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The Eastern extension Cable Company notifies the Telegraph Department that- t lie Mauritius-Rodrigucs cable lias 'been restored. The acceptance of full rate traffic for the United Kingdom, via "Eastern." has now been resumed. . .

Some score of influential citizens met' in the Borough Chambers last night to discuss the securing of concerts'in Oamaru by the Sydney State Orchestra. 'I heMayor presided, and briefly outlined tho position as alreadv stated in the Press. Guarantees of £2/3 "each were promisedby his Worship the Mayor, and Messrs 1). Fa mi I ton Sons arfd Begg and Co. Air A. E. Lawrence moved that this meeting of citizens invite the Sydncy_ State Orchestra, to visit Oamaru. It. seemed to him there was very little likdiliood of the guarantors being called lpon, and that if they wore. it would be :o a partial extent, only, which they should be willing to suffer for the educational effect upon the musical people of the town. Mr C. W. N.'iylor seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. and the following Committee was set tip to arrange all details:; — Captain Bedmond and Messrs D. Tl. Thomson, C. \V. Kent. A. W. Woodward, R. Moldrum, W. "Walters, A. 15. Lawrence. .1. T. Oalcden, C*. AV. Nnylor, W. F. Ahcl, IT. Fox, and the Mayor (convener). Offers ol billeting were received, and others will be welcomed. The iiuestion of prices was discussed. and it: was resolved to charge lor scats so as to allow some moderate prices if possible. Mr J. A. Mncphorson will address the electors of the Onmnni electorate at to-night; Kin Ora. 011 Friday; Awatnoko. on Saturday; Moeraki, on ■Monday, Kartigi. ,011 Tuesday, and Wnintialcnrun., on Wedifesdn.y, . Probate of the will of Hm late Mrs Jane I'atefHon was gran led on the :ird. "infil., by Mr Jimtioo Sim <hi the application of Messrs Newt on and Tlorton,

A IK'ui.iy designed nt'iiiorial I tablet has been placed in the National Hank by llie manager, Mr A. 1"1:»m ton, to the officers in the hank wh<> took pan.' in the war. Its roll of .iionut j includes the names of the nobly l alien: ] C. P. C. Cunningham i Alay. 1915) and ( A.. C. Hewat (October. 1917). and of ( iiose l who also- served the Empire: Messrs E. Al. Bisflop, N. T- Brown. > 3. L. Ferous Allan Gibb. H. S. VVhvte. G. L. Tweedie. A. 31. Alunro. 3. AV. MeDouall, and C. A. Steven. At the final meeting for the season , >f the season of the Oamarti Male Dhoir held last night it was decided to told a social on Thursday next, when >ach member will have the privilege "1 nviting two guests. A musical prolamine will he arranged by the hon. Conductor. Mr C. AA . Xaylor. he nembers desire to most heartily thank til those who assisted in any way at :he recent concert and the public, lor ts liberal support. Orders have been jla-ced for supplies of new music, and practice will be resumed at the end of •Vbruarv. i* ♦ When taking his overcoat oft yestcrlaj- Alr -N. Kennedy's horse started lorvard with the result that- he 101 l out ,( the trap. He was droving «t the ime c.n the Milin road. 1 helcrse ho-ltcd along the AVeston road, town Chelraer street. Reed street. Sorih street, and Beach street into ute :ea, with the trap attached. Turning iftcr a swim it reached the beach, vhere it shed the inconvenient trap md made northwards along the shinr]c. Air Kennedy was unhurt, and the lorse is not injured to any extent. '1 he log. which was under the trail, where t "seems to be the prerogative lor a. trover's dog in be. remained there and rent pace with the horse to flip finisl*. 'vidently satisfied,that -it had done its social and presentation to Miss AVilding will be held in Wear Street Hall to-morrow evening, at hallpast seven o'clock. . A grand concert in aid or the troon Organ Fund and Petrol I'unci ivill he held in the Duntroon Hall on Friday. November 28th, at R p.m. Leading Oairiaru talent has kindly consented to assist, and a. musical treat is assured. .. . A social -ind presentation will ho tendered to Air and Mrs F. Broekett In the Halca Valley School on Friday A lantern lecture illustrated by Hill antern slides, on London will be given in Fridav November 7th m OtekaikoSchool by the. Rev. AV. V. Willis. The ect-ure win be followed by a >x>cial jroceeds towards petrol fund. bevera I rocal items have been promised. A final reminder is given of the sale >f live and dead stock to be held at Horm.iek's. near AVeston to-morrow on iccounc of the executors of the late Mi Ale A'eigh. The stock, as advertised n" another column, comprises several lundred sheep, nine horses, over od lead of cattle, ol which lo are dairy ■ows and a large quantity ol larm implements and sundries. Messrs Dalgetx incl Company will conduct the sale vliieh will commence at 11..M) a.m. and uncheon will be provided. . A recent visitor to= the hush lands informed a. Clntha Leader representative that, the amount of timber rroing to waste in that district was pitiable to see. Gigantic logs, some ol them containing 2000 ft of timber, were Ivincr' as thev were felled. The opinion vas "oxnre?-ed that the extension of the railwav line, and provision lor the construction of' light private ines as feeders, would be instrumental m relieving the present, shortage in buildinc material, and overcoming a, conscluent housing difficulty. Thousands of Feet of timber also lie embedded m the ground where wooden railways were jnce in operation. "Notwithstanding the large number sf men being discharged daily, the employment figures disclose an excellentposition. " states the monthly report of the Repatriation Department. "Durn<T the past month 1141 men were placed in situations, and it is pleasing to note that the number remaining on the employment -register for the whole the Dominion at- the date of this report is the. lowest- on record, viz., 307 —about, a week's placings. During the month -16 men were granted unemployment sustenance allowances for a, week 3i- more, and 12 are actually in receipt jf same, at the date of the report. The rocational training figures show a lurcher increase, no less than 406 men havng commenced training in new trades jr occupations during flie month. The :otal number for whom training has ieen arranged to date is 2664. Of this lumber -!2S have finished their course, eaving a balance of 2236 still being rrained in the various technical schools >r special soldier classes, and in the vorkshops and factories of private iloyers throughout- the Dominion. Dur-' 1 ng the eight- months IS9O loans for the nirpose of establishing discharged solliers in business (involving an expeniiturc of £27,824) have been approved >y the Ministerial Board, and during he- month under review £113,703 was >aid out- on behalf of-soldievs for furliture. tools, subsidised wages, assisttnce to apprentices, etc. The total nnount expended to date- under these leadings is £504,215. During the 11011 th £5079 was repaid by instalnents, malting a. total of £13,521 received to date in reduction of loans

granted." ]n recognition of the work performed by members of the military and civil staffs during; the influenza, epidemic, approval is given by Defence Headquarters for speciai leave of absence from 24th December. 1919, to 3rd January, 1920 .(both days inclusive), to all who can be spared for the days between Christmas and New Year. The offices will remain open during the. holidays, arid those who are required to work will be grantedi equivalent leave immediately following tlie New Year adjournment. This will cover pwiod sth to Bth .lanuary inclusive. and the members of the military and civil staffs concerned will report for duty accordingly, on morning of 9ih

.lanuary. 1920. No deduction on account of leave referred to above will lie made from annual leave. A despatch frorh Prague states that a powerful English syndicate lias been formed in London, . with branches at Vienna and Budapest, to buy up the Austrian, Hungarian, Serbian, and 'Roumanian navigation companies on the --Danube with all their steamers and stocks, thereby obtaining control of Danube shipping from Pnssau, Bavaria, tr> the Black Sea. The negotiations are nearly completed. The English syndicate intends later to construct. commercial monitors for the Danube. Recent; naval operations have shown the value of this type of craft. iThp scheme shatters 'the old German dream, of securing control of the Danube in connection with the Bagdad line.

Two nwre crimes committed by American soldiers in Paris are reported. Ail American called on a. Paris wholesale grocer arid told lii 111 lie could sell .'•nine stores at Brest. He suggested that the Frenchmsgi should accompany him there. The.v went to Brest toaether .ami took a. room in an hotel. Then the American dissappeaved, taking with him the Frenchman's pocketbook. which contained nearly ,£a(.tO. A Frenchman living ill the Paris suburb of Saint Owen made the acquaintance -r three American soldiers, who invited him to 20 for a motor-car drive. He accepted, but when they reached a loneiv mail the Americans set about him 'with a. knuckleduster, knocked him down, and robbed him.

The unwary person who pursues a rat with the intention ol killing it can learn 11 lesson from the. experience ol an Auckland resident, who lor some days now has been suli'ering from blood-poi-soning. The man in question bailed up it rai. and was just about- to linisih it oil', when the rodent nipped him on the linger. The poison travelled rapidly through die system, and very quickly the man was an invalid, with tho appearance of a person who had recovered, from a severe attack of influenza. Ho has received medical treatment, and is improving, hut is not hv any means back to his normal condition, and has yet to receive more of the < treatment that is counteracting the effect of the poison.

Scotland's best, experts make NOI? I M liltlTl SIT SOLID yiAND T\RISS! lry thorn 011 your motor lorry for iyiv orouomy, nnd tnko a note of tho 1111 llg n,mM wait until Influenza grips >'o» -..gel. "NAJCOL" now. The Imst salesman! against, concha, eolds, chest jiml Ihronl, sorenena. 60 doses. Is (id. It,, delighttnlt The weekly washing gone! wt» soil NO IUOimKO" I,.amulry Help, nnd lis a wonder; 18 packet. Ailain Maekuy.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13906, 6 November 1919, Page 4

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Untitled Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13906, 6 November 1919, Page 4

Untitled Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13906, 6 November 1919, Page 4