p.m. I,u\ [MIX. H. roli.r I'.i. >ylvi.i Paul, luir-r has h. en arreted on :i rhaivr ,il' sedirioi:> pul.ln iraori, in. Th, WnrloM-s- |),.,,„h :]ht. REFrcEKK I'TIUH MKSt>FH>TA.MIA. 'Aim. rind X.Z. Cable Awn.) IWivcii l'"tnh,.r 'JO. at •"." p.m. DF.r.Ftr. October l!>. Till. Hi-Mf. hatch ot women and chitd- ™> fviii-iiiitcd ii'nin Mc-iopotnrni.i, fiave WilfllPil tndi.i. Thev occupied 10(> miitiii. ~! lrs ;ln< i u .,.,,. ( ; hv an "oltiircd car. Tiicv joined th« railwav M ahi-rictt and. readied Racrfad two later. Thcv hoarded a. steamer at Mthir Basra. siihM,.,,uenth embarking t»f Bnmhav. The ioiirucv o.aupitd t!lr«, week.

THE N'ATtoYs NAMKF.KSS FIF.ROF.S <Aus. and N'.Z. C;vbU Awn.) Rwiivi.,l Ort„l„.|- .Jd . )t; .-,..-, p.m. r.KMMIN. Orr.t.h.r !'.►. . «'»nml..psf,„„| rli.if, th-- Unvernmerit «*» ;t|>prnv,.,l ~f f|„. prnpns;,! .o >.rinir r "»> rran,-,. ;l „,i l.„r, it. with full " mm «» Wc^n,:,;-),.,■ Al,!„.v. PrsurNt; K\Ti;|.;\rr>TS tvFT OF ft.u.y. (Am. an.l N.Z. Cable Astra.) HwiV.J it.-r.w-..-,- -jr.. : ,r. -..1 P „,. , ~ . ROMF. t),-toh,-i- to. M.fiii.m i„ 1 ! ,t:,. m:inv ar.arPnwinwi ;n,,,,, Parr , ~f [ *'Hth, Pnf,,, ; . lin ,, ~ ~ „ r „i,, r , 4t()<Ki J0t,,,, p r ,. nii „ r „ lt , ml , , ih ■ fer '—• -L -I! r.*i«n

r.DRD l-ORRKST HONORF.P. <•*'■»■ ami Viable Assn.) <Vt,,l,, r ~„. ,t .-.- p. rn . It . LONDON. 0,-:ob»-i- 10. »* I*mns,.,i t „ ~..|i ( ir , u i w , T j p: i„ ns S- , c t ''' V;,nN ■'■ "i«'n:orial to f.ord * MT rly s "' ■ t, i ,,n F,,rr"st--1(1 inn ;,nd <tatesmanl. ,sf Ktfc.vs srßp' prodfcts. ><•■ and NXcahK. Awn.) \-twV- r -'■ at, 11.10 a.m. •Cfnw'p h v P^P' 1 "'- to open up ntra! markets and thus J" r tWir pmdnrt- the Noritil " h ?* "eriouslv fatten. The £"" T 1 " 1 ' 1 »■■• prepared to seH folk 7s ' ,ln «- tiJ ' - n'> .-reditj. It is fcr ,'j th« same plan

texxis. .Aus. and X.Z. Cable A-sti.) Received October 20. at. ■">.-". [►. in. LONDON. October Iff. Regarding the aiiiiomicem*-nt by the American. Tildett (holder of the world s singles championship - * that he is willing to play iti the preliminary nomci- i;i the ne\t, world'.-. rhampiou.-hip. the Ah England Club announces, that it is prepared to consider tin- sugge-iion >f formally retpiestcd. I.';>at£inic English player,, continue to be *Jivi»U-<I on the sttbf-Vt. (Brookes. Wilding, ami Patterson. the colonial ami inutit diate predecessors ♦if Tildcn. all endeavored to secure the right t.» play through, a.-, the holder of the title at* present is forced to stand down during the round-, and tin it meet thi* challenger in the pink of condition.)

tfif: polish sitiatiox.

(Aitv rind N.'Z. Cable Aswn.) fteceived Oi-ie,f>>r 2'>. at. I !.:'.'> p.m. WARSAW. October 20. England and Era net., have made a friendly remuu.-t ram ■>■ to Poland regarding Colon, I Zefignow-ki. inviting a formal disavowal, bur. th*, Premier inciriiateiE that Poland i.-. fiisinilimd to abandon Vilna. a., the < hunt to tin* citywas supported bv the ina-s ~f the p,i>- : ple ot Poland.. II" irmdhfiatK -tate«l that tin- f.ovejrnmenr would fall if it cotnplu d w:th tltf Atigb'-Er.-nrh reipu»>st.


fA. and N.Z. Cable Assn.) Received October 20. at ">.-"> p.m. LONDON'. Oct.>l>. r ID. Fifty-two guests attended the Prince's luncheon. Halsey atuE Lord StarutordFiam m ri" the only alisenti-cs. The Rt. Hon. Andrew Fisher (High Commissiimer for Australia) after proposing "The King." said that, although it was not on the programme, it was impcHsibfi' nwt_ti> toast th« Prince. The kninvledgt" he Had aif-uired in Australasia, and the other dotninfons would he a. great ass« v t in bis future kingship. Th,* I'rincv in hi« nisponsc welcumnl the opportunity of ni-eeting the repreisentatives of the ifominions where hehad had the •'time of my life." \Yher»rver he went throughout Austr.»lasi-i he was acclaimed as one of themselves. FI»» fiope<l to revisit the dominions ;:t a distant date. Afterwards the Prince chatted with the High Commissioner- and AgciitsOeneraf s.-vi-ralfy. rei-alling the incidents of his. visit" in each State. Tfw Duke of York also conversed with the* oimpany. and was enthnsiastic over his- brother's tour. He hop»ii himself to visit Australasia some clay. The public cheered the Prince on his arrival and departure


f An* s»nd N. 7. Cable Aosn ) Received October 20. at 2.35 p.m. WASHINGTON. October 10. TFi». Cfiarirf d'Affaires in the French F.rnbassv railed on the State Department and denied tluit any representative- of France had approached Air Harding the formation «>f an Association of Nations.

ArSTRIAN ELECTIONS. (A. and N.Z. C.iMe Assn.) Rc-cnved October 20. at 2.35 p.m. VIENNA. OotoW li>. The Austrian elections resulted in the return of 7- Christian Socwlists. Kl Social Democrats and 3-5 Pan-Ger-mans, while the Communists w. re practtcally routed.


( Ans. and N.Z- Cable Assn.l Received October 20. at 0.30 p.m. PARTS. October 20. It t.-» officiallv announced that txKinc Constantinr's eldest j»on CSeoraiha* been betrothed to the Roumanian Kinji's dauchter. Prfncw Elizabeth. It is reported that the Qncen ot Rpumania dmwd the matter dnnne Inr tour of the Western capital, which she made, accompanied by Princess Elizabeth, and encountered a number of r,ojections, a3 Prince George is sfelj esurf

from (ir-ere. and hales .M. V.-n.zelos. Hut Hie i Prince Carol lum hj! hard t>r tile happy ending to I:;., -:-- ter - love att'alr.


IA and S.'/i. Cable As=u.) R..cciv.d October -_: i. at ■}.•"> p.i... SYDNEY. 0.-K.u-r 2.1. Mr Mill, r. *-.cci.-t..rv of - tile Rugby Leant'.-, r. plying to .Mr Wagstarie. state.- tilat a. the iarc.veil Mr Wag--talte 'i..'. tt:e t0.,:.-,all had heea hard, hilt undoubtedly tile hetter sloe won. liotii th.- managers and Mr I bourns spo.'.e in a Miiiii.ii- stem. Mr McM: hon. the referee, denied that the spirit ot the rules was ignored. 'I!».- in.itehe- were played a< always in Sydney. If tile Englishmen were" barrael.ed. they courted it by tlu-ir continued talk', and looking tor ugh:. Rec. r..d 0.-i.-.htr 2n. at *M p.m. SYDNEY. Oe-tohe.;- 2(1.

The vietitn- ot the eaimibal tragedy were Er.c Hell, of Chatswood. .Sydney, aj;ecl 2ii year.s. and Drexler. Bell won the MilitarvMedal in France and gained a lieutenancy. He iiitf-ndt-d returning to Svdnev tliis rnonlh. He was a married "man". Frank Drexlcr was oU years ol aiic. .-uul wa.-s a trader in timlvc-r and innt'le produce. Received October 2D. at 10.30 p.m. SYDNEY, October 20. In the Mr Storey stated that judges. „f tin* Supreme Court Bench had been separately asked to undertake a commission to investigate the legislators' claim for an increased t-alarv. but. endorsing tin* attitude of the Chief Justice, all had refused to act. The recently-declared increafies n a basic wage came into operation to-day. The racer Checkmate, which had just arrived from New Zealand, has !>eeii sold to a Westralian buyer. The price i.-. not stated.

Received October 21. at 2 a.m. .MELBOURNE. October 20

The House was crowded to hear the Right Hon. W*. A. Watt's (ex-Federal Treasurer) statement regard:ng his resignation from the Ministry and his official position in London. A section of Lafiontes attempted to block tin* explanation in order to proceed with the discussion on Mr Tudor's censure motion, but on the motion of Mr Hughes, the Standing Orders were suspended for Mr Watt's statement, which amounted to an elaboration of the published London cables. The reading of the c-ables on the subject winch passed between Mr Hughes and Mr Watt was contirmatnry of the view that Mr Walt's resignation" was a protest against Mr Hughes practically overriding him in the wool sale negotiations, with which his special mission to London was associated. Mr Watt severely criticised Mr Hughe--' methods-, which. h<* claimed, resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of pounds. At i:ie same time, he disclaimed that he had returned to ventilate a personal or official grievance or to pur.-ne a venletta against Mr Hughes.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14821, 21 October 1920, Page 3

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EARLIER CABLES. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14821, 21 October 1920, Page 3

EARLIER CABLES. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14821, 21 October 1920, Page 3