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«. THE NATIONAL IANK Of NEW MAN), LTB. - HEAD OFFICE — — 8 MOORGATE, LONDOM, rf.C. 2. Authorised Capital ... £6,000,000 Paid-up Capital * £1,500,000 Subscribed Canital ... £4.500,000 Reserve Fund £1,470,000 Secretary ar-f London Manager — — Arthur Williit HEAD OFFICE IN THE DOMINION — WELLINGTON ACTINGj-GENERAL MANAGER r- — r— r— G.W.v McINTOSH. In its Most GOBVENIENT and ECONOMICAL Form S Adds Nourishment to All Cooking. Keeps BREAD, CAKES, Vresher. IN 111>. TINS 'Ask yonr Grocer for— "Anchor" MilK Powder New Zealand Co-operative Dairy Co., Ltd. Or A. S. PATERSON & CO.* LTD., Oatsiae AiekW Province.

Abridged Prospectus o! v '■- (Incorporated naderv'Mie Companies^ Act, 1908 *' ) Nominal Capital : Divided .Into 10,000 Ordinary Shares of £1 each, of Due to Its thin paper face, "VTDITE" is also claimed which 6275 are now offered to the Public for sub- ,. to; absorb less moisture t na n Boards faced with a thicker - scription on the following terms: — "".-.' 'substance, and is therefore, not so susceptible to mois5/- per Share on Application; 5/- per Share on Allot* "': ture, rendering c"VIDITE" a damp-proof board. ment; 5/- First Call one month from date of al- "VIDITE" does not contain any borer-seeking properties, Iptment, and the balance m Calls as required,* not is hygienic and dustproof, can be CALCIMINED, PAINT- : exceeding 2/6 per Share per month. :-. . ED or PAPERED. It absolutely obviates the use of Of the remainder, 2500 Shares will be held (h rer ; ; rough lining and scrim and gives a splendid finish to. any ' serve, and 1225 Shares are allotted to the Vendors ' building. » • . '' \ as fully paid. • SUPPLIES AVAILABLE. Of the total of 7500 Shares issued 5000 have- already ', . . . , , - , . been allotted,- leaving a balance of 'M ' As orders are at present m hand for nearly a quarter ••:■ : . ''•'-•"'•• olf a mil'ion square feet of board, and bearing m mind Onitr 9 AvailaklA the fact that orders are received from all parts of New V/my CjJOVJ OUdlCb OUU AVaiiaUie ■• Zealand daily, every efFort is being made to market the Ijsj-j-pQPUCTION. ' product about the middle of next month. The factory is .'. „ ... .. . , J. , „,„ „j „ j, m course of erection, all raw materials have been ordered At the present time the whole of the wallboard used , .. .._„,„'„ a . til , im v inctaninff th<» -miohin atatu ie: imnnrtori nnri thi<! Pomnanv aim<? tr> ana, as tne. engineers anticipate installing tne macnXmbaT what^ can be^ termed tn "IMPORTED WALL- ln?ry hy the lOth of October, there is every reason to ROARD monopoly- hvm SuS a. 301) PER anticipate that the board will be available before the CENT BETTER PRODUCT- f') Manufactu>S? eild of next month - The P lant t0 be Installed will manu?n BA s T uch BE Sd R comm°e?cYa7 principles as to comjetf facture at the commencement, at the rate of 2J500.000. favourably as regards nrice ■■"■.■ F^uare feet a year for pn-s-honr working, day, but. as mvuuidDiy ds ri-baras pnte. ..... the keen . demand for "VIDITE" implies that another "VIDITE" WILL BE MANUFACTURED 1N l machine will be" required.'. p-oyision fir such additlonnl AUCKLAND. ma^hiner*' hap been marie when erect'r<e the Oomnanv's OBJECTS: fnctnrv. though wnrkinsr two 8-hour shifts will probably To carry on the manufacture of composite materials be found most economical. suitable for building purposes, and' in particular, the fimampiai Dftceinn ince manufacture of a Wallboard to be known by the regis- - financial POSSIBILITIES. tered name of "VIDITE."' . Tmnortert Wallboird is ranidly replacing the use of WANUPArTIIRF - Scrim ami Rough-lining, which has resulted m prac"VIDITE" will be manufactured by a new process. V^ll^T,,?* ,° f - Wal , lb ° arfl> /enreaentin* such process ensuring a standard high-quality wall- £,T/* i Tf^® °L £62 ' s^\ h *; n(? »mnorted Into .Now board. Suitable machinery has been designedly the ttAhi^L^ 8 ' "fl *"££? months. We are m Company's own ■ engineers^ and draughtsmen, and the ■ S^S^/IT?^]^ ate1 7 « houses were built m engineers with whom the contract , for- machinery has & 1I ;^5'*r?«"i?- M ; f ? na --- th f; Ipres1 prese P t . 110l 10U f e been placed GUARANTEE THE SATISFACTORY ME- £?£ !££ ™*« Jt v-Z ? .^« eertflmly tfinfl to pur. CHANICAL WORKING OF SUCH MACHINERY. From J "JL*^ 8 Z\l 1 a m th * T>nmi V ton ; Theso houses, tests made with the Company's: model plant there is L ( J^fl T^ n W n a 11 J 10^ nCS renutre ' f t a I ? inlm ™' every reason to believe that the machine-made board v^ ««^ of a7 V IOl °°?, ° P , qUare Ttv °« board - will be even better than the hand-made samples. . J^^ l^-,^^ Jme, "'in DISTRIBUTION. pdr^tion to m a ny large factories and warehouses, ' are Distributing arrangements have been made for the lined with wallboard. N whole of New Zeafand. " All distributing '.and-' sub- The CorrWnv ba^'ai^o securpd thp ATTSTRATTATsr agents have subscribed for not lessr than 250 Shares r , elitfl - for " : "ynDTTJii." and f ß "The* mlohuSrV J2 jn the Company, thus ensuring a. dual interest m the pfumed and patented hv tb« rnmtwnv, tt miiot a^_ N marketing of the Company's products. In order to r^-wont that an F,"SfCEPTTONATT V PT?n<3PTrT?nJT<a effect the largest -sale possible arrangements will be FUTURE can be anticina ted PROSPEROUS made to supply all merchants with "VIDITE" per the rri,. „„„>„•_ j .'-v • «V medium of the distributing agents appointed. V, .^^^^s? ArfcofiSS , REPORTS. : thr^o-ouartftrs of th« consideration m Shares and out The extracts printed below are taken from original of the small "cash balance undertook to pay the flotation letters received by the Company from individuals who expenses of the Comnany (excluding brokerage) havejexpert knowledge of the requirements of the Build- The. Provisional directors of the Company' are aTT ing Trade, and their opinion must prove conclusively. practical men. with a knowledge of the building trade the outstanding features and high' quality of "VIDITE" - BTlfl itS requirements, and the tow of thl prosW An bO a«e d mpt was made at the Auckland „K!°bJW. %%&*£%Fa%SF A^kfind" to destroy a model room (4ft. x 4ft. x 4ft), lined . j, n d TD. D. w MoGre"or Accoimtnnt and rimrtmrlf throughout with 3-16 th inch-VIDITE" This test was . re t« ry . ? i 2 , victoria Vrca 4 f^Sanfl h2ve X elfSfpd witnessed by nearly a score of well-known Auckland - t o the Board until the StatiVtorv VrVAtinrr n? tSa. A?.^ gentlemen interested m building construction, arid the pany. statutory Meeting of the Comextracts from the letters of Mr. D. B. Patterson and v * ' pDnvisinM*i „,,,,.._... Supt. Wilson. Auckland Fire Board, relate to this test. ■ • »*«OVISIONAL-DIRECTpRS. NOTE PARTICULARLY THAT THIS TEST WAS . J - E.WvrN.-Af Auckland (Engineer ana Inventor CARRIED OUT WITH A 3-16 th INCH BOARD, and °* VTDTTE). NOT THE STANDARD STZE. WHICH 1 15. 5-16 th INCH. R. 0, . STTF.TCT. of AurVipnd (Secretary Fire "'VIDITE' compares. MORE THAN FAVOURABLYr V Underwriters' Association) - voecreiary ' lire "with other makes of fire-resisting. Boards. . . . : ,■: :__."__•„_„ ...,,, , „ , . "'VIDITE' should prove a valuable^acquisition to. the ■ ; M - HIJCHON, of Auckland (Accountant and Man"Building Trade, as it is a" splendid fire-resister."— aging Director of the Company). Supt. Wilson,. Auckland Fire Board. v, . J. F. BENSON, of Auckland (Builder and Con- " 'VIDITE' is capable of resisting GREAT HEAT, tractor). "an« 3 WHEN WATER, WAS APPLIED to /extinguish C. POLLARD, of Auckland (Plastering Contractor), "the FIRE it did not destroy, the Board. .--.: . . It is . "a decided improvement."— Mr. D. B. Patterson, Archi- SOLICITORS. tect, Auckland. . , " . MESSRS. FOTHERTNGI-TAM AND WILY, ShortIt was only logical to assume that the high qualities land Street! Auckland. < of "VTDITE" could not be verified except by test, and, , with this object m yiew, the following- comparative ; ! AUDITORS. . ' tests were carried out; m all instances the IMPORTED MESSRS. HUTCHINSON, ELLEFFE AND CAMWALLBOARD chosen for comparison was one suggested ERON (Public Accountants), Premier Buildings, by the N.Z. INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS as the BEST Auckland. IMPORTED PLASTER WALLBOARD at present on the New Zealand market. ' " . : , . , ; - .. . ■ Professor Lamb, Auckland University College, says:— "The LOCAL BOARD has 2% times the DON'T DELAY— "STRENGTH of the IMPORTED BOARD." This fs.the first Abridged Prospectus advertised by The New Zealand Institute of Architects re- the Company. It is only reasonable to anticipate that port: — "We have no hesitation m recommending this small number of Shares (3000) will be readily "'VIDITE' Wallboard, which, m our opinion, has taken up, and as all applications will be dealt with *'a CONSIDERABLE SCOPE as an internal lining strictly as received, intending investors are advised to "material."- . .__...-.:..,.. make use of the. application form below (No. 1), and TESTS. . apply for Shares'immediately. The following TESTS were made, using the board If necessary, 'phone 46-600. mentioned previously for such comparison. On receipt of application form, a Copy of the ProsIMPORTED pectus will be forwarded, with acknowledgment of apTEST. BOARD. ' "VIDITE." plication. . Breaking Load 201 b. * 551 b. If you desire further information, send for copy of Deflected under ■ Prospectus (Form 2), or call and inspect LARGE 201 b pressure. 1 inch. 3-lOtha of an inch. SIZE SHEETS OF "VIDITE," and copies of reports Resisted fire for 8 Resisted Fire for referred to herein, at the office of the Company, Minutes and then 22 MINUTES and \ "„„__,„„, / - iri -, r T Dr ,c!TrnT-. M*mnm»Tc -rrr,-^ Fire Resistance. FLAMED on'side positively will BUILDERS' COMPOSITE MATERIALS, LTD., nearest to studs of NOT FLAME. • Holdsworth's Buildings, , building. 35, Albert St., Auckland. ... Provisional Directors, ' (No. 1) Provisional Director* /M. o Builders' Composite Materials, Ltd., ... ' Provisional Directors, (No. 2 P.O. Box 1529, Auckland. Builders' Composite Materials, Ltd., }.': I hereby request you to allot me -._ P.O. Box 1629, Auckland. . ...".i........ Shares m the above- ; ■ Please, forward t0......;.... ;..., . named' Company, upon the ' terms iof . the, ComW " ■ . - '. , -. pany's. Prospectus, dated the 18thl March, ,1925,; . ■*.. ..;.'.. (address) and I Hereby agree to accept the same or anyX- ' • ■ '■' < ' ... . : ' ■ • , , -V - : -.. . ; smaller : number that may be allotted to me. \ . .<:.:•.......;.>...............; Prospectus I enclose herewith the sum of £ . being the amount of 5/- per Share payable on of the above Company, application, and I agree to pay a further sum I of 5/- on allotment, and the balance as provided by the said Prospectus; I request and . authorise you to register me as the holder of any Shares so allotted. Any balance overpaid Ff fff • Jk !• «• m respect of application treated BI Q& 8 #SlfC /jkflfiliffflrtffhifa as part payment of amount due on allotment. UOt 1 IliO JHiUUll^UtlUSi '-'■■ .. ■■ v. . ■ ■. . . „ . • . ■ .r ,* •: , . . Name m full ............................ ...... ........ .....^.;..< :. < Form— — -^ Description „- ; ..-.••. , Signature „ * __ _' „^ -,- __ -^

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NZ Truth, Issue 1035, 26 September 1925, Page 21

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Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 NZ Truth, Issue 1035, 26 September 1925, Page 21

Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 NZ Truth, Issue 1035, 26 September 1925, Page 21