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IREt.AXF). ANI> t: PARIS. -MintO'Cea lfai;rh (O'Kelly) ntid Ouffy. ot the Irish delegation f" I'-"" hav • vent a letter to M. ( u . (French Prtuii-.'ri. rlniminv. tosj-eak in the tumie iH the "eleeted Gov phi iiu-nt the Irish Rs'puMi.-." They refer to the memorm-iioni ot May iri whieh they notified rli■ * P-aee C.mFi»rt»n«v 'hat Ireland riiht to tlu- British (internment .o jign. any pact- iu ch». nnrm> of •!. Hit-y dVelaiv that only th.- <r>-ivx;>tf* nppoirvt''tl hy 111Koverrin.ent i t "he "Irish Republic" bav>. tha. rn:l»c mid ask intervention ot tm 1 IV a. ■ C'nlll'Pretlee to -ITliri' it -a I t.» rh„. Fr.-h delegate-. sHipptNti fikeft. F.i ».VFH>.V. .run.. < The Shipping Combine ha- ". it anprnaehed Mr t.arkm (nian.r;"i- i I tinCommonwealth F.iriej. th-pit.- tli • traders" ivpre-en ration-. Mr FFu-.::h"-has invited tin* Australian Trad' r-" A ■ voi'iiitlon rn i.infer in F.ondmi at which eonfercni e hi' i-i t" d t" make ait important aiirioiuie»»m u? r»-har»'< ami 'Ft.- •»» , m*r.i! relations nf tlir h tine to rIto shipper-. Mr F.arkiri -1.i"• • ~ tha" wliilf tilt- Combine v.-<.»-|. art- oart'y .sivFinz halla-r ill" u-tral'-:h it sailed oti .Funr 7 with a iapji -■ t ■' ,tl torts from Kiiilaml. and will !>■• tilled to the h;U< lie- at 1 till i ill pint-. Th • Roorara. with rnr_;n from (Full air! London. wiil -ail at 1.1•»' »""l of .fllri>■. FFF'N.VFSft c;>XTKsT. PA FT f-\ -Ii'11• ■ Ihe i'irre-pond-nt <-i '''■ Ti l '" - i' Berlin >i<n«U an v i—,-. r?>"filiation in Kerrunnv. Fie -ays that rtie contest i- now In m .vn tun 111. ti — Rerr Frzhor ;er and Count Ffro.-kdurl Kantzau. The former invoke- national unity. ard. declare- tha' a retu-a! to -•itrn i* ll'ieatr'eal ami i*---ohrin"'iie-: occupation •I; 11 rii' J•. am] ru.ii. n::h rlii- remark: •' I■ ir» a . nr-- ti->r i-tf'rna" Culm FJanlz.H! hi ail- r!i "ftlnlf it-nut" -rliucil. ImMint: tl , a r tin-' Alii''> "iv finurrlr ~ rhi'T ;ir;iii "» lU'linirafi-nl an.l while thr S<ii'iaii-r. ;>r>- ai.arkii::. ih • trKUtv. Hi' woulil it-ill-. l.> >i.'ii. ati'l wnrihi trift ro rim-. Th - r orr»-p«!iii!-i-nt thai t|ii' l'»"-I ri'j: i>l 'lf' ip !■ <;vrniai \ i» .-.ti; p< >u r u t-I ni : ia 11-:!.. an 1 faiafi.-rti. * ff.-rr N*i>-k.- (<;. r.i.aii Mlni-i.-r f..r I),-I'.-ncfi '.irirtt-- iii i r-a-iii" !\ ' •*<*■• rh,. Siiai-la.-'i-n-, Iff r.. uil:iv. and niaili- ii'i''.' -n"' • .rr.'-f-. inclmlinj: imi Ili-rrt'.'!. t!i rNriv:: t h-i.i^i-WAR WIT Ft Ht»r.SFF(-:VF. r ;>. PAR?-. .Fill!.- !>. Th.- i orr—n.iinl,T,t nf tin Ti:;!r» a: - -triin;: S'oMn-vik fit tF:<- ::i)rih.-rii Fi-n:r.i-h TuinU'r Ii i| m a n'nhili-ati.m iilnio>: I'll rilii•=•••. Til.' p.' .!111' ale I.Ul-ri'l'-ril'. Whit.i. i-i in ua r in _• P.-" ri. s rail witli atl >-p.'i il. tin- FJ '!-fiiU- :■ r.• • fi»n-triiririir vn-ai rintnlr tr. Tin.. F-'irtni-h f -r-1-.*l St. K' .1. - i.-.r thai: rii'.-vmi-n--.- yr---,->ii arinniii.-r. rhr (!n!-!n ck p.ri'ii -. Th.' Firm- haiv >ii>|i. rn!t-M ih- , hati > : pris«ni-'rs ii'" war Thi -v-'v::, l::w h(—ri irtrnifur; .1 n> <• r'F► ■i- t.. -av.- I-"L•:-ni-!i pri-.m-'r- l"n mi Ti.i|!'rvk !..|-t:ir--. hilt tin- C. IH-ral -Stair :a:i::.iiiii >■- rhar 1.h.-- n-o-ii ►•nrrs;»'tif lii"a-nr.": haw F> -t-: plannc-'d r.o r.-cn.' th.- l inn-. '..lriiial KulrhaU'-. »-fn-,il -.> ojllli-i- 'li" irlli pend-.-ni i' of tli... F>:-F t-1- nation-;, in. lu<litn; Finlanl. -nil i!i-titrh- anl <r. tfn- I'llnripaiTh- >m'i'' sponcfi'Ht -.tat.-i that tlu- I'a Jin-: F*n!---lii-vKv.-. i'e:>riitill:ii-11nrj l nr. i; - in£ fniin fVtrn'j:ra(t. T ii> I 'llit.ary t. ■ vrrrnr i.< an cnuino-r »ni>!.-ri: nam -•< Shn.totf. "l'-i yi ar-- <■'' a j:c. uh . im riiyin;; ttc n <l<ii —-1- terror. H'< iChiti"S.. I'^i'eurion'.'r. ami niaehin.- L'liri. to (lent with ilii' nnmi tioti-w or'i ,-rril<prs. who r> ftt-v la proviil" 11:rr.11• ■ r riirtn'-tinn-. 'Flu- Ks'hoaia i;- aiut General Den.'kirr- troop- nr ■ tar.k-. Thi- Allies' nriuios '!. have h.> 'n liaruteft t;> Ail.'niraf F-CoFeliak". metit at Omsk, ami a. reply ha- h.-\. : received wfiieh i- tnatt'Fy - ifi-fai turv hut fonipri-es t ion '• mi f.vo point* "ti uhieii rii.- Allied (J.ivninieiit- ini<i>t —na'ii.-ly rh . . oi'vo.-at'oa of a Cnnstituen. ,\--.>:iili!v a.:;d t!t■ ■ !"•- cognition nf tile imli-; - nih'-ie, m l'; r>ew State- forni.'i! '.'■a 1 ' et l!n--a v. ;-!i (.Fr«• approval of th" -\lli -. F'o[,f:s and f; t:i:M a .vs. FMRfS. .Ill,:, I V Ttie F'oli-h armies I'a. rf'e Cerma", ri mil h r It l.i" i;:. (1.-n.-ral Kail* r h.>ad» the main . whi.-h i i op.- ■■ trivt"it north ot Radv. ; 'I w !i man e nn Danzig. A iiiiirh'r of ili.iilf •• !.• i Alts t rn-Ft ini Liar inn generals a.r.- en: ptnved in other tot"'- v. liii ii :ir- e: r - e.elitrate.l toward- Sil'-i-ui el ir. .jv: -. '.ihitsf arrnie- a'-o nat.h th. F!n -;a:i. Czei.'ho-Slovukiria and fman frontiers. r.» tfoinir »n litl" <>f 'he ['riN.-ian-Poli-'l I'l' Pt eland there till- Fv'e-I a -erirn:- Fr.rri • a' Brntriberz. TTio Prit>-:an ton-'- !ia\ ■ hepti formed into an amy 'reiip i" iter von 8.-low. ft i- nor h.-diev'tt 'hathe (ioverr-aiept approves hut B. r'.in"orrlers ari- futile in many part- of : I.! Owrmnnv. The .Fti- Foil,- ili-l d , I' e t-1 ■_11 "-in ; to-day. Ft. i- h.-l'i'v-.l thai tin v arpre|iareif to i oneede tfe old F'o'iier.i*ni:in hoimdarv. fie r mit: ;. t:'-I.r i: ■; S(!i"id"iuah! and Mil-t-'-'i. TirRKS MAKFVfi FOR PARIS. PARIS. -T'lri" The Tnrki-h IVae, n.'. tholl.e 11 tlier.- i- mithimi i» .Ie-■ ill - v. ;th regard to ttie futaire o! Turk".v. i*r aeif-'rilanee n irh the w'.-ti ei i!i. Turkish I mivi rnra. iir, ha- f»vi a-k'.f i_i. eortie to Pari«. Fr. i- jirohah!,. tli:il ih • AlVi'-'j- will soon he in a ..irion c.o IllWtl the FFnle-aria.': r";::-, .■nta ti. ' ■ C in.-iilerilf le |i.'ftio'is el' the Hu : :ai an 'F'reatv lun e already h. • n dr-ei:—i!. Th.- Turkish <!■. !e;a.,- ale /S t»vf".l to arriie on .Fitrie tl. and uiFt h ■ a---ijxried (jiMirter.s ai Vamrr--op. >-i«i - j to Ver-.aille-. Fh>v lom-. a- ".Mi.-rt-rioc a- pti'iiipoti-nt arie- tor their (inVernieeii. lias net iTiven them pt.-uar, peiwprs. ft is it'id-'r-'O'd that tli.vieunoiiit if the Tnrki-ii ('iav.-rumen! whieli tln-y «i'l -IrTiinir t' the Ft Futtr I- that lie- Coiuri it o, I i i h and wa - ahaie r --poii-i'it- tor rhe entry of Turkey ji>f.. rl: ■ i-.,:r. a e! al.-'i) th.- rrea cmeiit of Arm- u'ans. 11: • Titrkish Oovernnierit i pr' j'ar -d t ' li.'si- Arnauiia. I]:rae- ami Aiahia. *»t|> prot"s - vp_ :rottsly against he i-'j: ohliiied to -urn rider San rim to (!:v eee. The Tnrk'.»!i (in. eriimeiit ha- nai e.-.l ii- f nt:e t iona rie - throu ;!ioi:r rh • F-.-n pin- that if i- ef the trr nir.s. _ itn i-oi .'lie. while the If. legation i- Ttt Par!-, that there hp no rii-: ord-r> iri Turkey. F.t'F)K.VD:)RFF. PARIS. .Fun, '. EJidend-ii'ff, cnrroutided hy a hriiiam; -i.ulf. i- living ill the tin. [ ia-ai.>->d>l-lioc.'k in Berliu. FF" i- e.i-ily the mo-' unpopular man iu Kern .any. i.hi.h i--.Jiyilii: tittieli. Ifani'.bills hail' »" -ii eireuhiti 1 urL-'ine' that F.iid"ridorff In* plaeed; il «totie wall and riven ;> rFo-- - ot Ills in' : i riv In I lie. Nr.thn-;; itlHumes the workers mere than a rnetitiott ef h : s tiiinie. vej Xo»k»- Fim - pven linn mifjortant w\>rk. .he Knerr-nerit declaring- it is to employ th" he-.t militarv '-eniiise- to nr» •-rv onTer. Atuith-r -i'^nitie;.nt niov.- towariU react on i- t|i.- Cio\ erunie" t*- r- v tnj: wi.h the Pari-fif plans t- r III" ri ciTrn of the Heh 'iiz dEe-ri-. Tr wa- pttl !, ilia fi"r:a:inv tha' rt - : - ■ '.'liees h id h. en n. leeti'd >ll Pr;i--ia for n - "eluded lit,.- fo- the f.Tlvr Ka*--"r and the Crov.'.n Prim e. Th.. > n k'ai-t-r's otfieialtv ih rri -- tliist tli uv is iinv «eheni.-. afoor.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13812, 17 July 1919, Page 2

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SYDNEY SUN CABLES. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13812, 17 July 1919, Page 2

SYDNEY SUN CABLES. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLIX, Issue 13812, 17 July 1919, Page 2