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Wesley Church.

Tiie following are the principal reports which will be submitted at the annual meet tug of the members of Wesley Church this evening : —Trustees' Kopurt.— '•During the past year your trustees have held' seven meetings, which have generally been well attended by (he members of the trust. There is- nothing of note to rc]H)rt. in respect to the property of tlii' trust. The buildings are in a fairly good state of repair, any trilling repair's or renewals being readily met out of current revenue. ••The Ladies' (iuild has made a special charge of the upkeep of the parsonage and. littinns. This duty has been well and faithfully performed by the ladies, and to them our heartiest thanks are <lne. -fii October last tin- choir rendered the cantata "Abnrhaor at Kistiehi im aid of the trust funds. The ivndering was successful, and resulted in a wi I.•nine addition to our bank aciount. -The last Sunday in 0,-tobcr was i;,t apart tor a "gitt Sunday," the congregation responding heartily to tin- appeal, wliii h resulted in the sum of £2l. 15s 6d being subscribed and donated to the trust account. "On .January Hilt an application was received from "the Little liiver Circuit for ;i donation of some old Methodist hvmn books. As our ehtin-h had alivadv adopted' the new Methodist hymn book the request was readilv granted, and a parcel of hymn hooks forwarded. "In conclusion, we would like to sav that the future is full of promise. Our loan fund instalments are being met as thev mature. Sometimes we iiardlv t-ce our' way as dear as we would like', but Ood is as g.xxl as Mis word, and romctinies ' better, and what does it matter if we can- j not fathom the mvsteries of futitritv. )iro- ' vided He docs? 'Therefore we press forward, trusting in Mini who has said "1 will never leave i bee nor forsake the.-." Circuit Iteport.--"The past year has not. been marked by any outstanding event in our circuit work. There has been a general evenness in the various departments which speaks to us ot faithful service and consistent seed .sowing that cannot but bear fruit, though it he after maiiv davs. "Here ai Wesley Church there has been little variation in the attendance beyond that c.,ii«ed bv the ordinarv event's <if weather. ,-irkn'e,.s. and holidays. The morning e. with an average of about 80. is not with whi.-li the Church should be salMied. This service is one in whiili muvli blessing is generally enjoyed, and should be shared in by a lamer proportion of our adherents if'the spiritual tone and work has to he not merely maintained, but ever found developing into larger issues of Church life and work. -An inci,-used attendance at both the Simdav ,-ervices would giv, much encourage in to both minister u.nd olti, ebeaiirs. -uid would most certainly presage greater su,e, s> in every department of the Chinch's enterprise. "T.. the local preachers. w!i.. are few but vciv faithful, assisted hv biethren from the si.-ter Church, s. is mainly due t!.e honor of maintaining the Sunday evening services at both Knfield mid Kakanni. Only very occasionally is the minister able to visit these places on the Sundav. At Knliehl the fortnightly week'-cveiiing service is well attended, ami much appreciated. "The monthly Sunday afternoon service al loikeiiri N not largely attended, hut hv those who do attend mich sympathy is expressed therewith. "The Church membership throughout the circuit is 127. littlediflereut from preceding \e,ir.>. but sullieicnt. if each be there to the higii calling whereunder Cod hath called' them to ac much in the dissemination of Christ's truth and the spread of the Redeemers Kingdom. We would earnestly call the brethren t „ closer Christian fellowship, to frequent praver and to the fullest enjoyments of the blessings which are in Christ .lesus. Thus unhid a.nd equipped, we may with eoiilidence .■intieipale a greater pic-peril v for our Zion. and have the joy ot seeing' both young and old (hiding their way to the Saviour, Whose we arc and Whom we

"'l'lii' linan.iil loiiiliiiini .>i' !]),■ liivnit is imi wiili.iiu i.inciM-ii. til-.' . ii'.-iiii debt being n.i les.- than JDI7. It i... however, expected ihal ill.. special li.irvisi thanksgiving si-rvi.-ifi .in.l gift sales :ti Knfield and Oamaru towards the . 1,,..- ~l April will <l.i much t,i redim . it n,)i entirely liquidate. Hi is aiiKitiiu. T.i -tt:ir<l against lh,> re.-iiiTciiee .it' debt it is livcssarv that syst.•iii.iiii- giving should In- regarded more generally ns an ~l.l igation •>[ Chimb life. 'l'll,' envelope system, which is already in op.'l'.li..n in tins Church, if in,.,-,, largely supported, would <!., very lllllch in Solve the linaiicia! .litliculties '..l' tl iftnit. "At th,- Synod li,-1,l ai l'.nl.hiilia 1,,5 l X.iv.'iiilii'i' tin' f-iiviiil was well represented l.y Mi' W. Cross, while at tl„. recent ~,„. forciiee .it Auckland tln< represent.ilive from Oauiain »'ik Mr .1. who discharged his limit's cllicientlv and happily. "Helving iip-in vmir continued' ami practical sympathy, 'and assured ~f Divine guidance and bles-ing. we wiler upon (he work .if niimiuM- .war. Inciting ;li:,t it may h,' the brightest and must prosperous of any as vet liv .air Church ill Xc.nli Otago." —Junior Knileavouv Society.— "Your Junior Kndeavour So, ieiy has been in good working order during the past year. We have a roll of 1 tl. with an average attendance of 15. r'.inr of our girls have reached the age when ihev are usually transferred into (lit. Senior So. eity. but tliev wish to still remain wjtli ns. and indeed thoy .are <loing splendid work, and help the." lenders greatly, and are bidding lair to lie leaders themselves in the pear future. The leaders have much to cheer them in their work, in the thought that two who have passed through their.raiiks are aeccpted candidates for our ministry, anil others preachers or Sunday School teachers. Some are iio\y Jeaders of Senior Societies here at|d elsewhere., a.n<! the experiepie gained in our Junior So. cjejy has helped to start other societies in other towns. We have had and have still a line hand of young folks in our junior ranks, apd the fact that the majority attend every week shows their deep interest in their Society, We regret that wehave only two hoys intending, bin t|l' ! .Y hardly ever injss a Sunday, even if H js \vet, and they are the youngest. ' I he. litjvo that the reason why our young folks are so interestt'd jn (heir Society is that .the.V .share the work with the' leaders, eveiKthe youngest : indeed, on three octhis year, they arranged the entire programme, and gave it as a surprise (<> the leaders, and the leaders did enjoy if. One of tlic most interesting mornings js on Christmas Sunday, •■AvIIPII thpy sing, carols a! tits. Old People's Home, "Our assistant leader -(Miss Adelaide Griflin) has been' away for a holiday, but her place has been ably Idled by Miss .Maud OrdHn. Miss Till loch is still doing good work as assistant, and she is the only one of the first Juniors we had who still meets with us, but she is now a leader. Miss Mabel Common makes ii very energetic secretary, ailfl \Miss Lijlifi Lane, a'gobd'orgaijisj'. ' '•'YYV' i|V, Viof liavß |,<irgci Monthly colk'ciiaiMi. 4s 9d being collected for general use, but we did not need any more; hitherto, we only used it to buy Kndeavour subject books, but this year we hope to have Id per month from each member,-which will up to about £l, as we wish to for the cleaning of the hall. The arranging and dusting of the hall for the Sunday meeting has always been done by the Junior Society themselves, but we would like have it done when Hie' cliiirc-li' is done, if it can be 'and \ye Wjll pay a, share. The s'uni of £1 8s wa.s pjutt in,'for. mission, f/|alf to hbnijs ajtd hajf tq missions, ano| 2s 6,' cl the liude'iivpqr t'iiioj|. {haf we, m.qy havo God's blessing ajid the itj'iprcst of tlio parents, and tnat our rank's may be added to during the coming year." —Ladies' Guild.— "•fhe Ladies' Guild vva,'s formed last August. The meetings are he|s hi tlip lecture Ual] the first Wednesday in every jnbfitb,. Oyr membersliip is up to 40 odd.

at Is per month, and we hope to increase it shortly. The income from August to the end 'of January is as follows: -Subscriptions. £8 os: anonymous donation. 10s: sale of goods from last ba/aar. £lO 5s sd:-totaf income. £lB 18s ...I. Kxpenditure, £5 ISs Oil: credit balance, £l2 9s 9d. We hope in the near Intunto be able to have the church .onipl.-toly renovated." Sunday S< ho.-l liepoi-t. -The work of thio department Ins I ecu carried on a.-, usual during the past war. There have I n a number ..I change.,, both a gst the s.lml.irs and the leaching stall, bill we are pleased lo be able to report thai the .iltendam e is w-i.v satisfactory, and the work well carried .ml. "The anniversary scrviios w.-.e held on Sunday. October 61. h conducted by liev. -loachiin. of Waimate) and the ic' uncling on the billowing Tuesday. I lice meetings were wry siic. e.ssliil. ami ,i ~iy pleasant time was spent. -On October 2l!th (l)c.-isi,.n Sunday) a special service for children w.i- held in the in.lining, and as a result .several scholars handed in their names as being desirous .-I la king a deliiiilo .-land |..i Christ. "The annual pi. nie was held ai Hampden on -laniiary ,'itilh, when there was a large muster both of children and adults. T'hi- train journey was thoroughly enjoyed by the chiiiiicii. and I hough I lie , turned out wet. a most enjoyable time was spent, and it was a tiled 'but happy party that boarded the train for ilic ' letuiii journey. "We' must of necessity immense I lib ie. port, but in closing would express ~ur gratitude to our Heavenly l-'ath. r b-i all His goodness in times past, and the hope that we may be more laitbful In the d.m. to come, that there may be nunc a,, ~iii. plishcd in His nam.-."

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9793, 19 March 1908, Page 1

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Wesley Church. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9793, 19 March 1908, Page 1

Wesley Church. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9793, 19 March 1908, Page 1