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Alleps that Morris Hollander Put a Proposition to Him to Burn Down a Warehouse


Mprris Hollander Denies the Truth of Robin's Story

Thg Coroner is Confused and Confounded— Doe? I^qt Knpw Who is Telling the Truth, ! and Returns an Open Verdict

. Oh, the afternoon of Saturday, April . J, ' :• '■ a •'' ' three-storeyed warehouse at Christchurc^ was destroyed by fire. One floor of the biffldHig was. ocpupied by James Murphy. Ltd., of which firm, ttifi public has since learned. Colonel James Murphy was 'manager and Morris Hollander, of ladiesjj tailoring fame, was the director. Messrs. Reynolds and Klnvlg •■-•■«S £he owners ief .the |fid .ggr cupied the gTo«]na floor, ' : QrdlnarilV, . |ho cqn^agratign havp'blenbut |h*p cau# of'a cpuple pf caae, an expgptio^ ig apfl SQjpj ST^T?L,JNe R^y^LA-pipNS have been seryed up foe public discussion, one* insurance cpmpajiy, at any rate/moiring fac a Magisterial inquiry concerning. the 'pa/use of the disastrous flre. •'■::". ; ::';vi!:.- A y ■■;• :■.-""■ .. •.■■'.■ :-.:

The inquiry was opened m the Ghri^tchurch SML's Opurt' on AfliU 28, before Mr. H: W: teiahdp, S.M., GJorpner. Chief Detectiye iletb>ri(; conducted the caje for the police' and Lawyer Mosjey appeared dn bebalt of Jas. Murphy, Ltd. Jaa. Murphy. 1 clothing man.ufapturer and -warehousepiaj^, tradlner $4 Jf^s. Murphy, Ltd., his sol<J ; partner v>&* Morris Hollandeh Witness detailed the lines oii which 'the business was run. Roberts occupied" the top fldoc arid Murphy, Ltd. took the whole pf his output The firm had extensive Government contracts j! for mjlltar y clothing. Witness was ' last* on the premises ]i?r tween 2 and 2.1| p,rn. on the dia.y of the fire and was then alone, tt was quite possible for anypn6 to go from Roberta's premises to witness's* preioJsep during closed hours. Leaving the place; 'wit-; ness was^Joined butsido by hM 1 brother 1 and 'Morris Btollander. Witness's brother T shut ' the dqor and went upstairs and Hollander and witness motored' to the Gashmere rifle '■"' rangjeV Hollander then drivingr away. At the raiise, ijrfurphy was 'fput put-' over sbme incidpnt and came away without having ; f shot. He first saw the fire when he w|^) at the South Belt. The firn} of Jas. Miirphy, Ltd., had been m existence slhce last Qctpber, the capital being JSBDOO, which waa* equally dlvid- "' ed between Murfthy and Hollander, and, I m addition, fjollander put another XI 3OO Into the conpern at bank rates of interest. The stock was insured m three offices for! a total of 4? 4700, and, at the time pf I the fjre, the stock represented from i£'4OOO to £5000 greater yaUip .than the in s .u ra^ ce * WitnesH could riof ; accb'uht for the fire but had formed three theories us to its PrlgfnT (1) ' Owin,g to carelessness m pmokiny on the premised;" (2) hy "the fujslhg of an electric wir.^; or (3) by , ' '; • A GERMAN ' A!3E^ anxious to destroy the uriffbrms. '¥. he third til?p.>y. hftweyep, he h&# dianiisaed because "ir a Gorman ageiit really waiuert & mm shpH mi^PhJef. he cou{d have gone to other firms whleh had larger Government cpntraots than ' is}tne,sVg . jftrhv The. flpqp occupied fey Tame^ Murphy, JM. w? lighted by gas, white! the \m and. Brpund floods, wgre ]\m\f>s fty plecr trlc|fy. Tlie fljio apnaceiUly glftried In tho vicinity of t]}p ijft. v «|^ c b UB i n es« ■■■ was a prosperous, flijo i\\y\ Uje, flre wguld, eauso witnesK!t!eraljla ]q^. He valyed -the salvage a\ \\\\qx\\ $\W% fl|», relations with f)nllaud.&r were Pf thfi vory best and )|pi knpw \Mt he. W&S Rfit In <ipy flnanclaj fljfllPMHyReplying to. Mr, MfiSlPy. wltn^as P&W ho had personally arranged the inSUr? anccs and, a few WeoHs pefm'P tho (Ire, lir; Caußliley, p| \]\s A|Hai\Pfl Pp., paintr ed nut. the loiuj |t wflMbl W*«ft» \t IV five tooH- place un(| r j|\ cp,n*spqu.onpp, n prqvislqnal cover vfau* WftUP ■ f^r CftMffhley later ftrrnnerlng tp niuko \\ £mo. it was until uft^r t|»<* firp that witness informed Hollander P' \\*M coven Tho premises ppntalned i\i>put kJIPOO worth of mwn«faPU»rPd popd*. n» •\ve|| us tt lar^j* value m Uhakl Piolh. itnn.iedUUelj' nfjtfr t^o lira if was ny? ranaad to tn^o temporary prwntees, Hollander rem.riirklutf that t|»py wtuilq follay/ tho D.l^f.'a ojfap^i|o, «.nd. while the building -WH^'tilirniniri vuiujmo t»us|ne«fi"ln' record ,Uni<? : - '! h,rMU.sho.u,t |hp trouble HoUan«j|pr d|d all h,e cpuld tp | kept witness's spirits up. H was nrrangca on the nlpht of tl\p Ore Unit Hollander, Rob^rt« ttnd wUwwtg should | me^t and look (or tcunpqrnry premises j on tbo Sunday thpy flto m, Then tho flnanclal pqsHlon was. dispusaccV by Holjander and f Hno*Uß« who H4P 810 H^HIHTiES TP AII3BT by April 10. UlUmntely, it wa« left tq Hollander to fl^ tho finances, and hp at? ranged on overdraw p« * 7 «59- : wor^ already overdrawn $?9"Q, and tho extra £7000 w«« arrflinff«M on lioHan- 1 der'fi own perso.|ivttl eocurlty. Meyn while, witness went toj WolUnKtun to, HiTaugo for ,U>o collect]^ 0? H\p \q tiW firm and. returning with a cheuus for «saoo, paid it into tiw'liftiro*". W ihe buslncAs of Job. Murphy, Ltd., was rulaod, Hollander would personally ho liubto for £6000 to tho Uunk. Hplr lander never took nny active part m the management' of!! tho business and wcia rot conversant with tho insurances effected by Wit»\C(M*. Chief Dotcctlvo Herbert: Just prior to \\w lire did you havo any presentment Uiut something was going to happen ?-~WSH, X n^ust say tl\at 1 thought on that afternoon thut t mu»t get back to the warehounc. I felt unsettled m tho morning and got some stuff away, m oaflo of Ore. j What wo*' -'the muff? — Some cotton .••Urlnuhlngat worth about £160. I also hnd about *.'fiO worth of ladle.i' coats ready on the »jitut<lay jnornlnp, but «« I <*Quld not gut the carrier to tuka thorn awuy. I <locldcd to leave them until the Monday morning. Continuing, wltnoes «nid that, m gotMiijt tho goods away, ho was roduolng hhi risk. Oscar W, Anderson, accountant, gave cvUUsnco that im auditor for Jumort Murphy, Ltd.. ho had prepared ft good« account for tho firm. This wa» since the fire. Tho account showed thut the Coodn m stock wer«j valued at £90si(J IGa 5d at tho date of tho blazo. Original invoice vouchora had \xmn submitted io tho flro laouranco cotnpanlca' as* ecssox.

From "Truth's" Ghrlstchurch "Rep.)

W. M. Tyers, accountant, said that he had been appoinied by the insurance companies to ftFfiHSh ftS fiFS- Sg had exg,m.}»Bfi the books of the firm. : Tyer!s statement was subsequently handed to tne Bench. Harrr S- a Major In ±he Defence Department, and majjager of this Royal "'Exchange ' Insxiratic^' Gob C]b>r4§ P*Hpej $aid tie' yisiteoi Mjirpby. aid Gp.iß* "REemfses tl}e day be*fpfeth^flre, partly 'with, the iritentipn of inspecting the tinifdrms* and "' partly to inspect the wacehpuso stocky hi the event pf further ihsurancea' being "e'fi fepted. The vp-lue of the "goods was, m his ppinion, largely m excess of the insuranpes whicn covered thfem." f Replying to the Chief ' Detective, Batchelpr said he always' did his best 'to thproughly inspect every risk' taken by Hfp cpmpany. He recollooted having been interviewed by Detective Ward concerning the fire, but he could not admit thfit he had been hostile to the deteptfyfi. ' '"■'-■■' ■'.''•■■""■■'•'' ' "" - Is J^rne© Mjirphy an officer In your regfna^nt^rYfiS. : Ir> answer tP fwrther questions -wit--ne&g - fjjaiij. tha^, m cpmmcjn. with other insurance cpmpanips concerned, he considerpdi that &n Inauiry -was necessary, Mt"h§ nqt fuwist or apnroacl; the ppllpe cpncernjng that inquiry. " It iptlniate4 here that the chief police witness, Max Ro|>ins, who was m We]Ungrtqn, hadfaile4 tp appear, the exp}^}^t]gn pe&g ii»g.t h© ha^ not suf r ncien| money' to ge^ to Ohristcburch. Tte firqpeedjnjjs were, Jherejpre, adr p'ufned m oiQpr that efepa plight be taken to epajirp Robina's attendance. "W^r .fljg coun respmea p,n, Weanes^ day of l§at week, ttierg w|fl ©till no ajjpeamnoji of Rgbinß, and, immediately after the eepqng adjqurnmfint was ipade, the ' ' MISSING WITNESS TURKBp UP anjd explained that the ferry boat had been, delayed and preventing him from attending at the scheduled hour. ' ■ Eventually the Coroner and interested parties were brought back to the court and the. hearing was resumedMax Rebins said he was a Russian Jew and awived m Wellington from Sydney two or three months ago: He obtained employment from Mrs. Siegel, a Manners-street (Wellington) costumlere,"with whom he staye^ for abput six weeks. About IX p^clpck qh the rnprning of March 20, Mrpr Siegel ititrpduoed him to Morris" Hqllarider In the Manners-street' shop, Hollander flftPiwarflß. g fijnf away ANOTHER JEW NAAIED KOHN and returning about 8 p.m. the same day. Hpllander, Mrs. Siegel and Reb- % we^ fn a repm af tfte Mplf ef the. BJip,b kvs, whan Mrs: §w) W3 mtes HMfflW \o !he fM\m> &*§&s& '9s* \m mm ?ss&s \m Umf ftr Yelling fpf l&w, Sieged Ifpjja^ger then UWni&ed 6 t $ wquld. pafp tq e^rn a few hu,n.drefl eP» n ,«B, he Rob. ins Mwijrefl B§ |P |h.e n,atura w nrppfiSJMsn W& Rpjlgp^er replied that ho came ff n,in P.lirlßtQfturch, where he !»»d wftrohp.Hßfi. fßPtppy and shop, pc «s!d. thjngs wer« qwiet, ?^ppk wa§ run-^ ning m\ m§ hsH tq m'RpMr«. R!s ffst« OJjrlßtphqrph wi^h h|m anfl he WSH I^ «how i^iin the way tq hyrn d «wr> tn» p)aqp, Hfi.^piß{ns(| that thp nlsp9WM (n«\ired fo.f 43 QQQO fti^ that he Knew an wpy wfty tQ.buro It In further eJipUinttUqn, he Bftld R,pbil}B should cqme down {q phristchuroh one Pisht and, the w&t nWU, Hollander wpu'd ho»p \\\) aj! the winAows and ehuttora. tlicn hlopU mp (he heyhple with puvty or B«ii)p(h|py afld turn Qn. «U the gas until 12 p'clpck. when Robin? would porno along, peko q\\\ tho putty m the itpyholo «nd )«}t ft matoll through. ' The Chief peteptive: What did you eav m answer to the proposition?— i t«!d Hollander J 'waa surpriscU to hoar him— a hufiln6B». n^an— p\?t m\vh a. pro-. pwUi«n before ft man ho didn't kßpw. \ told him 1 wasn't 'going to do it, becausp I intended to ear^ a living honcsUy and fairly. What djd jip Bay?^.He said I wa« ft "muff- to say that. «a alpq >ald, "Woll, you'll only nave me n\sn«y. I'^ DQ IT M,YJ3E^F. h# asHed m> tp phake h ft nd.9 and tell npnpdy eppv^t Ruj PfinYpraatlon. W«s there any exact sum nHontipnr «d?--Vea, ho sftld \\o would give tap 4??0p tp do tho job. • ■ ■• • Were you both alone duping the cpn,vcv^t(ot\? — Yes. Anylblnu #|d m front pf Mre. SlogqU -- We heivrd hor coming downstairH and WO closed tfio conYOF»Atlon. She gave mo spmo InatruotiOn.^ a,ppm, wy wq rk and I went away to tho country, leavliiH her and Hollander together. Had you ever seen Hollander before March 20?— Tho Sunday before, I saw him at Mra, Siegel's private house. Ho \yant with hor m the motor car to the Jewish Zionists* picnic. Would you havo known anything about his buslnoim or where he lived If ho hadn't told you?— .No, ho was a perfect stranger. Ih there any unfriendliness between you?— No ,l didn't know htm long onough. JrJ^Vft yoy, «can or spoken to htm slnco %M» cftnversAtion ?— Nd. Have yo\» had any conversation with Mr?. Siegei about this i ca«e?~ No, only when I wan going along Foatherstonstrcot the other day Mr*. Slogel, hor «on and a lady, nulled. up m a motorcnr. Her «on came ncros« to me and «aid. 'Tvc-jrot a Jotter from Hotlandor In Chrlmchureh and he snyn you've aiVJSNT' EVIDENCE TO THB DKTKC TIVKB about thl« cfl«e. What bunln<uw hnd y«u to do it?" He olso thrcnicnsd ihut if 1 gav<! ovidonco It would bo neon to Lhtt X did not «£a' work anywhoro and

that I'<V be chucked out of the Jewish Club. He said he was going straight to £he detective office tp get me, arrested. What d}d you say'?— I replied that" I had only given evidence of what I knew and that they wj»re welcome fp. c^rry out their threats if they' could do so; " Do you remember being m the Jewish Club at Wellington the Tuesday eyening after the flrg?-rtTes. ~ Dig"" you" h"ear"*aiiy ~ conversation among the Jews, about a big fire m Christchurci^-^-Yes. " ."" — ."*' Was that tji.e first you heard of the fire?— Yes, I asked who Murphy and Co. were and they said Hollander owned the place, but it was run as Murphy and po. Then I remembered my conyer'satipn wifh ]&q]la'nderWas that {he qnly reason wjiy you Went to the detectives m Wellington?— Yes, I had the conversation on my conscience after that and I thought it was my duty tp go to. the police. You've no feeling td"ward*s v HoHander? -No, except that m consequenpe* of him putting such a proposition before me I felt a sort of VqWpi^BV. JQB. HIM. Do you know a member of the Jewish cgmniunity named Toblitski. m Wellington?— Yes. Did you have any conversation with him on April 26?— Yes, I saw him m the ? street. He called me aside and said it was a shame on the Jewish congregation for me, tp gg and gjyg evidence .againsfr a Jew. l n r§p}y, J gaid thaf if that was the case, there would never be any evidence at all, and Christians should not give evidence against Christians. J?lfl J»G m^fe any answer?— He said TOM;- W te ] * feWtoess, to you. Mrs! SJegef came down cry|ng yesterday and g&UH? "tfi4t- ygu weje sQfos to give ?*9]lf«^er aw^y" I repJJed fhat I had * f l Y£ n fi^.^iFe Jfl the detectives and Tob)Us)£l saijj, !>a?hafs nothing. You, djdn'f jsweap tQ.fhftt yet!'' .«^.^!FHF-ft! s ??~fPßt TqbiHski said, "Mrs,. Siege! tqffj me £hat Hollander wrqfce her | Q try and g|ye you £50 if you Fi» go away tp Sydney and not give eyidpnce,\in thg case. 1 } ' Wliaf; did you rppj'y?— I told Toblitski TO GO TO BLAZES, because I wouldn't hear about it. I then Went tp" the detective Qfflpe and tqld them ot Toblitsgi v s'cgnyer§atiori. ' m 1 ?!? f?« w r? "ty SPRQfntnlent with Tpb|itski?— TJio Chief detective m Wellington told me to meet Tpblits,k afrain and bring tlje £§p \p the pfflce if I jjot it from him. I aaw Tobiitski the same night, ona told him It he brought mp £50 r woujd gq to, ,Sy3ney. He re r pllad that he would go up ' anil sco "4hsm"- BMI !«t fflfi tfnnw. I'wo of |.h,Fse, nights later.: he said "thpy would 'not do ■}| Jjp§Wß Hip ogge hnfijrnne tpp, j&r. Have you had any dlrterenco of opinion with Mrs. Sicjrel?— l was introducpgpa^pjlje wanM me b Jmyei for ty'JPJ-Z P^HntFy- J teal* *n SYerajje. *is&ywwM her, ae!Hn|'c9st«n,l 8 and taking orders. n\*HPr»?~At flr# sjje offeree} mp ten Pfrpsnr* w Rslfig anil she w&srt.q pa> Si! TO* espjnses. From tlu? first fprt, night I mw | jfttJ cpulfl i)pt agree w|th. her. She's an Aijst.H4i» «ni Si fe ft an am I cpujd see i B gyepy wWd'tfrit she said. |p pie, hep heart/ w*? W$ wai * wUn hep we were n Vhj H'^heo. § h <? hftf) a piptme pf h«>?}&)nt' })\m ftn.fl she passed ft fe'mftrk »pqi|t whfti. » mfln he wa§. j>£ nue.l tha {? lie antj thfi KftfeerW their d^ertH, thpy would finjsh' H] f on p" Hn'r^,' W&SS&JW> WSPftefl ftnd pa}d, U'ahe uapk ypuF'wQrftt pr nack H p yo«P traps m en m*" i aiiat phth? Uuv Ojh r pfu Bpd8 pd and was. pi,,* t0 tP a r tI,J picture to. iilijcetf. A^crwarcjs | went to hor ana ttrteil ab.pHt my-myinont; but s!;e wayld't p fty nip and fwiS'Pft £ M M"'»^^ , {0 J? I m not get the £22 7 8 wjUc), W u S pw |ng tp nia She gaye me a Q\\mvq for £?3 and told mo jq w to blazer or she caU tha d.eseguv(yj. Plft-VQB tftko thp ch,<Hmo?-r.Ye&, ber cauKQ I Had no mo.ney tp Mvb on. J dldnl do anything abQMt ti?e baiane? p,win.£. Tjwt'P ftUQHt AH | mm*. Is there aoytlUng more wWph ha 8 <r«nap(rea sjncd | ■received thego |n. a trvicUops?~ Yes, A Mr. llarrJs, who wa^ m the ooun horo ImV PrJda.y, when thla case waa pponed, met me m WplUngton l««t Sunday. T wkea W nat da.t P %& V«3 « } 'IhQoHi IUI »ivo ypi» good, advice. Pqn't you 8P ftnd. give ftyicfpflco ii\ ihls CMP. at a|l, I V a« |n tlip court ftnd SS^L y*™ W p WW^'W. Murphy, '•per^.-MajorßatpHolor and plnom With a lot of memey, wllj stand to thousanda and t^QH«im'4i! to aiVE Yoy ?]yy or six tears* QAPI* w You replied ?— Yes, I said it was a pity they didn't try and makft it ten. Ja Harris a. Jow?—Ye». He's lioad tailor at Mrs. Slcgcl's. CROBB EXAMINATION OF MAX ROBINS, Mr, Mosloy: Do you romombar a«kintr Mm. Stegcl, on the afternoon of March 20, to introduce you to Hollandcr?~No. I don't remember asking, and It was ln the morning, not the afternoon that I wan introduced, m tlio afternoon wo met again. What did Hollander any to you m tho afternoon? — He asked mo what I was doing. Did ho wiy anything ol*o?— -Yes. I've already told what elaa ho said. Can't you repent it? Can't you romwmber It?— Of count© 1 can. but whnt i« th© u«#? 1 liftvo already told you onco. I cun only any that over ngnl'ii. I w&nt to «ivo itmc. I have* not bad nny br<»akf(iHt yet and wo had rt rough trip 'down. 1 came xtrnight up her» from tho boat. Tho .S.M: AVry well, wo will adjourn till 2 o'clock. Thnt will uivts

you a chance to have something to eat and ' ' TO HULL YOURSELF TOGETHER. After the. adjournment. Robins, re? plying to L&wyer Mpsleiy. repeated the main part of " the evidence -which he had gjiyen earlier m the day. Which of his places did Hollander tgli you to set flre to?— He said the factory ' Was connected with the warehouse. "'"He also has a shop. Did he ask yQji to.-burn/. Jhat dpwp.?— No. If h§ had dpn'e so, toe fire m^ght have occurred "there. How much did Hollander tell you the place was insured for?— About £6000. T» Robins ypur real name?— Yes. tyopßpkl^'eln?-^?. I" traded under that na^e, '^ut it's not my real hams. "V ' yPnere di<| you trade un^er the name pf Sbbinstein?— ln'Oueensian^ Ij^qr ljp^y lpiig?V-A.^out tViree weeks. Thrpe wge^s!— Yes," Tb'yt 1 made as m.uch mp^ey m/ those three weeks as some Jawyers' make In' three years." Hqw~pjd are you*?— 2o. * Did' you not 'think it strange that Hollander sjiould put such" a propasir jipn ' before a complete stranger? — I suppose he knew I was '-broke." But' you were m work ? — Yes, that's when a man has to go to work, when fie's "broke!" Do you ftnpw Mrs. Hayvice, a secondhand dealer m Wellington? — Yes. * Did you go into her shop and ask to examine some rings ? — I asked if she had any. ' Did you see a diamond ring there? — Yes. ' ' ' " '• " ■ And did you tell her that the one which she showed % y6u was the iden? tjcnl ring w!U9& V&U ney two years ago?— No, i said I lost Ik )\) ummjm *wp w$ § W ys»r« ago. What was the value of that ring?— WPJV mM pePR^ $}m. Afferent yal&es fln Jtapnds., jYftlyf l " at Ungipn?--Yg§. 1 "Bygy try \q liQrrpw #$ from him? — fcjever. ' ■ I'he g.M: "WHSI if )18 M borrow £§? We hftye plenty of respectable nepnlfi whft UflPreW IBSR?V: ' rt . ■&)$ -yqii say ym warned; the £» \q buy liaQU $at^mf M¥9,". ■ A £|fl ytju. say ih,«.t tfeS sefippd-band deajer 'was ft "mug" fp? flfit entering Hie rlß* ■& ttPPH? The" §,&n Ipl^ ihp I'wltnesj that he npefi flat JMfwer the quaatiQn. -• Old you over threaten Mr«j. Siegel's apnfc-sin.ce this aft'ftir He told me that \f I 4Ul«'t clear o y t pf the place h@ >Yfl«IS pt a, man to give W« a good hWJn* W rente,} to|d him if he did X\9t ¥& a W»Y (OT mt> I'd Kick him. I^N •pHtiffiATPNIR fIVSRY DAY. and, only the pjUer a»v, I was told thas |f T weu.l P" the Uoftt, I would be oh.MoUod overboard, 1 When you hoaj-a p4 the Are, did you go first tP thq police or to tne manager pf the Alliance Insurance Co?— I wont to the manager of. the Insurance Co., a«4 wh«n I tQ>td him what I knew b,« «M»ni m« sklonjj t« the detectives. Tp wftpm yp u ™ftde a statement? -^Yes. ■ " Are you sure, tlwt wm after the (Ire?— Of«W» pJUn't ypu think it WQMW havo boon nrPBW t« 8Q tp the ppHc« when you (gay Hollander pm the. prppp<iUion before yoM'h-ywhajui U wo.wld have been, but I had .1© think pf ujy living. I wouAd. hftve lo»t my Job tor a certainty U 1 h%d cope to th« police then. \7Th,en you were to that room behind the. "snap, your poruuaiUwuix were there?— No. th«y \v©r* wm^ cases. That t» what 1 am Vr>ln«r to tell you. OrtUnftrily, » \v«Hia «»vv ?»«t out tor tl\e cauntry U»*t inornlu« and I hod my cuae« uU mocked with ihe excopllpn, oX two or thr<»* «o«UiinAß which •Weru \\<iX quU* rwvdy. ThM's what I waa aQlos \w *lw rww—w*»tlnff for Mm. SleKol to give mo the costumen so thut 1 could get a way. While I was watting llolhunli-r talked to nif, und When Mrs. Sic««! cutr.« di.wusutira I got tlv«> costumes »nd wonl u.\vuy. Tho Chief- 'deteeUve: Now, U thero nnythlnK el«a you want to wiy before you leuve the box?-— Yes, 1 want to make it plain that 1 havn «very Jew against mo now, because the Jews ' reckon om> Jew whould not give evi--1 donco tmrnlnsi another. I want to ! explain that no kind of prejudice Is behind m« $r» nlvinff *<vtdtmco hore. On the <ju« hand. 1 hud evtrythlner to gain money, frl«snd«hlj» a»»d work — by keeping my mouth «hut over thl» affair, while an tho oih«*r hand, I hud everything to 1oj«6 by comlnir here and Bpcnkinif in k 1 have dono. Many persons would glv« £10 If your Worship uatd, '"This fellow iroe« up for a month." MRS. SIEGEL'S STORY. Jttn© Slegel, a co«tumlor«, c«rr>"ins on 1iu»ln«n» m &)nnn«rß -street. WolUngton. «ald «h<* waa v widow. Tho Chlef-flflloctlvt*: Whnt \a your nationality?— A Jcw«s#iu

The S.M: That lg your religion. The Chief- detective: 'Are you an Austrian Jewess?— ltfo, Rumaiiian. Yes, my husband \y'as an Austfiari. Hpiar long have ypu lcnqwn Hollander ?-T-35en years. Yes, be is also a Rumanian. Ypu £nQw,R.pblns?T— Yes, but I don't knpy? what countryman he Is. Hpw long w^s he m your employ? -A few W.eplfS. * * Dp yo.u remembpr Hollander being m WelHngton pn March 19, the day of thfi J/e^yish}p?-rYes. The. day aftpr that, did you introduce, him to/Rppjns?— Yes, a| Rpbins's request. I cjjjl n'pt want to introduce him. It was, against my will. t^hy ?— Oh, I thought It wasn't his place. tyas that m the morning?— No, the afteEngcm. . DJ4 yoi} introduce him m the mornins?—Np. '4l£ Vquf sympathies with Austria,? Wjip are they with?— England. Cp^tinufnf, witness said that Hollander and pqbins talke'cl for abput 2 9 mfnutes. m fr s.he was Rpesept the whpje of the time. Wtiat'was the conversation about? — Rpplns >vaqted a motor-car for prp.Vr ellipg. He thought ho pppld dq more business if lie hns pne. pnfl the dispussipn w}th Mr.' JibUander was m conrifictlpn with the running cost pf a Ford car. ' You will swear that you were preseiiOhe w^ole of'tlie time and Ih^t yoij did not ,, leave Hpllant)pr and ; Rpbins alone ?tt— Yes. ' Who was'lpipking'after the shop durJng that tjrae?— My son and a lady assistant. How lpr|g after was it th,at you wore called on to remember I HOLLANDER AND ROBINS'S CONVERSATION m th.c room behind too shop?— Mr. Hollander went away on the Tuesday and. J received a letter from him after the flrei Nearly four weeks Rftcrwaj-ds?— Yes, Are you. sure you' never went upstairs and. tpft Rabins and Hollander together?— Yes, Was any reference made by either of jihem to a nre? — No. Why did Robins leave your employ? — I discharged himWhy?— Oh, because he didn't suit. not a common occurrence for you to be called upstairs to the factory? — No. Don't you do tho cutting yourself? —No. IJtid you a man there?— Yes, Mr. Harris, You say Robins was discharged because ho didn't suit. He says he brought £50 worth of business a week and that* he brought m over £80 worth one week. Is that truo?—No. When the witness mada this denial, Robins rose and suggested that Mrs. Slegel should be asked to product* the receipt books, which would account for tho sales he rondo und, incidentally, provo or disprove her word. The Chlef-detcctive: Anyway, Robins, you say, did not suit?— No. He «uggeabi that you wanted him to go to America with you and take a hotel. Is that right?— No. Did you have v plctura of the Emperor of Austria hanging m your kitchen? — NO, QUEEN VICTORIA. Didn't he threaten to pull down lh« picture of the Emperor of Austria?— No, he threatened to pull the house down. What for?—He said he wanted his wages, and he started to kick things about. 1 said 1 would send for the police. And did you do so?— Yes. Did the police come? — No, I rang up but could not c«t them. You still deny that the picture of tho Emperor of Außtrla hung m the kitchen?— Yes. It is suggested ' that it lias boon taken down and placed m the motorshed, la that 8o?~No. Robins again rose and sold. "Tho picture !« 1» tho motor-shed now. and 1 will pay tho expense If an urgent wire l« Henl to tho Wellington detectives to search the motor-Hhed. They will flnd A picture thoro all right." ■Rob lnn camo to you with a letter of introduction from v niece of yours iv Australia?— Yen. It was through that lot cor that you employed him? — Yes. und 1 wanted to heln him. because he wu» out of work. He must have bormt ft good character, otherwise your niece would not have recommended him. What Is your nleco'B address? — I don't write to her. We are not on Rood termH. The S.M: Although you were not on Rood torauu with your niece, yon accepted her recommendation ?—Vt*H. ] Th«> Chief-detective: 1 bHl«>v<> your j mm wan »t "no time contunttrd wjth ! Hollander?- -No, my lato hu*b;»n<l itrul ] Mr. 'HoJlrnder wero oner' }i.irtn«rj«. I The ChU'f- detective »ulii )j« would not cnll any more evidence, seeing tlmt the remainder of hij* wuncwiw' evidence would bo sumowhnt nimilar to

tha t wl){cl> J^ad been gfyep m tW early s^?^s *pf the iofluest. H.pwevJM'. no would, like : . |:p. call Hqllandef. Mr. Mosley said he intended to call th,e. Chiel-^etectiye "pat b^Lclc* for the purpose of croisaexamining Him. ; -f - ■•:. - The S.M. obserye4 tb^at m any case, he would recora" an open verdict. The case was going £6 resolve itself mto onp roan's srord against another, and it was impossible to say which of the two was telling the trut£. H6LL4N.REft QN OATH. Morris Hollander, costume maker, said that ha was bprnut Tulcbea, Rumania, and was. ji naturalised British subject. WlMtfi about 16 years of age he left Rumania and went to London and afterwards to Paris. He had been In New Zealand about ten years, and recently had "entered into partnership with Jas. Murphy/ On March 20. he was m Welling/ton. During the morning he went "around tp tye different warehouse^ and to the Defence stores m Buckle?street. He y^lked/ there. About nopn he wenjt back to the Grand Ifotel, and }n* tho afternopn, he called at Mrs. Siegel's. R'pblns was not m the room, but he came m later and was introduced by Mrs. Slegel. There was some talk aboiit a Ford car, and Robins suddenly wpnt out, saying, "I must go away." Mrs. Siegel went out tp him and then ho left, previous to that, Hollander had not seen Robins, neither had be seen him since. "Witness was Jf OT IN FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES, but be would be a big loser if his own premises were burned down. Hla guarantee of the bank overdraft included \everything he possessed. At present, his own business was being carried on m temporary premises whero he waa storing stock until lie could get into a larger place. He never received a penny profit out of James Murphy, Ltd.; but on the other hand, all the profit had been put Into the capital account or Invested m material. Witness dented Roblns'a statements. Tho Chief -detectlvo: At tho time of the flre what was the Insurance on your own premises?— l could not say exactly. But you must have some idea?— l don't think I? yv&a more than £2000. What was the risk?— l carry a j stock there worth dose, on £3000. You have tpld us about your walk i nround Wellington on thY morning of March 20. Do you know a man named Kohn?— Yoa. It's been said that ho is an Austrian. HE IS A RUSSIAN POLE. \ He enllstea and was rejected, Whero Is be-now?— ljta got his passport and is on his way to Japan. You have said that you walked about Wellington. As a matter of fact, were you not running around to the warehouses tn Kohn'w car?— Yea, but not to tho Defouco otllew. | said I walked to the Defence office. Will you swear that ypu w«ro not In Mrs. Slegel'a at 11 o'clock on March 20?~Yes. You remember Detective Ward interviewing you about tho are and takIng your atatonient?— V«s. The statement was r«ad and mentioned inter nlin, that HoJJander had nowr met Robin*. Al«p. that on March 20, ho was In Mrs. SlogeJ'a shop two or three times. Can you suggest any reason why Robins should say what ho has said to-day? — No, I am sure I cannot. Did you Instruct anyone to Interview him, »t »ny time?— Mr. Mosley is the only man I hay© Instructed re6'irdlmr anything. Do you know Tob!iUkl?—Only Uiat ho was brought hero by the Jewish eonfcretfatlan. No, I j»aia nothing to him about this c<u«. What was tho insurance In i James Murphy, Ltd?-— I am not sure. , Seeing yoqr Jntoront m the place, you muHt hnvo somo idea?— l think it is about £4700. THE JUDGMENT. Tho S.M., In jrlvlnir Judjfmcnt, said it appeared to him that the coat* rested on tho assertion of Robins, and the (JonltU of Holltintjer, But, even «o. he wiw nothing to connect ihe statement made by Robins with tho flre which occurred. And it wa» rather out of tho question Own this would Ho no, seeing that Hollander know nothing of the detail* of the Murphy. Ltd. business. That being no. the S.M. assumed Unit he lino" nnthfng to da with tho Llehfleld-tttroet flro. which wns really th« subject of tho present lnqu<mt. Regarding Robins'* evidence, tho S.M. said It left him In an unhappy state, becmiao one could not find a motive for Robins'* huhiuthmum jf they w<»n» frits*'. And. on-Uu> «>th«?r hand. It wttM <HfTleult to believe thnt any man, UoUniul^r. or anyone else, would go to a, ronipUnp Ptrang*<r nnd tnako n stntcment as gravp n« (hat which was nlU?if«'d to have htvn made Robin* had given h\» rvUUmcn m Uj«» manner of ft wltne** of truth, On thp other hand, however, v was almost Im>

possible to bollove thnt Hollander or unyono QiKo, if nnythlng like that allowed was contemplated, would b« SUCH A CONBUM)fAT& IDIOT n« to talk It over yflQi <v mrtwt stranger. Thosa asppof* »pp«*l«jl io tho S.if, Judicially, it «ccmed extraordinary that unle«« ho h#fl *onw> foundation for such h* rue went*, Uoblpf Khould como uml mko flip aUojratlonß which ho dtd, and tho S.M. r<sUoncd h« would l^ftvo Intcrwiad partlefi to solvo the probjetn, trttelnjf that forlunutely he won not uaJWwJ on to eolyo it. Alt ha waa rouuiro^ to <jp wb« to find out whether tite ev(d&ne« tfh^w«d that the pluco und«r dl«out>»ion wr* *«h on flr«. or In what way. The S.M. docldod 50 return nn open verdict and refrain from flndinv any dortnKa |«#uc. Concfernme l,l»tui. -Colonel Murphy. Mr. Hi«hop Wild that thin wttnoii* hud impr«««o(l him n» b<»lo« porfoeUy •straightforward and truthful nnd hi» womhlp wan fcaliafied nn to hJ* ob« 0» luto freedom from auwplcloii. AN OPEN VEROICT, An <f»p«« v«?rdiet tvft* recorded. It b(»IrtK ftdoVd thru there woj no evidence to •how how the Ore stoned'

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NZ Truth, Issue 569, 13 May 1916, Page 5

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A CHRISCHURCH CONFLAGRATION NZ Truth, Issue 569, 13 May 1916, Page 5

A CHRISCHURCH CONFLAGRATION NZ Truth, Issue 569, 13 May 1916, Page 5