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•: : ' ■ • "' Cured her \m*7< 'wJ^^^^*^ h ' ~ I ne y Trouble is responsible for such a host of other ailments J/fr J that k» a wise plan to take De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills as ' KMlflrlfrl JMliliii^wTmwmsmshsw^■jjwmlyj ||^^7rr"lo|fegalMbli^ soon c fi"* .■symptoms are recognised. By this simple plan **- "^ ** ■'„ , - " I was tortured by Kidney Trouble for •/ ■ " '■•-..- ; , ■ W fß&^*m^&ak yk 10 yea"," writes Mrs. E. Carse, 7, Pasooe >V nni L i*l t»l i _»_• i Kl' &^ 1 Street, WOliamstown, •*' and I believe I toolc >^\ nrhejiealth tX the people certamly \ J lA«fI^KW -'SI ever * kind of P Ol "^ tnedidne yon could ijS/' I cvpo'S/t demands the greatest v care, 1 yf ie^ MSxPT \{ mention without getting relief. One day a ■'V / N."^ ¥Cl V^\7/ and one of the moit valuaWe nr^- \£) 0A xalm ' Wtf W gentleman told nic about. De Witt's Pills \/' W1(l .° nC . Ot ™ c m °V. 8516 Pf*- | , Jt \ /T^^l% M and I gave them a trial with the result that >^ . cautions in 1 sategoardins the nation t m, Wx^^^^m^ M * was 6OOn Btron 8 *od well again." health is the consUmt use of life- m'^t<^^^>J In most cases Kidney Trouble is buoy Soap. Its healthy antiseptic -%^» L 7 first indicated by pains m the back, odour proclaims its worth* \ /J^y^ . and readers who/ experience such /^jPl%\ y : i '/■■' P*" 13 Bnou ld. ; ' on no account delay u&i^£? Our Young Hoperolt--4ne nation* - >>^^*S^. treatment. jf^^f^ft \ hope for the f utnrc— k>ve the health • ' Read the startling, proof which accompanies every box of De /Pffc^Sfrrfffcfcl 1 pving lather of Ufehuoy Soap. itt ' 8 Piils ' and y° u Vfm reaHsc although so inexpensive and Ii I^^nL'i^uVwk I Tk«,»-U #« •»-* jt » L-. t ' 5° eas y t0 obtain, they form a remedy which cannot fail to give. tiaßßiul^Kl^ I J^ instant relief, and quickly eflFect a cure. Twelve hours after you %^§^lSfldi§& 7 water — lhey cann ° t he! P hkm « take the first dose of De Witt's Pills you will have visibk, convincing ' v V^oy^^SEpSSf Lifeb«oy. It is health-giving at proof of their ability to cure. * ■S^^Jff// XSP^dr wd| as deansmg. *' MORE THAN SOAP— YET ' % ~"" 1I: . ; ® WjßP^. COSTS NO MORE , ; KIDNEY AND BLADDER PILLS ■■■ , :: - r . ■■: ' : ' .'[ ■"■-,■ ■' : : ■■•■■■' CURE ' "'' v ' tt _^g__ Bg ____^i^^^^ . • EiiDNEY 1 ROUBLE a^ sjatMSSMSB smsm Sims—^i^,^^,^-^,^^—^ IK - 1^ B^,ii B T B^,^ >^« ' ■ an< * they ate also a reliable remedy for Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Bhß^Lm W /^ Sciatica, Gout, and all ailments arising from an excess of Uric Add or HBHHLsiasBsBsIIBMsWsVLBWIiSjBH^ disorders of the Kidneys and Bladder , became they remove the cause of ILftk lm * B "* LL LOOW * ■■'"irant AntfTHiw -'.fi^ the^ ou l >Ie ; f ,. ,^ '— , «„ ■ - A . . '.' ■JkTW ennni nyne»wein *« v. MA _. «««»—- .„» /SlkJ That v the secret of the .success of De Witts Pills ; mat is why they WBFn MOM UNDERWEAR TO UCE CURTAINS fSgk cured Mrs. -E. Carse afteAvery other form of treatment had failed, and l^^ M S^T^s^oT^&ffi^iSS /dHrl ** » wfa y cure^ evef y «-** who g^ them « trial, i nßufiaWilu B * l^** _ ' iBSB m Th* genuine Pills can be obtained from Chemists and Storekeepers BIMPw * Bu.vHo^tllfL^,r inv^SiiH SS II everywhere at 3s. 6d. per box, or, m case of difficulty; direct, from the HPJ^gr Bu«y Housewife •ver v lnventod. ÜBSS MM Laboratories of E. C. De Witt & Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 1162, Wellington, Y_jjS& SpeeeHywito fre»b fc«dff toe >» »tockina-. and neatly ftfeSSEfifl^ "who will send Trial Treatment Free of Charge to applicants who write to ■ s |~^'«!protaftS?^ DtPt. 12 U and mention this paper., . **" \ I BE /• and Mttat than an expert [by hand alone. Sapplied with ' ■' . . D %J I H Uluttrkted dtrcAien*. Pnca B/« (pottage 3d. extra). ' ' 1 p»itmi»aA . tondon Trader*', (70) Bon Moroh» Chambara» Auckland. , .. j-'V, •. . .j_j...n im a\ n ■ ■ ■■ «* I " Wl "«"«»" jßeware of worthless Imitationa. Sole Amenta— ' : — — ~ - - ■ wmamamdammmmmmm^mmmmtimmmmkmmmm ■— m i unwiiiMj ' old false teeth. tf^OfTKJF f 1 ■'•;• ' jl— — — — • — r — — -— — — ' t Old False Teeth Bou^bt, 5/-, 10/ r , 20/-, VIWI 1 I\ £4 a r .^aJtfBBBHWWMDBfcs^ - - ■ — - 40/- per sot, sound orjDrblteh, A lady, who tried every remedy m vain. jdj^^^* mmmmm^ t ?'^^^^^Sb±. — —^.i '• —^ immimbJSS ! Cash by Return Mall. and at last ditcorered a limpte method of gtiffir^J* ' flBH0BDBBBB9BBHHBBHHHBBI« Send them to — . t<U core, will »cad particuiiri FSEE to !r{-- w. \_ ■■•■'^^-' V^ lIV PLATINUM SCRAP CO., anyoaa afflicted. F frh/>7r>o RsrfaH rV^rvfroniari ' 102 wun. 5t^t .......... wdimton. i m^&sfAss&siss^ v* naps uuxjy \~ y \^ ~ii? ~ r ~~^~ — Ta bvJwhhiaVnv Knows For nutsing Mothers * r -7u ■ \JWrm easily ftgested ami ovenbsia, Aitifidsl leedmf beoomei ' TA if H^ H /i^/4^^^^ss!MWHfMi^ (l^ faWL^Sa^T^ tiro y^ baby H V -^fR The very elements necessary to ■ jSHVHHHk 0; the fine«t chance mtha world. r#w W fftL' ik- k Jit .«4 Ur^n«« rt f iK* ri^^P'j r , ( ij? ±*l** vn& H '" /\\Tl i nurang mother are contained m ]? ,i^Vv\ \?' ff WHj«iihMfok wja&--*is^ Robinson s jILI \ \ «n4 A«« fetls CgtYCM/g 1)OU IPitU UOtt ' I Foe weak digtstioni, naY« Barley Jelly I lUr^K i «W« with RobinMon '• " Patent " Barlty. -*-2^L?Vv AY \r CiyxVjl^l /^* THE RF^kTT Delicioui anj healthful. 11$ \\/ V Ltctagol contain* invigorating and •»■» , h^.^cj -^ - -,-_.^ j--- ■■■- ■- '-Jxiii'.jiiiij««w«MMMwwMipa^^aMMaßwaMaMßaßaMWMWMßa«ww •trengthina element! which amplify fIHBH^INSHfIHBBBfIHfiSBMHfIi JEBHSHHB^R- I and earich the natural flow of breatt SSSBS^^^^^^T^^^^ 1 " ■ ■■' gHßHßgiitVilP I milk. It v OMd ia bfaat Welfmi* ' ' ■ Unit MllnßnrT ft Centie* all orer the warld. • ■ <flffißnl^mW)JM -I lIIVAREXI I ' f SH ; vma^mu^mmk F.atharaton St., Wellington 3i 1 1 1 W r~* w I H r^**fflHxl 5 »l LACTACOL VARICOSE ULCERS 1)^1' A . I «l?fT^,"^V!%p , >«^ <.™ui.u. r \ nP^ ■ Try this H I *KiltSJstlvlt tfU, fTPliilftflllMi, 1 N« auitter how btd jroar l*r aar ™ Ay \ ■ 11. ' ' a/ ffl lL Jl Ist) will t*s#f rt»ttfl«»— "Vsrw" I tt|k\l\ V»^liSfe? H 1 • l HB &W ->4 «rt.t««l will car. M-. A t*ATt*£lCnlTl O I^l*osllll H i^^CSsWCm ' tatlr— wttawit pain or lji«r "P. ' I *"^ HH IBMEST BBALEY. CktaUt. fflU ' " i Hi " ] * ~"~ "" ■ >ssna,m.>- fl y ou avc not y et " lc^ c i|n^a H I HI W WftWPN ■"• ' 6 **» w>i * ■ ■ H Cream, get a pot to-day. You will fl 111111 ff VlUtiiY -. . ■■..»■■ , — n t» c surprised to find ho\y wonderfully fl sSrSnS^unoSS 1 a iiiA MnD 7» UfHßirrn , 9 or/ % refreshing to the skin it is. « will I>uild up your body, it will A\ W ONDER-W ORKER HI » , . .„ , , • H h tify oW y^^ H^ *-"*- !fl And it will keep your complexion H fI LT y ? ur nock l houlderi » ' IV Pl^« lI^SSSiiP/Sf H always beautiful — skin always, smooth and ffl and develop your limbs. You . Bf \ and all RECTAL TROUBLES HS ' . ' • HB improve your pornonai appear- H A ■ , *■*• _-. !„.... H attractive. JBcCausc it contains the oi once, booomo moro attraoUve. Vf A nainral, unlaUing cure, instant H HS and crnergo a healthy, well-do- ff «"«"<«• Soothing and comlorting. H wonderful Icilma Natural Water, which Hi volopcd woman. Sond six H no DOCTORS. H9 k - i*. l. i • j v m H stamps for fuiHnformation about Jgk* no mediones. HH stimulates the skin, and beauty follows m thia simple homo treatment, to dillWh . . o *"'*. v '«» lita " HH n J x B 9 the juno ctjlture co., Box HHHHV ■ We-nme. ' wl naturally. H8 T 1387, Q.P.0., Wellington. . WV T,U«»^i.ib»R«^W Eg] »| ; I^it^S^uwiSii^: fl Dehciously fragrant with the famous m STOUT LADIES /_ H Icilma Bouquet, delightfully foamy g •JIVMI LllUlCid PRICE- - 10/- Each H and a b soiu tely non-greasy, Icilma Cream fl jff^K. LOSE a^ " " f H cannot t> c equalled, no matter where K§ mM^lm Wi ? cV% •■ ; , „ fl you go or what you pay. H W^^l Y'O'URt^ Obtainable from All B H 3? •»/ CAT vl Leading Chemists m fl /»<Skil » •**■/ m I New Zealand nr BR r^^i) r^Zi IB (^£l^^^ - fin v^^m ' 1 y^2s^fltt^^^^^H l Hbl t^^^B^^^nitfl^fea^ /^S^a^^v BIH 1 00 can reauy rcstor* yoor *("•> JJ 1 ?™^ v Wholesale from : R H^jirilßl II Bl OraOBJ! >5Kv S^ n^afth^Md actfSt»f* D SwJ ats lUnpi for WONDRR WHRITVR mv HB Hniflr-^ißP^^^^-^^™*«""™nW\ WB booklet ozplatatns Dili timple dntsku rtoMdr. TTUiIVUI-WUK&CK LUI.. EH HM^BH^^ s -*^^XHHfIBA SS ,C»i«rui cikMtaA T. MAWii»O«, BOX 1251 Q.P.O, WELLINGTON. WM (€^ H8 [vi "mummS ttmt, w««h«ioa, NX ■ ■ . H \,Tv£€US!k ■ ' JH " ~" — '■ — — ..'■., Hi Pric* 314 far fioi—evtrywhert. Mamu/aclmrtd by HR (F»ww— — w — ■ — —^«4 JM HI A Hi -{r/.^n^j'.V^^ /c»7nw Tradinx Co.. Urf.. Union, HB fIATN'H'ROIBinTTfITI'S HT WlJlk HH * fi^maon, J3aA«r'« tluildin**, Peaih*r*tou Strut. HS uainßfluauuuxi o pj m HJ Hf HT W HLA HB Wellington. Hh FACE CREAM. HTVLjV M HL» H mT? H Bi p wc , Fmcunt Non-orea^, 2/6 qAN BE CURED H tt daily and look your best tt aainaboroughH Fac« Powdwr, J/f Wa^l^ r 2 pL||,...«. f ,.g H ja BaB Mm B j g ja H^

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NZ Truth, Issue 936, 3 November 1923, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 NZ Truth, Issue 936, 3 November 1923, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 NZ Truth, Issue 936, 3 November 1923, Page 14