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ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Oaniaru No-Lieerise Association was h<*itl - in "tlio Baptist-Church last JMr R. .'. Milligan presided, and the' Church was well filled, with supporters of the move- :; liiont, ladies and men being about equally represented. The proceedings throughout wore of an enthusiastic character, showing that the, workers were anxious-once- again-to do their "respective parts for the clause. After devotional exercises had hern performed and before proceeding in , business, Mr W. M.'M-Keiizio moved a resolution expressing rdeepest sympathy ! with tile Salvation, Army ;in its jjreij? loss in the Empress of Ireland disaster. This was seconded by Mr J. H. iMilligan and carried by the -assembly standing.' The Chairman, regretted the ab'seuce of their late President- (Kcv. W. J. ■-Williams). Apologies were read from Rev.-It. J. Porter and' Messrs Nicol (Hampden) and J. Rodman. Mr J. H. Milligan also , verbally apologised for the absence of Mr A. Eraser (vice-president). : : :A.letter was read from the News Zealand Alliance by the secretary (Mr T. H: Mathiesou), which dealt with matters concerning the coming conference in Wellington and the- petition Which was to be presented to Parliament by 'a deputation during the coming sesr sion. ft stated, that the Prim© Minis-ter-had promised to bring in a Licensing Bill during the first two .weeks of. the session, which would, reduce .the threefifths handicap, and had also decided | to receive the deputation on t'ho steps, of Parliament House, which announcements wore, received with applause. The animal report, was then read. | It pointed out- that the year, as far as" .the general workers were concerned, had been one of inactivity, although the Executive had had to deal with a good I deal of detail work in connection with } the coming election and the- preparing j

of campaign plans. It also referred to the departure of Mr and Mrs Williams from.our midst, and . to- the great " gap made in the rank of New Zealand workers by the decease of Messrs G. it. -Nicolis'and George Laurenson, M.P. for ' Lyttelton. Reference was made to the

prospects for the future, which., were'f considered most encouraging, 1 The Chairman congratulated the Sec-J

j retaryjCn the brevity and comprehend ci.'v'eness. of the report. There was no doubt that the no-licens& movement was beginning to commend itself to the people generally, and the town was moot prosperous under the system. They would, all remember the gloomy predictions made by their opponents if no-:, license were carried, that business, would!; suffer and that the town would b<B ruined, but none of them had been full; filled. 'On the contrary, the town was extremely prosperous and had made considerable progress since the carrying of Vio-license. The alleged business convenience of open drinking bars was secured at the cost of the, welfare of the town, and he thought people had seen enough of the advantages of no- ■ license to Have no -fear of the possible [return of license to Oamaru..--' They J now had the opportunity of voting for I'total prohibition—a reform far more worth fighting for ithan 'no-license ; indeed, it had been in their minds when they had fought for no-license, which was really only a preparatory measure and by no means a perfect system. It wa',3, however, a great improvement upon the drinking facilities previously in force, and although they knew that "liquor, came,into Oaniaru, it was. only." a. "small -fraction of the Quantity that came in under the old order of things. -Previously they had only the local vote,but now all-the votes in the Dominion were east together on. the .'question of local prohibition. In view of this great gain. he urged them all to do their utmost to secure prohibition this ye.aj\ LottlK'.ni put the .enthusiasm into it which'they did into politics and the result would be assured. —(Applause.)

Air P. .Jackson congratulated Oamaru upon its immunity from the. evils of the drink traffic. It ivas especially'gratifying to- him on account, of the fact that he was on the first committee, formed in the district to do something to try and stem tlie evil and lie was hopeful'of yet seeimc the whole Dominion entirely free of tlie curse.

, The ' balance-sheet was read by Mr i J. H. Alilligan, which showed a- satisfactory balance after meeting all locaT expenses and provide" the annual-assess-meiit to the Alliance. Mrs Davc-y said that the Association in Oamaru had- never' had a debit balance, and that in place of receiving .reminders from the Alliance regarding payments due their proportion was always paid in., advance. As an inadequate manner of expressing the Association's high appreciation of the' treasurer's services, she.moved that a hc-irty vote of thanks- be accorded "Air .1. If! Afiiligan for his untiring and valuable assistance during another year of faithful work. The motion 1 was seconded by Air Howe and carried 'by acclamation, The election, cf officers was then proceeded with. The. Chairman said thatAir A. Frasr-'r (their vice-president) could not accept the -office- of president on account of other-, things requiring his services, and be -'therefore - nominated Air T. H. Aiathieson for the position. They, had had 1 a. succession of worthy presidents in tlie Revs. Dewdnev -Porter, and Williams, and be was suri'Mr. Aiathieson would ably carry on their good work. . • . Adjutant Lord seconded the nomination, which was carried amid applause. The Chairman expressed a hope thattotal prohibition would be .carried in Air Ala'thieson's term of office. Air Aiathieson asked their support in what he. considered-was ihe- most important year the Association had ever entered upon. . - The vice-presidents (Revs. Porter and Niooi and-Alessrr, A. Fraser.and F. Alil-nc-r) w-r-re re-elected, whilst the Rev. .). ' A. Lochore's name was added to the list. .-..- I 'the office of secretary was left vacant, j Air TL' Milligan being appointed sec-|

retary pro. :te.m. ■ , . Mr A. I'tnsor said ir. was probably the last rimethey would require a treasurer, ami they coiild not do better than appoint the man who had served the Association so faithfully for many years. Ho had much pleasure in nominating \lr •)- IT. .\iilli;;an for the position. This was seconded by Mrs Davey and carried, unanimously. '. - Mr Milligan, i'n thanking them, remarked that it was of) year* this year sine he had .first entered the temper-, a nee ranks,'and he would be glad, after hating reached his jubilee in the work, if they would allow him to retire next " The following Executive Committee was appointed, with power' tq add : Messrs' ft Millie.;n, ,f. D. F-amiltori, A. Aiiken, P. G. Marshall, T. Hilliker, J I). Cunningham, .). Russell, T. E. IWv.-v, W. 11.. Hose, IT. Grenfell, 0. Uoisd', \V. I'ilo, H. Grocott, Mesdames A. Smith, Cunningham, Davey, Lord. Dunn and Misses flewat,.. Milligan,

and l»Vvu;uso'ii. The business part of the proceedings having: been disposed of, the Chairman called upon Mr I?."Milligan tojgive an address on the impressions he had received dnrims his-recent trip to the Homeland. ' -

Mr, however, owing to. the lateness of "the hour and the fact that anewcomer in their midst .(Rev. J. A. Loehore) had also to give an .address, said he would rather postpone his remarks to a later occasion, and allow Mr scope for his subject. The. Rev. J. A. Loehore (recently fiora Gisborne) received a hearty round of applause on rising! He felt grateful to Mr Milligan for retiring in his favor, remarking 'that Mr Milligan had evidently learnt well the Apostolic .exhortation "Preferring each other in honor." He had been in every town in the. Dominion 'which, had a population of 4000 •—perhaps more since—and the warm

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12259, 9 June 1914, Page 1

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OAMARU NO-LICENSE ASSOCIATION. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12259, 9 June 1914, Page 1

OAMARU NO-LICENSE ASSOCIATION. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12259, 9 June 1914, Page 1