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■»"^"»»»«--m-«--m----____-mm---i»__a---__mi_ZS-SS---S-----^ * -_-_--------l----H-----^--v "____B_____________S^__ ._B_____PJQ__Hi-----v -__B-_S^i--_^---v . JPflli H H mm M m (^° be registered under the Companies ______G_____r '.....BEH mBSm B^BM _-&S__l Hm9 R__H _M-_H ' He% < Imtahdm the 1 1 " ■ ' __---H ' -----_D--_ -Hi - - ________■ - ■ _______9^_-_-81--_ ' ■M_-Dlc^--------r ■ ■ -__-B^-_r - ■ -fli-f ' _________9 buK9 ' -' ' -_-E-_-_k-_l-----------i ' ___H __H_H _HH____V____B-_--i . . _^^HH ■ _____v ' V-_-_-_-_----i _-He_-----L - ~ ■tuHi-i ' _____^HH ___G__B___l-_k ___Mo_Bßn _BEE_( _E_J^__v ■________■ Mt^Sm- __9B_v vßt_Q hmhh [khbi wbi ■ ■ * * __SBH _J____B_-HH^k iKn J^____B^___Ck m^Sf _______■ J___^___9_____L _E______B BBfa _Hc5M HfrpHt H«Bn _B_SII I I 1 * ' t ' _____888 "■ _____E9v -fl---Hf«----_--81-n ' ____Bi_^-i^^^^^^^-----^--P _r_S93hbh__. B_9____K__QB-r * 1 1 ' Capital - £.80,000 ' Divided into 320.000 shares of 5/- each '136,500 Fully iPaid-up^Shares to i be allotted to the •■•■'* - . Provisional Directors: : • Vendors as part consideration of the Sale to the G. D. D. JAMES. Esq., A.S.R.E., Corisulting Engineer, 23 Lang Street, Sydney." Company of 21 Claims m the Kawarau River, HENRY E. .WHITE, .'F.I.A., Architect and Corisulting Engineer, 180, Phillip • New Zealand; , ' •. . = ■ Street, Sydney. • N Mcnn «su "'"it ii '-ki'ii-.M ~ , j *v v i GEORGE HENRY DEATON, Esq., Managing, Director Deaton's, Ltd., Sydney. ;.-. 33,500 Shares will be ;held m reserve; and the balance, H. SYDNEY SMITH, Esq., Company Director, 37, Fort St., Auckland, N.Z. •„>'[■: '■ ' „ . - •.,;■• . .■■.-. , Secretary (pro tern.)— F. T. SMYTHE, A.1.C.A., 150/XW Shares, are offered for public subscription, of Kembla Building, Margaret Street, Sydney, :: -„ which 20,000 are reserved for New Zealand. Solicitors— MESSßS. COLQUHOUN, KING AND RICHARDS, ■ v ..•/,■.;_. . .... . .■.-'•■■- , 115, Pitt Street, Sydney. ' Payable,.!/- per Share on Application, Bankers— NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRALASIA, LTD. . '■ . Payable, 1/-. per Share on Allotment, 350, George Street, Sydney. , Balance mCals of not more, than 1/- at intervals Brokers— R. POWELL, 24, Bond Street, Sydney, I , of not less than one month. SMITH, DUNNE, AND CO., LTD., 3.7, Fort St., Auckland. I in ..tHis great amalgamation. .This Company. has gone .to allotment ■- LOSE NO TIME IN APPLYING. FORTUNES WON FROM ITS BANKS.. l£ Q r,f^n d J a cn^^'itivas xt win ** necessary to act promptly m Sixty years ago the pioneer miners S ±^c md^e^lKJadv^iillZ applying for Shares. There is every m- -gathered immense quantities of gold and^^ther Australian Ration here m Auckland that this from the river .banks whenever the river ■ ir fwhich circulate m New zSnd • P ai : cel of» Shares will be snapped up m was low. Fortunes were made m a few and <sn many annHratinns wprp coming m a few days. Already a good . number hours with the most primitive gold-sav-■Sori^various DartrofNw Zealand fhat have, been applied for by those who have ing, appliances . imaginable. The- river \ : ' '.S^eSS^MateS-the^irectorJtor" ffot m touch with the Vendor privately falls only about four or five feet m the sprvl 20 000 -qharS^ for Neiv Zealand m since his return from Australia, and as '. winter, and the experience is that the ■■S^--&?Ne^fflandciß Bhotldatlea3 soon as this advertisement is published lower she falls the, richer the deposits. „.. ■-■ rSSf'ito \SssS%tKg^to ttisiS-- !='"if rush insure to :be strong and^steady "Oh! if we could only lower her another :portant amalgamation, it being practical- .■ The fact that • this . Company ■ has 21 foot- or two!' was theory of the .old lv thft last fmnnrMinitv anvonp %11l have ,■'• claims distributed along the course of miners. This scheme will lower the river of scourSg 'Share. Fat pi? the Hver makes it an absolutely certain at least twenty-five feet. At first, it is . ; Shares m the companies recently- float- / winner. „..„. --, . thought this creek will be worked most ' .: ed m New Zealand-. are unobtainable ex- ■ THE RIftHFST rivfr RFn' im tup thoroughly w.ith •primitive implements— ' Mcept at a premium, and the Shares in^his THE RI^ HES T JRIVER BED IN THE the pick and shoyel, the! cradle and the • ' - ; Company are sure to go to a ' premium, • ' WORLD. tin dish. No one knows what the lower- '' fudging by. the enthusiasm which, the . • It has been proved beyond all reason- mg of the river will reveal. It is possible, -: Australian people have -shown for this . able ddubt that the banks and bed of the^ (indeed many 014 miners say that it is- . ■ Kawarau venture. It appeals- Kawarau' River are literally teeming with highly probable- that virgin gold will be •"■■ with irresistible force to the sporting ih- gold. The Kawarau River has its source scooped up with shovels. It is therefore '■'■' stincts of Australians, Two strong com- at the outlet of Lake Wakatipu, which not thought advisable to go ia for any panics have floated over there m remark- -supplies nineteen- twentieths of its expensive machinery until the river has • ably quick time. • volume. It is 'also the only outlet of the been lowered the first time, after which /^■»._i «e '-iriLiß '■tiw e .ei C ._i-f aambamv Shotover and Aitow watersheds, which the conditions to be dealt with .will be . /ORIGIN OF THE PRESENT COMPANY. have been enormously rich goldfields. - known, and the means of dealing with 'After the successful ; flotation of the ■ Official records show that gold to the them can * hen be adopted. It is expected first Australian Company, > "The Maori- value of £19,500,0.00 has been won from that the river can be lowered at intervals land ! Kawarau v Gold Limited," with a the alluvial diggings and river banks m all the y ear round, but m winter it will I capital of £40,000, and the rights over 10 this locality since .1887. How much was take three months or more for the lake claims (the whole cf the required capital. ' taken out before that year" it is im- to fiu U P> so that a long spell bfftwork ■- ■'■•■:• • being subscribed within 16 days), tha possible to estimate, but it is generally In the river bed will result at that sea- t ' 'Australians were not satisfied. ..They contended that another £10*000,000 worth son. Even if the dam is not finished un - wanted mdre! The promoters therefore of easily recovera/ble gold was obtained til August (July is the latest estimate), approached several small New Zealand 'by the miners of the "sixties," "seventies," the first lowering will give ample time to syndicates - holding claims at various and early "eighties" before official re- recover plenty of gold, points along the course of the Kawarau cords "were kept. THE WORK AT THF nAM River, and induced them to pool their All the gold-bearing material from the . . ■ ■ . , .'. ' ~. [ ' ' holdings into one big concern. The result original reefs that glaciers and floods Frivate_advice from the Parent Comof thjs energetic move .on the. part of the have sluiced out of these rich districts pany s Officials, as well as an article , NVendbrs was-that 21 claims were secured for centuries past has had to pass ? rh i lch « ap , pe f. red 1l V I .f' r . ecent issue of the along^the course of the river and amal'- through the Kawarau River, the tortuous, / Lake Wakatipu Mail give very encourag- . gamated into one big" Company. This rocky and narrow bed of which makes an Ing reports about the progress -being now seems to be the only chance avail- ideal gold- catcher. It is, m fact, «• ■ made :at the Dam. There are now over < able for giving investors a > final ojipor- ' . :• 100 men employed, and the scene is a tunity to get m. on the ffi-eat Kawarau A NATURAL SLUICE CHANNEL. very -busy one— full of life and energy. River nrouosition The flotation of the •" • T\ ■ ' ■, ' ' '■ Strenuous efforts are being made by all iresen^ f cSmmnv' has beeS undertaken Nature has been sluicing- on a huge concerned to finish the work, and Mr. X capS£ of ISO.OOO divided Into S ic f° r f ee " turies |abf ously rich lies, the Company's Engineer, 'is m camp 320 000 Shares of 5/- each 'of which, as btr 4- cts ° f A^ row and , Shotover, using . „on. the spot superintending operations. weSSdystite?2o;ooo have been •- : the Kawarau Gorge and River as the tail The latest estimate by those' competent reserved for New Zealand. s race. . to speak isUhat the Dam will 'be com- ■•■•.■; /■■■■'.■ pleted some time m July. „ THE OBJECTS OF THE COM PANX "BUT THERE HAS NEVER BEEN pnsmnN ftp twp rr>MDAMv,e m , : _ ..<• ■ . A . . , A 'WAKW-TrP'" POoITIOIM OF THE COMPANY'S The objects and powers. of the Amalg- . A .vyA&H.-ui'. CLAIMS amate/l Kawarau Gold Claims, Ltd., are •• • Gold has been pouring into this river » rrv.A ■w^i^jr,^ +ov^ »,„ ' +»,« * mn i : set forth m the Memorandum of. Asso- for. countless ages, and its .bottom is be- «,w«%5 S?™r«? rsw nY ?%' ' . ciatioh, but primarily this Company is > lieved to k be literally. (paved with gold gamated Kawarau Gold Claims, Ltd.,. being formed* to take over and work along nWst of its; r ieW:-- Experienced I TALT^v art T^ZX'f claims. numbered- 17, 19, 22, 28, ,29, 34, 70, • miners say it is • pbssWe that "there^ are T n^ WwL^ ft" 72,77,81,95,96,97,101,118,121, .122, r tons of \virgiri gold irinhe. crevices and Qlauns sandwiched m between the hold- « -125, 126, 127, and 128 m the KaWarau among the rock! ;bf i|W rb&h bottom aSd . "^ ftl^ ?^f a C t ° STni^f be , River, ,Otago, New. -Zealand, marked on rocky sides. The. .swift rushing river, ™Ji°us th aat I sast some of the mare ; --; the survey, plan of the Kawarau Gold with its rocky boulder-strewn bed, made. . £f£?" C a E,m^S r-S S are m the fich .Mining Company, Limited, which is dredging practically impossible, and c i "^^ of fh ? v-^wnr^ •„ .'known as the Parent Company. There. dredges that have been tried on it, have, . +h t Sion o? S Sfim? T«n hJ^^ are 126 claims, on the river, so that this for the most part, 'been failures because SlftMwi! 6 .^^ ." \ . Company, will control practically one- they could not deab with the huge snected at the^ office of thfe ■•sixthof the entire ri YeV cr Py boulders and swift current. The on!? -g^LtS Tsf loT^Str JrAurSnnf , , The Kawarau Gold Mining Company, dredge that lasted long enough to do any ' • ' ' ptreet, Auckland. Limited, generally, known m New Zea- . good was the ■Electric, which managed to A FASCINATING GAMBLE FOR A land as the Parenjt Company," has obtain- win 60,000 ounces of gold. Strahge to say, FORTUNE! • '\ed a license from the New' Zealand Mines .; a man who held a responsible position on 'Yes it's a gamble for a fortune but Department, .issued by G.Cruikshanks, the Electric dredge called at .the Broker's otherwise^ it's Irt 1 S.mble 'It is riot a j Esq,,,mrd^atqueen^town; and sane- Sydney office m response to the first, ad- JueSn of' wither g Or nc?t the goTd *"£ ' tioned -by, the Hon; G. J. Anderson, Mm- vertisement that appeared m Sydney there— that has been conclusively Droved ister of Mines, to s dam Lake Wakatipu. papers and took up a parcel of Shares. I-but^Mch^claims T w?l Ibe 'the richest The claims, now under offer to this Com- He then told the Broker of this Company a nd the extent of their richness. With 31 pany, form part of the parent company's that although the Electric dredge won claims distributed alonsr thp rivor this gigantic- undertaking, which has for its 60,000 ounces of gold before she got CoiSlnv has many chlnces of striking . purpose the shutting off of Lake Waka- ' knocked to pieces, "they did not get near it S?h chances of sinking tipu from the Kawarau,River to lay bare the real thing, nor could they, bottom!" Only' a limited number can cet into this the bed of the .river, thus allowing the He was full of enthusiasm Ibout the K lorious Ec bTL of them Fven - - rich deposits of gold ; to be worked. This , venture and this Company's chances! J£w pou?^ ma^ wfn\ fortu^T^E ■ ... has been the dream, of, Otagp miners since Anyway, .the. fact that this Kawarau. . MINIMUM NUMBER OF SHARES YOU . the early f days of mining m the South- : River dredge worker rushed along to take \ CAN APPLY FOR IS 50 WHICH RE- ,;:, Island, when the rise and fall of the up Shares as soon as he saw the advert- PRESENTS £12/10/'- FULL PAID but ' Kawarau .River gloom or joy to isement is .significant enough m itself. only £2/10/- on atmlication nnd £2/10/ , residents near the : beaches along its But that, has been they experience all £1 allotment Lid foTffi PrtS banks. A couple of .feet fall m the river along the line. Everyone who has had but CUT OUT THE* COUPON FIRST would expose miles miles of golden actual experience of the Kawarau River and post it at once. It is expected that 11 d lv, and many , guiles were won is keen to have an interest m this great these Shares wiUbe oversubscribed with- > while 4he waters kept low. Tn 'their enterprise. m „ «.„-,,„„ > twenty-one quarter-mile claims this . . y Company will control five and a-quarter —__ __. ■: ': , • ■ . ' miles of what is regarded by experienced ' I . "T ' miners as the richest river m the world ' WRITE PLAINLY, PLEASE. I The Parent Company will not work any . I ,_ I of the claims, and its only source of re- I T0 THE DIRECTORS, . yenue will' be a tribute of .20 per cent, of ri||| »mw „ AMALGAMATED KAWARAU GOLD CLAIMS, LIMITED: the gold won 'by claim-holders after &W 1 1 I I f%| ' « «.,,_,, «,■,■_,_,,- .»,^ -»^ . ' / wages are paid. FILLI 111 [ Care SMITH, DUNNE, AND CO., LTD., :NEW ZEALAND'S SHARE IN 21 7 I - 37, Fort Street,. AUCKLAND. . j .CLAIMS. " ' TTHf'R ' I enclose herewith the sum of £........... .being 1 , f, £ ■}£ a l ! m<iSt - un I nec / ssa^ n °vT a l ay ? llliO , deposit payable on application for ........,..'..... Shares m 1 , tell the^New Zealand public all the facts the capital of the above-mentioned Company. I h^ebyVeau^est you to ' about /;this :wonderful _ enterprise They _■ _ | allot me that numbei- of Shares upon the term^of fhe p^o «pectu 8 I are now fairly familiar wrth most, of the A PPI I I dated March 7, 1925, and subject to the MemMandum %Sd^ArUc e4 ' ediheil ? fa?th P Pri r n OP t°he ArrLl- .. -of Association of tho Company, r agree to accept Zc^ktres^ or I eu tneir raitn m the possibilities ol &o any \ esscr number that may be allotted to me unon the said term« I ■ promising and fascinating a venture by mwr\*T and a&ree to pay a further sum o£ 1/ " Per Snare^n aHotment and ' • ' rMSl J- Infi i*u O -^£ t mt w the « f^ w publlc co T m - C A TlflW ' the 'balance by culls not to exceed 1/- p M - EJharei intervals of not I ■ pan ies. that, have been, floated m New \^J± | I^Jl>| . ]ess than one month; and 1 ! authorise you to SSce my name on The Zealand, with the result that they were • v * * * w I reg ister of Shareholders m respect to any Shu res so^d oS tl me ,all t over-su.b s cnbed m afew hours. Now • I Please also send me a Prospectus. Plotted to me. that this important amalgamation nas . ' . r«ll_fllll 1 ' taken place on behalf of Australia, the W* I 1 1\ IV| I . „ 'I 'Vendors were determined that New Zea- * I%ITI Name m Full - ' land. sjiouW have an interest m it, and ' ' ■ I so they secured a reserve of 20,000 Shares TVT_T\Wr I I Address ■ . for New Zealand, which is a fair propor- . MIIIW ' " tion bf the total. Sufficient Shares have livr ff • | n^imafinn { ■ 1 already been taken up m Australia to ' " - I ' ' uccupanon X enable the ; Company to go to allotment; ' , " - - • I" and the rate at which . applicationa are ■ | ' Signature . cbniing points, to the Australian pro- , N portion being ' oversubscribed , perhaps be- I N.Z. Truth, 23/5/25. Date 1925 ) fore this advertisement appears m print. I , 1 v Please add Exchange to Country Cheques. < ' ———————— ——— — —— , — — — _.___ _____„»,„._ J

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NZ Truth, Issue 1017, 23 May 1925, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 NZ Truth, Issue 1017, 23 May 1925, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 NZ Truth, Issue 1017, 23 May 1925, Page 17