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We (Braes BtnU) trort that oar mdaw will not ptaroau this paragraph with enricoe fwling*. They »outd be •hoaMtwr aol of pace at thfc» Chratma* mmoo when peace, goodwill, and >ll the fining* imaginable areiopncaed to peawM oar natorw. Howcrvr, I»oH Mtitoa rwideot bu just recemd bdQlnK* focß America that, by tht dmtb of » r»t»£r*c, be has become inheritor of ft fattooe in the ibpe of a vahahle pro part; ud toratid mooey. One usaTl potttoo of thi» nUto count) of «W ait* ef the wo*td-fcun«d Pullman C«r Factory to Chicago. The iah«ritor nctni* two-thini# at the »W» caiat*. The> 9bM<nia BtnU bmUom m >m n?*-g ephwde which owuiid donate tkm bMitat of «• ■' »*• Tostoo Coast oa Widowdsj hat. Cooaad for the dafaace was crow-aanioiog a Trftnnmr as to the age cf the lamb* which hadbceo worried. " How old ware these tambeT" aakad cocaaal. "About aix waafta." WM the UMtr. "Had the; or ahest Ullaf" The witwss appeartd aanxad at the cjuwticOj and coalci not nitrate bi» lasgMw;. wb« "my fr^od w fifticl* ®*"W®n»l *iot to artaoldea of theWcf thaaetamW. W s doe't koow anything aboal ah««p here, nt b&ow. We are aQ dcokijt ia a cue of thit kind." Here hie Wortbfp ialerpcaad, aad with •mphaaie oa Ika ftnt w«d, briaflSjr atat<d—" Ari all, Mr Sikir. if jca ptmat!™ The Coart wae nsnwd. and cooaael followed that *" ' •xstoiostido do loxthar.

1" Ob, I cii' l plodded a young man who femininely wanted to bo «»*ed b..f>*e gra'ifyiog bis auditors. ' lw, rorj «•»; r*» *«® «, Ibw* « 5-? Rtf friends »»y persisted a PJ™'? gttl t> whem he had been talking, II oio'e," bo repcai'd, gvtsing op to go t < «ho pianra. '' Yc». you can, go on otw and »iog. plea*?," »ho urged. _ He vuii be vmid'nl two or threo times m»rv; bo I bo wont »be*d, and for balf-an-hnur his voice was tbo most prominent thiog in the room. Then ne etn» back Mailing to the lady, Ab, •to nltl wenritr, "thinks; yon wero q »t«9 risbe »tw)oe tho »ioging. B It is m ro«y rnnmon prsctiio with ladies who tndoTgc in cfe«el*o»k u aputime to nJp nff t m t'lrvada with tbtir teeth in- >■( with » pa>r of tduota nr ioiiio «thrr ioatraownt. F«w people know the «i«nifrr which attend* each s habit, bot jhp f.itEn#icg fact. np«it«l by an AdcUWff pofwr, *fcou!d c«o»o cnwrtworkera In rsgafd if with pwitiw fear, and induce f-hvxa t" «ere*<h" greatfr carc. A young My resident *>f P»rt Lincoln, who devotes » gtiod deal of her leiaoro tiroo to crewclwotk, has been confined to her bed for an mo weeks throogh simply biting tbo poda ef tho thread. Gnen silk was tho pp'tnittvat color mnd, and tbo cod*tant application r.f tho c>»d to the tongno triWemd t largo qwuitity of tho pouoa contained fo the dye to bor system, tbo potann'nwtiifesling its presence in an aomUtaksblo msonor. Tho symptoms wprc Tery »imilar to thoso which follow arseaict) poboaiog. Sickness, giddiness, pi>((» io the head, and a constant craving l r cnnl drinks verified tbo impression f.irmcd as to tho canae of tbo lady's weakncss. DrAikin», tbo local practitioner, a fended her, and sncces»fally coped with tho at'sck. All tbo poison has been abatracted from her system, bnt tbo lady Is still in a very weak state, and it will probably bo some time before sho t'.ofnnghty recover?. Crowd workers a'olid note this, and o»t thesciisors. A London comspondent writes : " One onto 1 : bo surprised at the irrititinn which prevails amongst colonists in EssUnd that colonial news should be so sparwiy sopplte'i to English newspapers. Tbo pmpoual has more than once been made th »t the colonies should fnrnish a taleitrapbtc wnrico for the gratuitous nso of the Enaltsb newspapers, thereby bringiosj the aff»irs ef Anstralssia before the knowledge of the Mother Country, ai«d supplying a sorions want to' all engaged in tbo colonial trade and to olonists who happen to be io England. It has always struck mo as an excellent idea, if sach an wsMbatioti could bo established. Tho first necessity wonld bo for tho colonies to agree amongst themselves what should be the amonnt of tho subvention, and what proportion each colony should pay towards it. Under the new Press tariff, which comes into operation next January, LIOOO spent npon this work would furnish a good deal of news, and would largely contribute towards increasing English interest in tbo affairs of tbo colonies. It ■sight bo necessary, under the rules of tbo telegraphic companies, to despatch this message to one English newspaper offioj; but tho recipient in London could easily disperse it throughout the length and breadth of the land through a news organisation liko that of tho Press Association." —Eschange. The Mudgee Independent states that a terrible whirlwind patted over Biraganbil last week. After whirling round the station for somo lime, it passed under one of Mr Rouse's largest and strongest sheds. Those who witnessed tho sight calculated on the ihed proving the stronger, but in » very few seconds iron, hardwood, and rafter* wero floating in tbo wind. Some 80 sheets of galvanised iron wero torn off, «ml fell a considerable distance off, in all directions, while tho 4 by 3 hardwood rafters wero smashed and splintered, tho iron doubled and bent in sucb a manner as to mnke it useless. A-naeful man to Stonewall Jackson was old Miles tbo Virginia bridge-builder. The bridge* wero spept away so often by fticds, or burned by the »nemy, that Mil** was as necessary to tho Confederate army as Jackson himself. One day tho Union troops had retreated, and burned a bridge across the Shenandoab. Jackson, determined to follow them, sommoned Mile*. "Y m most put all your men on that bridge," si id be, " they must work all night, and the bridge most be completed by daylight. My engineer shall furnish yon the plan, and you can go right ahead." S&trly next morning Jackson, in a very doubtful frame of mind, met tho old bridge-builder. "Well," wid tho General, " did tbo engineer give you the plan for tbo bridge i" " General," returned Miles, slowly, " the bridge is done. I don't know whether tho picter is or not t" Wo want a few more men of the Mile* order. In fact we could do with miles of them. They do not plan but work. While others debate they perform.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume X, Issue 3432, 30 December 1885, Page 3

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ITEMS. Oamaru Mail, Volume X, Issue 3432, 30 December 1885, Page 3

ITEMS. Oamaru Mail, Volume X, Issue 3432, 30 December 1885, Page 3