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Mr. Norton. Dear Sir,— Your article "Christ, Christmas, and Christians," I have read with much Interest, and need I say I am greatly pained that you should have occasion to write so cutting and scathing- an article against Christianity. I agree with much of what you say, and looking at it from your point of view you are perfectly justified m condemning the "so-called" Christian nations. Without attempting to explain the difficulties confronting the Christian Church and the world at large to-day, what would you suggest as a solution of the whole problem? Sit still and look on while our enemy Germany conquers the whole civilised world and brings everything into subjection to its tyranny, or rise up and do our share m breaking that devastating power? God is on the side of Right, and we must dare to do the Right whatever the consequences may be. Of course, there is God's standard and man's standard; Man la acting up to his standard. But the real cause of so much trouble m the world, to-day, is because man has been fearful, m the past, of doing what he knew to b« Right. Daniel FACED THE DEN OF LIONS rather than smother up his conscience; also the three Hebrew children faced the burning flery furnace rather than offend against their God. With what result? God showed Himself mighty on behalf of those who put their trust m Him. If Christian England had done likewise, she would not have been drawn into this awful medley of blood and carnage. Man has gone his own way m preference to God's way, and behold the bitter consequences! But. Man's extremity will be God's opportunity, and He will stand by His afflicted people and eventually bring peace out of this strife, and mankind will emerge a wiser and better people, chastened by the fires of God's indignation against those who turn away from Him and reject the teachings of Jesus Christ. We are not forsaken by our God, but are being purified from the dross of our natures. In Unite Love stood by and sanctioned the sufferings of tho Son of His Love, and, think you, did it not touch His own heart? And does it not appeal to tho heart of Christ today, to view from His throne above the sufferings of those who name F"<« name? In all their afflictions He is afflicted, and wo wonder why He does not put forth His mighty power and DELIVER HIS PEOPLE. But how, then, should tho Scriptures be fulfilled? The abstentions of God's power puzzle many people to-day; but viewed from the Light of Calvary, it Is easily understood. They forget that It is not by might or power, but by My Spirit, said the Lord. Ho desires that His Spirit should operato to bring mon to Him. Tho day is coming when Ho will manifest His mighty power, and will put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation upon His head; and Ho will put on the garments of vengeance for clothing; and Ho will be clad with zeal as with a cloak. He will then repay fury to Hi» ' adversaries and recompense to His enemies. (Isaiah 59: 17-18.) But now , Ho is saying: Look unto Me and be yo saved, all yo ends of the earth, for I am God and there is none else. (Isaiah | •15: 22.) He has also declared that at the namo of Jesus every Unco shall bow and every tongue ahull confess that Jesus Christ la Lord, to the glory of Goii tho Father. (Philipplans 2-9---10-11.) You, Mr. Norton, aro disappointed with tho professedly Christian people of tho world to-day, and Justly ho. Have you done all m your power to honor tho name of Christ? I have learned that it is a very easy tiling to criticise. Wo somehow look for porfec- | tlon m those who name tho name of Christ, but wo will never see perfection m any but tho Christ Himself. Ho was THE ONLY PERFECT MAN. I am glad you apeak so feelingly of Him, and declare, "There never was a gre-ator or truer prophet thun .Jesus." But what i\Xd you going to do with Him, "Who wpake ;i.s m-ver mun apako"? Jesus is standing, as It were, m Pilate's hall still, waiting for you to deeido what is to bo dono with Hluu Will you, llko Peter, your lx»rd deny, or j will you evadt* Him. :l» l'lkito tried to j ! ilu. Or pi>rh:t]).*i you havo b<:t>n "prump-'j | if.l to irive uj, a]| and follow Him." : I'l-rftuKilly, I hnvo taken up my cross and followed Him. and Cod the Father tia.s revealed Jfisu.s to me. a.s the Christ, tho Son of the Living t!od. 1 haven't tho l^uit. doubt about tils Divinity. Ihou^h bo many ijulbble uluml it and .«euk to rub Him of His Klory. Tho story of Ills life t<<rm; wlih i-vidcjKUM* <,( His Divinity u« Wt-U u.s of His perfect, humanity. It is in'rcjiMry t.> hum- !.!<> ourselves a« a little child If wo would enter 'tho KinKdmu of Cod. Lot me apeak frankly to you. Mr. Norton. J<'.huh m iytti-vU\R you wilvatintv, through Mis tlninhod work on Uift cross, und lie says, "Now Is thu uc-o-pced time." Will you accept H, and ;:ratofuHy acknowledge* lUh free tfift? Then Ho will not have died In vain :u< far as your ;<oul i» concerned. Ho that bcUi'veUi on the Son hath cvor!;t itiiv: life (now. a present powsosaion), :nul Ahull not come into condemnation, but I.H jKiHJied 1-'KUM DKATII INTO LIKE, r.m h<- that iujllcvdh nut m comtamn■mJ alr«"jdy. Why? H'ltmuw ho hath not believe] <>ri the n.tnu> <\( the only lit-Koiwn S'm of (ioil, And this ia the et.ud<'Ui!UiUon, that litfbi is come into th<.r world, and /urn lovfid darkno^u

rather than light, because their deeds were evil. He that doeth truth, cometh. to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought m God. You know, Mr. Norton, thero is a head knowledge and a heart knowledge of these things; the former is m the letter only, which killoth; but the latter Is In the spirit, which giveth life, I know I am speaking: to a man who Is enlightened In Scripture truth, or you could not have written such an article on Christianity, But you miss much by not looking into and discovering the God of the Old Testament, Who Is one and the same as the God of the New. The same Author inspired the writers of both the Old and New Testaments. Take, for instance, the Bird chapter of Isaiah, and thoro you have so clearly depicted the sufferings of the meek and lowly Jesus of Whom you so ably write. Prophecy fulfilled; alone m Him. Contemplate the tuahelped and undelivered Christ, surrounded by an angry mob, eager to LEAD HIM TO DEATH. "Thinkcst thou," he said to Peter, "that I cannot now pray to my Father, and He would presently give Mo more than twelve legions of angels"? But how, then, should the Scriptures be fulfilled? So for our Bakes Ho was content to remain undelivered, oven unto the Cross. Think of Him nailed there, bearing your sins and mine, suffering tho Just for the unjust, tfcat He might bring us to God, shedding His blood to make us free, for without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Oh, what infinite love and compassion poured forth from tho heart of Jesus towards His vory murderers. "Father, forgive thorn, for tUey Know not what they do." And then, again, m that last dread hour, hear His aironislng cry, '•My God. my God. why hast Thou forsaken me?" The hiding of the Father's faco was more dreadful than all tho rest, but all this Ho ondnred for you and for roe. Read John S: 16. and substitute "John Norton" for "the world** and "whosoever." then writo and tell me if you are willing to forsake all and follow Him, lam not a "learned divine, " but Just & humble follower of tho meek and lowly Jesus, seeking to lead another follow-creaturo Into THE WAY OF ETERNAL LIFE, and true bleasodnosa and to nharo that glory which tho Lord Jesus Christ purchosed for ua at such inunlto cost, 1 have much more to cay to you regarding tho prrsent upheaval m tho world and its ultimate result; but will wait till I know if this correspondence is ncooptttble to yon or not. You wIH. please, pardon me for taklug this liberty of writing to you. a complete stranger; but I believe I am led by tho Spirit of God to write and beseech you to become an advocate for tho "Truth of Clod" as well as for tho ■•Truth of Mum." I was much touched tho other day In r^wllng what God has to say regarding "Truth" at tho pre--B«nt tlnio. In cam* you hnvnn't a Bible just ut hand. I will quote It for you. "Truth Is fallen In tho street and equity cannot enter. Yon, Truth fnileUt, and ho that de-part mli from ovll maketh himself v prey {or Is accounted innd). And tho Lord saw it. and it displeased Him that there was no Judgment." (Isaiah f.3: 1-M5.) Will you hu»K?n and holp mo lift that beautiful lady •Truth" whom CJoU «iys "has fallen m the Hired," and place her m her rightful position, so oa to allow that other fair Uiily "Kqulty" to outer? Come now. and Uko a gallant gentleman do | your duty, Jesus will help you and roI ward you with Ills "Como ye blesuod i of My Father, Irihorlt tho kingdom pro- ! pared for you from tho foundation of j tho world." V,ery sincerely yours, In the Interests! of that Kingdom. (Mm.) R. E. B. January 29, 19 IS.

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NZ Truth, Issue 556, 12 February 1916, Page 6

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A CALL TO CONVERSION. NZ Truth, Issue 556, 12 February 1916, Page 6

A CALL TO CONVERSION. NZ Truth, Issue 556, 12 February 1916, Page 6