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For many vears Ut* "boys of Waitaki High School h«ve provided at their sauna! sports an interesting entertain. 1 me&t free to all who cared to attend, and the gathering has always provided a thorughly enjoyable exhibition of keen and clean athleticism with every competitor extended to his limit in bealtKy nvalrv. For this year a departure was made inasmuch as the public were asked to pay for admission, the proceeds to be devoted to the Wounded Soldiers' Fund, and they would will, ingly hare acceded to the request had not the "weather just at- the wron:£ moment, threatened to behave most scur. vily towards so deserving a cause. Fortunately for the success of the function the heavy rain, that fell at midday did not last, and but served to clear the air, so tflat the afternoon was, climatically, very pleasant. The sports were held oil the Show Grounds, kindly lent for the purpose by the Agricultural and Association, where the ground was in better condition than ever • before. Yet the track was not so smooth as is desirable for the purpose, and the established therefore do not compare favorably with those of similar institutions of the same standing. Though the physique of the competitors would lead ono to believe that every one of them was a champion, only three coveted the Senior Championship, which was very easily won for a second time by Wardell, a clean-built runner with a somewhat pounding style, whoso specialty was the running events, gaining for him first place in the 100, 220 and 440 yards events. It is a pitythat the mile and half-mile -were not competed for. and it would seem that Macintosh with onlv 4 points to catch on the leader, should have had a good j chance to place his name on the Cup I had he started in the longer distances. The Junior Cup had four claimants, but all the others saro Findlay were of the Tichborne type. Findlay is a smart boy on the track, and had a good .margin of points in his favor at the close -of the day. A feature of the sports was tho expedition with which a long programmewas worked through. There were no delays and no dull moment for four and ar-half houre, and for this fact much - of the credit is due to Mr M'Culioch, while, of course, all the other masters closely co-operated. During tho day Wardell reduced Macartney's record for the 440 yards to 57 1-osec, knocking 3-ssec off it. Macintosh established a new long jump record of 19ft 3in, beating lids own record of last year by six inches; while Hargreaves _ added half an inch to the junior high jump record. Afternoon tea was dispensed in the grain room, and altogether the day was a most enjoyable one. In the evening tho Rector entertained the parents of boys,' particularly those from a distance, at the school, where a thoroughly enjoyable programme of musical and other items was provided by the boys. So high a standard was attained "that parents must have realised the many-sided nature of the education provided at aitaki. The results are: Junior Long Jump Handicap (record 17ft lin, L. H. Marshall, 1910) K. James, scr, 16ft 6}in. 1; E. Findlay, 2;_ C. J. Kirkland, Bin, 3. Ten competitors; distance, 16ft. 6}in. . Senior Long Jump Handicap (record 18ft 9in, R. R. Macintosh 1914) —O. Smith. 20in, 19ft 2»in, 1; R. R. Macintosh. scr, 19ft 3in (a record) 2: Js. S. Wardell, scr, 3. 220 Yards Junior Cup (record 'Jo 3~ssec, A. H. Thomas, 1912) E. G. Findlay 1, K. James 2, C. J. Kerr 3. Four competitors. Time, 28 2-ssec. Findlay won by a foot after a close race.

440 Yards Senior Cup (record 58sec, A. D. Macartney. 1913) X. S. "Wardell 1, S. D. Macplierson 2, _R. R. intosh 3. Time, 57 I—jsec (a record). Wardell looked as though lie might liave done even better if pushed. 100 Yards Junior Cup (record ll 2-ssec. It. C. Onglev. 1902; X. S. W"ardell, 1913) E. G. Fiudlay 1, C. J. Kerr 2, W. Bewes 3. Four started. Time, 12sec. 220 Yards Senior Cup (record "5 1-5 sec, R. C. Onglev, 1905) —N. S. Waidell 1. S. D. Maepherson 2, R. R. Macintosh 3. Wardell won comfortably. Time, 25 3-jsec. 440 Yards Junior Clip (record 60sec, T. K. Webber, 1914) —W. Beres 1, E. Findlay 2, K. James 3. Four started. This was a slow-run race, and Bewe-> won by a well-timed sprint. Time, 64 4-ssec. 100 Yards Senior Cup (record 10 2-5 sec, R. C. Ongley, 1905) —N. S. Wardell 1, S. D. Macpherson 2, R. R. Macintosh 3. Wardell won very comfortably. Time, llsec. 220 Yards Junior Handicap' (record 25 3-osec, A. H. Thomas, 1912) First l-eat: T. V. Sutherland, 25yds, 1; A. 31 .Malcolm, 9yds-, and G. Sumpter, 13yds (dead heat), 2: time, 26 4-ssec. Second heat: F. 5!. Jackson. 9yds, 1; G W. Ferris, 12yds, 2; time, 29sec. Third heat: L. it. Brooker, 15yds, 1; AV. A. Grieve, 14yds, 2; time, 29 l-sscc. X'ourth heat: W- E. Hunt, 3Qyds, 1; I. M. Foster, "yds. 2; time, 29 4-osec. Fifth heat: E. D. Fleming, Byds, 1: G. Gamble, 15yds, 2.: time, 28 2-ssec. Sixth heat: A. Miller, 7yds, 1; J. Fulton. 11yds, 2; time, 29 l-osec. Final: Sutherland 1, Sumpter 2, Miller 3; tine, 27 l-ssec. 440 Yards Senior Handicap (record 58sec, A. D. Macartney, 1913), Challenge Cip presented bv Old Boys' Association —J. W. Field, 24yds, 1; R. Elder, 28yds, 2; H. Sumpter, 11yds, 3. Twerty-four competed. Time, 57 3-o sea

100 Yards Handicap (under 13 years) —A. M'Phail, scr, 1; W. E. Hunt, syds, 2; D. N. D. Inglis, 2yds, 3. Tea starters. Time, 13 1-osec. 100 Yards Open (record 10 2-ssec, It. C. Ongley, 1905) The preliminary heats were rnn -off at the school grounds, six competitors being left in the finalj which resulted: H. K. Sumpter 1. A. Hopkins 2, R. E. Shallcrass 3; time, 11 l-osec. 100 Yards tTumor Handicap (Challenge Cup, presented by Hon- C. A. C. Hardy)—Rrst heat: H. Scott, gcr, 1; S. Hunter, 10yds, 2; time, 12 1-osec. Second heat: G. Sumpter, 6yds, 1; J. W. H. Pringle, 12yds, 2; time, 12soc. Third heat: J. Hudson, 7yds, 1; E. D. Fleming, 4vds, 2: time 11 4-Ssec. Fourth heat: A. Miller, syds, 1; J. N. * Young, 11yds, 2; time, 12 l-ssec. Fifth heat: I. N. Foster, 3yas, 1; S. A. Fryer, Byds, 2; time, 12 3-ssee. Sixth heat: A. M'Phail, 10yds, 1; J. H. Fulton, 3yds, 2; time, 12 3-5 th sec. Seventh heatl: E. J. Brooker, Byrs, 1; Sn tilerland, 10 yds, 2; time 12 2-osec. Eighth heat: J. Dundas, 6yds, 1; E. K. Mantann, syds. 2; time 12sec. Ninth heat: B. Gardiner, 7yds, 1; D. W. Kain, 16yds, 2: time, 12 4-ssec. Tenth heat: T. A. Tombleson, 9yds, 1; J. Findlay. 16yds, 2; time, 12 3-ssec.—First heat: Sumpter 1. Sutherland 2; time, 11 4-ssec. Second heat: M'Phail 1, Miller 2: time. 12sec. . Final: Sumpter 1, Miller 2, M'Phail 3: time, 11 4-ssec. 220 Yards Senior Handicap (Clial- * lenge Cup presented by Mr A. B. Jordan) —First heat: T. R. Wright, 14yds, 1; R. L. Ronaldson, 11yds, 2. No time taken. Second heat: M. G. Morrah. 17yds, 1; S. Payne. 16yds, and H. K. Sumpter. scr. dead heat. 2. Time. 25 l-3sec. Third heat: AV. A. Carter. 9yds. 1 : T>. Henderson. 2yds. 2. Time, 25sec. Fourth heat: J. Costcllo, Byds, 1; A. Foriv>t. 20yds. 2. Time, 26 1-osec. Fifth heat : A. Fowler, 18yds, 1; T. K. Webber, t>cr. and J. A. D. Ritchie, oyds, dead heat. 2. Tirne, 26 2-osee. Sixth heat : J. Tait, 14yds. 1: A. Murray, 2yds, 2. Time, 26 4-osoc. Seventh heat: I. 15. Jamieson, 7yds, 1: J. Hubbard. 2yds, 2. Time, 27sec. Final: Wright 1. Morrah 2, Costello 3. Time. 25sec. 440 Yards .Tumor Handicap (record. 60sec. T. K. Webber. 19141 —H. Scott, Kcr. 1: A. Ward-Smith, 12yds. 2: A. Levi, 90yd.-,. 3. Thirty-seven starters. Time, 64 4-ssec. 75 Yards Handicap (under 13 years) —A. M'Phail. scr, 1: W. E. Hunt. 4vds, 2; D. Eusor, 3yds, 3. Ten started. No tirne taken. Milo Walk.—G. M. Coventry, GOvds, 1; D. G. Kennedy, btr., 2; J. C. Kirland, 100 yds, 3. 100 Yards Senior Handicap—First heat: A. H. Hopkin*, scr. 1; R. S. Hamilton, ivds. 2. Time, Usee. Seo . ond heat: A. L. Murray, 3yds, 1; G. S. Troup. 11yds. 2. Time, 11 2-ssoc. Third heat: R. Elder, 6yds. 1; O. S. Payne; Byds, 2. Time, 11 l-ssoc.

Fourth, heat: A. L. Henderson, 3yds, 1; W. S. Cameron, 6yds, 2. Time, 11 l-ssec. Fifth heat: A. M. Lascelles, 9vds, 1 ; W. A. Begg, 3yds, and G. Sutton, 7yds, dead heat, 2. Tim© 10 3-5 m-c. Sixth O. A. B. Smith, 3yds, 1 ; J. F. Wright, Byds, 2. Time, Usee. Seventh heat: H. K. Suinpter, 3yds, 1; A. Forrest. 12vds, 2. Time, llseo. Eighth heat: 1?. Cameron, 10yds, 1; M. 31. Smith, ovds. 2. Time, 11 2-6 sec. Ninth heat: J. Hubbard, 4yds, 1 • J. Jackson. 3vd~. 2. Time, 11 2-5 Tenth heat: \Y. A. Carter, syds, ] ; H. S. Lucas. 6yds, 2. Time, 11 1-5 -n- Eleventh heat: J. A. Tait, 6yds, ] : F. D. Mill. Byds, 2. Time, 11 -<•<•. Twelfth heat : 11. Jamieson, 4yds, I ; \Y. A. Johnston, 6yds. and R. L. llonaldson, oyds. dead heat, 2. Time, II 1-osee. Thirteenth heat: J. S> Hazlett orris 1; M. G. Morrah, syds, 2. Time. U 2-osec. Semi-filial—First heat: L.-iMvlles ]. Hopkins 2. Time, llsec. ,<ncond heat: Sumpter 1. Begg 2. Time, llscr. Third heat: 0. Smith 1, Wright ° Time 10 4-ssec. Final: Hopkins 1, Smith 2."Wright 3. Time, Usee _ H'alf-inile Handicap (record, 2nun 9 3-oth sec —R. Maeintyre, 1909) —G. M. Evans 30vds, 1; J. Costello, 40yds, 2; R. L. It" Dunn, 65yds, 3. Thirtyseven competitors. Time 2min 13 2-5

bt \'file Handicap (record. 4min 45eeo— R. Maeintyre, 1908); Challenge Cup presented by S. J. Davys, Esq.—J. Swinburn, 45yds. 1; H. P. L. R'. R°ualdson, 105 yds, 2; J. D. W. Walker, 230 yds, 3. Nineteen starters, lime, 4min 57 4-osec sec. _. ~ , 120 Hurdles, Junior Cup—Findlay 1, Kerr 2, Bewes 3. 120 Yards Hurdles Handicap (junior)— First heat: J. Crjiwshaw, 11yds, 1: E. Fleming, scr., 2. Time, 21mm 4-ssec. Second, heat: A. Miller, 6yds, 1; P. Dumbleton, 6yds, 2. Time, 21 l-osec. Third heat: D. J. M'Donald, 1 hurdle and 1 yard, 1; J. N. 1 hurdle and 8 yards, 2. Tune, 22sec. Final: M'Donald 1, Crawshaw 2, Sillier 3. Time, 18 2-ssec. . 120 vards Hurdles, Senior Uup — Macintosh 1, Wardell 2, Macpherson 3. Time, 19sec. . . 120 Yards Hurdles Handicap (senior) —First heat: J. S. Hazlett, 1 hurdle and 2 yards, 1; A. Hopkins, scr., 2; time, 18sec. Second neat: W. A. Jolinston. 6yds, 1; J. Murray, 3yds, 2: time, 19 l-ssec. Third heat: W. M. Elliot, 3yds, 1; R. Elder, 7yds, 2; time. 19sec. Fourth heat: C. Prain, 1 hurdle and Iyd, 1; C. C. Swinburn, Bvds, 2; time, 17 l-ssec. Semifinal: First heat: Hazlet 1, Hopkins 2; time. 18 l-ssec. Second heat: Pram 1 Elliot 2; time not riven. Final: Prain, 1, Hazlett 2, Eliot 3; time, Senior High Jump Handicap—D. Mills, Tin. sft 4in, 1; J- S. Church, ' lOin. 2; S. M. Deans, lin, 3; 10 competitors. Junior High Jump Handicap—-J. Hunter, lOin, 4ft. 1; G. otott. 6}in., and G. A. Hargreaves, dead heat, 2. Eight competitors. Sack Race —Galloway 1, Morrali 2, Monteith 3. Throwing the Cricket Ball (record P8 yards, G. W. Thomson, 1895) —;L. Guthrie, lift, handicap, and J. Gwinlmrn. 27ft, dead lieat. Eight competitors. Putting the Weight (record 31ft D. Maefarlane, 1898) S. D. Macpherson. scr.. 28ft lin., 1: R. S. Hamilton, 19in, 2; A. Hunt, 20in, 3; eight competitors. Obstacle Race (senior) —Guthrie and Henderson 1, Derry and Pringle 2. Obstacle Race (junior)—Brooker and Brown 1, Howell and Baird' 2; 25 competitors. . Tntor-form Relay Race —Sixth Form, 1: Fifth Form, 2; Fourth Form A, 3. The winning team was Macintosh, K'. R. Smith, Dunn and Church. Senior Cup (Cup noints: Ist 5. 2nrl 3. 3rd 1) —Long: Jump W->.d- I MacDlierson 1, M. . -.twit ""5. 440 Yards: Wardell " Macpherson 3. Macintosh 1. ..>tigh Jump: Wardell 1. Mao'-!:t..-*»n 3. Macintosh. 5. 220 Y.irds: Wardell 5. Maeoherson 3, Mac.ntosh 1. 100 yds: Wardell 5, Macnhergon 3, Macintosh 1. 120 Hurdles: Macintosh 5, Wardell 3, Macpherson 1. Totals: Wardell 19 points, Macpherson and Macintosh 13 points each. Junior Cup.—Long Jump: Eindlay 3. Bewes 0. Kerr 1, James 5. 220 Yards: Findlav 5, Bewes 0. Kerr 1, •Tames 3. High Jump: Findlay 5, Bewes 3, Kerr 1. James . 100 Yards: Findlay 5, Bewes 1, Kerr 3, James 0. 440 Yards: Findlay 3, Bewes 5. Kerr 0. James 1. 120 Yards: Findlay 5, Bewes 1, Kerr 3, James 0. Totals: Findlay 26. Bewes 10, Kerr and James 9 each-

■Donations of cheques .were received from Dr Hargreaves and Messrs H. Mowbray and J. E. Ewing.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XL, Issue 12688, 5 November 1915, Page 6

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WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS' Oamaru Mail, Volume XL, Issue 12688, 5 November 1915, Page 6

WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS' Oamaru Mail, Volume XL, Issue 12688, 5 November 1915, Page 6