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WANTED WANTED KNOWN that Ladles sea have Btraw Hats Cleaned aad Feather* Dyed and Curled.—Mm* Cbo**, WANTED KNOWN, Halt Trimmrd from 64. All the New Strew aad Tintel Hats, Millinery Trimmings very oheap. AjLTASTeD KNOWN, Go* fitting TV atybVh Bonneto from 19* Vi j Call* dren'e Ham Trimmed with Laos and lower* from la lid. ANTED KNCWN, Laos* from M yard, Flowers from 4|d Fruit 9Jd bunob, and Naw Ornament*. / ANTED KNOWN, Children'* Die ' Pinafore* from 81 each, Wl Cotton Box (roii l}d per pair, Ladiaa Underclothing from la 6d, Swim Km* I broidery, Hverlaating Trimming* from lfd per yard. WANTED KNOWN, Dressmaking at moderate ohargea. 11188 CROSS, TBAMia-RKUT. ANTED KNOWN that the GREAT DRAPE it Y SALE COMPANY have joat received a splendid Una la Ladiaa' Ottoman Cloth Dolmana from 10a 6d. " ADIKS" and Childran'a Trimmed Hata J from <s 6d at the Great Draper* Bala Co.'a (late A. and T. InglU). . ANTKD KNOWN—That the Ureat ' Drapery Sale Co.'* h the Cheapest Home in town for Men'a Clothing— Men's Tweed Trousers from be Meo'a Tweed suit* fron 21a Buy a' Kuiuker and Norfolk Buita from Ba6d Boya* aud YouthV Tronaer Snita from 12a 6d. (Late A. and T. Inglla), Thamas-ifcset.— J. RAY, Manager. s PUBLIO NOTIOE3. IRKWOKKH.—.Vgoodeeleotlonof En iiah Kireworka now opened, and will bd cleared at very low prices.—Luti* Du*T Paic. ; NEW YEAR GitTS In gnat variety, and will be aold at annually low prloes. Inapeonoa invited.*— W, H. Cottreu, Thamea-atreet. NEW YEAR CARD3.—A beautiful oefcotion now to be had at the Lima. Dust Pah. Sheapaat in town. APANBSB FANCY GOODS.-A amaU „ quantity of these Tory pretty artlolea left, and wil be cleared at considerable re* duotionß. Call early at the Ltmi Dwr Pan, • NOTICE. AVING a Very Heavy 1 STOCK of DRAPERY and GRNBKAL GOODS we are now affering Speelal Advantages to CASH PURCHASERS, and until after the Holidays. TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. BBOKIKOSALB, December 12, 1885. Orepopo Store. 104 . - .0 THE NEW ZEALAND PUBLIC. Biz years ago we began the maanfaoture and aale in the United State* of Warner's SaU Cure, Safe Diabetea Care, Bale Pills and other >'af e Remedies. The eenior mem* ber of thia firm, at that time, had aoaaired a very large capital in the aale of fire nod burglar proof safes. In 1870 ho went to FMmmlmmxwtf, ; but the intone* application to oharaoteriatio in American basineaa, eeriouely undermined his health, and In 1879 hia phy* aician stated he eould not lire aix month*. He was prostrated with very revere, and by many physicians said to be Incurable, kidney disorder j he himself did not expect to re* eover. Proridentially, however, h* happened upon the medicine now known a* Warner'* Safe Cure, and, eoepticel of any benefit, he began its uae. In three montha he waa folly restored to health. Out of gratitude for hia unexpected to* oovery, and knowing that aerloua Kidney and Liver disorders were not treated readily by the remedies of physicians, he determined to devote a portion of hia aooumn* lated oapital to the apreading'ol the merita of this wonderful Remedy before the world. The formula and preparation* constituting Warner's Safe Remedies were carefully analysed, and not until " found to be purely vegetable and free from mercury, poisonous and deleterious aubstaneea, did Mr Warner consent to their manufacture. His oonviotion, that acquaintwould neoessarily create an extraordinary demand for it, waa prophetic—the tale* in the United States, Great Britain, and Canada aggregate dx hundred thousand pounds per year—and there are thousands of people to-day living in the best of health who would long since have been dead had not Mr Warner seleoted this hnmane method of rendering return for the benefit he bimaelf had received. In obedience to thia purpose we have opened a laboratory and warehouse at 147 Little Lonadale-street west, Melbourne, Australia, and are prepared to supply a pro* portionate demand for the people In thia section of the globe .of oar extraordinary valuable preparations. During the put five year* we have pub* lished testimonials of thousands of one* from the first people in the United State* Canada, and Hngland, including physioianr, olergymen, and barristers, and for three yeara have pnt nnt a standing reward of one thousand pounds to any person who oould successfully dispnte the genuineness of these testimonials, and thia re« ard no one ha* yet attempted to claim. We guarantee t First.—That Warner's Safe Remedies are pure, harmless, and effective. Second.—That the teetlmoniala that we use,-eo far aa we know, are bone-fide, with a forfeiture of one thousand poundi proaf to contrary. Third,—That Warner'* Baf* Cure, Safe Piabetes Cue, and Safe Pills are not merely every olatm nam for them if used sufficiently and a* dlreoted. For the present we shall tnanufactare for the Australian trade Warner's Safe Care, Warner's Safe Diabetea Cure, and Wsrner"* Safe Pill*. The prioe of theea remedie* ie a* follows t Warneb'b Bar Cum, 6* per bottle. Wabner's 8a» Diabitm Cr/u, 5* per bottle. —. *- Waknsr's Bar Pills, 1* l|d per viaL Warner'*' Safe Cure is the only knows oure for the dread Bright'* Disease of the Kidney*. Warner's Ssfe Diabetea Care i* the only known Core for losipid and Sweet Diabetes. JWaraW* Safe Cure and Sato Di%b*te* Core are pnt up in lOoz. bottle*, the largest bottle is the market. Theee remedie* can be obtained of any druggist or ohnmist in Naw Zealand and is the surrounding islands, at. the priest named. Our trade mark is an iron safe,' a vtprsssa* tation of which is printed ea the onteide box or caddy and on the label. It is also blown on the back of oar amber gt**s bottle*. For your own safety aooept ao substitutes for these good*. ' Many of the beat rAyaidaa* in England, Canada, and the United State*, knowing that there i* no other trustworthy spsoiae for such dieorder* a* w* treat, prescribe oar remedies oonatantly in their practice, thu* adding another significant testimoaisl to the wonderful power and reputation wa lam secured throagfa their iatrinaio merit*. By sending your addreas to Mr Melboarao office, a pamphlet will ha sent you ooataialng a vaat amount of useful information, — with a lithograph in four colon of IS fall* i Slcosrely. H. H. Warner and Co., 147 Little Lonsdale Street West, Melbourne, Anstralia. H. H. Warner and Co., 81 Southamptoa Sow. W. C, London, England. H. H. Warner and Co.. 18 Front Btr*et " Kaat, Toroato, Untario. H. H. Warner and C 0.,,62, 84, 66,68, 70. 72, and 74 North Bs. Paul Sireat, Rochester, N.Y., U.S.A. *

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Oamaru Mail, Volume X, Issue 3434, 2 January 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Oamaru Mail, Volume X, Issue 3434, 2 January 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Oamaru Mail, Volume X, Issue 3434, 2 January 1886, Page 3