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t 'lrt .it excitement tv.» prevalent t.'iroiijj'. th>? rolonv vesttTfi.iv, when tin* Ir:« jr.i.vt Parliamentary antl Jicensing poiis v.. r-- decided. Particular interist attached jua this mc.Lsion to the results, owing (o Ith" desperate efforts made by the Opposition ,'.nd Independent parties to first db- '. (■•"<! it and defeat the Government, and ■ [:•* filling was, of coarse. very heavy. It j -.-.-ill b»> history by the time this i:> in the jth« h.tnds of our readers how triumphantly i >1 r i?t<Jdon"s Government came out of 11>. the Opposition being routed ai! the line. Sir William Russell, Mi iSlushtc. Mr Ilerdman. and o!hir chair. ; r»i»;us were rejected by the people, a:. . rtinn;r the Independents-who j«*>t the.: ! si.-,its were the notorious Mecsra T. Iv. layll»r ami H. I). Itediord. Mr Macphervm". vi>('ify over Mr in tht- -Moiinr \»U wsa not nne.xpect"K ! shr margin came aft mther a siirpn> !u> i'Vcn hii supporters, and it v.v - : r.horr»«gh[y ottvtitctttsr. To sum up, tlx ' * r*>*i-TEiruritt to another with th»" btggest majority i: a-iit fVer ha?!. .\a fur as our own efect;";: w;r»>»»'c;ncd, intcr*Al v«is vevy kcoiv. prtticip.nlly on accomiE of the local opli"fi ?i- »U. h «cas f to «»i>: r - rfotths if thf* moat ? >r "- ; I'ubltioniat fookwi forward to the Milwtarrhy which v;;« r.trrifil in the chtorate. There art- a ton -i f r.fihte luimlvr of at)6'Jitt vott-rs prmiii.: : v> r. to o->me in. but « if thv ho:* !* «<-t ' Itiiem lU»>y would flit suthce t»» aU-,T ": f.trt that no'iinrrtav Km iv-rn ♦ arr> i -'i. " i tct th** town r- nv-r-i . fty throogfbont the dav and t vening. S.»«"ct after the booth* ftwved lhatu*> ' w thrortg'xi by a flcrbe crowd ,r..r thr rt'isuEts, »nrl thu was tiie or.irr nr.-i-it TtudEviirht. Whfit of the return:, wrfe ifi Mr tii**rntoiia tn-ijority ,v, InrnHy fheered. aitfl »jtrrwai»!» th*4in,U*rr. from the verandah ov< r st»*rt*. i »..r3 f-»r their exprtsaton of eon- ; He a£so that il«- v.a.s dto notif*- thit the colony h;:d ' s vindicated the f i> s tU it* ba*"fc to oHi-'-.e with a lar^-r ■ <i',i.j'r>ritv than vvrr before. tai»* , Messrs Mitrbell aiul M"Keu/.f, did j Ei.»t sp-ak. Much prat-it" Is dur to t!>e r.*Mr l». I*. Ward. wit'tee'iiffor carryinc out the electron were welt made "that there was iiw.t tinhitch. The i--.oth • tU-» 'fiddk- SfW reli-ved th--Iprmss/re otv the Courtlviose and Couiu J . i 'h-imbeßi. and waa much apprecMXl. of In 1902 4"55 pers- .iio i> « "r-i- ,i vrt.s: yatenby the ntimix-r would jaat about 5000. .-t-s nt;'ny abfi.'tvt volirs" permits have yet to •■••me in. ; F»!towitt»c are the r-'snlta «f the I'ar- ,;:: -.r,U'tit,»ry etctiorts : OA MARC.

In the ioJkrainj: ii«: "VP stand? tor (;>, "0." for Opposition, "I." for !riJ.>;wn«ient. "1.0." for Independent Op"I.L." Independent Liberal. "L.L." f.ifvcral and Labor League, and * X L.'' New libera}.

By TeJes*rapb. ' AUCKLAXD. :B»y of Inlands—- " Houston fM.) 1665 Johocton (0.) 1074 Wake H ) 800 Knun — Harding (LOA 2126 Stalhronhy (M.) 2116 Joor tetania to cam* in.

Mr,r.=-l-n — .V under (O.) 2f®2 'I liompson (M.) 2367 Waitcmata—ASuon .0.) I*" Cimkard (M.) Eden— -n-o itollani (0.) ?9j>2 French (M.) Auckland East— ISaume (M.) 2ol? Haniford (O.) 16oa Kichardson (P.) ItX Way iI.L.) 1(b Auckland Central— Kidd (M.) 2614 It.-cnall (O.) (L.L.) LiHcv (O.) f2 Bradley (I.) Auckland West — iWe (1.L.) l'arr (O.) 2177 Masefield (I.) 1551 Grev I.ynu— _ "Fowlds (M.) 28/o Farr.-ll (O.) 2M Panu'il — L>wry (M.) M'Uan (O.) 24;?2 •Shora (I.) ™Z Morgan <M.) 67 Chambers (I.) '8 Mar.ukati— Kirk bride (M.) St.-.van (O.) 1978 Frankiin — MrSK-v (O.) 15002 VlCardN. (M.) 2122 Thames— _ con M-Cowan (M.) 2529 Filming (0.) 1247 Oh:i -muri— n . Poland (M.) 2094 M'»os (O.) 1824 ivey (M.) 16 Niii- small returns to come, cannot at f, ( t ri-.-iiilt. Waikato— Cr.-cnslade (M.) £?6O l.ailiC (O.) ... ... ••• iWSO KL-ht returns. to come. 15a v Plenty— _ Ili rri'.o lO.) Foster |M.) 29(6 Waiapu— Can-oil (M.) Clayton (1.0.) 161 a Darton (1.) 6™ Wall (O.) 235 i Tiir.i- small returns to come. HAWKE'S BAY.

Xapi^r— Kr.wr (M.) \„, r. lhvi IM.) I=Bo M'drath IM.) ••• 945 llaivkc's Hay— _ DiSlou (M.) Hit-sell <O-) 2018 Waipawa—ifall (M.) 0a97 Hunter 10.) 2144 Fiv.- small returns to come in. TAKAXAKI. E"mont— Jennings iM.) 2002 I i<>.) ' 1736 Campbell fI.L.) 196 ■ Tiiiri-.n small returns to come. Tarmaki— Smith fM.) 1934 ('k.y .r».) 1715 I'. Ilrinsrer (M.P.) 815 r i h ,M.) 470 Mil!, iM.) 226 Ilnwvra Major fM.) 2110 M'fitiir>- t«>.) 175-1 i:<.!,l;iiw (0.P.) 1228 I"a; Svra.f. -M.) 2469 if:o.) 2573 Wnkv.- (I.) 482 r.rt: r.-sults to come in are unlikely air.-. : th;- position. WELLINGTON. I It rtf — i: -:iiini;ton (M.) ... ••• 3544 5..-U ; vill.r (0.) 1683 < • r>.:s > -- 1., rii.riil-o (O.) 1820 I (M.) ... ... 1034 If •• ml .low 11.L.) 891 i Wan;anui — ; IFr.ran (M.) 2512 I Wiiiis iM.) 1589 Itn.-oest (0.) 1056 ! ?[.-iv-Mcn iO.) 753 <'.. i-■ :,"r.y ' M.) ... ... 331 Patnu-rsion North—\Yik><l IM.) 3551 I'ir-ini tO.) 3037 Ono .-mall return to come. Mnna watu— Sr.-vf-ro iM.) 2330 Vile .0.) 1960 Gardiner 11.L.) 229 Paiiiatna—15'vnA (M.) 2240 Hawkins (0.) ... ... 2026 ! Cn.-hanan 11.L.) ... ... 100 Tv.i> Mnall returns to come in. ! Mas". rion—- ! 11., i-L' fM.) 3049 | C.K>;vr (I.O.) ... ... 2205 ! Wairarapa—i Hornshy iM.) 2481 | I!;";'ianan 0.) 1963 I I'hillijis (I.) 63 | fpi>-! result to come, but will not affect result. Otaki— Fi. 1.1 ,r;.) 2696 I'.rown f1.0.) 1346 Hutt— Wilford (M.) 3437 V'Tcx fX.L.) 1533 London <I.) ... ... ... 948 Xew; own— (M.) 3207 lli.-!op (O.) 1995 C"->at'p!e (I.) 1777 Hindmarsh P.L.Ij.) ... 382 UVllinu'ton Xorth— Izard iM.) 3232 I'titiiie (O.) 2752 Maefarlane fP.L.L.) ... 286 Welinnton East— Aitken (0.) 2572 MLean IM.) 2566 MLaren (L.) 757 AW-nt and fea men's votes not- included, fn ro.vilt is still doubtful. Wellington Central— FisvT (X.L.) 3113 O'lVtran fM.) 2668 C'.wp-r iP.tX.) 421 XKI.SOX AXD MARLBOROUGH.

| Xehon— J flrnhnm OI.) 2656 ( Atmore (M.) 2639 j small returns to como in, but j fJnJr.rn's majority will probably be inI 'Teaw.-l. Wain"— Mills 2939 Duncan (O.) 2044 Timor fI.P.) 23 Klovrn small returns to come. Motm-ka— M'Kenzie Of.) 776 Isitt (P.) 96 O'KpIIV (I.) 41 Roller— WEST COAST. Isu!|or Colvin Or.) 3839 fc::t <P.j 1089 C.Tf-V—----"fJ-Tinres! OI.) 2815 ! I'-rr-' Of.) 2583 Six returns to come in, but not i likely to .i.ffect result. Westlan'l S<y| f Jon (M.) 3185 Cowan :P.) 223 CANTERBURY. Ifunimi— Hut'-orford rM.) 1883 Horhicr (0.) 820 Pttlh-y (M.) 272 Kai.irwi— Jinddo i'M.) 2060 Moore iO.) 2025 Several permits to come. Avon— Tanner Of.) 2291 Brunt fO.) 1732 Otarkson IX.L.) 1509 Rp.ynes (P.L.L.) 107 Christ<*hnrch North— Ornv (1.L.) 4066 Taylor (X.L.) 2999 Christchtirch East— Ihvcy (M.) 2622 Tooirood (X.L.) 2051 Collins oi.) 1535 Cooke fL.) 95 Christchtirch SouthEll Or.) 3660 Winny (0.) 1171 Thnrn (P.L.L.) 1102 ITadfield (X.L.) 362 Riccarton— Witty (it.) 2268 Caverhill (O.) 1042 Rtessell OL) 671 Efiord (P.L.L.) 102 EUcsmerc— Rhodes (0.) 1804 I Ronnie OL) 1520 Shaw OL) 339 Lyttelion— T.anrcnson (X.L.) 2490 Radcliße OL) 1382 Rnssell (0.) 950 Webb (0.) 397 ' Courtenar—- ! Lewis (0.) 1971 M-Bride (LL.) 1715 Selwyp— i Hardy (0.) ... 1193 Iveas (M.) ... ... ...

Ashburton — il'Lachlan (if.) £>oß Studholni# (O.) 2.42 Sealy (M.) *92 Geraldine— Flatman til.) ■■■ ••• "~™; Jeffries (O.) Timaru — _ Hall-Jones (M.) °Z-„ Rolleston (0.) 2452 i OTAGO.

Clialmers — Allen lil.) 3426 l'rvor (I.) 1989 Gibb (1.) 2a7 Dunedin North — Barclay (M.) ... s^ol Hedford (X.L.) 2830 Dimedin Central — Millar (M.) 415( Adams (1.1'.) 2317 Dunedin South — Arnold (M.) 3201 Stewart (0.) 2512 Caversham — Sidev (M.) 3903 Karnshaw (0.) 21'3 Taieri—l'eid (0.) 22(9 Marshall (M.) 1768 Tuapeka— JJennet (M.) 2a30 Gilkison (O.) ..- 1558 Bruce — Allen (0.) ... ••• 2075 Mason (M.) ... ••• 1713 Six returns to come in, but will no! affect- result. Glutha — Malcolm (0.) ... ... 2034 Stewart (M.j ... 1769 Hoy (LO.) 262 Wakatipu— Frnser (0.) 25^0 Giifc-der (M.) 18S6 Incomplete. Mataura — M'.Nab (M.) 2744 Mac Gibbon 2045 Awarua — Ward (M.) ''o27 Wood north (P.) 774 Wallace — Thomson (I.) 2360 M'l'herson (0.) 1975

Tifi: I'll KM IKK OX THE RESULT. By Telegraph. Wellington, December 7. Addressing the crowd early this morning Mr Soddon said ho never felt- tin slightest anxiety as to the result of the election. The final returns gave the (Government 59, as against 13 conclusion, lie said: "I hope the lime.-, board will be photographed, and I hope somc people will read, mark, learn, aiiu inwardly digest and understand that those who do'their duty by the people have nothing to fear. They sneer at humanity, but I say there is a trait in humanity that when injustice has been done, as has been done to me and mine, people will not have it, and that has been, shown throughout Xew Zealand to-day."

! I)nn< on. M'Ktrtzie Mtictit!!. ![v.-w.* ... ... 33 .1 to i PitEvfMtri ... 132 2 15 ; lVji.ik.ii-> ... c-> 6 10 Ev >.'*■> a':; 3-5 0 IS I?> 7 'j 6 f |v,f..n~h «V>r.ftci! 4:26 27 212 ! N'_-rfp if.1 .. no i : f t>'t!»re ": ~ 13 KrtM.t ... ... in 15 (V> I t f. 111!—r" >r i>.37 0 3 i' '■ > irrha r,-.' . 423 22 125 ] i*>.i ilt»n ... . . 141 5 62 irK s.-b.«i ... 363 17 213 i \i,rrfi . . *3'. 2' 227 j \ ... 6?. 1 10 I T : V . . rjH 0 2 V.'.f.-:-. ... ... t:j 7 65 MI.ME,' S. fi.»I 2i ! V1 6.3 ;"F >-.!r.i ... V--1 i : V. uifl-'>r 3 [ _ 33 2 L 159 i'fio f Fnt'irnnl. 104 W.UTAKl

R""»itEwi. 1 i 1 3 .i z. 1 — X ■7. Alviry ... n 9 <>6 1 .'..■v.; 5 I I 21 0 t:urk> 'y PrkSci . . 4 0 2 27 0 ... 3 1 0 55 3 nin_"f r 'rt ... 3 4 5 25 0 l\n.F frvt'k 0 3 0 25 fV • r;%ruf>-'rf.itn ... 3 22 0 27 1 * V: i r . i 5 2 0 26 0 Vattfv ... 16 7 0 3.i 6 Falrii- ... 71 !2 3 170 5 i':f-rivrv ... ... 11 2 4 Qi 16 Vatl.-y . 6 0 I 51 4 , £ F.vmaron ... 41 10 2 55 7 ! U'u.k .. 12 7 14 21 6 H'i'.vr . ... "0 6 4 42 9 1! 15 9 66 Ci ,Ko.:i'sn. ... 0 5 0 21 5 F.vpJE 7 0 to 0 M.tktkiht !.. to i; 7 07 6 Morver. ... .. 36 1! 9 16n 5 o--r» ... 9 15 5 57 1 Ur'Miff ... ... 14 0 15 6% 5 S ■ ... !6 3 11 *6 5 Sitvrfsf rv>am ... S 0 f) .55 1 S, irM»"ru 6 i15 *5 3 ... IS 6 5 41 2 S-. An'lrpw* ... 16 23 14 16? 4 TVnrmrrti 1 . •" 0 10 2 1 25 57 0 0 V/ruFi.v» Downs .. II 27 12 ."7 5 ttrnihio-frfPCn. W.Krn.iit' ... 16 . 523 16 SO 0 77 25 726 5 1-5 V\S. ... IS (i 4 55 1 Waitm* ... s; 10 4 27 3 \Yi({»wbrirIi:' [y ... 12 16 5 26 5 ?11 331 217 26! 5 259

MOl'N'T IDA. Vrv-rNy n» v rrlmrtn. ..'. 5.20 Macj>!i.--rson 2i0 . SO 56 ■ W.Vtriati ... ... 63 26 W.«M HitT ... 2i CO IVintrrmn ... ... 89 115 . 33 £f> r»rmms , rf>t»rr. ... 71 33 Hit .13 <-o T:irrn."V ... 30 25 ... 24 95 •"'rrn'ott ... 35 54 t-itrxr ... 11 25 3 4S I.mvt-r Ky-hf.rn ... 33 3i 'V'Sj.H . . ... Si 13 Vicfcftr>n" Hit! ... 35 33 >[. Pithrvnr, , T .i 117 ... 11 57 Oj>Wr Mi V.ift-y 13 ... 54 67 54 flantrtrly ... ... 43 53 Whirrkurt 5 10 Nctpir.i ... ... 12 44 K::row ... 72 127 fVirnfi ... 29 23 ! >'>i.,irrvrci,i ... 22 34 ... ... 31 £4 f It orc^town ... :>s 55 Wfftf rbarn ... 37 30 17 27 ... ... 34 37 ff.vj.v_ _... ... 27 66 M.n < 'r < x ... 123 I'.irr.irni ... ... S2 .'•9 ... 52 10 Avi»>tr.or>* ... . 12 17 K->T»o i:r,f> ... 16 16 'rjvr.ttrie to co BIO

W.UKOr.UTI. P.llnwtston ... KvafisrWe Swamp... t»t<«ra Vaikv... H<itni»k>n H.iwktstrarv H.rtsrrove K.ik.inut South K.iritane I.'tot.t Harbor M.t.r.i.-s ■M.khpno Mrrton Vwnlu'fi: Cargtll I'nrakaritii >'.ivcye»' Bay.. SV.K"!:t? Point ... W.uUti Virt*" Grow ... Ciark. ... 411 ... 46 ... 33 ... 35 ... 5 ... 136 ... 107 ... 26 ... 21 ... 15 ... 13 ... 73 ... 15 ... 14 ... 13 15 ... 15 ... 49 ... 32 ... 74 ... 76 ... 91 ... 17 ... 77 ... 10 5! 4 33 66 112 55 161 357 25 74 19 23 62 26 25 73 4 - 45 29 26 111 143 46 36 124 22 1595 2309

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXI, Issue 8959, 7 December 1905, Page 4

Word Count

THE ELECTION. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXI, Issue 8959, 7 December 1905, Page 4

THE ELECTION. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXI, Issue 8959, 7 December 1905, Page 4