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" There was ouly a small attendance flf householders at -Monday evening's lpeeU ing. Mr Livingstone was' appointed chairman and Mr Duggan acted as secretary. ■ Mr A. -W. Mowat, or the retiring Committee, read the following report:— " Your Committee have -uracil'pleasure in reporting that the work of the yearhas been carried on very satisfactorily;. The annual examination, was lield in September by Mr Robertson, and very tavorably reported upon.. . | "The' attendance - for the year shows I i decrease, and now stands at- 48. "Your --Committee, begun the year, J a nuai'v Ist. 1919,-With a credit balance r.f £9 ICS (id. Their receipts from-all sources wei'c .£B3 Os 9d, aiul their; total expenditure ioO -is 6(1, leaving a credit balance of Cl2 l(ss .'ld. • "A concert in aid of the. school funds was held 'during the year,, and-"was very successful, clearing nearh ;L'l2,. "The school was closed for a siiort period at the beginning of. the year owing to the influenza acare, but luckily proved "to be nothing serious.' "A very enjoyable picnic was held at Windsor Part at the break-up of the school in Decemberi -.. Sir Re id kindly allowed us the use of his grounds for the occasion. "After 16 years': service amongst tie, Mr" Duggau has' handed in his-resigna-tion as headmaster., he having reached the age of retirement. It is with . extreme regret we are compelled to accept it, for K he has ': -proved .himself *"a .thorough teacher, and llis place will be hard to All. ; "Your"Committee Consider themselves fortunate in haviiig secured the services of Miss Tinder, as r she has proved heirself to be both amiable and competent:", Mr Duggan thanked the Committee on behalf-oi v himself and Miss Finder for-the appreciative'and coinplimentary. reference made to them in the reisort. Speaking for himself, life said that the bis teen years spent In Wiiidsor was in many respects the most pleasant of ' his pickssicnal life. He had .been treated with the utmost kiiidnesk by Committees and residents alike,, and a Jarges measure of the success of the school-was owing to the cordial relations that always prevailed between the teachers, the Committee, and the-parents. During the past twenty-live years his work had been directly under the, guidance of the Qtago Education Board, and, now that his life work was nearing the end.;, he thought tile time opportune to acknowledge the extreme kindness, support, and encouragement he had always received from the Inspectors, the officials. and the Board, lief erring to Miss Pinder. Mr Duggan said that the people of 'Windsor were fortunate indeed in having a teacher of lsuch capabilities and zeal. Her work-in the school was of the highest order, and her place in the social activities of the district- was a distinct asset. Un the motion of Mr Ross, seconded by Mr Magec, a hearty vote of- thanks was tendered to- the retiring Commit- • r 1 1 111 acknowledging the vote of thanks Mr Livingston ;jpoke of the high status of efficiency always"..'occupied by. the Windsor School. He had ,110 doubt that tin. position of headmaster would be worthily jilled, and that the Windsor school would always maintain its reputation amengst the schools of the Otago Education District. 'i'lie following householders; members of the .retiring Committee, were- re- . elected : Messrs Livingstone, Hole, Finlay, Mowat, and Hepburn. Messrs Livingstone and Mowat were respectively appointed chairman and secretary.

OTEKAIKE. At the householders' meeting only iour attended, all being members of the old Committee. Of these Messrs ]\Y. H. Neill. D. Peevers. and W. Gibson were re-elected. Mr Varle. who had sold cut. did not stand. , The report of the Committee is as follows: — ' •• • "T'he Committee have much pleasure in jM-cscnting the annual report and bal-ance-sheet for the year ending February. L 920. "The school was examined by Inspector .Kobe it-on. and all of ihe children passed. The teachers received very high reports lor the" year. "The Committee decided on giving sonic of the biggest boys unci girls lists to canvas the district for-money for theannual prizes," which turned out successfully. ~ ' '"file picnic was held at Mr Wm. Munro's farm, where a large gathering turned out. The prizes were handed out by Mr Songster, and then races were held. "The School Committee, donated £2 and received £2 each from '.lie Education ]]oard anil the Government and purchased books lor the- school library. "The- expenditure r tor the year has licen £4H i* Sd, leaving <2- credit balance at the bank of £34 l<n. "The Committee wishes to record the good feeling between them and the teaching staff. ■ ■

DtTNTROON. The householders meeting was poorly attended, and tile following were appointed a Committee : Messrs Alex. Smith (chairman), .John Rutherford, (secretary). 11. M'Bean, S. Cai'lyon, and J. Poison. The; annua] report was as follows : "During the year your Committee held 14 meetings, the attendances being as follows: Rutherford 14, Smith 13, C-arlyon 11. Poison 11, Mcßean 8, Hamilton" 1. In .June Mr Hamilton resignI ed after faithful service for a number of years, and Mr M'Bean was appointed to fill the vacancy. " "The school attendance tor the year was as follows: . June quarter 69, September 68. December 77, March 79. The present roll number is 85. TJie average for the year was 71. < "The receipts'for the year, including balance brought forward, were £77 10s 7d, expenditure £39 10s 7d. leaving a balance to'end of February of £3B. "Li July Miss Beattie was appointed, mistress, and is doing good work. • "The inspector's report was again very good. In Standard VI. seven were presented and . all passed and all got their proficiency, certificates. - "The Salvation Army, as before, have conducted the Scripture lessons, and these are well attended, much good being done. The thanks of Committee and parents are again due them for their efforts. < "During the year a successful con r cert was held, the net-.proceeds being £1.7 15s, and this, together with the subsidy from the Board, is to be spent\ on improvements to the grounds and fences. • ,"Each child was also presented with a souvenir peace booklet of the great war."


The annual meeting of householders of Awamoko school district was held in the School on Mondav evemnsr. when there were present 10 householders. The retiring Committee's reDort and balance- i sheet was 'received. The election of a Committee for the ensuing year resulted in. the return of Messrs John King. •Tas. • Aitehison. John Geddes. Jas. Geddes, and Wm. Sti-achan. - At a subsequent meeting of the new Committee-Messrs John King and. Jus. • Aitchison were re-elected to the offices of chairman and secretary and treasurer respectively. . ..... ■ The followino; resoJuuon was put before the jneetmg: "That this meeting or- Awamoko householders urcce upon the Government the necessity for educational refoYro in reaard to: (T* The extension of the school age and the reduction of the size ol the dosses: (2) the securing of more trained teacher-?, and. to that- end, the paying of much better salaries; (3) a reform of the system of administration by establishing a National. Education Board and-local: Education Committees." " After much discussion on;clause .three;' • clauses one and two were- carried clause three deleted-. ■ XGAPARA. • There was a very poor attendance-of householders at- the meeting, and. the old Committee was elected, viz. ••Messrs-•'N'.-.- Cochrane- (ChpfrmanV. -C. Hopgood .(Treasurer) i and J. Paters-on CSer-retarv). ' The report was -as follows. "Your Committee luye much nle.i-' suie.-in mesenting Uuir firuuiaT"-if-

: "The year started with a'balance of £ls .Os yd. and closed with £2O Is 9tl in' credit. ' : The Committee have to thank Mr H. Edwards, Oamaru, for his donation 'of £1 30s. rent of section. Tlie Committee have also to thank parents and friends lor their donations of £7 lis Gd towards the.prize fund, and Inspector -Robertson for the proceeds of lecture, 2 los 6dv "You will notice that the jSducattouHoard has altered the end'of-the iinanfcial year to the end of February: also that* it-has increased the sub-sidy to Committees.

"The annual picnic was not held till the 21st July,, on account of the influenza at the beginning of the year. Our thanks are clue to Mr Millar for the use of. his • grounds. , • "At the annual examination the school, received a very satisfactory report. Owing to the Board closing the school earlier than usual, and another outbreak of the 'flu,' the prizes were not given out till April Ist. . "Miss Wilson ha ring resigned, the incoming Committee will have to deal with. the appointment of another mistress.-"

MAHENO SCHOOL. A meeting of householders was held at the Maheiio School on Monday night. The retiring Committee' subiriitted' the following annual report : "The Committee in presenting their annual report have'pleasure -in stating that the school has had a fairly successful year.: The- inspector's examination took place on December 2, and his report showed that the results obtained were- very good. Out- of nine pupils presented for examination in standard 6 - eight gained their proficiency certificates.

"During the year Miss Harlow resigned; her position . as. mistress iu the school after seven and a-lralf years of faithful service. She was accorded an enthusiasfic. farewell by thp. parents and children. Miss-E. J . Crawford. of Milton District High School, was' appointed;.to the vacancy, and is proving herself to be a worthy successor to Miss Harlow.' Mr L. Browir completed his term as pupil , teacher arid is now attending the Training College, Dunediu. ; is succeeded by; Mr W! Hunter.. •-••• "prizes were-given at the break-up ih. December, tlie necessary funds being obtained; by the senior' pupils collecting from parents and friends. * .

; "A very enjoyable picnie-was held at Kak-aiAii beach on januaiy 31, and parents' and children spent a quietly "liappy day by the seaside. 'The.thanks of the. Committee are due ' -to' Messrs Clark Bros, for conveying .the children to Kakanui with their engine' and wagons. . : ' : ''The attendance.lias been :■ Av. At. Av. Roll. March quarter ... 126 136 June (Quarter ... 122 138

September quarter Jl6 129 December quarter'.. 120 ! 128 "The. balance-sheet;, audited by Mr Melville, shows the sum arailnblewas £99 os lid, including the balance ••from 1918 of £37-6s lid. The expenditure has been £6O 9s 4d, leaving a bidance on 'February 29th oK£3B- 16s 7d. This has been considerably, reduced since then by.the payment, of several accounts due. A sum of £4 3s 4d. loeallv rained money/together equal sum from The -Education. Board, has been spent on. books tor the school library and pictures lor the- school rooms. Authority has jusb- been received to ■ spend a subsidy of £4 3s 4d- from the Government; tins will 1-e a welcome addition to tlie library and will help to ioster a love ol books m the children. "The resignation cf Miss Turn bull at, caretaker was received with much regret bv the staff and Committee, as she i had always performed her duties most | thoroughly. The Education .Board have i postponed the erection of a septic tank , in the meantime, scarcity ol labor being h tie .reason • given : for the -delay.. * The ; Committee thank the staff ~ for their i Hearty -co-operation with them in all i that- relates to- the welfare of the school." ■The following householders were elected a Committee Messrs A. . Watson (chairman), H. Hunter Alex. Clark. A- Weir, J. Mather, W. P. Illeidj and D.,P. Pa ton. j tokakAhi. .On Monday evening there were eight householders present, with JVIr 'M'Cone pi tlie, chair, -to receive the - .Tplcarohi ( School 'Committee's repoiix Tliis "-wAs rend by the secretary, with the balancesheet .1 . '%, 1 <

Mr. Paulin moved the adoption of both; and, the' motion having been seconded, was carried:. The following were appointed a Committee: Messrs Itawcliffe, M'C'onc (chairman). Panliii (secretary), VYjlson, and Stephenson. MAEItEWHISNUA. There was a small attendance at the householders' meeting. The following were elected: Messrs F. Bedford (chairman), C. Adams (secretary). E. Barnes, J. Cooper, and J. Cole.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14038, 22 April 1920, Page 8

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SCHOOL COMMITTEE ELECTIONS. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14038, 22 April 1920, Page 8

SCHOOL COMMITTEE ELECTIONS. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIV, Issue 14038, 22 April 1920, Page 8