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•lit J NO GOODS ON APPRO. DURING 7he Sale. -MORROW Doors Open at 10 o Then come and examine the ■ Quality of Our Goods!

DRESS DEPARTMENT. You will find many opportunities of saving money in this Depart= ment. Here are a few examples of our good values: — 69 Yards NAVY SERGE, 56in. wide, excellent value tor Ladies' Costumes— Fs.uhl Price 27s (id. Special Sale Price .♦. 21s. 30 Yards WHITE CREPE-DE-CHENF. ; 30 8 M.JL— Usual Price .. Sale Price ... . Yards CREME 8 in.III. — Usual Price .. IDs Gd. CREPE-DE-CHENE, J9s Gd. Sale Price 10s 6d, BLACK and WHITE .COTTON CHECKS, H>iti. wide— T'sual Price -is lid. Sate Price"" 2s 6d yard. COTTON GABERDINES, -lllin. wide, in Fawn, Mole, k (frcy, Brown, etc.— Saia Pries: 2s 3d, 3s 11d, 4s 3d, 5s 3d yard, 40 Yards TUSSORE SILK, good value— Sale Pries ... 3s 11d yard. 50 Yards BLUE RIPPLE CLOTH— Worth «... 3s Gil. Sale Price 1s 6d yard. 30 Yards WHITE RIPPLE CLOTH— Sale Price 1 s 3d yard. SO Yards GREY TV/EED, 54in. wide; suitable for Costumes — Usual Price 13s Gd. Sale Price 9s 11<i. 40 Yards DARK TWEED, 40iu. wide— ' Usual Price ~ s fidSale Price 4s 11d yard. 40 Yards SLACK VELVETEEN— Usual Price "is lid. Sale Price 3s 6d> (Good Value.) 40 Yards GREY GABERDINE, 50in. wide— Usual Price lis 6d. Sals Price 5s 11d. SPECIAL LINE of WINTER BLOUSINGS at Exceptionally Low Prices. ALL MILLINERY MUST GO. We make a point of clearing every Hat at end 0f season. That is why our stock is always up to ■ * date. These Prices will Clear them:— READY-TO-WEARS —Sale Price, 12s 6d. UNTRIMMED FELTS—SaIe Price, 8s 11d. STRAW SHAPES, all Colors —Sale Price, 11s 6d. GIRLS' VELVET HATS, all —Sale Pricej 8s 11d. SPECIAL LINES of MODELS and READY-TO-WEARS —Sale Price, 12s 6d. Children's FELTS and PLUSH HATS—SaIe Price. 8s 6d. » OH'NAME NTS —Sale Price, 6d each. ALL THIS SEASON'S MODELS GREATLY 11 EDUCED. MANTLE DEPARTMENT. Every Garment is FASHION'S LATEST, and at the Low Prices we have marked them you are assured of excellent value. An Assortment of Ladies' TWEED COATS, ill full sizes and well cut—■ Usual Price £5. 10s. Sale Price ... 635. Dainty Colored SILK BLOUSES, in all shades of Blue, Pink, Primrose,' Heliotrope— Usual Price , 29s 6d. Sale Price 15s 6d. 50 Only Smart MORNING BLOUSES, in all Colored Stripes, well cut and full sizes— Usual Price 1-ls Gd. Sale Price ... . . 4s 11d. 10 Oniy Very SMART COSTUMES, in heavy quality Serge and GaberdineUsual Price £8 15s 6d. Sale Price ... 89s 6d. A Large Assortment of Ladies' FUR COLLARED COATS, in Brown and GreyTweed — Usual Price ' Bgns. Sale Price 6gns. A Few Only Fur Skin COATS, well cut, with large muffler collars, lined with Floral SilkUsual Price 35gns. Sale Pries ... ... 20gns. 1 Only Particularly Smart BLACK CONEY SEAL COAT, with Pur Collar and Cull's, lined Silk— Usual Price 50gns. Sale Price ... 30gns. A Few Only Full Sizes WINTER JERSEYS, with belt' and pockets— Usual Price 635. Sale Price : 425. A Beautiful Selection of FUR-LINED COATS, in very smart check tweed in all colors— All Greatly Reduced. 15 Only Ladies' ENGLISH MODEL EVENING DRESSES, in all shades; this season's goods— Usual Price Sals Price . 13 to 15 Guineas. 7gns, i* iTawwanaßß ».>> HOSIERY AND FANCY DEPARTMENTS. We are offering better Bargains here than you have seen for years. Study this list, and come and look over the Bargain Tables. Morley's BLACK CASHMERE f-HOSE; sizes -3, G. 7, 8, i), 10— Lsmil Price: -3s Gd, 4s 6d, 4s 9d, 4s lid, 5s 3d, 5s Gd. Sale Price: 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 3s Sd, 3s 11d, 4s 3d, 4s 6d. Children's HEATHER MIXTURE f-HOSE, Colored Tops: sizes 4, 5, 6. 7, S, 9, 10 — Usual Price: 4s Gd, 4s Gd. 4s 9d, 4s lid, 5s 3d, 5s Gd, ss-Gd. Sale Price: 3s 3d, 3s Sd, 3s 11d, 4s 3d, 4s 6d, 4s 9d, 4s 9d. "LLAMA HOSE" PLAIN BLACK GASHMERE HOSE, all woolUsual Price 9s 6d. Sale Price 6s 11d.' Ladies' BLACK SILK ANKLE HOSE— Usual Price 4s lid. Sale Price 3s 11d. Ladies' KNITTED HOSE, in Grey and Khaki Usual Price 4s lid and 5s Gd. Sale Price 4s 6d. NECKWEAR in MUSLSN, SILK, and CREPE-DE-CHENE, in Xewest DesignsSale Price 6d and 1s each. FLORAL RIBBON, I/. ami 2 inches wideUsual Price 2s 3d and Us lid. Sale Price 1s yard. SPOT RIBBON in Brown and White, Black and White. White and Xavy, 4in. wide— Usual Price 3s lid. Sale Pries 1s Ild. FLEECY-LINED FABRIC GLOVES, in Grey and Beaver— Usual Price Us lid. Sale Price 2s 3d. 1 Only BLACK FOXALINE NECKLET— Usual Price .* 19s Gd. Sale Price 14s 6d. BLACK FOXALINE FURS— Usual Price 27s Gd. Sale Price ISs 6d, 1 Only BLACK FOXALINE FUR— Usual Price 39s Gd. Sale Price 255, BLACK FOXALINE FURS, Tango Shape and Sailor— Usual Price £3 ss. £3 10s. Sale Price ... 33s 6d. BLACK FURS in Cape and Sailor Shape— Usual Price £4 10s to ogns. Sale Price 49s 6d. BLACK FOX FURS, Tango .Shape— - Usual Price Sgns. Sale Price . £5 17s 6d. 1 Only BLACK FOX FUR, Tango— Usual Price ~gus. Sale Price £4 15s. BLACK CONEY SEAL FURS, Cape ShapeUsual Price 45 s. Sale Price 355. WHITE THIBET FUR, Tango Shape— Usual Price ; £4 10s. Sale Price 555. 1 Only NATURAL FOX FUR, Tango ShapeUsual Price £6 10s. Sale Price 67s 6d. BLACK FOX FUR, Tango ShapeUsual Price 9gns. Saie Price 6gns. BROWN and GREY OPOSSUM COAT COLLARS— Usual Price ... lis 6d. Sale Price 9s 6d. IMITAT3GN ERMINE COLLARS— Usual Price 32s 6d. Sale Price 21s. MARABOUT FEATHER CAPES, in Black, and digger— . • Usual Price 42s Gd. Sale Frice 32s 6d. 2 Only MARABOOUT MUFFS, in BlackUsual Price 30s. Sale Price 14s Sd. Ladies' SILK SCARVES, in Black and Green — Usual Price 9s Gd. Sale Price ... ... 5s 11d. STRIPED SiILK SCARVES— Usual Price: 17s Gd, 21s, 22s 6d, 32s Gd. Sale Price: 12s 6d, 14s 6d, 15s 6d, 21s. GREY SAXE and WHITE WOOLLEN SCARVES— ' Usual Price 7s Gd, 8s Gd, 9s Gd. Sale Price ... 5s 11d, 6s 11d, 7s 11d. STRIPED WOOLLEN SCARVES, in assorted colors — Sale Price ... ... 14s Gd. STRIPED WOOLLEN SCARVES, in assorted colors — T'sual Price 555, 655. Safe Price 455, 4Ss 6d, Ladies' COLORED PRINT OVERALLS — Usual Price: 4s Gd, 4s lid, 6s Gd, 7s Gd. Sale Pries: 3s 3d, 3s Bd, 4s 11d, 5s 11d. NAVY PRINT APRONS, White SpotUsual Price 6dSale Price 3s 11d. WHITE APRONS — Usual Price: 6s Gd. 5s lid, 4s Gd. Sale Price: 5s 9d, 4s 11d, 3s 6d. LILAC TALCUM POWDER— Sale Price 9d GLORY GOWNS, in Navy Print, assorted patterns—- • Usual Price 12s 6d. Sale Price 8s 11d. YARDLEY'S MILADY FACE POWDER—1s 6d box. EAU-DE-COLOGNE 3d bottle. WHITE ROSE TOOTH PASTE ... 1s tube. SHEET PINS, 100 Pins on Sheet—'Hd sheet, BLACK TAPE 2d Block. BUNDLE TAPE— Usual Price Is. Sale Price 7£d. DOMES WHITE and BLACK 2d Card. SOUTHERN CROSS SAFETY PIN SETS— Sd Set. MENDING BALLS... Usual Price Is 3d. Sale Price ... IQ£d. WHALEBONE HASR BRUSHES Usual Price ... 14s Gd. Sale Price ... 5s 6d. CLARKS and GOATS COTTON, 200 yard reels; all numbers except 40... Sale Price 6d reel. BROOKS 500 Yard REELS, all numbers except 40— Sale Price 11d reel. ROSEDALE WHEELING, 3-ply White, Grey and Natural— Sale Price 8s 3d Lb. HEATHER MIXTURE WHEELING, unevenly dyedSale Price 6s 11d Lb. LAMSWGOL FINGERING, 3-ply Black, White, Dark Grey— Sale Price 7s 6d Lb. LA MS WOOL FINGERING, 4-plv, Black White— Sale Price 9s 6d Lb, BLACK LEATHER BAGS— Usual Price 4s lid. Sale Price Is. A Large Assortment of HANDBAGS — At Half-Price. REMNANTS, RIBBON, LACES, EMBROIDERY, and INSERTION— At Half-Prics. STAMPED WORK. Children's CREPE FROCKS, in Champagne,' Saxe, Grey, Pink; sizes 20, 22, 24, 26, '2B- - Price 3s lid, 4s 3d, 4s 6d„ Sale Price 3s 3d, all sizes. WHITE CREPE FROCKS— Sale Price 3s 9d and 3s 11d. CREPE CAMISOLES— Usual Price • 3s 3d. Sale Price ... 2s 6d. MANCHESTER AND FURNISHING DEPARTMENTS. We are out to make this Winter Sale a Record, and these PLEASE NOTE —As most of these goods are scarce lines, sale price, the trade will not be supplied at these P rice^j DOUBLE BED KAPOC QUILTS, in Floral Sateen— Usual Price 33s Gu. Sale Price 29s 6d. Prices will do it. and all far below to=day's wholeFLOCK CUSHIONS, in sell colors, ISin. square— Sale Price 2s 6d each. SQUARE KAPOC CUSHIONS, in self-colors, ISin. square —• Sale Price 3s 3d each. FRILLED PILLOW CASES, 111 ade of lieayy Defiance Calico — Special Value 5s 11d pair. STRONG TURKISH ROLLER TOWELS, hem in ed— Sale Price 3s 11d each. Special Offer in PURE MERCERISED SERVIETTES, Superior Quality— Sale Price 3 for 4s 6d. PLAIN PILLOW CASES, made of Good Long-cloth. Taped— Sale Price ,^ s pa""* i Less than priee oi : material.) we are making this sale a Special Towel SalBrown and White Towels are marked at per Pair less than to-day's wholesale price for Single Towels. GOOD BROWN ENGLISH TOWELS, Strong and Close Woven — . Sale Price *s lid pa r. Others To 9s 11d pair. .Strong British STRIPED FLANNELETTE, guaranteed pure: less thau to-day s Home eo.-i. wide— „ ~ . Sale Price Is 4ad yard. SINGLE BED GOLORED QUILTS, in heavy Cotton. Skv. Blue, Red. Pink and Sale Price * 3s 66 each " STRONG PLAIN PILLOW CASES, made of pure unbleached .Sheeting, taped... Sale Price 5s 6d pair. WHITE HUCK TOWELS, in hand size, pure finish — . Special 4s 11d pair. PYPED PURE LINEN TEA CLOTHS, medium size— • Sale Price 3 for 6s 9d. 1 End, Only Slightly Marked, WHITE APRON CLOTH, 42in. wide— Sale Price ... Il£d yard. (6 Yards Only to Each Customer.) STRONG CREAM WINCEYETTE, superior quality, 36in. — "Worth to-day 3s 6d yard. Special Saie Price ... ... 1s 11d yard. 28in. White TWILLED FLANNELETTE— Sale Price 11 zd yard* Cl° Yards Only to Each Customer.) PLEASE NOTE—The Trade will not be supplied at these prices. 2 Ends Light Grey "AZA" FLANNEL, for Shirts, Blouses, etc.— To-day's Price 6s 11(1 yard. Sale Price . ... 1s 11d yard, (6 Yards Only to Each Customer.) The Trade not supplied with any of thes3 goods, many of which are half to-day's wholesale prices* SOFT FURNISHING DEPARTMENT SILK CUT QUILTS, in pretty light shadesSale Price ••• 5s 11d each. 11 Ends Good SATEEN CRETONNES, 31in. Wide; suitable for quilt coverings, etc. — Were up to 2s lid yard.* . The Price speaks for itself, 1s 6d yd. 50 ARTSERGE in Marone and Green, double width; less than half to-day's value— Sale Price ... 3s 11 d yard. 15 Ends Loose COVER CLOTHS and AMERICAN CRETONNES, 31in. to 36in. wide—- , "Were up to 3s lid yard. Very Special at 1s 11d yard. 31 in. SHADOW TISSUES; worth to-day from Ss lid to 10s 9d yard— Sale Price ... 6s 11d yard. (The Trade not supplied at these prices.) CARPET DEPARTMENT. 5 Ends Odd AXMINSTER BORDER; the lot to be Cleared at 7s lid yardWorth to-day 21s yard. Ail Widths in GOCOANUT MATTING, from -i-yard to 2 yards wide at Special Prices—- ~ 18in Cocoa Runner 2s 8d yard. JAPANESE DUPLEX MATTING HEAKTHRUGS, Strong - and Durable, good Colorings; worth 9s lid and 10s 9d Special Sale Prices: 3s 11d and 4s 11d DURING THE SALE our Hug& Stock of CARPET SQUARES, RUNNERS, HEARTHRUGS, LINOLEUMS, SOFA CARPETS, SLIP MATS, all of which are well selected goods, bought at less than to-day's price, wii! be marked at prices to clear. (The Trade not sup- . plied.) TOWELS, SHEETS, QUILTS, BLANKETS, EIDERDOWN QUILTS, SUPPER CLOTHS, NAPERY, CUSHIONS, CURTAINS, HEARTHRUGS, CARPET SQUARES, and REMNANTS of all kinds. UNDERCLOTHING . AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. You will find many good Bargains here, as the following list will show: — 1 Each Pink and Sky CREPE-DE-CHENE MATINEE COATS— Usual Price - 18s 6d. Sale Price 15s 6d. Children's BODICES —Sale Price, 2s 11d. Children's CREME WOVEN KNICKERS— Sale Prices 2s 9d, 3s 6d, 3s 9d. Children's SILK and MUSLIN FROCKS, Slightly Soiled—All Greatly Reduced. 1 Doz. Only Ladies' NATURAL STOCKINETTE NIGHT DRESSES* — Usual Price 16s 6d. Sale Price 13s 6d. Ladies' CREME WOOL VESTS, Short Sleeves —• Usual Price 9s 3d. Price 8s 3d. Ladies' ROSLYN COMBS, Natural, Short Sleeves—Sale Price, 19s 11d. Ladies' WOOL and COTTON COMBS— Sale Priee 7s 11d. Ladies' WOOL and COTTON VESTS— Sale Price \ ... 5s 6d. Ladies' WOOL and GOTTON SPENCERS— Sale Price 5s 6d. Ladies' NAVY ROSLYN BLOOMERS— Usual Price '. 16s 6d. Sale Price 11s 6d. 1 Doz. Only DARK GREY FLANNELETTE BLOOMERS; large size— Sale Price 7s 6d. CREPE NIGHT DRESS TOPS— Usual Price ... f: '... 3s 3d. , Sale, Price 2s 6d. CREPE NIGHT DRESSES, in, Pink, Champagne, Sky , White— . - Usual Price 13s 6d. Sale Price 12s 6d. CREPE-NIGHT DRESSES, in Pink OnlyUsual Price 10s 6d. Sale Price 9s 6d. LONGCLOTH MJG.HT DRESSES— Usual Price ... 9s 6d. Pries 7s 11d. LONGCLOTH NIGHTDRESS TOPS, in assorted designs— Usual Price ... .' 2s lid. Sale Price ... 1s 11d. Ladies' CREME CASEMENT CLOTH BLOOMERS— Sale Price, 4s 9d. Ladies' PLAIN and TRIMMED BRASSIERES (all sizes) —Sale Price, 6s 11d. Ladies' WHITE COTTON SLEEVELESS VESTS—SaIe Prices, 3s 3d, 3s 6d, 4s 3d. Ladies' WHITE COTTON VESTS, open fronts, short sleeves— Sale Price ... 4s 3d. 1 Only CHILD'S NAVY TWEED COAT, 27 inches— Usual Price 35s 6d. Sale Price 22s 6d. 1 Only CHILD'S NAVY TWEED OOAT, 30 inches. — Usual Price 39s 6d. Sale Price ... 25s 6d. Children's CREME and COLORED SILK FISHER CAPS— Usual Price : 6s Gd. Sale Price 4s 11d. Children's BLACK PLUSH HATS— Usual Price 15s Gd. Sale Price 12s 11d. Children's SERGE SKIRTS, in Saxo only— Sale Prices 6s Gd, 7s 6d, 7slld. 1 Each Grey and Creme JERSEY TUMESUsual Price 22s 6d, 18s 6d. Sale Price ... 19s 11d, 16s 11d. 1 Only CHILD'S BLACK WOOL COAT— Usual Price ... ... 24s Gd'. Sale Price . . ... ... 19s 11d. STAMPED LONGCLOTH CAMISOLES, new designs— Usual Price 2s lid. Sale Price ... 2s 3d. VOILE NIGHT DRESSES, assorted stainped designs,— . Usual Price ... lis Gd. Saie Price ... ... 10s 3d. STAMPED PILLOW SHAMS, assorted designs— Usual Price ... ... 2s lid, 3s 6d each. Sale Price 2s 6d, 2s 11d. DON'T MISS THE OPPORTUNITY to look over the Household Goods on the Bargain Tables. The Special Lines, put out and marked in plain figures at Special Reductions, are too numerous to catalogue. niuuMJß m apancre MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. You can depend on the quality of the goods we sell, and these prices will make you buy. ; Men's HARD WEAR TROUSERS, made of Cotton, pattern , neat stripe, with side pockets; sizes 3 to 7 Sale Price 14s 11d. 17 SUIT LENGTHS of 3i yards, Colonial and English Tweeds-—Sale Pries, £4 17s 6d« 33 Little Boy's COLONIAL WOOL SUITS, 2 garments; in neat brown shades; sizes, 0 to 4—Sale Price, 17s 11d. 473 Boys' and Girls' COLONIAL JERSEYS, with Polo Collar, open front; all in greysizes, 18in. to 34in.— Sale Price 9s 3d to 12s 9d, 59 Pair Boys' SCHOOL KNICKERS, in English Tweed, with good lining; made up in our own town —Sale Price, 12s 6d. 143 Men's TWEED CAPS, Silk-lined; sizes, 6§ to 7 J—Sale Price, 4s 6d. Men's SOFT TWEED HATS, in neat grey effect—Sale Price, 7s lid. Men's Dark Grey'WORKING. SHIRTS, Collars attached: in all sizes—Sale Price ... . . ... ... ... 9s 11d. Men's BLUE SHIRTS, with white stripe; Collar attached —Sale Price, 7s 11d. Men's UNION SHIRTS', with bands; in all neat patternsj sizes 14A to 16id—■ Sale Price .. 10s 6d. Men's DARK WOOL SHIRTS, with Collars or Bands—Sale Price, 15s 11d. Men's CEYLON BUSINESS SHIRTS, with bands only; newest stripe effect— Sale Price 13s 11d. Men's PYJA-MA.SUITS, with Military Collar; all in neat quite stripe. Special Notice— Made up in our own townSale Price ... 21s. Boys' and Youths' PYJAMA SUITS, in Flannelettes; made up in our; own town— Sale Price 9s 11d and 12s lid. 239 Boys' and Youths' SHIRTS, with bands and collars; size from llin. to 14in.:— Sale Price ... ... ... ... 5s lid.


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Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14707, 7 June 1920, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14707, 7 June 1920, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14707, 7 June 1920, Page 3