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Box 1< "'.'.. •• t iPhotie:6s^i'^pF'va^:T-'^ '-v ■■■-■. ■ ■- . ■l. ■■■''.■ • ... . .. r ' ! . ' ,-'■ «■ ••• •v - """ ' ' 'y - <•'• .".: "'' " ' , ■■"^ rT^ Barr«. S t e J'anTsfuc?toJ^f: ND Cromwell, O YaP ITMIP JUfiT/^.E 1 C CITII7 C I^JXe , ■; , -Qq „," , OQ<L , 4 ;„ p^ Q^^ AutH6r of "PoUee Court Practice/- | *» 'W etc., "Hints on Cross-Examinatlort," ; ** %>**#*.'*W;- * 1 « VU IW Ml A 1 «U *V/ I C/^VD TTIJt: 1 (with Police Court tales of Maoriland). . i ■ „-* '"■ -■ -^ mmvr%^r I . • lUX 1 tilL • . «-■■■■ Price J5/6. Copies obtainable on re* . *T?C%+- WffCw JUI I^ N V . ' ' mittance to above address, also all I * %s#* ▼▼ *▼»*-# JL^ jj ents -. ..... — — — :■■ .;■".:.:'- •' — MOTH nr fnr II I om^ g^ Whir | ing Syringes (post fre^ 30/- Lllvin Ol lOL U*3LI 1 Eclipse Whirling Sprays -^ - - 21/- .^^^^^ <^^ i>^^ sy^^^^'^~ >(^^.'^^^ I ASK for Dduches, Enemas, &c. froni 4/6 tp 25/^ A DAY COMES when a Man gazes ' f Posted Prhctiely to any address iA plain wrdpper sadly at a Suit. He knows that' ■n. ; "" . — '■■."•■* : . V... h — -«- ■— — - — - — — there is plenty of good wear left m '■ »^iW*i €0X GORDON'S PHARMACY * m * ,ooks " seedv " ;■> ■■■■■■■■- ■■■, - r - ' ' ' -■-' ■■■- y Forty-Eight hours, if desireol, retunn ' \\ S* '' : ''^k "~ it like new. Ring New Zealand's ■*im-a-a\»«W'- i -^'KmAf*^^/JeK : ''''' ' a DRY CLEANLRS. I ' * T## *T^/ n i^ rVICrORIA LAUNDRY Cq. Ltd. f '■''fJ^/^^^-^Sr^^r I^^- HANSON STREET — W&LUNGTQN M^W Fall Strength, _tm^^ig % '■' -1[5555 1 'Phones 448, 613 and 24^516. 'A : '» ■"■ji" W feonuca/ -»^^^^^|^^ ,J Xext week we will tell you how we ><<!>¥&'< 1 ALE/ /I f With these 8 Rich Fruity Flavours the House- ; yn:, „., v .iT^H,,;,, ... Trm, „, ttso : , .>yy^M wife can always provide something newim li . , ,f, - r ■■*,■„"*■',• , „..,,,,... ' *"' -V ■ ;. , Tr wj. r v ' - Ml a^ (WP"^Biffißiiiii kti(iir vu t J vtrM^ c^V'-'^vri^ir ' ''■ , J\i lfe\ mea ' s *. Thfjeisaflavoiirforeverypurr^ ST A F^S'^m *J*>P^ use brings^a new interest mto Cooking and Basing, i^ JL^^ I V^g V^ *I * Jsl l*^^latf / j| A ll U^v«V^l.» V^'Kiwi* Essences are preferred by SkilfurGojb fo/yffif i *'M'WWii^ft<*W |l^WH ,^S^B^ All IfO-telS ... m C^, Kk^Cjff. f^u'TmWmWm BwkmmWmWm<A 'li •'M \a-^«*> .- \«i\ cause they are true to name, thomuokl* r.lukU /«W# run z*^ nuUK» m HfllN HJ6 OR SNOW. j^^aßaffig^R^^a^ißV: Ji and Bottling W^ KSS J * w ' •^■"iwiffl'tß^iww'^^ '-■• Stores . 'fiitasC^KK^Mt^ ymp. y «■, .... .... «,. «., ■m.jA, «y«o. *n.a»^ .. ■ .:-. Py«g<>'g by "I Grow »^<gagy r I JMr*^ wney Ntiirwil,' 200,000 alrtady sold (In Englund and Amtrica). ' "; '-<.* '*"» ' rfz=a?S&%b^^ fl ' Agants wanttd evarywhara. Sola Importarsr^ J ' iJJLJ^ j LONDON TRADERS SYNDICATE, BON MARCHE CHAMBERS, AUCKLAND [ mm^ mm mm " mmm *** m *'**i~*''*****~*m •. .'7- ■''''"'■' , -•:*■■-.'. 7- : - ■"'*" ' "" ; ' '" " ' ' r/ '"' "'• " ' : ' : " "" -•'*•"- --"' i ~-»»»»»»»«i>«"".^->»»i»"».».'.»"""|w!'>>>^^ .■' i i ' —*-^ I^—^ ■*''...■ , '- ' ' ' ' ' .'. .''•'■ —^ r— : .... '. .... i ....... ' .. , i . . „ . ■ '•■ .' •. .-,- i ■ ■' , : : : ' '.. ' \^^7^^%/Xlf wriffenGuarantee y ||«^* y^/saJT0 cheat* ,*^ ■• g V&* ■» a^ > y^ArX '.aaf MMMAt Hsaaßß^3aaßS ■tf j abeut <xh QOlffi of OT c*«petiten Ittve be« an ; /;;iS = :ii: j^^|:^^ SffftHt =^^-^^l^^^ J = " • ' ' *^^ " : Made-t«>Afeisure Suits. *3 is^ be^ adviwed because ol the in>c^^ |Hjß = i;H ißi::ii^^S^^^!*llli=y 7 ' -'^^^^SF^^L we^ve suaeeded m shewing aa^^ j|i=ißs;jjj l^:i:i:-^^MIII[1ITffi ' ra^^^ri^ksff^^ «* Ae^ld rates m spite of the advi^mww wool, we aw ablest© aa^ Pi:i«S^=^ iili- ; "-^^Slsli — — ' '. '.^S^^^TZSt our low' price of £3/15/- for a' MaeVto-Measure Suit, or with Extra g;::||=hh ilpliiJl^ffiiSK — ' '^^ykl^i^iS^ Trousers U/%/$, and to guai^tee that you wfll gist the same t^kndid Bljjjpl-il 1 1 ff^ U l Jfttttff lff \\ '■ '""'"' .7.7 quality whkh has given saHtfqcHon te the hundreds of men now wearing g=::g::::: ||ff^--'TiIIHIHiS ll r" ;. ,; these SmU^ : . .. B;;:S = !;:; lll s :^fflffilMli CT" I ! '.'°^ r p.i«.«\McK.T.r«* Send for -eur new range of Winter Suitings* Each set comprises 40 KS::::::sS3^s;|::ißS:ffl |1 I I ' 7^J^7l7?l^&. Patterns of Ac latest *^»iiine Engfish and Cdooial Tweeds— all good K|;!:^lHs;!i ; :igg;^ \\ L - V "•* • * B*Cl sYtadCaaV W^* v^^B^M^mm MaiaaaaVfeaa wfmMm*) _Z *^**t' "- • ft* *■ __\ TT" Tt'T 'Hit' " " *" 2 *T*fT tf?*t" *• y*J n I t* ,l,k^ ,, *»»j»aaaat | ■'"*••".' &Zffi£^XvJ£i WHh these Samples you wiß receive om of our Self-awasurement (W^ ISnlhllßiilliiiSSll |\ lZ / *<>„&»...*. whicn can easily be fifled mby anyone m your home. iS : i :: ±Sffilt :: E :: tlSffiy 11 , I ■at Am t_ jajixlrit. g_9 ««Htr finite mnA *was „ ».» ar |*T* """"■"" ■£ Tfc **Ti"r "■ C * ™ ""T < I ■£ jjT TiT't* * tfl w 1 '■"■aaafc I ' SS^J^SS^iS, Don't be afraid of niahmg a nwtajke m yom measmements, for even if 11^1 = 118? i^l^ißS : i li /W^-i ; "' y^^ Wta^fufi ; -reiiKm^ is the Written Guarantee we lS=il = jpSS l ; rJMffii 1\ U~" ;, J ; » »• Bd^^^*Vj*»w. 7\.< r attach lo every Suit; |gE:|::|ag ]!jij!Sj|=j|; 11 V* - * ■' -i \ .uVmusssMfilnntttuintciimvtim* ' . /* ** h A» ertstf af tfca Salt aratht aattaafadafy ia aay rwaed, wa T +H4--1 : : : ± S fff t:3::S:±:*± : Bl 1 ... .^m^<^yj^' 9Mttk ■ !atrtarHertakataal^kfrfaafea^ |g:3:::|##J |:|::S:|:3E|: 111 ••It^ir^tUS^oiCMtm.sisoiy ** »«M yaar v*^ hi^ witci*Tw jus prefer. This « aa aaa^aafiaW sS:i-"±SBf i : + :: ff:F:*|: H\U wt» rjjt tJ^gjiy**, I'Wii-wM*'* i m* (tnufaataa careriaf it, aaai, aad a.o«Br/." EH-1---SS |-i--tt-tS±- ll M I r*ttsf»ti tk* fcii J Orfbtm, m 4 TUi Caaraatee n laa taapfesl sad jatacl a^atf fa« al(»a«raatee T ft » paiiibla ta draw ap. It ateaaa ti'j IHI 1 1 1 niHfH/ ?i::S : ;w| \\ mmmmmmmm •"IH H&& 'SSFZIi? Bsttittl ** 1 y 8 " »!«»*» **• joife— U>«* m ■*** U SATTSRED »A« wImU af yaar »oa*y wffl aa rtfaaW. H^ffiW S± : S : jSi 1\ — — SoiTy mSyseitJ w** « *> f**? •">*/• w « •*• *»» Gaaraatoa wiA coafiaWa luvaow cat af a»e auny hannVad» al Soit» auoe by a« dtwiaj tie TTTIIH rTT inf If fl HWlfl 11 — ... •fl^h^rw^^J^^,^ li^^rH = S [■■i-i'lli' 11 ''--:. ' '-1 v Our Cutters are men of e-tperience, sothatyorirSuh wißbe<mtmcoiTect ;i.[j,|j|||][:| iHi^iiSS' |1 — •n^ style, . The laboring. is tbr^ il Ift ff=l |:|||:Sffi : ll—Vv the *d»pe-keei»i^ feattn-es of yoiff Suit It is evident we are' bound to :|ffljJ4sj| rPl^B ll " I mumwm s^mmVm^^K «wph^ only experiented W^ i^^S-I !=l^i"Sffi li I I •CUTOUT \^V-.S»Wm^ Under i» circumstances j^^^ij ll^i:(B ir "- »PIH § iPsMm Bl>aylM\ Ado yon risk a penny—in fact, yon are assured of a saving of several pounds; |^|j|jg:| |i;SSB It Without obligation to ordur a suft, /£\\f HJB Baaaaaaflf Bfj^^JfcifcJl |=PP HH: I Iffl^M — ' _\%smm2^^ . r£^£i r TWaABIMfi COMI-UUiV V9Fs___w \^ — \ v f»VK^ *t^*y *S rKmmm.wmm tßWim %O l aJJrB| T al aT^apajfi *J aa >S*\mV!?s*m\^ \\s I

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NZ Truth, Issue 914, 2 June 1923, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 NZ Truth, Issue 914, 2 June 1923, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 NZ Truth, Issue 914, 2 June 1923, Page 7