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|§ Bargains in 'CHILDREN'S DEPT. BARGAINS «r» SUNSHADES. J^-f *!*fc i» U-^fl^^e 4^h W* -»V* aV^ 5 TT& o' Rll Cfc W« T! S'l TTfc «&«« ! SV* BARGAINS IN EMBROIDERIES Ladies' Underclothinp— Contnued § ChihWs Crepe Overalls, m all To be Cleared Regardless of Cost. O*OJ[slfC7 Ul tIILC JrJTAV»CS> fbUIl&lllAI lyLlllg £JP M.j£ JL9 V&31I ACTSO) Oil 18in Longcloth, Cambric, .and Mus- .Washing Print Underskirts, m B sizes, trimmed saxe navy and Special Line of Colored Sunshades, - ,_____^___«_«_l_^™_«_™™_____« _«____ "■'-.." "".".' lin Camisole Embroidery. pretty colors. a grey. ' At- 1/11 • extra strong frames, some slight- ""■"■ """ " " ■"■■■ ' ■*""— ?■■"■"■ . IN ™ . "■ ll ■" !.. " ' _ '■ I ™^ i "^^^^^^^ l^ ' 1/-, 5 1/3, ' and 1/6 Were 2/11, 5/6. 3/11, 4/C H ' Girls' Colored presses, sizes from ly soiled. BARGAINS IN FEATHER BOAS . BARGAINS IN APRONS. BARGAINS IN RIBBONS BARGAINS IN HOSIERY 27inMuslin_Flomicings. 1/6, 1/11 ' Now 1/11, 2/6, 3/6, 3/11 1 Npw 1/11 iv ed-Smart g^^loj- L Wlls, made up w^, Black, w °^T" T£*- T °V V " Agings , and I Girls' Navy, Brown, Grey, White - Ostrich Necklets, m all the lead- m eXtr fr^7l r t r p ln }} R nm ,,^ Moire Ribbons. Women's Black and White Silk . . &/ z d, ,ty z d, and 10'/ 2 d .-s™ BmbrSdery 1 Cotton Bloomers, m all sizes. . . u.,.^..^.-.. me shades including mole ni & >r • A? Pnce 11 3/6 ; Now 1/11 Gin, 3i/ 2 d Sin, 4!/ 2 d Ankle Hose. 1/9 and 1/11 Longcloth Embroidery- Edgings some Em were 5/11 Now 4/11 I Selling from 1/3 Bargains m HANDKERCHIEFS. ing shades, including mole, nig- Morning Glory, all sizes, Raglan 4 and sin Colored Glace Ribbon^ Women's Plain White and Black and Insertions. weren/u. m» v . £ Girls' White Muslin Dresses, m as- 6 for 10^d. 1/-, 1/3 and 1/6 ger, etc. Usual Prices 25/- to 73/- ' sleeves and pocket, very suitable ; V / 9 d yard Lisle Hose. 2i/ 2 d, 3«/ 2 d, 4>/ 2 d, s]/zd, and 6>ad "Double frill wide Embroidery Xn\--1 sorted sizes (a speciality). Real Irish Hand- embroidered Now 12/6 to 52/6 for house wear. Colored Ottoman Ribbon. • lO'/ 2 d and 1/-, 1/3 and 1/6 45in Muslin and Cambric Flounc- derskirts. Were S/6. Isow //b ■ r Selling from 3/11 Lawn and Muslin Handkerchiefs. ..- Usual Price 9/11. Now 6/11 6 yards for 1/- Women's Black Cashmere Hose. in^- 2/11, 3/6, 3/11, and 4/11 Outsize White Underskirts, suit--1 ■ : .■■ .'•• ::i -' ' ; '„.„„. 8/ 2 d, 10'/ 2 d, 1/-, 1 A to 2/6 _ . White "Broadway Aprons, shaped 3 in Fancy Striped Ribbons. ,1/6 -■ - : ' '■' ' --' • able for large figures. Si .i . Lace-eged Handkerchiefs. Suitable Presents and Good Values Skirt. Were 2/11. Now 1/91/a 3% d yard Women's Grey Lisle Hose. 1/11 ',«r>.,-*. ..»A-«-bAi T ' Were 6/11, 7/11, 9/11 I BARGAINS IN MEN'S SECTION. 10^d, 1/- and 1/3 , . — _ — , 1 ** ■ mmm LADIES BARGAINS* 0 ™ '^ N ° W 5/6 ' 6/11 ' f^] I Men's m fancy BARGAINS IN GLOVES . ' «SBB®te. on ifig a SWS^aaß SHm*/ ffi^ wS ixs^S^WeJ^l/S ' '^^Ideiy " and °La?e B let? S Speciaf Sale Prices 1/6, 1/11 Grey Lisle Gloves. 1/6, 1/11, 2/3 — SWi C& 0W «■ V^B^^ VB OB MB^r UnfMjualled value m Ladies' Che- V-neck and Empire shape, beauB Men's Cotton Pants and Singlets. Champagne Lisle (6 dome)... - - ™ -. mise Vests, with open fronts and . tifully trimmed Lace Ribbon and B Summer weighi. , • 1/3 _, ,- \ >•' 2/3 and 2/6 -■■.■. . . ■ - ... closed fronts, extra large size. Embroidery. Usual Prices, 1 Men's Cashmere Pants and Sing- These are extraordinary value . . . l -» 1^ •— —~ — mm _■■ m > Were 2/6. Now 1/11 ' 5/11,6/11,7/6,8/6,9/11 i lets, medium weight. ' 2/3 mwmhw—wmm«i»— ■■■■— i BARGAINS IN DRESSES BARGAINS IN BLOUSES. ' BARGAINS IN SILKS BARGAINS IN SOFT FURNISH- Fine Summer weight Silk and Wool Now 4/11, 5/6, 6/6, 7/11, 8/3 I 11 t^ Sh6tland Merin ° S/6 Bargains m the MANCHESTER 40in Figured and Spot Voiles. 9d smart Morning Blouses light and 34in Tussore. 1/5J/ 2 INGS. . v^ts. Were 3/6.3/11. 4/6, 4/11 Wo have paid special attention to l^^ Merino PaM ; V^^^/^^ i HH^ 6 - eh^ spot stripe Heavy Tu ,ore Snks . g=^-- ™# « . .s^.^!^^ RtiE^ iMl^bbedWors.^^ ffi .ffitSftff IS? Foular g" -ect. new -^ 27in Heavy .a^e SiU. -^ -S ■ . .^S*S^ "SSf^ IrSJJSs?™- .3d 56 xSB Hemmed Supper Cloths. s^des. . 1/11. White Muslin Blouses, full em- Silks. 2/3,2/6 3 6in Japanese Matting, White Combinations Laceflnish (S ? S > 4/115/6.6/6,7/11,8/11 I iSSS 6d f V- 2/11 each 40in Covert Gabardines, extra qual- broidered fronts, inset sleeve. BARGAINS IN COTTON DRESS 8d yard 9 w£S s^ . Niw 3/6 " Now 3/11, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6, 7/6 'I Men's Black Cashmere Sox, ; spec- Whtie^Flanrielete. " 5/11 dozen ity. 2/6, 3/11 Usual Prices 4/11, SAI. BARGAINS IN COTTON DRESS Hearthßugs. Bfi st English mIS CrL Kd White Cambric Knickers, with » ia value 3 Tiairs for 2/6 Colored Terry ToweUing. 40in Striped and Checked Crepes. > . .' „„ oy(S ° - . Mohair Rugs.. 11/6 Lana Combs .- widn frill Rmhrnlflorv tr.iif I Me^Bla^k Cotton-IS ; . v 6/ 2 d> 7/ 2 d, 8/ 2 d, 9d yard , , 11!/ 2 d .yard > , Now all 2/6 Fancy Floral Muslins and. Voiles. .Mantel^rapes. ' :",-- y " fa;-\.;V^ C^fe^;i / V^ w 4^l ■ Siape. Wer^/J^ow 2/n I Men's Colonial Wool^x 8^ 1711 ' ' ""** K^ ( 72 xSO 6/11 ' White Japanese Silk Blouses, ex- Block Striped Voiles. ;H.jSS - Sg^aJ&SST'- ' ■ " . " "^ 5/6 Lace trimmed MadapoL I.MensColomalWool^ox.^^^ Slewed Cah^es 40^°^ Oriental Floral Muslins. 7J/ 2 d yard Cretonnes. 7d yard Summer weighrßiocinVrs elastic S^t"' S" 011 ,^ kn^f • %5? i Wide End and Paris^Ties. 6d, 1/- _,. t m *4 d ' d ' d ' V 3l^ 1A V 6 down Collar. with scalloped White Fancy Piques. 7y 2 d yard These offerings are most ; waists m white, gfey, and navy. trimmed. Were 4/6. Now 3/11 I Colored Border Handkerchief.^ J^^g^U Sung^ White Piques. 10^d, 1/3 v 10/6. Now 7/11 , Floral Cord MusUns. s6^ yard ; «pp.rfcn,.r^ -, Ladies' Sne^ ' *Sfi£ 1' White Cambric Handke'rchieffl. _ V_, .__ . J/3 yard ■— — "-"-■™ . *^ —■»—■■■■■■«-■■ 1 ■—^—^^^m^*, ; Were 3/6. N9W 2/6 Wero 4/11. Now 4/6 I ■? T K.,.re 9 oinov^..*r 1/ '; f All good, deßrtred Free. Order, (accompanied T *„-.}.„„„ .J fh HA Clr\a^U,^U °^° ■&£&&&£& A «JS£ZSS I ; . Pri^ t ts'lin^"Rm.« tofi " by Remittance) to be addressed -—— I . Armstrong aHQ VO. Ltd., .UinStChlirCh '. a " d °** a ° V c. n«w t/ 6 . W^!?/?*P%\, 10/6,12/6

H. H. COOK AND CO, PRACTICAL FARM SALESMEN I nglis Buildings - - Caahel-streel CHRISTCHURCH. \ ; Also at 24 Grey-street, WELLINGTON One of the best sheep runs m North CanterbWy.- comprising 5000 acres splendid grazing country. 6-roomec house, sta,bles, granary, and\implemeni sheds. ; 500 acres can bd ploughed iJ necessary. Price £5 5s per acre,- stocU at valuation . Owner will consider ar exchange for a North Island farm. 292: 1400 acres within 25 miles of Christchurch, good mixed 1 larid, Similes from railway station. 'Comfortable- dwelling of C rooms, wash-house, etc.. Also. a 4I'oomed cottage, 7-stalled stable,, ilposc box and sheep-yards and dip. 350 acre* m oats. 170 acres of which are sowr .with grass and clover, 50 acres ready tc sow .m rape and grass, 25 acres to gc m "rape only. 160 acres now" ready foi turnips . Price £17 per - acre. Owner's interest £12,000, crops m. Will exchange for a run in' the: North -JsJand sheep country preferred. . 2895 . One of- the first 'soJections m Norti Canterbury,. 12,000 acres. fjpleadid sheej country, aJI tussock. Comfortable 4roomed he use," new wpolahcd for eighl shearers, wbarc, and cook house, twe nets' Of sheep-yards. This is a saft proposition for ewes and at preseni there aro 6500 sheep on the place, being 4000 ewes, balance dry, two horses. Price, walk mi walk out, £3 15s pej acre as a going concern. Ownerwould eorisider an exchange for mortgages pi Borne unencumbered : propert y , as par! payment'ns his sons have gone to the war and he is unable to. work the run alone. 275 1 ! Exchange for a facm m the. North Island 9000 acres firat-class grazing country, mostly hilly. * Comfortable house of eight rooms, man's whar«, woolsh'ed,' stable, dip, and all necessary fixtures. Situated 15 mfles from township by good road. The run is permanently watered by running streams and subdivided into six small paddocks and some larger blocks. Will carry 600 C sheep. Price £33,000, with about 300« sheep given m. 2924 -We have o, first-ctass block of brick buildings situated right m the heart ol the city, showing- good rents, for exchange for a fnrcn. Price £20,000. Owner wishes to go farming and will give | n the buildings oa part payment Send for pur new Catalogue of farms, stations, btiildlngw, etc. ; - ■ We Invlto correspondence.

H. H. COOK AND CO. Inglie Buildings - .-.' CasheN»tre«t CHRI3TCHURCH. Aad at 24 prey-street, WBULINGTON PROTECTgQN Rags ! Rags ! We Buy for Cash At Highest Possible Prices m Ajn: Quantities, Tailors* ami Dressmakors' CutHngT Sweepings, Cotton. Woollen and Houso hold tins* and Waste ot every doscrip tion. , A, V. Steward and Co. Wholesale Una and Waste Morchanu Cornhill-st., Welliagton. Phoae, 412 i HAYWAED'S FLAO BEAN! i'ICKLES stands for !ii«h grade qualitj Manufactured by «xrort« v/itn solectc veiotablcs. In puro malt vinegar. lusii * on havtaj* tbi* r«]labi« brand-

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NZ Truth, Issue 605, 20 January 1917, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 NZ Truth, Issue 605, 20 January 1917, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 NZ Truth, Issue 605, 20 January 1917, Page 7