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j IJt Klectp.ic Teleobaph.—CorißKiitTj iIOMK MARKETS.

I ll'tK I'ftC*.* Association - .) ! !:n?sv(.-»I Desciiib-r 6. at 8.54 a.m. New York. JJo<-.i':ii:>-.r 6. The Americut cotton rrw|» ia <)ifidil!y es 'ttiiMt««J at io t i57.5;3 ii,>:.-». I Copper—?«»<: . £77 5-.: lhu-.- ino::tiis. : £76 15a.

Tin—tfjx>t. £159 ICa: three mouth £153. 1.. ; w1, £l6 ICb. SitviT. Zs sjd. AI'STI'.AUAN MAI'.KKTS.

'; fl'.T Kt-r.CTBtc Tr.UKOUAMi.—"-. I ISwiv-'fl I)i.-.:rit!i-r 6. at 11.2 a.m. i l).;.-:eiiiUr (>■ ' Wh'-xi: f'i.i-J,. .>.".> i!n.V M; mi!Ur._-. '.» ~-\ t.» 3» &l. Fi'.tir, £3 w t-> £'i IC*-. 1 Mi>r.i:n!..»n. £ll KX,: Tastrunuf--.vtuE.- rV...,iirfs. Zi 1M to 5«: X\-w ■Un.t i;.ut«r... 3* t.. Co l.i: I! 5r.-I.k-. a< 'tM ir> 3s l:.irl-v: Ki.=!t*!i. 9 ■ 'Mai/.-. 4) 64. Itr.-vn. I LI. I'oliartl. 1« M. * . l'..tato.'s: Ta3;--artta.ti. i:3 5.> l" £3, !<>• itlntoiy. £5. I'.Litt. r. M to 10.1. I i«'' '■• A t»» fri. K.v»rt. -'i>' i-.^i' 1 '' r "" nUr ' v tsmtßttorw *i''''j. ritiliiii. i::Vivi'.>ri iikt- ,'.>"' , .'» r.;.>:'.T.-. ntvl il« i'.'»t r«-|T-'-. :>■

■M.'J..t:rti>. D—ri.'-r 6. W;,-.f. "». .-•(: r..-w. -v --..1. F!-.:.r. £7 I--B t».tts: ALv-ritn. 1.- 0-1 i" U 10--::!-. 'A. £■:. It->rt v. .". 6-1 :•- ■'■.- 3d. Itwt/llt.l. l'..!F.«d. t.- 3d. 1 h::-«;*. fl-V

Wh-af. ~* 7.1. £', I.v. lirr.n. Uid. Pollard. I3d. .icxrrhi.v salkyakds. Th"'frs s.-'ting at til.' aboV vanis Prti >• Chri.stie- and ('«... Nation.*! Mortgage and Agei-ay Company, and M-tssr? P.ugetv and C>A report hiving Vi. i.«i th-nr u.-aid v..ekiy sa!" yesterday. uh-ii tFccn- was a smal! yarding of sh.-ep .urt.t pigs, and a. v.-rv targ- entry of u« arid at'.-"- rattle. ;i!i p-tis fifing flit'"!- «»>' tfi.-s-- .-n- lir."- .d about 45 head w.i.s the (.-■st br.d tot that has J»-"Ti .>ff. r.-I iit tWo var.U f->r *w years. Almost the whole-'va-rdtng was sold, "»I>" !flr '' - - F"'"' r,-.t,ving'the vards m»)W, prices all round .-■ing'a shade better tii tn this" ruling M.,("<v.vt;. There was a fair attendance

..f farmers add others, th.- m.-jority o: 'ih*»<> boitii: ixiye-rs. the r.fiiit I>--inir one »t the livwt sit'iisf.trtory s,iU>.-< held at tl>fa>> > irela for »«m«- m«ttthi. The foilowing <,tr nn»t.»ttoriß : !?hf«-t..—Only 24 f.ti .>w.». iicht w.-iglils. . .irn,> Unrwnrd." and snTd at I.ts 6fl Fat CUttfi-. 25 w.-r.< yarded. Fat_ bill-

;i,«. m-'dtom weights. **M at £3 o« to \& tf* 6d. licht £6 7a t-> £7 10-. fat i,-..«» £4 ss. to £6 12s. fit heifers jt" £5 I3s. Stoti< Cattle.—lß7 head wer» p.-nned. Ihr.-vearold t>uifrv'-<*. in very forward V.-.n»itttott. at £6 7s. 2;!d bill-;.i.-F<» £5 l& C>i to EA 17.1. 2-year-old bid- :■■■ --KTji £5 6e to £> 14.«. y.-ariitu' slr-r.t 22s ;t.o 24* 6>i. 2J y.-ar and "-"-year h-il'--rs ;r t g--..»i enndttton £5 S.« to £■'■) lEs.*-«M ft.ers and h-ifer* 25,- t-. £2 Z<. Fiett'ers 15.» t" -•>* til. calves IU t- Isj. smalt ditto 5* f. B-* M. .- .«* lin forward .onriittoti) £2 2:, to £0 V*. ditto ~[,\ 21, to 2?*. O.Hrv Cows.--18 cm- torward. l!-\-t £.-> to £7. mc.-ttrirn £4 £,. t-> £4 Irx-. o-j.ers s.» £'2 7s 6d. iieiters jt c.dvirv SC~> hi •,. £,"> Ise. \'i~*. — ", weri-. p.-nr.-d. and a!! -o[.| at. -.iv>-- „i fr«m 2? to '■;. -v. Ei.'t '■'■••• ■'*'* .-.:oWti„M. Stores If* 0-1 !•• 17;- M. :-!i:.i•i, 0.1 to tS» 3d. w.-ati.-r* 12, M t.. I S* 6<t. r:o..Jinrif ditto. Its 3-i to 2, »>-i. WAIAIIKKA S.M.KVAI'.nS. 'fh-> So-th 1»:..v.-. F-irrn-ri.' Co •■[.. r ->.f;ve .\ fi .,-i-t;.« ...r.d tfi- N-w Z- vi.r.d l.— u

■ ;-.t Meraatrf- A;--i:i v Corui.any r-f-rt - ,: rh. ; v.vr.-ls y--f-.-T.Uy. Tii-:-- si.. ~, i..... .j ard ;> fair yardi:;.; <■:' all ■d.--?.-rirt : .orw< of *:.-..-fc. So.-ep —622 w.-ro vard-d. ,h ; .-rTy *.-.f w, tri-r,. 600 2-i->rh weth-r----frorr-, Nortii.*rnat« w.-r-- f i.'f'l ■'•- a ,; ''' tiott. btif. fold after file sit-. F.-.---S .p,!i.vdf..j.-i.) f-trh-d FOo. C.iUle. -48 head -i f-t ar-.i stor,- --Lttle

r.ere va.rd.-d. Rn!to.-!s !>••■ f fet. h-i 2'» [>- r IP'Vhj. Fi.-if.-r !.->-( 2h 64 p-r On ...-.-..ttr.r of Mr A. .I. K-itiv -v.- buito,-;.; K...s so'd M £t2 EO. .t.r..| h.-,:.-r, a? £'.).

i>n .11 -i omit of rmrte-rotn eii-'irs. 8 2-year-,e.F ,:.-.-.-a ,i.r £2 Kv. .-tore he:f-r, .-r £2. lw. «!»,* 7s. bull* £'. I'aii-y !'..«.-t'rdy .-• t-_w w.r-- yarn. d. f., ! .t .-..t t2o to t''.t- tor r. -,\ ---.! S- to .-...- .>.-!

.VJlt>lN'".i' N MAr.Ki'.'lS. nli-Ur., i;eV it. ri-.-e:tu..--r 5. At .Vldi-U-t. :l ' r v.- .'... k te. ;r'---t to-d.y C-.-4 atierd.r..--. "i"--f .-*.:.■! .-•- a'--'-:t tildevious v,.-V, r:.-. ; . -v-d i.y !ir,. : . -re tirrrt a.t iijif W.dr.-, l-v >- rr;--.-. lat v.-.-. tti-Ts [...1.! weU. bu: '-M.... r-itii-f tr:..i-„.l"r".>r store dif-p. .."r.'l th-r- v.a.s pr.i. • tic.Jiv r.-> chan.-- in tie f.rt t" pig.-. Tii-r." was a. better .i-:i-.a:>i for store Storo Sh'-ep.-- In" nrtnctpi l .ntry in thf store .sheep f .Vn.s wno a line of 600 wethers. and th- rlemand was r.-t so a* bst w.-. k. Thre... Inttidrcd <vetli.-is Ibc to 15.s 5.1. and 300 were f ,.!.-| 15i. 42 _wooi!y two-toot ha at !Bs. and i.> sFiorn at I3b Bd.

I Fat l»<mle.—The entry of fat Uml* toItaiie.l 350. and they tJ.UI firmly at the 'previona week's one or two pens nuking &i per head more. Pest sorts !7s to 18s 6-1. and others 14s to 6d. Fat Sheep.—The yarding ot fat rheep ■ «.-.-• on'.v a moderate"on.- in point of numF»rs. \V>-there sold well up t<> late,. Hit* that w< ec n..t prttii" were easier. 'i h rvege of prices wa.* : Pest shorn we-th.-ra 17* 6.1 t.» Sis (Vi. others 15s to 17.5. V»t p-scs E6e t>i to i9a T.i. ID.. f>i t.» I6e. Fat Cat tie-. Tiler,- Wl . t ,. 178 head of i-,>.Jtfe penned, the cttiaiity Fv-ing eomewh.-it tntx-vi. was not brisk, and prii-e.s were atioct e«|tial to t!io s e of i.wt week. S:e,r.s made £6 £e to £lO 12s 6d. heHers £5 120 6«: ito £5 18s. and cows £4 ISs t.. £3 if> (e.iti.d to 22s to 25s per 10O!l»). Veal .a!v, A *nM at 7s 6.1 to 51s 6-1. the entry being only .1 moderate one in point of .(uattty. Store iattte.—Tlicre was a i.irge entry of store i-.utte. including a i-rte of e.l>..ut 2,".) go.w| conditioned steers and heif. rs (run M-»r{liorongh. Tiiere was an impr>.ve«.t d-ntand. and a considerable j>rojior-ti-n of the varding changed hands. The. n-rrhern cuttle sofd as follows: 5 and 4-v, steer? £6 6.». SJ-yrar steer.-, £6. the ikdartce of line £4. 4 ar.-I 5y,.T-ohl ste-rs £5 17s 6.-1. 2i-ve.»r-o!d steers £5 5.t.» £5 Rs. 2.vear-o'd "steers £2 Bs. 5 and 4 heifers £5 2s. 2J-vear-o!d heiiers £5 I7s 6d to £4 2s: local entries—yearFirtg* 2Ca. 15 !« 15-months 32s 6,1 to 42-.. 2v,aro!cl steers £2 ISs. do heifer? £2 5s t«" £2 16s. 5-vear-oFd steers £5 6s. tlo iieitVrs £5 ss>. dry cows 30* to £s_ 10s. There waa a smai! entry of dairy cows, Attd thev met with dnll sales.

Pigs.—There were or.ty a few grw-Hl haror.era penned. There was .1 fair entry of porters ar.d a gc-ori yarding of store rugs. sIU. oners were dull "of sal-, and porters |.in4" ttores sold very we!!. I'aconem 'rn.eie 5As to 45* k<\»\\ to 3Jd per ib). Iporkers 24s to 52s (ee|ual to 4d to 4jd per lib'. large stores 16s to 225. very forward Ic.i 51s. medium I2s to 15s. and we.iners |4j M to Bs.

STOCK SALES. At the! Point eaio yesterday tti.-re vrsj a Cix'-d yarding of and ottie and a very good attendance of farmer*. The cattie'and sheep were the worst je-rt this season, binding was very dull. there was practically no sale for any c* iA* of sheep. Prices were follows: Fat heifers £5 10s. steers (small) £4 ss, iM cow* £7 10a. £5 Ids. £5. 5 dry heifers 52# 6.1. 5 18-menths-old heifers £1 16s:». 3-year-old £2 ss. £5 12< 6d. £4: yearling steers and heifers 225. 1 steer £2 6«: row in profit £5 2s 6d. £4 3s: springer* £5 I7s" 6d. £4 14s. Sheep. 2660 were voided. Fat wethers. 40 (shorn) at 17s fti, ICG (shorn) at 19s: fat ewes, 2s fehorni at 12s 6d. 35 6-tooth (shorn) 13s 3d (passed). 25 (shorn) at 15s. 38 and 1 wether at 15e. 15 4 and 6-tooth at 15s Id. 25 ditto at 15s Bd. 15 ditto at 15s 7d. 29 ditto aS 14s 2d: lambs (fat). 4 at 16s 8d : •tore*. 17 shorn ewes and wethers at 15a 2.1, 16 2-tooth ewe* (shorn) at 15s 4d (passed). 38 wether shorn at 12s 3d (passed*. 38 2-tooth weth«rs at 12s (passed). 115 4 . rd 6-tooth (shorn) at 15s (passed), 186 4 .-"-.d 6-tooth (shorn) at 153, 400 2-tooth mL'ed sexes at 13s (passed), 146 4 and 6tooth (shorn) at 14s 3d (passed), 47 4 and 6 tooth wethers (shorn) at 13s 7d (passed). 60 2-tooth ewes (shorn) at 15s (passed), 227

2-tooth ewes (shorn) at 15.. 100 2-tooth ewes (shorn) at 14s 10d (P** ed )> fl ~, ? I tooth wethers at 15» 4d (passed), 8 black .2-tooth cwuj fsbo.,,) si 12., 414 fwcs a u lambs at foot (shorn, ewes 6 andl 8-too h .1 10= ICd, 50 aged ewes and 66 lambs (iu the wool) at 15s (passed), 81 4, 6 and 8-,o„th (few'failing) «nd I° B JfE 1 * .horn) «' Ss 6d (passt-d).-Ttaarn Hen.d. Un Friday at fcoalgate market tnere was ..„!,- » small yarding of sheep., abon 4..0 .oming forward, the bulk being store.,. FaU were confm-d to four, or hvc «n.a : ,;- :i few being in till *<?!•: ,? ne at •'.■rd-mcc was limited, and bidding was how. most low being withdrawn a » -on F..t cro-sbreds. mixed sexes (m the '•'„.,b made 25s 6d. fat merino ewes (in V- wool) 165 6-1. fat crossbred ewes (sliorn i 5,. shorn hoggets 13s Staged crossbred .-.ves (shorn) with lambs 7s 7d to 9s 6d fall counted).

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXI, Issue 8958, 6 December 1905, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXI, Issue 8958, 6 December 1905, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXI, Issue 8958, 6 December 1905, Page 4