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Am In the confusing lotricaiy of Parliamentary proof dure, misapprehension may exist as tn> what hat b»en done in reference to the 170 000 that appeared on the Estimates for immigration, it is well that we thonld state that the only amount voted was LIO,OOO to cover liabilities iucirredon account of imm gration, and that no other provision has been made far immigration. Mr Hislop returned to Oama u by the train which passed through Camaru for the south on Sunday morning. It h»s been decided not to repeat the Messiah On Sunday evening next owing to the absence of Beveral of toe leading per* formers. The usual sailors' Christmas entertainment will be held this evening, at half-past seven, at > mmanuel Church. A service of f rait will be dispens d durißg the evening, sailors are cordially invited, as are other peraons who choose to attend. < n Friday last, the Awaiioko people held their annual outing in a paddock close by the Awamoko creek, kindly granted b/ Mr M'Donald. The day was bright witb a p'easant breeze, and the people young and old, enjoyed to the full the sociality ooncomitant t:> picnic and games. The good things were in plenty, end the sports, which comprised racing, jumping, leaping, vaulting,' tossing the caber, egg and ladle race, fcaree legged race, etc., were keenly contested, and well graduated, there being races fir all ages and conditions. The | married ladies' races caused a good deal of trerriment, increased even by the earnest* nesa of the competing dames. Last year the young men rather put ont the youcg ladies by inviting them to ran a race, and then presenting ridiculous prizes • but this year the retaliation was carefully gone about, and the winners of the young mens' race were presented with childrena' bib). Under the shade'of some fine trees dancing and kiss-i .- the-'icg formed pleasant interludes to the spirts, and between the trees swings afforded enjoyment to many When we state that a large sum of money was given away In prizes to the adults, and that the young people received valuable articles as • ' —•: that all partook of refreshments in prize-, -•« excellent quality; and that plenty ana „. . «. carriage bell," we "all went merry as _ . -Mm happiest tell, in short, the tale of one ox .-. days ev« spent in the country.

A plea«ant gathering tf the Naval Artillery took place on Christmas Fve, at the drUlshed, the ccoision beiog the distribution of prtz°a which had been won on the preTions Friday. The prizes, of which there was a large number, were both useful and ornamental,' and had been given by the citizens of the town. At the conolnsion of the distribution three cheers were given for the donors, and a general feeling of gr.titude was exhibited to war J s them for their kindness to the compxny. The happy recti ie its were aa follow : Gunner Gienfeil, C P.O. M' Phee, P.O.Symons, P.O. Swinard, Lieat. Taylor, Gunner Bendry, Hon. member Bronn, Gunner Thomas, Gunner M'Kenzie, Gunner Woodcock, P.O. BicharcUon, Gunner Jones Gunner P. Casey. Bngler Grenfe!l, Gunner Simmons, Gunner B itt, Gunner M. Casey, Gunner Bivers, P.O. Cooper, Captain Rice, Gunner France, Gunner Carge-g, P.'». Greenfell. Gunner Wildish, Gunner Hurst, Gunner M'Murtiie. {

As showing the kern interest taken by fi-hermen in the angling competition promoted by the Acclimatisation Society, we may state that 33 entries were received up to 11 a.m. this morning, but as eotiies ean be made on ihe ground this number will n. doubt be considerably increased. As a final reminder to those competitors who intend entering for the Caledonian Society's games we mention that the - ecretsry will be at the Royal Hotel fiom 6 to 8 o'clock this evening. Persons nominating must bring their colors with them, also a list of their performances during the last two years. The handicaos for the first day's sports will be published on Thursday, and acceptances wi 1 be iebeived up to 8 o'clock on Friday, the 30th. As showing what Central Otago is capable of, the Mount Ida Chronicle states that Mr W. Hall, at B:wbnrn, graias at least 100 head of cattle all the year round on 150 acres cf land laid down in English grass and well irrigated i i the summer months by an ever-plentiful supply of wate?. Mr Hall recntly seat seveial hiad of cattle across to Melbourne, where thty realised very satisfactory prices. A meeting of the directors of the Caledonian Society wi I take place this evening in the Borough Council chambers at 8 o'clock. - •

In view of the cricket mitch, Grange v. Cajulet', the fallowing members of the latter club are rt quested to maet at the Kai way on to-m rr w morning to proceed to Ounediu : G. W. M'Uona'd, H. Wal«, A. j. M'Mav ter. G ass, M"G egor, Branthwaite, Gilbert, Mnith "King, Brook?, and Jones. The iwamoko Blue Bibbon Army announce e.'sewhere that they will hold a meeirg in the Avamoko scioil, on i hursday, 291 h December., to which all persons in the district are cordial y invited. On Wednesday last Mr •'•chmedes (who is leaving the Awamoko School after being master there for a number of yean-) was tie recipi nt of a handsome gold albert, presented to him by the scholars. Master Thomas M'Phee madt- the presentation, with a few remarks expre-sing the hgh esteem held by the pupils f„r Mr Schmedes.

A sudden death ccourred at Ot popo on -unday night. young man name! John Pringle, attpsonof Mr Jamea Scott, attended the meeting of the Salvation Army, apparently in go d - health, and le uroed shortly after 10 o'clock. Soon after he waaean to go cu-aloe with a towel in his hand, and after this was not misted. Oa Monday mrroing, upon Mrs Scott going outside, s ejtound her son lying dead with the towel in his hand. Ihe occurrence cast quite a gloom over the tow ship as deceased w*a of a moss genial diapositioa, liked by all who knew him, and was 26 years of age. The cause of death is enpDOsed to have oeen the sudden atepp >ge of the action of, the heart, Mr Kot.iaßon. the distict Coroner, was to hold ai inquest to-day at ctepops. Yesterday evening a man named Johnston, employe I by Mr Reid of JElderalie as a teamster was found under his dray, having been run over. Dr Garland was sent for an! found that the man's b ck was broken and ordered tim to be sent to the hospital where the po r iellow died this morning Johnston waa a single man. be bad fcejn to Teaueraki and nad bi-.en drinking. An i;qaest wiil be held at the hospital to-morrow before Mr W. H. 8. Roberts.

The Fall Mall Gazette says th»t many people have thought that frhikeepeare strained probability a little too far ia tha incidents which c'ose the tragedy of' Borneo and Juliet.' A case inveatigite i before t e coro e- fir Central Middles x recently shows that similar incidents actually occur in real life. An elderly Frenchman, separated From Mb wife, took a young French lady vocalist into his hou> e at r uston Square as hU mistress. On aTo sday mon Dg early the man swalbwed po son and Eeerned to be dyi ig. Hib mi-tress, terrified at being lef; alone in the world in a discredited position, seized the poison bottle ami drank a deadly draught. She died. The m-n recov red, and discovered to his horror tha* his Juliet was dead. Af er trying i 1 vain to resuscitate her, he seiz d a revolver *nd a ot himself through ihi haart. Tbij occurred, do ■ in the torn- a of the Capnleti in the anci nt ■ityof Vdrona, In the midd e ages, bat in 12 Huston Bqua r e on a Tuesday morning. Rime >'a name was Ernest Carhn, ana Juliet's Jane > ares.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume X, Issue 4095, 27 December 1887, Page 2

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Untitled Oamaru Mail, Volume X, Issue 4095, 27 December 1887, Page 2

Untitled Oamaru Mail, Volume X, Issue 4095, 27 December 1887, Page 2