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The result of the examination of the men's and women's first aid classes, held on. September 3rd and 4th, was forwarded by the examiner to the 'secretary yesterday. The names of the successful candidates are as follows :—Women's Classes : -First year— Misses K. Greagh, M. Beswick, L. Creagh, B. Beswick, T. Brownlee, R. Hepburn, J. Brownlee, J. Jackson, M. Davis, J. Elder, J Smyth, Jessie Smyth, J. Hood, A. Robert's, "j. ißorrie, W. Roberts, and Mrs D. 'Genge. Third year —'Miss V. Maude. Men's Classes : Fiist year—Messrs E. Moyle, Wm. Verey, and R. de Lambert. Second year—Mr Wm. Bastings. Tliird year — Mr J. Robertson. Dr Barclay's report is a-s follows: —"The general results of the examination are, I think, very satisfactory, and the knowledge displayed a. testimony to careful training and a considerable amount of diligence on the part of the pupils. Among the men there were not many candidates, but those who did come gave an excellent, account of themselves, all passing with most creditable percentages. Five candidates failed to obtain the requisite number of marks to pass. Of these, one lady was unable- to attend at the written examination, another lady took suddenly ill as the written work was commencing, and as she had done a fairly good oral and practical work it is a matter of regret that I cannot my way to pass this candidate." Those who have passed the third course will be aVle to obtain from the head office a medallion in gold, silver, or bronze if they leave their names with Mr H. Thomas, the secretary for tliis section. The Rev. R. J. Porter will conduct the services in St. Paul's on Sunday. In the evening Mr Porter .will preach on Newman's well-known hymn, "Lead, Kindly Light"; ■ the only hvmn m which all the members of the "Parliament of Religions" could unite in singing. All seats free at the evening service. At the. City Temple, Thames street, the Church of Christ services for to-morrow are as follows:—Worship and of Bread, 11 a.m.; Sunday School and Bible Class, 2.45 p.m.; Gospel Service, at 6.30, conducted by the evangelist, Mr D. M. M'Crackett, the subject of his address being "The Pearl of Great, Price." A cordial welcome is extended to all.

The Salvation. Army will, as usual, hold four services to-morrow, according to an announcement which appears elsewhere. Mails for Cromarty, Puysegur Point, and Te Oneroa, per s.s. Invercargill, will close at Invercargill, on Wednesday nest, at 1 p.m. The Rev. W. Wright will preach in Columba Church to-morrow, as per subjects advertised. We are asked to call attention, to an advertisment calling for tenders for building a carriage factory. Tils sen-ices at the Baptist Church tomorrow will be conducted by Mr Billing. Messrs Dalget-y and Co. report under date London, September 17th:—"The frozen mutton market is firm without change in prices. The frozen lamb and beef market, is weak, but prices are not quotably changed." - The Pukeuri Creamery will recommence operations- on Monday next. The Rev. D. M'Nicoll will preach in the Wesleyan Church to-morrow morning and evening. The evening subject will be : "Come and See: or Investigation before Disciplesliip." Sir Grocott will preach at Enfield and Mr Hiett at Kafcanui at night and Mr M'Nicoll at Pukeuri in the afternoon, at 2.45. The fourth annual social of the Oamaru Athletic 'Football Club was held in St. Luke's Hall on Thursday niglTt, when, despite the inclemency of the weather, there was a very large attendance, the ladies especially deserving great credit for the way they turned out. The grand" march was led off by the captain (Mr J. Mullin) and Miss Hunter, followed by nearly fifty couples. The floor was in splendid" order and the dancing was kept going till well on in the morning. Mr R. Appleby made. a very efficient and obliging M.C., and the musicians—Messrs Home (piano) and M'Bride (violin) —were all that could - be desired. The catering was in the hands of Messrs Hepburn Bros., who earned out their part of the programme in a most efficient and satisfactory manner. Just before the supper adjournment Mr I). Miller, vice-presi-dent of the Club, took occasion to present Mr J. Mullin with a gold medal for the most consistent player and best back for the season. This inedal, which is a- very lLandsome one, was presented to the Club by Mr J. Cliilcott. This is the second year that. Mr Chilcott has presented a gold medal to the Club, and the Club's thanks and best wishes are due to him for his great interest in and encouragement of the game. During the evening some songs were introduced and the dance was an unqualified success, everyone agreeing that the fourth annual social of the Athletic Club was not unworthy of its predecessors. The .Kolnische Zeitung on --uigust. Bth published the following telegram from Berlin!: Reports from Belgrade tend to show that King. Peter is openly terrorised by his entourage, which te chiefly composed of persons who actually took part in the or were privy to the murder of King Alexander and Queen iDragii. As a proof of this, it may be mentioned that all copies of yesterday's issue of the official Gazette containing the appointment of Lieutenant-Colonel Leschjanin, the .Servian military attache at' Constantinople, to the post of Court Marshal, .were called in by tlle;polie£-shortly after publication, and:a second issue 'appeared, which, however, did not contain, the appointment. Colonel Leschjanin is the brother-in-law of the Serjvl jnistAtijf Finance, and was Court-Mar-shal under King Alexander until the Litter's marriage. The Mail. Journal bad published threatening : articles. when the report of Colonel Leschjanin's. appointment was first circulated. " The Premier of" Tasmania lia? replied as follows a. csMesrram >f>nt by t.liivPremier of New Zealand congratuLatihg-Tsfinianin. on tin completion of its centenary: —"lt nfford- *** hit. OnvermnAn f . -"-'rK .to i oeiTC your iaeasage of friendship and siaoeiß J

congratulations. On behalf of the people of this State, I venture to hop© that such progress and national wealth may bo in storo tor -Tasmania- as is now enjoyed by the people of the great colony of New Zealand." Messrs G. and X. Young, watchmakers and jewellers, have forwarded us one of their comprehensive and exceedingly well got up trade catalogues. The Garrison Band, having resolved to take part in the band contest at Timaru early next month, have decided to give a concert before leaving for the scene of operations, in order to afford the public an opportunity of hearing the test selections and helping to defray the expenses. The concert will probably be given on Friday, 2nd October. Under the direction of Mr I'. C. Burry, the band have been putting in a great deal of solid practice, and have made most encouraging progress with the preparation of the contest music. Next week they will have three full practices—Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings—and for the succeeding week the conductor, whose enthusiasm' might well become infectious, ha/5 announced the order as every night every man. The annual meeting of the Oamaru Lawn Tennis Club will be held on Wednesday next, 23rd inst., in Messrs Newton and Borton'-s office.

The local cab-drivers and draymen have this year decided to hold a social and dance, and final arrangements have been made for it to take place in St. Andrew's Hall on Thursday evening next. It is expected that there will' be a big attendance and a "good time" ought to be spent. The steamer Rosamond left last evening with produce for northern and West Coast ports. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupv cough appears will prevent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and Gafe to take. For sale by all Chemists and Storekeepers. Price. Is 6d and 3s.

Writing on August 7 the London correspondent of the Lyttelton> Times says : Those among you who served in the late war, and particularly those who sufficiently distinguished themselves to win tlie oneocoveted D.5.0., will be interested to hear that, the King's recent decree giving precedence to the Victorian Order over the Distinguished Service Order has created a deal of sarcastic comment in India, and when l they learn the reason why, they will probably indulge in a little themselves. Tbo M.V.0., if you please, was recently bestowed on the Viceroy's head steward _ for his distinguished services in the catering line at the State .ball at Delhi, and another has fallen to a German h-otelfeeeper, who had the distinction of providing refreshments for the' Duke of Connaught on one of his tigershooting excursions. The recipients of these rewards for domestic services are, doubtless, very worthy folk in their way, but when it comes to giving them precedence over men who have distinguished themselves on; .the field of battle—well— what can onie say ? It is really very funny if you look at it in the right light, but the hum'or of the situation created by the King's decree will hardly appeal to those who risked their lives in the Empire's cause. „ MOST POPULAR BECAUSE IT IS THE ■ BEST. Messrs Philpotts and Son, storekeepers, Picton, N.Z., say: "The best selling cough mixture in this district is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Everyone likes it and speaks well of the results after using it." For sale by all Chemists and Storekeepers. Price, Is 6d ard 3s. No other Liniment will heal a cut or bruise so quickly as Chamberlain's Pair Balm. No other such promt relict from rheumatic pains. No other is so valuable for deep-seated pains like lame back and pains in the chest. Give this liniment a trial and become acquainted with its remarkable qualities and you will never wish to be without it. For sale by all Cliemists and Storekeepers. Price. Is <Sd and 3s TO CURE OR NOT TO CURE: THAT [S THE QUESTION !—And the only answer is that TUSSICURA will cure the worst •cough anybody could be afflicted with. This is good news for the sufferer, and the great value of the information lies in the fact that it can be absolutely relied upon. Not only do thousands of testimonials vouch for the efficacy of this wonderful preparation, but a single trial will be sufficient to convince the most sceptical. Price, Is 6d and 2s 6d All stores aud chemists. —Milligan and Bond agents. There is no danger whatever from lockjaw or blood poison resulting from a wound when Chamberlain's Pain Balm is promptly applied. It is an antiseptic and destroys the germs which cause these diseases. It also causes wounds to heal without maturation and in one-third the time required by the usual treatment. Sold by all Chemists and Storekeepers. Price, la 6d and 3s. A OURE FOR ASTHMA. Those who are afflicted with this distressing complaint will be glad to learn that Evans' MOUNTAIN KIN f! ASTHMA POWDER can be depended upon to ensure immediate and permanent relief. Thia preparation is a herbal compound, which has never been known to fail in the most serious cases, and thousands of people have been restored to their normal state of health by using it. One trial will convince the most sceptical.—ilillnrnn and Bond, iisentfi.

No, you couldn't help it, even if you tried, looking well in 1903. Spring Millinery. Not an unbecoming shape is to be seen. The designers liave succeeded in producing the most' charming styles and fashions in millinery for this season that it's possible to imagine. Already the customers have caught the enthusiasm that was sure to follow the introduction of such choice works, and orders for trimmed millinery are now coming in fast. Don't procrastinate, but place your own order at earliest possible moment. A hat- is worth ever so much more t-o you if you get a whole season's wear out of it. You pay no fancy price for trimmed millinery at PENROSE'S. We price our millinery as we price our calicoes, only at such prices as will commend themselves to your judgment as fair and reasonable.— PENROSE'S Cash Drapery Establishment. TUSSIOURA.—In the winter season exposure will affect the strongest constitution, and a sudden chill may sow the seeds of the most dread disease. CONSUMPTION in its earlier stages takes the form of a troublesome cough, when neglected settles in the lungs, to the permanent damage of those organs. What is required is .1 preventive, and TUSSICURA will be found to supply this want. Obtainable all chemists, Is 6d and 2s 6d. Whoever would be "Cock o' the walk" . Must, open his mouth and crow loud, For whispers and mutters are plainly not talk And very soon lost in the crowd. We take special care that we-may be heard, Our knowledge we cannot immure, For bad coughs and,colds the stuff that's ■preferred, Is Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.

Extra Special Supplementary Sale.— L. H. Tempero begs to announce that owing to alterations to the Showroom, which will be in hand next month, lie will hold a Great Clearing 'Sale of drapery, clothing, etc., consisting of Ladies' Jackets, Waterproofs, Mantles, Underclothing of all descriptions, Hate and Bonnets, Corsets, Aprons, Flowers, Prints, Muslins, Calicoes, Flannelettes, Sheetings, Blankets, etc., at desperate prices, to save stock from damage during the progress of the work. For 10 days only can you get drapery at un-heard-of prices. L. H. TEMPERO, London House.

Make your Piano look like new by using oux "Brilliant" Piano polish, Is 6d to 2a MEIDRUM'%. One of the most attractive selections in lace goods ever shewn in Oamaru is now open at THE POLYTECHNIC. The goods are direct from the leading Home .warehouses, and comprise the newest styles in Collarettes, Scarfs, Lace 6,. Frillings, etc., etc.,. while the prices have been marked at smallest margin of profit. We want to do ■A, andwilL be' saitisfied with/a .-small' Lace, Lisle. Ta'ffeta ;Glov«s. in black," white, cream,, slate, and fawn, (Sd, 9d, lis. 9d, 2s. Our value m Hosiery this season will commend itself to our patrons. Lndies' Black Cashmere Hose, plain, ribbed, or fancy, 10Jd, Is. Is 3d, ls4£d, Is 6;1, Is 9d, 2s r 2g 3d, '2s 6d. Have you tried our Adome Kid Gloves at '2s 6d ? They a» undoubtedly the bovfc glove for the. money in :town._ Try THJ? POLYTECHNIC ihe Favorite Ready-Money Drapers. You will ;snr» money by doiner 60. Depend upon it, whatever is best- Acbroted ■to the best work and the longest \ in a i will always be found in the M'Cormick. ,

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8290, 19 September 1903, Page 2

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Untitled Oamaru Mail, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8290, 19 September 1903, Page 2

Untitled Oamaru Mail, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8290, 19 September 1903, Page 2