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For Complicity m the Mountain Meadow? Massacre.

His Wives were *Left Lamenting;

A Latter-Day Fanatic.

The publication of Mrs T. !B, H, Stenhouse's book, "An Englishwoman m Utah ; the story of a Life's Experience m Mormonism," contributed more to bring the terrible realities of Mormon life to the knowledge of the American public, and to hasten their day of judgment, than did any other human agency. • The officers of justice mi n Utah were from that time urged to bring the notorious criminals to justice, but many well-con fcrived plans for their arrest failed m the accomplishment. Unexpectedly, John D. Lee,* -the hero of the Mountain Meadows. Massacre, was, while visiting one of his wives, surprised, and placed under confinement 'An ths U.S.. Military Fort, near Beaver City. [ In the summer of 1875, a lengthy trial ensued, and as there were MorImons; the jurors, they, failed [to agree on a verdict.;


intensely against the sysbem of falsehood constantly . practised by the Mormon jurors, when the Church or any of its leaders were interested m Ike courts, and a second trial of John D. Lee was earnestly demanded:

: During his first triaf the Apostle George A. Smith, Brigham's favorite and counsellor, who was undoubtedly the instrument through. which Lee and his associates had been "counselled" to destroy the emigrants, was still living, and to screen him it was necessary that Lee should escape the penalty of 'his crime.

Between, the first and second trials of John D. Lee, Smith died, and Leo might now confess what he pleased, for the link, m the chain of communication from Brigtiam Young to ths murderers was for ever broken.

Continually striving to sain the admission of Utah into the Union as a Staite, and always being met with a repulse based upon the wholesale murder crimes m Utah that had ?*«nc, unpunished, Brig-ham having no longer anything; to fear from lues's confession of has (Brigliam's) complicity m the Mountain Meadows Massacre, resolved

' TO SACRIFICE LEE. to appease the public clamor ; accordingly the testimony from eyewitnesses was over-whelming, and Lee was condemned by his own Mormon brethren, who for nearly twenty years ha-d carried m their minds this guilty evidence.

Lee was sentenced to be .executed on March 23, 1877, and as he had the choice of the manner of his death, he elected to 'he shot. The Court so approved, and ordered him to be, on the day named, taken to the Mournta/in Meadows, ■where the great slaughter of the innocent men, women and children .had^jeeji consummated, to there meet his doom.

How truthfully Mrs. Stenhouse had told the story of that great crime can be seen m tie confession of Lee before his execution >- and what a dreadful commentary tha.t document was on the Mormon priesthood will be apparent to every inteiigent reader who notes this series of articles on Mormonism.

Under the name of a Prophet of Jesus Christ, Brighara could rule

WITH UNCHALLENGED SWAY, hundreds and thousands of honest men and women, who were born and trained m tba civilised customs of Europe and America.; Brig-ham was not the first,' nor yet the last, to eke out a fat living upon dupes, who otherwise were as smart as can be found m the widie world. It would seem impossible, yet is an astounding and humiliating "fact, as proved by. the Dowie prophet of a later day, who humbugged esven persons possessed of good education into handing over to him their wealth for- safe keeping.

But harking back. In the escort conducting Lee -to the place of execution there were m all about 80 persons, one of whom was a photographer, who sketched the ending of John D. Lee. It was Friday morning when the party stopped at their destination, t and Lee was immediately ordered to descend from the waggon m which he rode, which he did. Marshal Nelson then read the orders of the Court regarding the execution, and when he had finished Lee was asked if he had 1 anything to say,,

Lee just' caught sight of Fennimore, the photographer, arranging his camera, and, pointing to him, said :: "I want to see that • m&n," and calling him to "Come over here." When Fennimore went over, Lee saMj —^l— wan.t_to— aslc a favor -orytni, sir ; I want you to furnish EACH OF MY THREE WIVES with a copy of the photograph— one to Rachel A's, Emma 8., and' Sarah C."

Lee had m all 18 wives, but only three named remained. Rachel was the oldest and most faithful to his interests. Fennimore consented, and Lee then sat for his picture, which was taken. Then he arose, and, looking over those standing about, said :—

'I have but little to say this morning. Of. course I feel that lam upon the brink of eternity, and the solemnity of eternity should rest upon my mind at the present moment. I have made out, or endeavored to do so, a manuscript and an abridged history of my life. This will be published. Sir (turning to District Attorney Howard), I have given my views and feelings with regard to all these things. I feel resigned to my fate. I feel as calm as a summer morning. I have done nothing adversely wrong. My conscience is clear before God and man, and lam ready to meet my Redeemer. This it is that places me on this field. I am not an infidel ; I have not denied .God or His mercy* I am, a

strong believer m iiliese things.- fThe most I regret is parting with ' my. family. Many of them are unprotected, and will ibe left fatherless. WOien I speak o£. .ibose little ones they, touch a

TENDER CHORD WITHIN ME." At this moment his voice trembled, and he ' perceptibly faltered m his words. He continued, however, as follows :—

i. "I have done nothing designedly, wrong m this affair. I used my utmost endeavors to save those people.. I would have given worlds were they,'at my command to have avoided this calamity, but I could not. I am sacrificed, to satisfy feelings, and am used to gratify parties ; Hut I am ready, to die. I have no fear 'of death. It has no terrors for me ;• and no particle of mercy have I asked for from court ,or officials to spare my life. . Ido not fear death. I shall never go to a worse place than the one I am now m. I have said it to my family, and I will. say, it to-day, that the Government of the United States sacrifices their best friend ; and that is saying a great deal; but it is true. lam a true believer m the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ido not Believe everything that is now practised and taught by Brigham Young. I do not agree with him. I believe he is

LEADIKG HIS PEOPLE ASTRAYv But I believe in' the gospel as taught m its purity by ? Joseph Smith former, days. I have my reasons' for saying this. 1 used to make this man's will my pleasure (evidently alluding to Brigham Young), and did so for thirty, years! See how and what I have come to this day ! I have been sacrificed m a cowardly, dastardly manner. There are thousands of people m the Church— honorable, good-hearted— whom I cherish m my heart. I regret to leave my family. They are near and dear to me. These things rouse my sympathy. I declare I did nothing designedly wrong m this unfortunate affair. I did everything m my power to save all emigrants, but I am the one that must suffer. Having said this I feel resigned. I ask the Lord, my God, to extend His mercy to me, and receive my spirit. My labors here. are done."

This ceremony altogether had occupied about an hour, and it was now near eleven o'clock. The sun, which had been fitfully bright during the morning, had become veiled behind

A PASSING- CLOUD, • yet the sky. was only, partially overcast, as down the horizon were bright streaks of golden light; and the effect of light and shadow, as portrayed upon the scene, "was one that seemed to be m full harmony with*' the painful silence, that - ..prevailed. Then it was that , the words on the rude monument; which - once had stood to mark the spot of the massacre, came out with vivid force, "Ven'geanoa ds mine, I will repay."

The stillness of the occasion was broken by. Lee seating himself accords ing to orders upon the coffin provided for his burial. He tried to appear calm as he faced the squad; of soldiers, whose rifles were soon to discharge their contents into his body. ; A' Methodist parson named. Stokes then knelt beside the coffin, and offered a short prayer, following .which a white handkerchief was placed over Lee's eyes. '

While the Marshal wag arranging the liandkerohaef, Lee said m a.lowbut firm voice, "Let them shoot the balls through my heart ; don't let them mangle my .body." He was assured that the aim would be as true as possible, and the marshal then stenped back, and gave his order to theTfive riflemen who kai been selected to do the work,


The men made ready, by, bringing the rifles .to,, .their shoulder, and then taking aim at the blindfolded fanatic, who was . about 20ft off. 'At the word "Fire," the volley was discharged, with but a siagle sound perceptible to th'e ear, and the infamous Mormon Bishop John p. Lee fell back upon the coffin, dead,' without a cry or even a moan. He was shot through the heart, as he had hoped to be, and 'died instantly. The marshall,, after a few moments, viewed the body, and said, • "He is quite dead ; -the law 5s satisfied at last." Lee's body was placed m, the coffin, which! was lowered into the grave, and the earth filled m quickly.

When all . is said, it seems, but' a poor . requittal that but one .man should be punished for the fiendish atrocity and wholesale murders of the Arkansas emigrants twenty,, years before.; ■••<•■ •

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NZ Truth, Issue 105, 22 June 1907, Page 8

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MORMON MURDERS. NZ Truth, Issue 105, 22 June 1907, Page 8

MORMON MURDERS. NZ Truth, Issue 105, 22 June 1907, Page 8