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The Oamaru Mail. TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1908.

'I he testimony of Mi- I'ourke, a prominent flaxmill proprietor, to an Auckland Herald representative, lo the effect that amongst (he l-iuropcans and Maori; enieiaims the -.ittention of tlk- < iuveinni.nt. The liquor is couveved l.v steam, is from Au. kland. and the Inspector of Police :ii tie- Thames states that he had done his lies; to cope with the tralli. in drink, hut that some more drastic steps would have lo he taken. Yes: am! we are hound to say that they will he taken. The time has ;;one hv when a few spirit merchants cotiki violate the law and shock public sentiment by carrying on their degrading traflic. simply because it is drink in which they deal, it' it had been a trallic in another cause of demoralisation it would have been eiven .-, short shrift long since. The positir.n of the Blackball" miners dues not appear to be strong. Their J.itcsL move; seems to lie disappioved by other unions and tin* fluids to provide for the maintenance of their families do i,-)t appear to be rushing in. Tiny are making a.n appeal' to titc"public for'tin- sake o." their wives and children: and that although the public- are not responsible for tin- u'n-fortuniit-e situation of th,\-:e helpless ones doubtless many would render libera! aVI. were it not for the eiii-oni-ageim-iil tlu-y might lints, give lo the miners to kick over the trace's in the future on thsmallest. ]in>voc;ilion. Whilst it would be pitifuf lo deny the women, and children means of obtaining the necessaries of life, it would be folly 'for the people to contribute indiscriminately so (hat the husbands nn-1 fathers who should have .shown, at Jei.-r,;. as much svmpathv for their own a,-. they expect to" be displayed by others, would he afforded an incentive t.i continue their rebellion against the law ar.-d the public- at the ptibFie expense. The- care of the strikers' families should be left to the ]*">ple of the locality in which they reside. ho that the men may be brought to their .senses by local .influence.;;, and the owl of the .strike niav be within measurable distance.

The next auction sale at Penrose's draperv establishment will he held on Saturday, 28th inst. During February there were passed through the Customs at O.imaru ioi- export :'-"-1517 carcases mutton aiid 11,918 carcases Jamb, valued at £760 and £6974 respectively. 668 skins, valued at £220: 22 tons fallow, valued at £512: and 1.527.2731bs wool, valued at £47.751. -Messrs .1. Milligan, .T. -Mitchell and W Monro, who were commissioned to shoot the malfoims in, the country unrlrr (he W'aitaki Acclimatisation Society's jurisdiction-, returned to-day. The party set out on February 29th last ami camjvd at Hirchwcod. Thev scoured the whole of the district with the exception of the bake Side, but saw very few malforms. iixleed the only pnrt.iai: affected: appeaveil to I** the- one locality—at the head of (he Timaru Creek. Five -deformed, heads were obtained, tw-o of them on the last -day the party were out, near the W'aitaki Society's boundary, evidently having come through from t he adjoining country. ()ne of t he heads was a. "paly" with no horns at all. two ha<l one ■good h'om and' ,i "switch." one a small hern, and a knob on the other side, and one with a, good horn and. only the stem of the second. The party heard that Messrs Oillespie and Ilodgkinson, sent out- by the Otago Society, shot 11 "malforms" in the Lower Dingle. Half a, million ova wins the modest sample of Atlantic salmon, for which the Covcrnnicnt rcquisi t,ion,od the C'aina,diii.u Fish.efie:i Department. "Can't bo done," was in effect the Department's answer. Xeverthclassi, .Mr O. Ayson, manager of the Hak-al-arajnek-i. liatclicry, was sent to Vancouver, in .1, belief that half a. loaf is better than, no bread, ami the faint hope, that lie might charm the Canadian, authorities into greateir liberality. ..At the same time th-e Marine Department hatcheries cabled, again, to Canada, emphaisislng the great desire, of tlio Dominion to obtain tho whole loaf if possible, for casting upon its waters. Tito Domihiicm, states! -that an. a.msweT was received by the last mail, expressing the regrets of the CaJKida'an Department that the Tequu-emients of its own. enormous waterways are greater than its salmon hatcheries can supply, arxl that 100,000 ova are the most that can be spared. If tlte Atlantic salmon- should hatch out as well ns the. quinnat ova perviouisry imported, even 100,000 eggs -will furnish a .good beginning for ah Atlantic salmon colony. In the caso of the quimnat ova, from 93 to 98 per cent. was hatched successfully an different veans, and the proportion lias .never faTfen "below" 90 per cent, since systematic importations were commenced-. ; Readers of the "Field," says that representative paper, will be interested to hear that the experiment with Xew Zealand trout is progressing. Mr Donald Can- writes from Blagdon: "I have spawned- the Xew Zealand trout, and have secured about 8000 fine ova from them. The ova is of a rich color and large, considering the age of the fish. The fish will, on an average, weigh about 21b. They have not been artificially fed for a year; had they been hand-fed no doubt they would have been much larger. A special pond was made for them last year, with a good supply of water from the Yeo river, lrom which, no douht. they had a plentiful supply of food. Our spawning season, so far

;is tho brown trout were concerned, was up to the average,,;!nil, indeed, the average was belter than last year. Owing I" the frost and dry weather we have had since the new year, the rainbows have not been able to"gel up stream to spawn. although we have secured some very line tish of Sib average, one female being quite 71b. All we want now js a. good spate to bring up those big fish." The line stretch of the Manawatu river known as the "Whirokino long reach, about two and a-h:ilt" miles from l'Vixton, is Mi id'ea.l course for sculling purposes, and anyone who .has seen the, Wmigaiuti championship course will admit that tho latter is not in it with the local water (says the .Manawatu Standard). A rust, win. lias challenged Webb, w'hiJe on a visit to I'oxton recently was iieUi-d by Mr liiwge Cray to inspect the local "stretch, with a view to expressing an opinion, which lie did, in conjunction with Mr Floyd. Mr Gray lias received the following letter from Ani'st on the subject, dated Wellington, March 10th:—"Dear Sir—We were very much similised al. tlio splendid stretch ot water above the bridge, and 1 cannot understand why there has not been big r.i.vs held on it. lam sure if it is deep viu.ugli lits depth is from 12ft to 20111 .it is the best, course in- New Zealand. 1 think Uis a better coui-se than, W'anganui. I'io.yd S.-IV6 it is as good as ho has seen, and Hie championship' of New Zealand ought to have held on it.-Dick Arnsl. It is verv probable thai. .Ainst will do his training, preparatory to meeting the chain, piou, on this river. If ho * siiccwsful. Boston miiv see a worlds sculling championship rowed on the Manawatu. '1 In* Smithsonian Institution at Wash, higlou has some New Zealand birds. vYriling to Mr T. K. Donne, the assistant Superintendent says : —"( Hir koa is stili thriving, as are a Is,, the three wekas. 1 lie kiwi had done extremely well, hum was a source of unending interest up to a lew davs a"<>. Then, alter eating freely anil being. %> all appearance, entirely well, one evening it was found dead. '1 he fol lowing morning Ihe autopsy showed that a blood tumor ill the abdomen had been ruptured." A large part of women s suncrmg comes from headaches. No matter what, the <ause, the cure is always found in Steams lleadaeho'Curc- which is tasteless, e;isy to talce. and acts promptly. There is at present a set of men earn - ing on business in Sydney against whom the public should be warned (says th" Daily Telegraph). These people treiment the wholesale dairy produce stores in Sussex street, and buy the bad eggs. 1 hese eg'gs iiP' absolmelv rollen, and are usually destrov<-d bv the agents. l!m the egg fiend purchases a few cases for almost notion" and bv washing ill acids renin*, en all slaiiis. and makes the eggs look fresh ~,,,1 new. These "sick" eggs, as, th.-.v are leriucil in the "street.' are hawked about the suburbs, and the unsuspecting housewife eagerly purchases them at a pine considerably lower than that at winch the legitimate 'traders can supply g I eggs. TJie "fiend" would probably reieive Is oil per do/en for egg's which cost him less than a peimv. The reputable bouses ni Snsscx street always destroy their "sick eg..s. but somehow supplies are obtained. \|r Swindlev, Surgeon Dentist, will vimi Kurow on Th'nrsdav next. 19th lust, and may be consulted at Spiers' Hotel. ,<2l A duty vou owe your lanuly. t-rt ml of that "irritability after meals. Pearson's I'KI'TO-t'lll.OK cures indigestion. -,

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9791, 17 March 1908, Page 2

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The Oamaru Mail. TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1908. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9791, 17 March 1908, Page 2

The Oamaru Mail. TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1908. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9791, 17 March 1908, Page 2