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The Oamaru Mail. Daily Circulation, 1730. WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1898.

" Settler " wiites :—" I have a section on one of the Government estates, and I have spent about L.IOO on improvements Can 1 get an advance of, say, L6O through the Advances to Settlers Act ? " We believe that an application for such <* loan would bo favorably entertained. Our correspondent's proper course is to communicate with the Advances to Settlers Office.

St. Luke's Club held their opening social last night. The evening was a miscellaneous one. There were parlor games, singing and instrumental music, and, for those who liked ib, dancing. It was announced that there would ba no meeting next Tuesday, being the Queen's Birthday, but that on the 31st a lecture would be given by Major Headland on the Spanish and American war. Tho meeting closed about 11.30. Mails for Australia, Tasmania, Ceylon, India, China, Japan and Straits Settlements, also South Africa, Europe, and United Kingdom, per tTalune, now close at Wellington at 7.45 on Monday, 23rd instant. A close holiday will be observed at the local post office on Tuesday next, the 24tli (Queen's Birthday). All mails usually despatched on Tuesday morning will be closed on Monday night, at 8 oVock. A special delivery of town letters will bo made over the counter on Monday evening, between 8.30 and 9 o'clock. The telegraph office, on Queen's Birthday, will be open frem 9 to 10 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m., and the telephone exchange wilt be open from 9 to 10 a m. only. The usual monthly meeting of the Middle School Committeu took place last evening, when there were present—Messrs A. Headland (chairman), Dalley, M'Donald, Lang, Clark, Mahan, and Hood. A letter was read from Miss Digby, asking for the use of one of the class rooms free for the purpose of holding a class for instructing scholars in shorthand, and offering to teach two pupils, to be nominated by the Committee, free. It was thought that this was in the lines of education, and the Chairman and Mr Lang were appointed to arrange with tho headmaster to grant the request during the pleasure of the. Committee, if the ordinary work of the school would not be interfered with. A letter from the volunteer hall trustees, complaining of nuisance in and at the rear of the hall caused by boys from the school, was referred to the master, with a request that he use his influence with the boys and stop the nuisance complained of. The headmaster's report Btated that 20 to 30 children were absent) through measels. A few other matters of detail were dealt with, and the meeting was concluded with a vote of thanks to the chair.

The Hampden Athletic Club will hold a sports gathering at Hampden on May 24th, for which a capital programme has been arranged, particulars of which appear elsewhere. The sports will be held in a paddock on the Moeraki Estate and will begin at 10.30 a.m. Entries close with the secretary, Mr A. A. M'William, at Hampden, at 8 o'clock on Saturday night. We hope that the young club will be warded a good measure of patronage and will have a successful birthday. Mails for Fiji, per Upolu, oloso at Auckland on Saturday, 21st inst., at 1 p.m. Mails for Australia, Tasmania, Ceylon, India, China, Japan, and Straits toltloments; also South Africa, Europe, and i nited Kingdom, per Talune, oloso at Wellington on Tuesday, 24th inst., at 2 p.m.

Miss Perceval, daughter of the Prime Minister who was shot in the Lobby of the House of Commons in 1812, is still hale and hearty, and lives at Ealing. Miss Perceval who wes born in 1805 the year of Trafalgar—recalls meetings with Byron and other celebrities of the early part of the century. One gets a striking Idea of the period to which this genial old lady belongs by the fact that her father was born in 1762 and was a son of the second Larl of Egmont, while the present earl is the eighth of the title. Sir W. Perceval, our late .AgentGeneral, is, we believe, clocely related to the family.

The following letter, bearing the signature " Wm. Barker," appears in the Lyttelton Times :—Our farmers holding wheat would do well to ship it Home at once by steamer It will arrive on a bire aud famine-stricken market, and will bring at least 7s 6d per bushel. £s Is per bushel should cover expences, that price would leave them 6s 6d ! per bushel net* I will nob trouble you with details upon which my conclusions are based, as my farmer friends know me sufficiently well to be satisfied that lah d not write unless sure of my ground. Meesrs Ta'gety and Company, Limited, I have received the following cable from their London office, under date May 18th:— Wheat-Since our last telegram prices are lower by 6d per quarter. A moderate business has been done at previous rates. Leather—l here is a fair demand at late quotations. Basils—Friee3 are a shade easier. Frozen Meat—The market is dullNew Zealand crossbred mutton is worth 3|d per lb, lamb 4d. Qoeenaland mutton, merino, 2fd to 2|d ; beef, hindquartois 3Jd, forequarters 2|d. We (Timarn Herald) heard yesterday of a line of red chaff ard pearl wheat changing hands at 4s Pd per bußhel in store This wheat was grown in the Rangitata We also heard of a sale ftt>4s 9d for a parcel of velvet.

Our Dnnodin correspondent tolegririV,, day that Mr J. F. M. Eraser has rc«|J?l his seat on tho Eduoation Board, authorised to say that Mr James Mltoh*?? who missed eleotion two months ago by (3 five votes, will be a oandidato, and u Benso of justice will probably impel BeO Committees to give a reprcsontativa ( 01 y* 1101 th, his chance of being returned J! be a good one. Wo understand that n Boxrio has no intention to seek to rcwu ' Beat on tho Board at present, having ft temptation a trip to tho Old Country,

The funeral of tho lato Mr John M o ii took place to-day. Tho body wob folio*!! to the grave by a very largo number!! frifnds, mony of whom enmo long di(in ße ° to testify to the esteem and rospoot in w i,?| Mr Molloy wbb held. Thero was an cm, 0 ' ally large contingent) from his old home?,' Kurow. Tho flags of tho Harbor Board »,!! flying at half-mast. " The Theatre Boyal, having n ow . thoroughly renovated, would hardly known by its erstwhilo patrons an t| 10 Bl| . building. It has been painted and 01U mined from •' top to too " by Mr Avcty i?i is now a pioturo of quiob rospectabiljt, Some usoful and pretty stock scenery hL been painted by Mr Jaggors, and th o |L, M ing is now something approaching W hnt ought to be "

Thi French postal authorities cannot b congratulated upon their logic. The dem« ment has recently issued instructions to thti offieera forbidding them (1) to read cards, and (2) to allow insulting and liy lous postcards to pass through tho posts, ti would bo moro by luck than good manatli ment if tho French postal officials actednt to their orders and did not, in vulgar J exprcßsivo parlance " fall in."

A dear old lady was recontly caught ml handed in Paris cramming all aoita jeets into her capacious pockets, vjjU. regard to their various owners. When ik! was broughb before tho magistrate it! assumed a very high tono :«• y ( , u „ cc , ! me," she remarked, " an extremely elrann phenomenon. Although I am a firm £ liever in Theosophy, thero uro certain evil spirits who never ceaso persecuting mo J dropping mo into all sorts of uncomforubli situations. Take, for instance, theso artick which you seem to think I havo tt O W You aro laboring undor a complete dcltuk I can assuro you ; it is merely ono of tho« perfidious spirits who has slipped all tu compromising articles into my pocketa," h spito of this lucid and apparently vcragloa explanation, the presiding justice eommity the lady for trial, and she iB now wondcriti whether the time-worn plea of liloptomitj would not have proved moro cllicacioui,

The Hospital Trustcos mot last nltk there being present—Messrs Mainlands the chair), M'Douoll,Finch, Montagu. 'J he Medical Officer's rcnoitlj the month showed that there had becDlij patients admitted during the mouth |7m|J und 5 females), 9 had boon diechargid (| males and 5 females), 1 male had died,uj 15 patients still remained in tho institutioa. Thanks were accorded to tho followin* donora : Mrs Skeot, a doll for $ children; a friend, illustrated Misses Gifford, Bicknoll, utnpter, and til young ladies of the Christian Endcavoit flowers. Accounts amounting to L1I31;| lid were passed for pajmcnt, lit® M'Douall and Fleming wcro appointed i Visiting Committee for tho month. A fire on Sunday night dcßlroyod «hti owned by Mr P. Kelly, at Totura. Alltii contents, with tho exception of a bord clothes aiid an old saddle, wero coMtmtt Nothing was insured. Mr John contractor, of Oamaru, lost LlOworttil tools by tho fire. Ho was working Id Hi district, and had Btorod his tools in theht from Saturday to Monday. Tho Oamnru Presbytery mot last tijh with the congregation of St, Panl'i, to moderate in a call to tho vacant pulnit, Tbt Rev. P. S. Hay, Modorator, preached ui presided. It was resolved to insert tit namo of iho Bo v. Mr Robert I'orlcr, of Mornington, in tho call. Tho call tru largely signod. f lho mooting was a moil harmonious ono throughout. It is Btatcd by tho Woodvillo Exww that tho Kev. W. Colenso. F.RS., iitki only white man now alive who witcemi tho signing, and took part in, tho Trciljt! Waitangi. Tho Treaty was signed io th year 1840, and although Mr Colonto inn in his 87th year, he is halo and hearty, d nothing pleaaes him bottcr tlmu recounts; his early experiences in tho colony, ill Colenso was the first print r to atrinli New Zealand. Ho arrived in tho jw Ifil 'Before leaving London, tho London Hit sionary Society would not allow MrColtiti to select his own plant, and tho remit m that) when Mr Co'.odso unpnoked the bow on reaching Paihia, in tho Iky of Itlisii, he discovered to his annoyance that nocua to hold the typo and no printing pipe:b! been sent. Before he oould gob cases Mr Colenso had to seb Iho typo fromiaiS heaps on tho floor, and had to wait »M twelve months for a supply of printing pije from Sydney. 0 The team from tho Oamaru RifleCW fire Against the Waimate Hides and Kjij® hiflo Club on the Qucen'd Birthday w!< chosen from tho following : Messrs C'rts Spiers, Rule, Hastie, Blyth, King, Gariinf Hoion, Probert, Harris, Milligttn, Je#f Every, Jones, Why to, Clelland, M'Ofijf Duncan, Church and M'Dairmid, w Ladies' matoh will bo fired in tho moni»! entries for which are to bo loft with» secretary, Mr R, Milllgan, l'oos sW The matohea will bo fired on tho rangew at the Into mooting of tho Now Rifle Association.

Madame Heller last night), In reply & question, evolved from spneo tho assuriv that tho Bushy Park transaction wmM'' Now will the Tory papers rcjolco «m 1 glad. As a sot off to this wo mayaa«» Madame Heller stated that tho final of the Premier In the next Parliament*® be"S." Thero waß naturally sotnoew ment, in view of looal dovclopmonta,« what initials would precedo tnie, and*® the inevitable "R" camo Bomo ol» audionce were visibly disappointed

A son of Mr Milmino, of Btr«W siding, who was brought into the MP on Saturday laßb in a low condition," 11 went a successful operation for tM moval of hydatids of the liver last nig' l Thero are still mysterious rumors regard to a largo drapery lioubo hcrM . tho Wellington correspondent of the W church Press) and tho financial cations in connection therewith. remembered that an arrest whb made DJ police. Jt is now stated that tho their eve on quilo another mftUi and proceedings against hiin arc likely to • siituted. Indeed, it is quito bounds of probability that a may bo made within a week or two | ' any case interesting developments W expected in the courts boforo long' j Bank of New Zealand is interested " tune of L 34.000. t It is proposed to call a mooting ij> lington with tho view of forming#' . old and tried soldiers and volunteers» in tho defence of tho city. It M o»F that a force of SCO could bo_ orftnnlEC ■ Tregear, who rendered service to ww during the Maori war, is bestirring . in tho direction of forming ft ° IV " The Borough Council's outstanding rates demands P i y mc nlf mado by tho 21st inst., not 3labm r" ing in yostorday's advertisement. An announcement in this issue Mr Kel'y will hold a servico in Hall, Kurow, on Sunday next, at«' r collection will bo taken U P' olf '-ai who has recently suffered from rev illnesß. Wo understand that tho a very worthy one. . ' Mails for Australian colonies on ' Sydney, per Rotokino, cloco at Lyt Thursday, 19th inst., at 8 p.inj -jtl The Auckland Star denies tho r P Sir Maurice O'Rorko intends to re politioal life. . 1 A general meeting of tho i tailors' Association will bo n® , 0 ( Andrew's Hall at 8 o'clock to-wg » cuss imrortant business. . jii h The White Star Football Club their final praotico boforo tho . (D | the Rangers to-morrow afternoon, following teams will play: • J M'Jennett, Fox, Moliison (-)» D» p Koar, Bruco, Brown, and Mold jj, M'Phail, R Meldrum, Daviclbod, gan, M'lntosh, M'Donald. Bafee> Keys, Hani, Young, Jcssop, J^ e '£r borough, Rosio, Orr, and Lv member is requested to bo pre ,|| j team to play against the Ranger be picked.

-.-tries for the Aahbnrton Conning Club's Zfar, on May 24 dose on Friday next, at ?'r&with the hon. sec., Mr W. J. ShearBicycmsM Great Clearing _. ?„« Hiebest-grade Bicycles and Sundries Ira M'Diakmid's. Ladies' iLclea with Knglish Dnnlop tyres, rer%ble handle-bars, and all latest unprove156«ineas cash; gents'from Ll9. JS«B sensational prices will prevail for one "ffiSy. We have a large selection to Tnase from. Every bicycle folly guaranteed £° e early, as we anticipate a rapid clear «> and we cannofc re-stock at these prices. SSand all other sundries at cost price. rfqjOXALD AKD M'Uiaemid, Macallan Some, Thames street. . XHs are the cheapest, why give more else--jfcere' Wheeling wool 2a 6d. fingering Is JS colonial flannels from BJ<3, in pink, V ' -roy. Colonial Blankets lowest quo- & in town; Union shirtings 65d7J1, 5S n „ ; leather shirtings, new range of pat*ad 65d. 8?d : <'xford shirtings from sheetings Bfd, 10|d ; job lines in tweeds 3, lid, 4s 3d, 4s 6d, 4s lid, 5s iaTthe dress length; colored velveteens §d-liberty silks la 6d ; 200 yd* reels IJtoa Id each or lOd dozen; bundles tapes, Ported widths, 3d; remnants laces, frillribbons; value m umbrellas 2s lid, 3s lid. 4s lid, nice handles, and silk ; still showing darnel*; towels, ex Tekoa, at half price—not Snv left ; also flannelettes and Knglish Sets. To be had only at The PolyNoted Beady Money Drapers, success has attended the efforts of Messrs Clayton, Gardiner and Co. to provide . vrall cot, good fitting, stylish, and well- * (..together suit at from L2 12s 6d, made to j;V r Th 3 favorite range of tweeds seems Sbe'thoseat L39s 6d the suit. They are wntiful goods, and worth four guineas. A assortment of Gentlemen's Apparel cf jjl kinds, all up to date. Boys' clothing a PrtecialtV. Advß With apologies to Wilson Barrett; — ."Something is out of order with thee, Marcos ! Is it the heart or a heavy cold ? ?f .he former send for the woman; if the tatter send for Woods' Great Peppermint (Lei Or.e of the greatest discoveries of the we—not the woman, but the cure. It Srer fails, a woman may. This is a pearl „f a fact cast before sensible people. Kead, mark, learn, and inwardly profit thereby. Sold everywhere. CoTOD we bat find a guide who has Sodden the various paths of disappointment B the search for Boots and Shoes of reliable u d solid quality, and who, after all his Re iing, has at last found the best place in town for satisfying his need—whether it be ffijrm Slippers for the cold nights, Evening ghaes for the social hall, Cookbams for the Marketplace, Watertights for the wet days, Strong Boots for the school, Shoes of every imdforthe city, or Boots of every kind for the country—would we not cheerfully follow tint man, and say, " Hail, brother ! lead me to that longed-for Mart." Such a guile is the present writer. Having tried and tested almost every make, he has perfect confidence in leading you to the New Boot Supply Company, where pa can have your wants discerned tj-pncticil and competent workmen, where uiflithe least possible trouble owing to an fr.rn.mim variety of colonial and imported podi, you cm be suited to your entire abaction. The Boot Supply Ci mfasY uj for cish only. They astonish with smpriaiiigly low pricss while'their reputation for quality is consolidating their nccfisafol business. —CoLlm Sieywright, Maaager, Thames street, opposite the Post Cfefc

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 7213, 18 May 1898, Page 2

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The Oamaru Mail. Daily Circulation, 1730. WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1898. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 7213, 18 May 1898, Page 2

The Oamaru Mail. Daily Circulation, 1730. WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1898. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 7213, 18 May 1898, Page 2