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'{'.:, W.-uiuato Borough Council wet :!! the Council Chamber.*., Waimate, on Thursday evening. Present: His Worship the Deputy-Mayor (Dr E. C. Havcsi and Councillors Inkster, Jones, Manchester, Pollock, Russell,. Attvill, Collett. and Evans.

A special meeting was held before the ordinary meeting to amend abater by-law, and to strike a special rate to cover interest on a £2OO loan.

His Worship the Mayor (Major Norton Francis). wrote stating that as his first year of office as Mayor will expire shortly, Tie considered it his duty co again place before the Council for its consideration the question of his resignation of the Mayoral chair, because he did not think there was jnuch chaiK*~> ni his returning to civil life, except . through a breakdown in health, before his term of office expires early in May next year. He was naturally proud to occupy the position, but felt that he was not doing justice to his good friend, Dr Hayes, who is so ably and conscientiously carrying out the Mayoral duties without being invested with the dignity of the position, and in fairness to him aud the question of leaving the Council short of one memIjer through his own protracted -absence he left this question entirely in the hands of the Council for their consideration.

It was finally resolved, after a good deal of discussion, that the Mayor be grunted leave of absence until such time as he could resume his duties. i In* Secretary of the Waimate School Committee wrote thanking the Council on behalf of the Committee for the lamp that had been granted.—Received.

Mr .1. Menzies wrote requesting the Council to extend the asphalt along Parsonage Road frOin Herbert street in Butcher's' Lane.—Referred to the Works Committee for a report. Mr A. Fibbcs again wrote asking for payment of his lien on the asphalt contract.—Mr Fiblies to be notified that he must wait until the contract was completed. Mr John Friend wrote inquiring as to whether the Council wished to have the Statutes corrected with the 1914 amendments. The matter was deferred for future consideration. The Mutual Provident Stores asked permission to erect a signboard above the verandah of their shop in Queen street.—Granted conditionally on the work being carried out to the Kngineer's satisfaction.

Henri De Lissac applied for permission to hold two Sunday concerts —one in aid of his boys and one in aid of the patriotic funds. —The Town Clerk re-< ported having taken a vote of the. majority of the Council, who were in favor of granting the request, and he had granted it accordingly.—Action approved. Mr G. A. Bridge* wrote stating that when going round the streets last Thursday with the Council some notice was taken of a low place in the kerb at the corner of Rhodes and George streets. One Councillor remarked that Mr Bridges intended the water to go on down Rhodes street, but gave, wrong levels. He stated that if the plans in tire Council's offices were referred to it would he found that Site levels are 123.3iin for the west ' corner and 127.67 in for the ncrth. thus giving a fall of Bin along Khcdes street. He had taken levels on the ground, and found that instead of a fall of Sin there is a rise of 2in. He heard at the time the work was being carried out that his levels were being altered by the Town Clerk, and this was a fair "sample nf what happened when amateur engineers start meddling w.'th things they did not understand.—-The Works Committee to inspect and report. A petition was received_ from Massey street residents nsking that a street lamp be placed on the Gorge Bond between Queen street and Massey street.—Decided to place lamp at corner of Massey street as previously arranged. The Waimate. Times Co. applied tc l»o placed upon the same footing in regards to advertising rates as the evening paper.—lncrease in rates granted. The Fire Brigsfde Captain (Captain Xaish) forwarded the annual report on the work of the Fire Brigade. The Brigade had had four fires and one false alarm. Good work had been done at all the fires, which had been c|tiickly got under. Ho « was pleased to say that the Hospital Committee had taken a 3iu main into their grounds, which would lie of great assistance in the event of an outbreak of fire there. The usual monthly practices had been held, and had been well attended. Fireman 'Thomson had gone on active service, and had been accorded a send-oir by the Brigade. He had examined the fire escapes in the hotels and halls, and, with a few alterations, nil were in good order. He had tested the bell on the new tower, but did not get good results, the bell now being too small and hung on an iron bar instead of wood. He had made inquiries re a new bell, and a splendid one could be got locally for £4O, But as Dunedin were doing away with some in a few months' time he thought it possible to get one cheap. He recommended that the lamp opposite the bell-tower be kept alight all night, the station-keener to pnt it cutin the mcjrntng. He would require 400 ft of new hose, 6 pnirs of boots, and 4- sets of couplings. The top of lilie chimney at the station needed repairing and the brick wprk painting, also the ladders. The estimated expenditure for th« year would be £'7o. Lieutenant Willetts attended the Wcstport Conference as delegate. The Brigade was at its full strength, and although likelv to lose two men soon he aid not think there would be. any trouble iir filling, their places. The Council passed a resolution'of thanks to, the -members of the Fire Brigade* for the-good work done, also to the Cnptain for the report. —Town Clerk's Beport.—

■ "1 have to report" that-the past fortnight has been ;m exceptionally busy one, and a.considerable amount ot over, time has" been worked in the office. The rough balance-sheet for 15)15 is now complete. The general account shows a uebil balance of £'1219. 9s -3d, of which £435 is accounted for by expenditure over and above the loan on the diainagc extension.. Of this £435 the s:ir:i ot £'2oo will be obtained troni tiie 10 per cent, on the loan ivhich has been granted by _the State. Advances Ollice, but has not yet been obtained. In the estimates lor last year provision- ■ was made lor securihg"J.O per cent, on the streets improvement loan, which would have equalled £509. 1 nstead of borrowing, this money 3 has been provided oui> of the -District Fund Account, so that'in- these' two items alone i'iteo of the t!ebit has .been accounted for. Another £3-1 6s is made up of £l6 6s for new typewriter, and £lB for a new- level and staff. The debit at the bank oil the District Loan-Account at 3bil March was £344 2s Id. .

, "The water account shows a profit en the year's working of £376. In thu* account considerable extra expenditure was involved. The Massoy street extension ..was carried out and cost £196, the new fence at the headworks was erected at a.cost of £75, and the creek was cleaned out at a cost- of £l2, also the apron was. repaired at n cost of £l3: so that this acco'iint make- :i very I creditable showing. *\ '"The drainage account shows a. debit of £27 16s 6d. This account started the year with a' debit of £46 17s 83, so thafon" the year's; working jt lias I made a profit of £l3 Is 2d. This profit , was made after paying £26 extraordinary expenditure for cleaning out .the

.-■jptic tank. This is a good showing. and with the new connections ::u*' being made should be even better for tin.* ensuing year.

'.'The Streets Improvement Loan Account is in credit to the sum of £1034 7s 2d. The next six or eight iveeks should .see the. contractor completed and paid off. At present we aro hold. ing a large sum on the contract, so until a .final settlement is made with the contractor comparisons in this account cannot very well be made. "I have to report that considerable anxiety-has" been caused: through- the septic tank not running or working as it should. As far as. can. be ascertained - this is apparently caused through people placing disinfectants' in the drains. This cannot be -too strongly condemned, as the disinfectants kill the microbes on srhich .the . tank . depends for its efficient working, and is apt to bring the whole system to a standstill. I have had. advertisements in the papers, and have also, aft«r consulting with the chairmanjpi' the Sanitary Committee, had a man. making an inspection of every water-closet connected with the sewers in. theT borough. At quite a number of places the owners admitted having used disinfectants, but were unaware that they were doing wrong. It is evident that the disinfectants have had a good deal to do with the. stoppage, but there is still some other cause which is retarding the tank's prooer working, as very large quantities of silt are being passed into the filter beds, and will ma few weeks' time block the'beds completely unless attended to.: I would recommend that the District Health Officer, (Mr Chesson) be invited to inspect and report on- the tank. "On Friday evening Mr W. D- K. M'Curdie arrived in town, and on Saturday morning the chairman of the Water Committee, myself, and Mr C. •Hodges proceeded to the headwords and made a thorough'inspection of the waterworks from the falls right down to the reservoir, and from the.reservoir to town. After being supplied with all the information possible, Mr M'Gurdie left the following day. His report will no doubt be to hand shortly. . , "1 shall be glad to receive the Council's instructions as to closing the office at Easter." . It was Tesolved to close the office from the Thursday to the following Wednesday at Easter. The Department of Internal Affairs wrote making suggestions for the celebration of Anzac Day. In connection with this matter the Rev. Mr Stockwell, on behalf of the Ministers' Association, waited on the Council and suggested a public mass_ meeting to be held in the evening in the Olympia Hall. The Rev. Chapiam King was prepared to come and give an address. ■ The Council decided to leave the matter in the hands of the Ministers' Association to arrange individual Councillors promising their suture. P. O'Hagen, asphalt contractor, wrote that as be was being charged extra freight on hb tar by the Railway Department, would the Council reimburse him? —Decided to notify Mr O'Hagen that the Council would give him an assurance that he would nothave to pay the extra freight. The Water Committee recommended that Mr Charles Manchester's water charge be reduced to £3 17s 6d, and that fish shoos and blacksmiths' shops be supplied "through meters. —Report adopted. The Council decided to give the Hon. Dr M'Nab a civic reception on his arrifval on Wednesday, and also to receive the Hon. G. W. Russell on Friday and entertain him to lunch. Accounts amounting to £243 12s 6d were passed for tmyment. ' At the conclusion of the Council meeting the Council met as the Domain Beard, and transacted formal business.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XLII, Issue 12823, 15 April 1916, Page 1

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WAIMATE BOROUGH COUNCIL. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLII, Issue 12823, 15 April 1916, Page 1

WAIMATE BOROUGH COUNCIL. Oamaru Mail, Volume XLII, Issue 12823, 15 April 1916, Page 1