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~,! matins »>f parishioners L «?"&. Chnrrh was held last FMS Hut!, V.-n. ArchHf'V',«>ll presiding over a good Zjfj^- . f , v , r i-i>es over, Ven. Archpointed out that this Uon ." ' p . ir idiioners' meeting of tho F p "- r * th'f Dominion'at which all ktfi l ' n -)i -vho had signed member* P" 1 J;!™! r-'ad the- reports for r*t** '"""* : ~ i '■ tin' ninth oeasion .on which I P* I the plf* :lt "' ,rt " of "meeting S. P -ahii)n»'i> at our annua! meetP p "ffl b.- memorable- a* the first P 5 *.'• t,',.hurchwomcrt have the' U.V,. "s mm to fleet chnrch* |» n to manage the - parish. I""' .* v'e;ir ba.s -een th«* Empire's I- 8 f fhMJi'k living* for the conr-lu-en. •■ T rh( „ Wl .,| c „ me fiocia! to P af Ca'nvn on S. Luke's Day f"" *<>":.-«. We have t'"' ereetion of :l h«»»'i's& ">,ri'i-< window to th.- memory fjta" l ™^"), u k,',-. men who dkd on $• * "'.. '•-.! whon»» nami>fi will be ti».' Th,- es.UPr ot -•"" f,,r tnat "•'"Clonal. ■'■' honors hoard bearing M 1 '* ,t <"i r returned soldiers. has In"?". .„tir>''v subscribed dnring F Tli>' rn—iir,- of work on the •"'■'[ the desire of onr P'". "ati-t'v themselves a* to the b^' 1 rlv m.-morial have caused B'*' I '-' r ,;„1,,::i.,ii. hut we- hope l f '" ',,?„«-' !»■ readv for dedieatT ir. riiil> i.. . r - ~,;.- r'.-llo'.v-workers and •f" 1 " i,.,-,' i,. -n railed to their *l"" > ;„[ ..ili-r* have departed f*C ;.u, -.!.,-.'. Amongst n ,f r ;,',,i; uirh loving remernC'!)' "ii,i, rj,- Ijimhert. the **»,/>. Lukes ladies' Guild *^' T « \ri-- I.i'v Manton. one of fS| ;„,lr members, and Mr «ft„, Phillip*. wh« regular •7™ , ~|i„n-h ciitminated in his r,. >. Luke's, whirl, wilt hv th'.- ili; <' Trustee in due H "C-.-t ,-espeeted ,-h.trch * Jh,> hive pas-e.l to their rebL'r- Arthur H. Maud,-. J*o D-irlin-. FramLs E. Was*, ft. CI rki'. a.MI Salter J. Rad- \[,-, John Welsh. MesitS and Dowlins and Mj* |»r 'xenfcins. Amongst who K' thl . p: ,ri,h during th.- war EMr V V*'- ™- lir - Mi.-*-Blarr. g Hi**''- Irs " • f «'nnin2S. >{rs Kni-Min Mirws Rawcliffe and K"'T.r-ter. L. Orhell. Bald* tlin and Mr J. B- Keid Lve the l.>ya! and rapahle as■of K'' r - f> - •' ;u|]l, ? )n - w "° jl*HVh^.nd l with.wtM».ii f am on the happu-.t [»-••'''-'

lUHaines and Putt irk v* liav, Kiiriir » f ( . htiri-Piw-iirtU'rts. w host K keenness, and capability an fcS,T'"f L'rat.itude to'llr Hainw KSon.v -liliiin. I thank hmi ;i!«>> ;ii my C' is niv kind and faithful Him "r.itt'hi! to the Vestry■Vot Bnlk.'i-y. Hurry Deal. Ka'il "Finch. Rlbhlewh.te. Kemp. E jgimiin. and Ta >']°r-; J , £ h t j , > ffi r ii'te i" th" r»-rii.»v:il of Mr KmiLhiH family to the- North Eincepti' l "- • irlU VV:IS ■feriinnlen for one year. Mr? K Hid rwjuiar worshippers and Hltini Litk*-'.-'. and we shall nu.*» HfrMwiniZ nn them in their now KV-iho hi'l Ocxl-srwed : '»'l a Kt»t»Mr Rulkelev. who is so ■sot; fora Crip to England Ho ■ilmiißil by ns. :ind we shall "him b:irk amoncst and Finch liave organist at S. Luke s. Kemp and Miss Dale .Vew-on a.t NVwhoriMiilh require anv extra assistgrateful also to Mi;.* Mrs Cowan at Kia. at Papak.iio, Misses at Pukeiiri. and Miss Hki&kl for their services as orNelson. Karl. Sander;. Bs4tiim<» of need. Mr John HbiKiv enfered on hrs fortieth Hjfomn* M Verger at S. Luke's. appreciate the invarlHpttMitv and faithfulness with Khfiaa carried out his duties. Hk(iki!» three of our four Supor■feta/On Mr Blair's removal to Bmil, Mrs Haines, who is a ■iistrenirih, to us in. so many Mmyliimlly took over the snprrHfett'Ot the main school and we tn B;ne her still occupying HHtion. Mr'Williamson. who is cnntrnt of the junior ■ superintendence of the MjjWßllSdiool after three years' ■fwviiw. and has been stirceed■3&» Collin*. Miss MrC'ormick. Bmrk as head of the Totar-a BhasrraioW to town, and her ■"ten taken by Mis> Rarnett. Peal. Mr Stanley'"Or'r ML* 1 ™ most. >ni T es>ful funjHUiin. ; lre ~t r , Prspnt 9l b(>ys 'and of" Mes"hrri,,s and Pa; M,' inc i tn* to fe|!ii£l3HfnFSl ■WBaBBft- l ■ ' ' * * W" i> r k for t'rne and We are alS I '*.* th3n '"'« this Ifahilitv. W," f M;VI eherson. of **?>** an American Minion,, thi»

wars. I am thankful to say. This is niainlv due to the splendid sale of work bv the King's Messengers, under Miss Macdo'iiuld's inspiring and devoted leadership. Bv this effort £42 was raised and sent to Rev. \V. C. McD.mal! in North China, supplemented bv a gift of £lO sent to him direct bv one°o! our parishioners. His grateful thanks have just been received. The monev reached him at a. time of special need "and \ra= of the. utmost encouragement and assistance. The King's Messengers purpose holding another sale for Mr'AlcDonall's work next month, which I hope will be as heartily supported. Wo have lost the devoted help of both the leaders of our Melanesian Mission organisation, after many years of service. Mrs Edwards has resigned owing to advancing years and Miss Hassell through removal from the parish. Mrs Mitchell has kindly accepted the post of secretary of our S. Barnabas Association and we hope the support given to that Mission will be as great as ever. a> well as to the Church Missionary Societv and Bible Society, for which Mrs Vennall and Mrs'-Grave are still the active and earnest collectors. In ihe Home Mission work we have onlv given £4B 6s 6d to the Boys' Memorial Home, but we have not had the special appeal which came, to us last vear. Miss Rose Day has again raised the £l2 for S. Mary's Orphanage and we have been able to give some little financial help to the Dunedin Children's Home. The recent harvest Thanksgiving to send nearly half a ton of produce to these three institutions, while the inspiring nurses memorial service enabled us~to send £ls to the fund for disabled New Zealand nurses. I am also most thankful for the liberal response to my appeal last winter for the relief of needy parishioners, both in money and tood and clothing and I am especially grateful Bulkeley. whose purse has been placed at my disposal whenever if was reiiuired. I am thankful to report that the number of communicants attending the celebrations has reached the unprecedented number of 527 L Jbut I should be verv thankful to see Ttai!V of them attend more-frequently than at present. On the motion of Mr T. B. Salmon the reports were adopted. The election of officers resulted as follows:—Vicar's Churchwarden, Mr L. E Haines- Parishioners' Churchwarden Air J. P. Puttick: vestrymen, Messrs'R. A. Bulkeley, S. M.Taylor, V C. Burrv. A. G. Kemp. H. G. Deal. T G Finch ' T. B. Salmon. H. \villiamson G.' V. McDonaldl,F AY. Kibblewhite; auditor, Mr A. AY. AAood*Mr' L E. Haines alluded to the necessity of increasing the stipends of the clergy, in view of the increased cost of living. Mr T. B. Salmon moved that the meetin"- approve of an increase in the salaries' ot the vicar and curate, the amount to he left to the vestry The motion was seconded by .\lr Puttick. „ -, . Ven. Archdeacon Russell said that Mr .1- Fox was entering his fortieth vear as verger. Parishioners were desirous- that he should continue his duties until the jubilee. _ The punctuality and faithfulness with which 31 r Fox had carried out his duties had decided them to give him, with their warmest regards, some tangible token of their appreciation of his .work. He had great pleasure in .asking Mr Fox t« accept a handsome Morris chair. D. Jnmieson said that it was most appropriate for him to speak of Mr Fox's services, as he had been his tenant for 14 years. Mr Fox had always taken the keenest interest in the work of the Church and was always most punctual and obliging. The speaker enjoved paying his tribute to Mr Fox. " . , , Loud applause accompanied the presentation,, which was made with musical honors. The Archdeacon said that another pleasing .dntv awaited him. that of presenting Mr J. T. Oakden with a mark of the esteem in which he was held bv the parishioners. Mr and Mrs Oakden were "leaving shortly to live in .the North Island;. He had been a "singularly regular and capable member of the Vestry, whose opinion had always been treated with well-

merited respect, as it had proved of great value to his fellow-members of the Vestry. He had always assisted the social bv lending pianos. A faithful member of the C.E.M.S., the church would miss him in all his activities, especially in the choir. He wished Mr and Mrs Oakden many Years of rest in their retirement in the North Island, where their good qualities would most certainly cause them to be respected and vesteemed by a large circle of friends. Re-v-. P. Jamieson said that Mr and Oakden had welcomed him and made him at home when 14 years ago he came Oamaru, and had remained liis staunch friends ever since. He was indebted to them for many acts of kindness over all these years. He was especially grateful to Miss Oakden for driving him to country services. He pointed out the great faithfulness. of Mr Oakden. He had left the example of seeing through any work which he commenced, aud of him and Mrs Oakden it could be said that they had always backed up their own church, in it's ordinances, in every way. The Archdeacon tlijOlti handed Mr Oakden a leather travelling bag, with a deep appeciation of his life's s&r vicgs . a Mr Oakden replied that they had overrated tlieir services, he could only thank them deeply.—(Cheers and musical honors.) ' Ven. Archdeacon Russell alluded to the progress of the Scout movement, and asked parishioners to support it financially, as the boys _were in need of various equipment to enable the rigrring out of the newly-formed second patrol. He then called on the boys to put. on an ambulance display, which was' warmlv applauded. During the evening songs were contributed to a musical programme by Mrs Q.uigley v Miss D. H. Williamson, and Mr I<. O. Burry, the latter of whom was an excellent aC A m bSktion by the Archdeacon closed the proceedings.^-

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14040, 24 April 1920, Page 3

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ST. LUKE'S PARISHIONERS' MEETING. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14040, 24 April 1920, Page 3

ST. LUKE'S PARISHIONERS' MEETING. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14040, 24 April 1920, Page 3