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- Leadbeater m the Land. Rival Leaders m Auckland* \ Will the Old Charges be^fe/ived and Answered ? From all the appearances there iss going to be a holy , or; unholy row or riot m the ranks of those cheerful folk who style themselves Theosophists. These people hold a peculiar belief concerning the past and future of mankind, and lately reckoned that a! dreamy, goo-goo eyed Indian boy, naxn'-t ed Alcyone, unearthed by Annie Bes-f arit,, is to be the future Christ. Incidentally, Annie Besant's little Indian boy, together with other little matters, mainly concerning an individual named Leadbeater, have caused a schism ia Theosophical ranks and at present that body is divided into very hostile factions which do not hesitate to throw o> •lot of mild at each other. In Auckland, as elsewhere, this schism is very much pronounced, and the fact that Mr. C. W. Leadbeater, advertised as "the famous author and occultist," ia. announced to lecture next Sunday evening m the Auckland Town Hall Concert Chamber, on T "THE LIFE AFTER DEATH" must °c accepted as information of nl more than ordinary/ character. He invites questions, and Question, and a lot of them on all sorts of subjects, are likely to be asked of. this elderly genj tleman, and companion of Annie Bezant, the High Priestess of Theosophy, or at least one brand of it. There is. every promise of a great "to do," though perhaps the ordinary, indl-^ vldual m the community, will not, un-' derstand what all the fuss is about." 1 The redoubtable Leadbeater is duo to arrive m Auckland by next Sunday's steamer from Sydney, and it is a remarkable thing that the^doings of Leadbeater m Australia have not been extensively advertised, In view of . the fact that this gentleman has been the subject of much discussion, and, what is more, has had charges of a vile nature hurled at him. "Truth," however, viewing the matter from an impartial' and independent standpoint, has not heard it - declared that one-quarter oC the charges made (and those mado were not mere everyday charges) have been proved against him. From one source, however, it has been gleaned that Leadbeater's mission m Australia has, 'from a Theosophist's point of view, been what we might calh A HOWLING SUCCESS. . Ho is on what might bo described as* an evangelical rampage and^ho haa charmed and converted many of the faithful who showed a tendency' to 'be unfaithful to Annie Besaht, her teachings, and the teachings of Leadbeater. This fact is vouched for by so-called reformers In tho TheoSpphicai' ranks, so it should be* taken for granted that Leadbeater has r"o- established himself. tha,t is,. if ho was ever 1 knocked off hla perch m the Theosophical Templo. Reverting, however, to tho visit "id Now Zealand of this remarkable individual, who seems to have upset tho equilibrium of tho adherents to TheosopfUcal .doctrines m several continents,' It has' td be.' observed tha^'afor^ mal declaration of war has been' mado against Leadbeater, together with Annie Resant, and all that the pair preach and tench. This declaration, or show of hostility, came from the chief lecturer of tho Auckland Theosophical Society, Mr. Sam Stuart, on Sunday evening last, when he took as tho subject of his public lecture "Somo Queer Revelations." What exactly the revelations wore, "Truth" has a small idea, because it believes it coucerns a book written by Annie Bosant and C. W. Leadbeater, entitled "MAN, WHENCE. HOW, AND WHITHER," which purports to bo a record of clairvoyant investigation, and is sold at 12s 6d per copy. It is even admitted that a number of people havo waded through the 800 odd pages of this volume and professed to understand what it, was all about, which, however, tho lecturer, Sam Stuart, an astronomer oC some noto and a scientist of some class, confesses he docs not, and which ho condemned m very round terms. Mr. Stuart actually declared, though tho grounds on which ho based tho assertion were not adduced, that tho book was written from ulterior motives, or that tho authors were destined to becomo tho inmates of a. lunatic asylum. It is set forth In tho book that tho Indian youth Alcyone, tho coming Christ, was m some previous incarnation an inhabitant of tho moon, and, as Stuart is, as wo have said, an astronomer of somo noto, ho cannot cotton to that idea, and said so pretty plainly. Another matter which Is interesting to tho Thcosophists is that Stuart** Society or Association Is tho registered Thco. Association In Auckland!, though numerically it Is not ao strong aa the unregistered organisation which clings to tho skirts of Annio Besunt and does not believe a word of tho infamous charges which periodically have boon heaved at Leadbeater. Indeed, "Truth" might go so far as to say that it is duo to charges of A TRULY INFAMOUS CHARACTER and charges which if mn> should be proved, but which apparently thane making thorn are unable to prove, that tho split ban been caused. Presumably, now that Lcadbeatvr m duo m Now Zealand, those who havo all along persisted m making tho charges will re I Ut.uo thorn urn! Lcaducater will be put on hl« defence. If there \va» anything In the charges "Truth" presume* something would havo boon wild about thorn during I^adbeater'H Hojourn In Australia. Apparently l^eadbonier has been micccHßful hi AumrxUin, and an no oxfo hurled them at him llwe. It certninly Heeivm that the tJmo Is now rlpo for tho brethren m Now Zealand to show how they fttnnd m t^Jh matter. It l« m anticipation orKomethlng doing, at leant In Auckland, that "Truth" inakCM known the. fact that LeutH)«*rtter Ik to address tho Theonophlsta on Sunday night next, and jjlho to mention tho fact thut tho Reformers havo declared war. Perhaps it might pan out that the rival loaders will merely content themselves with dlacuHtflng point* of doctrines and beliefs and will draw the lln« at worldly or dirty rauttcrr. "Truth," however, hopes for the bent, and by hoping tor the bojii it inouuft that ihow who have made charge* against Leudboater will have the courage to nuind tip and auk the mun If th<rr« In any truth m what hu« been wild of him. It lit up to somebody 10 clear uj> thing*. Perhapx Lvndbeatcr will dv It on his own. "Truth 1 * will wan ana ucc

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NZ Truth, Issue 474, 18 July 1914, Page 6

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THEOSOPHICAL TIT-BITS NZ Truth, Issue 474, 18 July 1914, Page 6

THEOSOPHICAL TIT-BITS NZ Truth, Issue 474, 18 July 1914, Page 6