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HBY :«- J^ -;,,, 0 i w:IS held on the spa- :' " ''.',7 „'„,,] of that institution - T ilL ' Ja - V W:IS a "- V " HM^i' t\\-an: tor such a function, BBv ''-'■*' '.'':, V-i.;r blowing most of "7 ""under the shelter of the .V i»ong tho south side of : :r r r'fio public were lairly BBj:- rlj;u ~ ] v ,\ v ,cre in close proxHB : :' : - V ;';'.[',. events./ There were no HB~ ll} ."". '-init- put up during the r '- j;l '7i-.V racing was- of a good BMf ", ;: - and the results ot HBr.:' '' T1 ..',!-■■ "in doubt right up to HB ttif~ / .| IC l; is t events that HBr;?";'',- ~„inpetitioiis. During : ' : respite of half an ; :- r ~,j for afternoon tea, '•'■•'■- "/_.'.,.j m the ilining hall of : " ...j many of those present HJ- •! avail themselves of the Hi' 1 ' 1 "' ' obtaining something Hl.' vj:; ;\, i.i'-a>.le. to the strains of H*:- •."•''': ''i';r|.-- Hand, which render- ■ "";' ' u - ,• on the lawn in front : '=' : i- ."lite officials worked well, |^H' : ' *V V " . otuplimented on the e.\H J "- •.!•:• in'which they handled ; " ';.'"•"•: iiv programme, it being '■■ !'- up to time. , lC , :lc !:ision of the sports the HP [. "pre-.entod to the winners Hmi- --'V''[.-riaiid. Except where cups ■■J .'; L . 'i"■:'■ :■/.•■-. ' ertifie-ntes were pre,"'.j". 'i ,it trophies, as the proBB« ''''l!.- gathering are to be. do"li'iuld benefit by an aecoptthe result of the gateafternoon u ' :l - ' r HE-:!!:!!, BMf- t v[i,-,v.-iiig are the results. BSr>.-■ Ion" jump—W. (). Sutton 1. BBM' - jump—A. B. Cook 1. J. van!- minor cup —- H. Hawkins 1, BBr - Overton 3. vjnl- junior handicap First BB!\ p Grant 1. D. Anderson 2. P. ■^Br'-.:!: :! Time. 28 2-osecs. SecHJ"^: U: M. R. Heiito* 1. E. H. •' Time. 'JOsecs. Third heat: \Vu-m1 1- T). Sutton 2. Time. Fourth heat: G. (>'ili [). Thompson 2. Time. 2lfeecs. Hft. [,',,-if A. W. Sloss 1. J. StringH, :> Time. 20 l-Ssecs. Giant. I. M. R. Kenton 2, Wood :5. rime. 26 l-ssecs._ viiri- junior handicap—First Hfl "D. Grant i. X. McDonald 2. J J- 1 c -s=ei:=. Second heat: J. X. HR.vh f Chaffev 2. Time. 13 l-ssecs. HVj'k:<t: •/. Darling 1. H. Smith |:{-ees. Fourth heat: J. I. G. Thompson 2. Time,. Fifth heat: U. .1. White '2. Time. I-! f-3secs. Sixth Grant i. -f. X. Murdoch fbrling Time. 12secs. vurd- senior cup—S. F>. Ridgen HB' V. Diiiiiblefmi 2. -f. O. Maifroy vinl- senior handicap—YV. F. HB :j „ !. J. H. Kingston 2. M. V. ! v ;!. Time. ~>U :l--jsccs. HB■ v:irJs nilider IX) L Hazlett. I. ■Stl'i.M.'ll 2. f. Anderson -"{. Tiniel BsS-:<:r hi-li iunip—Walker I. Searle HB:::|' :i. Height 4ft Sin. HH;:.v::. -1. Swindlev. K. H. Smith. Hti H.'igh; -!ft BBS v.iriN open championship—W. D. Bjß[. (..I. Kerr 2. W. M. Taylor :i. junior cun—H. Hawkins I. HHi;. PvirtMii 2. W. D. Sutton :5. HH 12 :J-~ives. HH. Walk.—J. C. McKenzie 1, GTime .'JS 2-ssee. Final—D. J. Smith 1. Turds senior hamlicap—First HHj-V. D. Allan 1. A. Butcher 2. BBfll'in-OM .1. Time 2(5 4-osec. Kingston 1. 1.. Douglas Third heat: R. Craig BBBj:-^in, r 2. D. Tverr •'!. Time BBB(:'i!irtli heat: D. Songster 1, E. BBvSf! 2. G. Anderson ."?. Time 2sHHTFitdi heat: M. Blundel! 1. .7. W. Steward :{. Time 29sec. I. D. Songster 2. ?>■ Time senior f up—C. L. Ridgen G. Sutton 2. J. O. Malfrov :?. HH.' K)<e<: HH -Tin- .-i -ir-ke: ball—J. C. Hepburn HH.J. Tonkin 2. Distance S2yds 888 ""''s cup—W. D. Sutton HH H : i-kins 2. H. G. Overton X. 'ir.i- iunior handicap—First HHL H. Smith 1. H. C. T)rewe 2. BBVv'' •'• heat: S. Baume 1. 2. C. Crawshaw 3. BBwUS. Baume 1. E. H. Smith 2. BB> :;, ' ;:r ■'•■ Time. (]?, 3-->sCc. HBf"'-~ '.under l;Vl D. H. Bews 1. 2. G. D. Tailored 3. Time 'BB«'-'"' .BmB' ;: ' ; '- senior cup—J. G. Sutton BBS" Malfrov 2 C. 1.. Ridgen 3. HH'' i-"^.. aBBa . r ' r -- senior hnndicap—First .■■' R. Parkes 1. S. Hunter 2. ~SI. •'?. Time 12sec. Second 'HHL (i. Ccok 1. .1. R. Kingston E HBfce lls.v. Third heat: CR. 'HH> 1. n. K. Kerr 2. Time 11 Fuiirci! heat: G. G. Brownlee 2. Time, Usee. Fifth C'vaig I. 1). Sangster 2. Time B^BB ;L ' r - G. Cimk I. J. R. Kingston i^^HA 3l - •'■ Time. Tlsec. 'HH--.:. liwiH .1. Xewlands 1. A. F. BSm : ' '-• C. I'arker :{. Time. 2min iBBm-' -■TBf"- '.lk' Wei-lit ( IGlbs) — W. P. i.HHi-ir,l:..ip I<> inches) 1. G. M. i.^^R'-' :,,r , iti inches") 2. Distance. 28 r^B )'"«.'- tinier Cup Hurdles—H. }^^B' : ! H- G. Overton 2. Time. S, i,i..r ('up Hurdles—J. O. 'HH".':■ f . '!". Hepburn 2 : W. J. B^B,; ; Time. P.> 3-osec. S,-uior Handicap Hurdles—cßßVA...m ;. (.. .J. Kerr 2. Time. r^^B :< '" ; "' '"i'-eu)— MePhail and . /■ - v ."-'v,.;!:i„- and Sioss 2. luglis ,H; ::,:! ' Time. 3min. ■ fe-. Nov. lauds 1. A. F. I.eeBBB" ■ r '- Donnati 3. Time, -jmin '- 'HJ. :: ' s'-ai-. hikson). 1 : Va (C. -BHJ"-'- -Taylor. Hepburn). 2: IVb .HH, :;: - MePhail. 1.0BBm run for the I.ieii- '"";.'. resulted as follows: — BBff time. 1.. Douglas. 1 888 ' r i ' Hsu,). ( oiupetitors. — ;BHjr C ' l "-"C 1- Itidi'en. 22 points. 1 HH" ■ v - : '"- noints. 2: -I. O. .1. 'HH' " 3: E. V. Dumble'■H ;;•■-. .1. T. C. Hepburn. 1 ' 888 'V''- ''"''".kiii. 1 point. ■ HH, Hawkins. 181 points. ■ J -.!' T ''"'.'u. it! points. 2: W. D. "i :': D. .1. Siimptor. '. 888 " '-'■•-"■'•ertsoii, 3 points. NIGHT t EI.EBRATIOX. i BBB".; ; uumlier of parents, . HBM" ;-- ; ; tJi...:-.ors of the school, . ;r ! of the night, acr :'~"■ to attend the :'ur which a ioiiian entertain- . ii'd informative cha--1 BBBj,o' : by the staff B^BB~ : '"". eommeiiced with hour the ■BBt.'i\ "as thronged by .: 1' :; - ;! "Uv<i appreciation BBBLL? encores would ; r " : '.';•'' had they not been exigencies. The BBBm^; i r . : '.-" r::o resented exhibited ■■'•'• which the musical of this great BBBBt r V.~'"'. ;, ' : spread, as well as .BBV'A'" : 'apal.iliiies of the pu"t rne instruction BBBBfe. r ..'"~ : ; '"liile the guests weru BBBBj".':""- f, and played a number BBBB"-; wliich disclosed one 5 'icol's The v ' ; Ui the National An-. r!l; 'y gave :i good renderHoliday. The orthesBV^^B'-"' - T "^ r *"■ *- rr >' : "" 1 BV^^^Bs^----'' contriliuted BBBBt ,-, : f- n:areh "The Vanished Tvas "'ttrred by lack of BBBBt -loyeuse." whicli was 8888j v, .V*. : : tr »d inviting, and dis- ■•■'' rno '" : BBBBv-: -V.'"? '-•!'2anis:ition thai i' :% -uri' of listening to. s 5 rf2 '-''.- : ' ] >y W. Altcasiuj P, Longuei,

"Manchester. I. Parkes, and L. Warren, was -.veil sung, the parts being nicelv balanced. W. J. Tonkin sang "I riend o' Mine'* verv nicelv, but P. S. Lowguet's "Away in Athlone" suffered by reason of nervousness, though the singer gave evidence of possessing a. voice of good quality. The pianoforte solo. Rachmaninoff's prelude- in C minor, was well played by X. R. Parkes, and so was Schubert's "Grande Marche Militaire." given as a duet 'by Mr F. C. Burry and G. Cook. 1. Wilson showed considerable ability as a performer on the clarionet with "O, Star of Eve," but this composition of Wagner's is not well suited to the instrument. The flute solo. "Beneath Thy Window." was played partieiilarly nicely by M. Payne. Altogether the concert was of a highly enjoyable character, and many would have been pleased with more. The second part of the celebration consisted of an athletic display in the (|Uaelraiigle. and this proved so excel"h'lit that a large concourse of people* eilh.r sat- or stood around for about hall-an-huiir to witness the many items. They were well rewarded for braving the chilly and discomforting wind. The exercises" included horizontal bar. dumbbell drill, tile formation of pyramids. Swedish drill, and marching in many forms and figures. All these things w.-.r gone through with that accuracy, eas--. and precision which can only be atiained by intelligent enthusiasm, well directed and well sustained. Then within the building there was also provided much to please and interest the visitors, and what was presented was of a varied nature. In the art studio were set forth in an attractive form, and with a backing of foliage and a brightening of flowers, a large collection of drawings by the pupils. These comprised a wide range of subjects, and the work exhibited at once disclosed the value of Miss McCaw's instruction and good artistic temperament on the part of her pupils. The drawings were supplemented bv fine examples of the work done by tl'ie school's Camera Club. In the physical and chemical laboratories Mr H. Hands, with a ii'imber of pupils, interested many with experiments, while in ihe biological laboratory Mr H. Tail e ngageel ihe attention of others with exhibits illustrative of plant life and other things having a bearing on scientific agriculture, as well as the pro- | coses bv which wool as it comes from jihe sheep's back until it reaches the form of cloth. For a great many the ! most interesting point about these [ scientific exhibitions was the scope of the provision made for sending forth pupil- well equipped with knowledge of a practical nature. For tho=e who 'sought amusement of a lighter description a musical revue and conjuring displav was held in one of'the classrooms, where many congregated. A large number of visitors availed themselves of the opportunity to inspect the school, and these, were we'll pleased with the reldeleiioss of the arrangmenis and delighted with the wealth of excellent pictures with which the Hector has adorned the walls in all directions. While these things were going on ihe g\ innasiuiii. which was adorned with flags an.l tmohic-. was being transformed into a ballroom. Here for a few liour.s the young people tripned if merrily to bright music under the stimulus ' of an invigorating air. Mi- and Mrs Miluer regaled their large lone of guests with an ample supply of light refreshments, and aliogi ilier the function was one to be remembered with pleasure.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13907, 7 November 1919, Page 7

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WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13907, 7 November 1919, Page 7

WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13907, 7 November 1919, Page 7