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The Oamaru Mail. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1907.

The majority of the faim.-rs ill tills district have determined to thresh out of the 6took should the necessary jabor be avail able within the next week or two. This action is taken for the re:isoii thai they are convinced that- the handling the grain las the. better. On account o! the extremely dry season the heads are so easily crumbled that the grain is wasted, and each movement of the sheaves shakes out more. Wheat will not be so plentiful tliis season that such loss can Ik- tolerate 1. We iearu that Mr Donald Miller left K.ngland in the s.s. Ayrshire for Oamaru. and may be expected to leach his native land sometime during the present month. Previous to leaving. Mr Miller was enter tained by some of his friends at a farewell dinner at the Duke's Head Hotel in Canterbury, his Worship the Mayor (Alderman l". ISenuett-Uoklney. RS.A.J. Sheriff Itourne. and several members of ti:.- City Council being present. Many flattering marks concerning the guest of the evening weie uttered on the occasion, and our townsman had the honor of proposing the toast of the Mayor and Corporation of the City of Canterbury. Mr .Miller has re<ei\ed many templing offers to remain in Kngland, but prefers to return to his o.der friends and the scene*, of his youth, when, no doubt, he will afford us some interesting information concerning the latent ideas in the const ruction of bicycles and motor cars.

Forty-two lons of Sydney flour arrived in Auckland to-day.

This morning a deputation from the local Centre of the St. John Ambulance Hrigadc waited on his Worship the Mayor with reference to the Saturday popular collection winch the Hrigade propose inaugurating for the purpose of raising the money necessary foi the purchase of an up-to-date ambulance wagon, now greatly needed in con nection with their transport work. Mr Milligan expressed his sympathy with the object and, as a Tcsult of the interview, decided to call a meeting, to l>e held in the Atlieiiieum Hail towards the end of February, of ladies willing to undertake the work of collecting. It is estimated that the cost of the waggon, housing, etc. will be upwards of £2OO. It is pleasant amidst all the- pessimistic utterances concerning the harvest to hear of good crops even it they are all too few. On the Waikakahi Settlement llieiv are some very fine paddocks of wheat, and a farmer who went over the settlement assures us that the return from the whole will be between. 35 to 40 bushels at tiie lowest estimate. One large paddock of Mr Smillie's will probably return him from 60 to 65 bushels, and there are several others which will yield from 10 to 20 bushels per acre iess than this. The story is not so pleasing in the Kurow district, Imt one farmer near Otiake had a fine paddock of 70 acres of volet wheat which promised a return of 45 bushels of a very fine sample. The recent winds, however, caught it, breaking away nearly an inch of the heads, and materially reducing the return. A number of gentlemen whom we have met latciy are convinced that the yields of wheat have, if anything, been underestimated, but the ravages of the drought have been such that it is almost impossibic- to tell too pitiful a taie regarding the prospect* of oats and winter feed. We heard to-dav. however, of two farmers in or near Wiflowbridge who will thresh out between 70 and 80 bushels from large aicas—possibly the larger estimate will prove the more correct. On the reverse side of the medal there is the experience of a Xgapara farmer who in threshing his crop was able to clear 100 acres per ,!.iy. Further comment is unnecessary.

The Receiver-General acknowledges per medium of the Gazette the sum of £25 in two £lO notes, which was forwarded to the Defence Department, being "sum wronglv charged to vou." The "local Land Oflice has been besieged during the past few days by would-be settlers inquiring about the Plunket tt'orriedale) Settlement, and it is confidently anticipated that the numlwr of candidates who submit themselves for examination bv the Land Board will be tptite unprecedented in the annals of land settlement in North Otago. As a complement to thus most satisfactory state of affairs it might 1m? added that those who are making personal application at the local office appear to l>e of tho most desirable class of settlers: many of them hailing from other districts.

Owing to the long-continued drought the storage waieT supply in tho northern and southern reservoirs and in the- service basins at Maori Hill is causing the water department of the City Corporation some anxiety (says the Otago Daily Times). On the basis of the present consumption it has teen computed that there is 22 days* suaply in the storage and present inflow, and when this is exhausted the city and suburbs will be dependent on the daily inflow alone. The draw-off caused by the frre on Friday night amounted io some 353.000 gallons, and this drain upon the reserve storage is felt at a period when water is scarce. The gaugings in the reservoirs, together with the inflow and the daily consumption, are taken at 8 a.m. every day.

At" the instance of the Council of Churches prayers for min were offered in Dunedin y^terday.

The following appeared urdor ihe hiding of ••Things in Ceneral" in the New Zealand Herald of the 30th irtin*.:— "Tho announcement that th- Magistrate at Ashburton ha.«. sit his own request, owin-.' \i ni'n'r '■:-i ,: c"=m. b-ren tnnsferred from ti-rli-iiiit. will of«asion r.o surprise to tiioAe who know the prohibition areas in the

mi.u!i. and arc able So look dispassioa.r.clv on citlsor side. Xo mat:er how able ;t!>f impartial a Magistrate might be. his .■visions on licensing inatlel* would uie« -.v.:h unfair criticism from isie lusiug side. so intense ami bitter 36 the rancor over [in- uuu>:iun of license- v. no-iiciease in the s.>u:i>. Is is scarcelv possible for i:i this district to realiso the. <oJ.«ssal amount of |*rjury ex|>erien<*d ia *"'"*, o! the southern Court* in sly casts, and it would almost situi inij-os sihle to espeot to ever hear truth in Court again in these cases. Continually it is a war of wits between the |xt!kv and offenders, and as cucstantly as a _ seller is found out someone else is devising •»>:»«• thiai: new so baffle t!«- |o*iico and set the law at defiance." The Xew Zealand Tinne, in a l.adang article on'the Premier, remarks:—"We arc not by any means of ilmse wlo regard Sir Joseph as'fauislex*. hi I lit' retnuejvci. we see a considerable amount of haste at*! hurry, not to siv slurry, m recens aswinpls at legislation, wliirh do nut altogelhor please us. Sir Joseph wins to us To lwlong to the family rather of she reeds than of the oaks; being dfeprwed rather to l*sxl gracefully la-fore s"ie popular breeze than So stand Mp sturdily and lling his amis in iss teeth. WV do n»s think, for instant, shas he should liay<hauled down his toiors os he did reoensly hi She on the 1.-ind Hill. For o-ur-eekes. Exhibition or «<» Exhibition. we should have brought the members bat* (o Wcllinsitan, and made Sbem eat shejr Christmas dinner in Heliimy's sxxmerShan liave left anvshing undone which is was possible to do 10 carry a Hill for which we had (liven pledges. Is may lie urged. siiaJ. in anv ca.«e. she Hill would not have been carried. I'ossiblv. Hu; afser shaking a-> he spoke, lie and his. !* sliouid have as least stot! to his Runs. If we limy Ih> allowed to hint .1 luseisina sin in S?)e l'ieniier. it is a teinj-eramensai S<iw3»'nny so relv too iniK'h "" tlie rtiave. when She suave is full';- •■."•'loul the forohle.*' 11l view of the «onsideiable jiH-i«-afte _ui the t-olonv in the niimbcr of >aNii of infantile dl.iirlKea. and death* theJefrr.ji!. she view* of the Chiif Health <li!i <r. Hi Mason, on she Milijeel. t-hould furuish uv u-ressiiv reading So narenss. Mr Ma»<in slat** that there was n«. doubt ibis increase w;is due ill a \viy £i\M iiu-astire i« she mill; supply. A large amotini -f j>»iluli'.n undoubtedly tool; ]i!a<e as she time of milking, but the sreaiii!.-:i3 mills j<neji«J from the lime it left il»e iow unisi iiw.-! by she consumer was alineet «v<rylhing bus what it should Ik-. Is was not an unusual sighs So see cans of milk standing on wayside siasioiis in die blading sun. To rawshe semperature of milk in this way was to liast<n she dicoinMositiun which she organisms alwavs jueseiit in mJ-k brought alwul. Tile I'.rattiw alto of leaving luiik sMiidiug alx>us on cisy ssalions was Jiaugln wish great danger. " The only way in which to eissiiie a and clean JiisHi supply w;is to give authority So a jirivase iiiin i« csi.iblish a clearing h«usc, t<r for she uiiinie!paiili<* So sake she master in h::nd on th<jse lines. The discow-rv <.f the famous •'WeLoju.Nugget" of god at Jiakery Hall (\'iiJoria) biougiil to mind at Hallaras on Jan. 18 111 a 'touching iianmr. Sb«ji!y after four o'cioik 311 she mornii:g, j*'j«.rss slu Argus. Sciiior-Constabk- Mager found a man in a nude slate on slie railway line. near siie Queen ssiees bridge. A Jiss.e dis tame awav wire a suil of cii»lhti» and some uuderclosiiilig. HeSting the old fellow S" <!ri«s hims«-lf, the seilior-ouiissable 3«rW iiim up, on a charge of having i.cJiaicd in an insulsiug manner. 1-aler in Siie day. she case was heard in il»- Couil. when Mr J. S. Tresimwaji jviMguiw-xl defendanS a.Francis Wwisser. one'of she pars v who found the Wdciiw Xugges. ".isk him if he knows anyshing al.iuj she nugjl'' l /" f ls " marked Mr Titthowaii. This ijuessiun stirred the old man's memory, and he jiro .ceded so lelate his lojuw-.sioa wish she nugget. Webster sinnl lik money, and li;jr>' livisl a wand, riiig life. He deilin.-d tri go into she Hen«-voleai .isylum. of which he slal«l he i:ad previously tx*Jj an inmaie. lie was r.-mand.d So ;he ga.u hoMiita) for medical

li would ajijM-ar thai tlm feat j*rfojiii.oJ !>y Mr Dona3d (.Sulim-re, a c*uji|H-r <m 53>" Su-ward Scttletticjit. ill «-xtricatJn;i »'*• 3 J '-- cycju from the U*j of the Waiiakj Uiv.-r which constitutes a link i« the charac ..f l>jrj;]ary and theft ajjaiJtst Findiav was out- which called fur im slight tSivugih and no 3iti3e ci|«i«rjjy in the water. Thr river at the t>l«ut ai which the MejvJe was found was live f.-vt j3<-ej«, and the machine w;is isnkvided Jiruily in sand, from wkirh only the from, wheeJ and a handle Irar jirot raded. Mr fhaistu-r* madt- ihs«v ti'3ii|ili> «o u'lvndi thie bicj'cji- ftoin ius sk-3. and it was oiUy at, the third try that hr was KticciMiful.'aiid the .-icrjioii oust him a strained l«ck.

Two Kr«-!u iiincij, speaking iJjroujjij a third, announce ilia: tliey !uiv dis*ov<-r»J iiir.v to "photojpaph the human loicc." ,lai.:s (in? Paris correspondent of the hoidon Stand.-iid. Tin- announcement, was made quietly in a ]i'ci»!<- hill at the Sor Inline alm<*t- uni!'»li«J. «-\<*-jrt hy a few dozen students. MM. Pollak and Viras arc tiie (iiKiivrnTs. l.ui M. Morale, tinSurbonne profcwr. sujNesjed vviiat liiv in vcntors should aim at. MM. Pol.!aU .ml Vira;; ha<l already discovered a n-.-w system of rapid telegraphy by which it was possible to transmit 40.000 words an 3iour. lint they would probably have ttopprd then- if M. Morale had not *uj:j;«i<'<l to them that. their apparatus could j«e adapt <d fur other uses. In their system of telegraphy the words are jxtforaled on strip* of paper by au instrument like :t lype-wiitiiiji machine. The paper is panst-d a special transmitter and the perforations determine tiie interval between the currents. These intervals are rceotded in the reviver liy a sjua!3 mirror wiiiil) oscjj'avs in accordant* with the perforations and the interva's bcliv<-.n ihe currents. These- <*< illations are noted by an instrument which photograph* on a ctrip of paper the deflections oi a lay of iijthl which the minor reflects from a lamp placed in front of it. On tin print—which is print and negative in one—the words are written in a 3;<nd of stiff "civil service"' hand. looking as though jj liad been prinud from a "process" bWk. Kor photograph"]); the voice- of a niiigrr or of an orator, the inventors substituted a microphone for the transmitter. The mirror vibrates; just t!ie same, and the v.-oids, appear photographed on a slip of paper wiili tile letters Mack and hi;;, or small and fineH - written, according to the tune and accent of the speaker. .Vending to M. Morage. the invention will allow a professor of singing to lei! rapidly and nnvrringiy liow a puiiij progs'.**.*, liy making "photograplis" of ihe voice.

An old story was well told at Hicnhciin last week l>y Mr Donovan, the Irish deleKate. An Irish country editor visited i/''ii<lon during tin- King's illness, and was mticli impressed with the 1-ulleiijis and iiourly editions jot out. !>y t!x> nvetro|w>]itan papers. He resolved to put the Kcheuu* into jinictice on his return home, and reap t!ie casli and t!«> kudos that would (low- from it. Accordingly wlicn I'atriek Murphy. .1.1'.. of ISaHyiiowhemnylviy. fyl': i!!. he had hulletins stuck up in the window of tho "lilowliard" announcing tinslate of the patient from h'mr )'• Knallv the last sad bulletin was anJi«nj;c i 3 —"Patrick Murphy dead. P..LP." TJien a was went into the ofiice of (lie " IJJowharxl." aske<l the prinier's "ievil for a pjnyv of paper the tArm of tiie and stuck it up on the window with the inscription, dated three hours ifn-r l\v d<:•• m=se of the J.P.: "6 p.m.—Oreat mnsternation in Heaven: No appearance of Patrick Murphy." Some interest in-.' icirticulars of cVnia\r.z in IStirmah were aivtn to a (irey Star rejxirter liy Mr I!ol«-rl Weir. w?;o 3i.!is just- retnme'l to tiie Oxist after 2J year.." aisoicc. Mr Weir j)ro«-(.vJ«l to lirilain's Kasiern jxisessions under rajFutPaiecJ to the Uurniah Cold Dredirfnz CV»mp-»ny. whose shared are mostly hc-H in Endand and- Ilanpoon. tiiere are wmc ranall holdinai hi Xcw Zealand. This coui]«iny at the present time holds a «jm««Ksonover the River Irrawaddy, ext'-ndhi;: for a distance of 30 to 40 miles. laving a sWt time previously thrown oft .-; -portion of the area. The company owns two !ar-e and up-to-d-Jte dredges while two more ar* bcin? built- this season. On tljese dre«iaen are emploved a numlier of New Zeakux&rs, mostlv from Alexaryitti and the West Coast'. The dredivs. whi.-h c!«*e dic*-n <3uring the rainy season, from June to September, in which period repairs are effected, have done very well, pcttmg pood returns. The material treated is river wash, of much the fame kind n« is found in New Zealand, rough and fine Iwinc met with. There is an ab-'en. e of Iwiri'-d timber. Dunn-.' the nmy wi"«n the dred"«s are pulleo inio shejfered positions, as the river rlvs from 30ft. to 40ft. abovthe normal, and n creat qii.ntity nf float iK! timber comes down. The dredces are !aT"e and up-to-date, with 6t«d pontoon'' fitted up «it" el-?ctTic >kMand well housed in witii iron rw.fs ail plaited bamboo w-<l!s. Ti* ho'iers ay fir d «•••': wc.-i which i- t-ik-n a'nnj-t-le ,1,,'. drclW in bar.-.* by ■« '•■'«'^''- Th- !i"»' 1-r'e '-•"I-" wa ' • !, " > ' i ''" U :f „.] , ... ~,t .r> Mv-'kvi.-. \QO im!<s ~P '•'!-- Itivcr' IrrawvMy. by m. han-.h'-- 3 . I"'c »'» ere«'.-<l a -

Myisykima last eeataa. The «cbrr two air to" be «3*rt«d usi tbe ciaiau THum- «kJj<» run a siiifs cat tbe ■toadpc »isli « via'.< tuMji in cfcaige. Mr \V. S. J'jiciie. who re c«ssly reS'a«soe«3 10 llnnwdin. Wiis vim- waiiio"" djedieaiaMex. " A drmer war fotuiJ four «'. a.o-uns for shcJr dnsSJnnlx«i. <*.) i em-ji ••! She days he lust a sUtji, w •}<■ od«3 shut Jie would »-iay vl liouu- and wascij. l"he j.*ecu.jar ]*iiil Mas lb:u s:jc iditx']' wtfe Ijjud in d»y time. Tin- J'uu ;■ wasehed. and durisi£ sue aflera.Mii sji« a young <ois t'f Jus it «u-r his hejid and ilieji begin to <-j:un.p is to deaSh. To siie «<!s* }«* .-r viciousa.jss ihe kiss «f ail she aii'ii *hecp is n-isuraln alSrihuteJ.

In >n»'*of she rapid «'i'pMisioii ~f siie various industries o! X<w South \V;ile.-. asid she gen.-iai scarosy «.f ag-rit-u tura.i a.n.l other iatwr r<jK<ssed fi*«ii Jifferins .-.-n sr-c*. sis* 3»S.iise lnlei!ig»*iue !*ep.irl!iie.u: is. making ssjenaous *'fl..Jts l<« ssju-ngihe'.i she hands of she Agent So-iur.-il in ind his sSaJJ in ihe wort «f indut-mg 2 sseady flow of she right class of atiuuigsansk. Approval has bien £»<•» bv she I'rrniser So the issue of n jie»' «<•! of r<' gulasions goi.rning she .assist-ance gixeii in nnjiiigiatlSs in She s.hape of jiassiige money and o'Jx-r Cnder j\-gu lations. any agiicu'sural or u-ural hilnirer or doinossic servants may »«s-ujie .1 jiaffcage from Kug-and so £x<dney for .-is Jow .a sum a» £{>. The ivgaJ»sJt«ai> further Jibei-:il«-«-she coudisiuns under whirl) i. , iisiiigi'u.i,.'..s msy ite ji«m-inaSH<d bv jtu-idi'nis of Vw Suush \Val.». ihe omnfijion of jviiMoim-li';:.. f.'jinejly jxouiitd. being now eliiiiinalej, A largo pari of women's suJTering <m»iih»> fionj 3ieadicii<*. Xo ju:i3S«t whul she <aasc. slic* care is alwart foutjd an Ssomjiti' Headache Cure which is las.Sei<ws, i-asy So 1-akc sad acs* pi>»aijit3y. Tlie scvrelary of she Virtiorinm diMrir! of s3i«' Auia3gasnaJ«'d Sori<-iy of J-jiganoei--wrote So «lie Acling-Ministcr of IWiii,'-. atking if shene w«v any ohjortioiw 1 1 aimamtttt arsinomti in lJ,e |*,- l«ars«ii.mj.a3 eniijiioy joining oj' ji'iiuiiiiins :is «»f she Amalgama.lod Soriii •. of Engin<*Ts. Mr Ma:us<-r has .-, it ply sis follows:—"So far Jis 1 Jim imf.' no objitdHHi is offered S<« jmbiie sej-Min> Iteing or l«H««ning n>eaui»e3» of sj-nde unions or socieaiios. lias s3w whole oih*.I»mj biasing So iht- |««jilion j,j»J .siiU'iu: <»f annamenl aj-silitieJis M'Jio mj'e m ]an>-.',:l mejnl«-n»of the miJilary fonrns willl l«<- fully ««)nssd««x-«3 afller S/he ivitvijiss ol 3v]u«ifttMil.:i sioiw fruin vour sor:ii<iy"ti joins <if view," Itugby IrjaiVi fair So ouofl i.lie old b;n'liaric styJe of f.Mtiluull in the Aniejjr.aii A ivuiple of artridos in a nmiui. nunil«-r of she Sui»,iii Main /inc. puihlishikl as Jvisi FrjiaiK-iseo,, si,o.\ shas. shene- is iuteroMl in sl«' gam-' in which Xew JScalaudens ajie |i«*-conl-nens. "Few jxople no; «ir«nly in Si-ucb wash f.«ulba!i aJi'aijK jvnilise ih-e.v wrioasly dui-ing lasi fail! juid wiirt»ir. she jmisadeaits and inisliir. of ibe hiai] ing Eastern uniie»:iii(ss oi*i«iidwed t.he SoSal olinnnation of AniKTirjui i'.eviilia! I from jis? 3i*s. of nollt-ge iqM.iris. 1 " Mr «ii»c:ar X. Taylor, oua.i-3] of she Ca'i fornia l"asii«»iSy ISoagby ««uian. " ll'heii' .oilseus- So allow slk* game So if jiln\o.l ivj* .-is lass gained «n slw gutou-tid thai siie new changia in jlie rules should 1"' uiKea a fair SJiah .\s tilie silnasjciti s1.».«l, public opinion tl.irougliou.l six- .ounsry ifr 1 -*! a change," 'Jtic .(wUegiiia-is,. a'. Siisi. weae naS(ur.-r!3y t-liy alw.-is s?x-ir friiisli. but ojicH» a Ley j»liuiiyod .inio Itugby liliey «3ad noS jx-jiaies .-wiiiov "As she Jhlcr «H»il3ls of Sin- game Mr beiw; 1.-am.<(3. she aiim s«v i;tveWTis,g no like She gaaie for its own uk-sis*.." .i-.iji3«ici Mr iljn lor. -As S«r.M as was Jbougbl SiliaS it be a >is»y" game ,for si.vS-i-r» I. luc* w'lh-n prjulam- jtnuvoil i3,.-il ilirni~i» lamv asul blond <«*a]d Slow in gii.-uw, s«i. shear fj(«» ilia up, and txnh eKpre.v.icills :•<■ "Hajgbys rii'iiis.* "If-Uijby for nie," »verofs.n "heaj-d on She Held." Tiie s«a3UK« shas. she Sir tVosshniJ Mc-dione Co. have j»«tvived fj'osti grirtcful jwipV wlio 3*ieji c.ujxid -uf i.tit!igi«j.m. tionsiijraSioaa. liver and j-Sijaach la-oaWle ploVe the valw of Xoiol. 3f. ill ehemis; and fclojws.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9478, 4 February 1907, Page 2

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The Oamaru Mail. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1907. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9478, 4 February 1907, Page 2

The Oamaru Mail. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1907. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9478, 4 February 1907, Page 2