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DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES A MOST SUCCESSFUL YEAR THE SPIRIT OF THE COLLEGE Happy in the thought of meeting one another again, and ready to extend a welcome to new scholars, the students of St. Mary’s College returned in April of this year to their Alma Mater. Strenuous and generous efforts were needed if the college were to maintain its wellknown standard of efficiency (it was stated), for many weeks had been lost by reason of the unavoidably long vacation. Be it said, then, to the credit of teachers and pupils, that that lost time has been redeemed. The usual examinations have been entered for, and the results to date amply reward the untiring devotednfess of the sisters and the ready response of the students. Portrait painting, still-life painting, pen-painting, leather embossing, and modelling are features of the school curriculum, and verv !many of the scholars excel in-dress-making and in practical domestic economy. The spirit of the college is one redolent of happiness and contentment, and replete with perfect sympathy between the sisters and the children. The spiritual retreat was eloquently preached by Rev. Paul Kane, of the Manst missionary staff.

•THE PRIZE-WINNERS The prize-winners are as under: Good conduct (senior boarders), gold medal (gift of Mr Denton), Mildred Sim; next in merit, Ima Scholium, Norma Vallance, Edna Wilkinson, Elsie Boniface, Clarice McLeod; good conduct (day pupils, senior), gold "medal (gift of Rev. P. J. Smythe), Eileen Mansfield; next in merit, Minnie Khouri, Madge McMahon, Nancy Sloane; honourable mention, Flora Smith; Christian doctrine, gold medal {gift of Mrs Margaret O’Connor), Patricia Connor; prizes, Flora Smith. Eileen Mansfield, and Dorothy Dealy; English composition, gold medal (gift of His Grace Archbishop Redwood), Edna Wilkinson ; fine arts, gold medal (gift of Lady Ward), Hilda Kirkley; diligence, gold medal (gift of Mr Dealy), Flora Smith; commercial work, gold medal (gift or Mrs Robineon), Norma Vallance; elocution, gold medal (gift of Mrs Rose), ‘'The Mechtilde Memorial," Eileen Mansfield; elocution, gold medal, Minnie Khouri; mathematics, gold medal (gift of Mr D; Burke). Flora Smith; honourable mention, Mildred Sim; physical culture/ gold medal (senior boarders), Peggy Bagby; physical culture, gold medal (gift of Mr E. W. Kane), senior day pupils, Dorothy Dealy; physical culture, silver medal (junior boarders), Peggy Woodward. Form V.—English, Edna Wilkinson; composition, Gwendoline Schmitt; French, Flora Smith; science, Mildred Sim; penmanship, Elsie Boniface; English history, Patricia Connor; Latin, Agnes Thurston; geography, Eileen Mansfield; oral French, Edna Wilkinßon. Form IVa.—Composition, Madge McMahon; English, Madge McMahon; history and civics, Norma O’Donnell; arithmetic, Nancy -Sloane; algebra, Phyllis Stratford; geometry, Nancy Sloane? botany, Madge McMahon; French, Madge McMahon; highest marks, Madge McMahon; geography, Gwen. Sfchmitt; bookkeeping, Minnie Khouri. Form IVb.—Composition, Margaret Lander; English, Margaret Lander and Barbara Chorlton; history and civics, Barbara Chorlton; penmanship, Barbara Chorlton; arithmetic, Gladys Edwards; algebra and geometry, Gladys Edwards; botany, Nata Furlong and Phyllis Scanlon- French, Phyllis Scanlon and Bernadette Scanlon; drawing Margaret Lander; highest marks and diligence, Evelyn Thurston.

Form Ilia.—Diligence, Cicily Ellis, Dorothy Dealy; English, Cicily Ellis, Mary Moron, Joan McCormick; composition, Cicily Ellis, Eileen O'Connor, Maureen Wilson j reading, Peggy Killick, Maureen Wilson, Marie McCarthy; penmanship, Francesca Moleta,’ Dorothy Bealy. history, Francesca Moleta, Eileen O Connor; Rnthmethie, Amy Fouhy, Nan Anderson; algebra, Peggy Killick, Alberta. Fitzgerald;; geometry, Nan Anderson, Alberta Fitzgerald; botany, Ddris Sloane, Maureen Wilson; Latin, Cicily HHis, Nan Anderson; French, Peggy Killick, Amy Fouhy) oral French, Helma Douglas, Eileen O’Connell; elocution, Edleen Burke, Shirley Milner, Mary Moron; bookkeeping, Francesca Moleta; practical botany, Peggy Killick, Ethel Brownlie, Maureen Wilson; geography, Eileen O Connell, Anderson, Maureen Wilson; highly-satisfactory progress, Fay Brownlie, Doris Godfrey; highest marks, Cicily Ellis. Form Illb.—Christian doctrine, Patricia Doherty and Zena Bright; shorthand, speed, Margaret Hoskins; shorthand, grade 1, Betty Souter? shorthand, grade 2, Lola Bush and Kathleen Healey; bookkeeping, grade 1, Gwen Wilson; bookkeeping, grade 2, Eileen Pierce; bookkeeping, grade 3, Molly Day; typewriting, speed, Freda Carter* typewriting, grade Gwen Wilson; typewriting, grade 2, Linnea Nordell; typewriting, grade 3, Kathleen Healey and Lola. Oyspring; English, Zena Bright; composition, Georgina O’Connor; penmanship, Polly Carroll; highest marks, Margaret Hoskins.

Class Vl—‘Highest marks, Lalla Oben; Christian doctrine, Marjorie O’Connor; reading, Joyce Reed; Tecitation, Lalla Oben and Marie Stephen; spelling, Margaret Casey and Marie Lane;, writing, Manu Parata; composition, Lalla Oben and Agnes Bradey; arithmetic,, Lalla Oben and Orviss Thomson; English, Peggf Bagby and Orviss Thomson; geography, Marjorie O’Connor and Eileen Clarke; history and civics, Mary Ferris; drawing; Joyce Knight; science. Marjorie O’Connor and Nellie Bur: French, Mary Ferris.

V.—Highest marks, Molly Goodman; Christian do.ctrine, Bonnie Lulham; reading, Fjelda Croft; recitation. Barbara Smith; writing, Dolly Jones; composition, Barbara Smith; arithmetic, Kathleen Goodman and Molly Goodman; English, Barbara Smith; spelling, Bonnie Lulham; geography, Molly Goodman; history, Kathleen Goodman; drawing, Dolly Jones; science, Tui Sewell: French. Moira Dorizac.

Class IV., Division I. —Highest marks, Agnes Emerson; Christian science, Moya O’Shanglinessy; dictation and spelling, Olga B&ndebes and Agnes Emerson; arithmetic, Ruth Crombie and s, Agnes Emerson; diligence, Ngaire Bright; English, Patricia Sou ter; reading, Patricia Sou’ter; composition, Helen Waddy and Ruth Crombie; recitation, Olga Bardebes; nistory, Helen Waddy and Veronica Mann; geography, Agnes Emerson; French, Moya O’Shaughnessy and Agnes Emerson; writing, Molly Duffy; drawing, Nora Mcßirney and Helen Waddy; needlework, Holen Fay; handwork, Nora Mcßirney. ' Class IV,, Division ll.—Christian doctrine, Nora Burke; dictation and spelling, Mona Lane; arithmetic, Iris Lowe; English, Helen Hammond; reading, Beattie McColl and Sheila Fitzgerald; composition, Iris Lowe and Helen Fay; recitation, Elsie Mann; history, Eileen Gill; geography, Carol Brown; writing, Carol Brown Ist, Helen Fay 2nd; French, Nora Burke; general improvement, Marie Boyd; needlework. Molly Duffy. Class lll.—Highest marks, Betty Cameron; Christian doctrine, Phyllis Holmes; dictation and spelling, Peggy Woodward and Marjory Greenop; arithmetic, Kathleen Brosnanan and Stephanie Flanagan; composition, Cameron; geography, Kathleen Brosnanan Ist, Peggy Woodward 2nd; English, Betty Cameron? history, Mary Mcßirney; reading, Phyllis Holmes; French, Stephanie Flanagan and Ellen Moleta r needlework, Ellen Moleta; general improvement, Patsy Barker and Inez Staples; writing. Noeline Croft; drawing, Mary Mcßirney; recitation. Monica Kelly: handwork. Ellen Moleta.

ST. MARY’S PREPARATORY COLLEGE. Good conduct (boarders), Doreen Steu-

art; good conduct (day pupils), Esme Hardinge. Class 1., Division 1. —Christian doctrine, Mabel Walker and Florence Quinlivan; diligence, Jean Newton Ist, Mabel Walker 2nd; highest marks, Lorrie Wood Ist, Doris Scanlon 2nd; arithmetic, Robert Smith and Mabel Walker, equal; writing, Florence Quinlivan and Betty McKeowen; reading, Aeila Patterson; recitation, Aeila Patterson and Lorrie Wood; literature, Doreen Steuart; history, Gabrielle Loftus and Joan St. George; spelling, Joan St. George; geograpli, Betty McKeowen; nature study, Gabrielle Loftus, Jean Newton, Joan St. George; composition, Florence Quinlivan Ist, Aeila Patterson 2nd; drawing, Doris Scanlon; handwork, Aeila Patterson and Esmo Hardinge; French, Jean Newton Ist, Doreen Steuart 2nd; French recitation, Gabrielle Loftus; English, Robert Smith and Jean Newton; needlework, Esme Hardinge; music, Aeila Patterson and Jean Newton.

Class 1, Doris Scanlon; diligence, Mafalda Moleta; arithmetic, Mafalda Moleta; writing Mary McUllum, Joy Meyer; reading, Peggy Welch; recitation, Nellie Johns; spelling, Nellie Johns and Mary Medium; history, Norma Cannons; geography. Nellie Johns; nature study, Lorrie Wood; composition, Peggy Welch; handwork, Flo Darragh; drawing, Norma Cannons; French, Mafalda Moleta Ist, Lorrie Wood 2nd.

Class 11, Division I.—Christian doctrine, Clarice Mann; diligence, May Goodman; arithmetic, Constance Lonergan Ist, May Goodman 2nd; writing, Constance Lonergan; reading, Iris Walsh; recitation, Constance Lonergan and Joy Meyers; spelling, Iris Walsh; history, Joan Greenop; geography Clarice Mann; nature study, Dossie Walker; composition, Joan Greenop; handwork, Dossie Walker; drawing, Joan Greenop; French, Joy Meyers and Dossie Walker. CLASS 11., Division 2.—Christian doctrine, Billy Brosnahan; arithmetic, Joan Emerson; writing, Stella Barnao; read* ing, Joan Emerson; recitation, Gretta Burd; spelling, Billy BrosnahaD and Joyce Whittaker; geography. Joan l Emerson; nature study, Gretta Burd; : composition, Joyce Whitaker: handwork, Gretta Burd; drawing, Stella Barnao; French, Stella Barnao. Primer V. —Christian doctrine, Honor Vincent; arithmetic, Paddy Crombie; spelling, Paddy Crombie; handwork, Kura Coltman; writing, Laurie Cameron; drawing, Laurie Cameron; reading. Honor Vincent; recitation, Kura Coltman; French, Honor Vincent; Ist, Kura Coltman 2nd

Primer IV.—Christian doctrine, Joan Oben; writing, Joan Oben; reading, Joan Oben; spelling, Fred Crombie; tables, Fred Crombie; . arithmetic, Douglas Brownrigg; handwork, Douglas Brownrigg: French, Fred Crombie; recitation, Joan Oben.

PRIMER 111. —Christian doctrine, Molly Lonergan; reading, Betty Steward: spelling, Joan Stephens; writing, Molly Lonprgan; Umber work, Molly Lonergan; handwork, Douglas St. George; French, iMolly Lonergan Ist, Joan Stephens 2nd; recitation, Molly Lonergan.

Primer II. —Christian doctrine, Kanen Holst; reading, K&nen Hol6t; recitation, Biddy Coltman; spelling, Biddy Coltman; Primer I. —Handwork, Guy Thornton; drawing, Lester Frew; French, Biddy Coltman; handwork, Guy Hobson; reading, Ann Parkinson; spelling, June Jepson; drawing, Buster Thornton. The following pupils were successful in the Public Service examinations Teacher’s <r D” (partial), Bernadette Gibbs; matriculation, Bernadette Gibbs, Ita O’Shea, Mary Costello; Public Service, Edna Wilkinson, Peggy Reed, Patricia Connor, Joyce Young, Margaret Fouhy; intermediate, Madge McMahon; Nancy Sloane, Eileen McLelland, Flora Smith, Patricia Leydon. The following pupils obtained their proficiency certificates;—Norma Vallance, Peggy Bagby, Nellie Burge, Margaret Casey, Eileen Clark, Mary Ferris, Joyce Knight, Marie Lane, Lalla Oben, Mar* jorie O'Connor, Mano Parata, Gladys Robinson, Joyce Reed, Marie Stephen, Orviss Thomson, Agnes Bradey, Barbara Brown, Arihi Ellison. SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Singing—Prize for singing, Ima Sobol* lum; goldi medal (gift of Mrs MacarthyIteid). Polly Carroll. Pianoforte —Gold medal (gift of Rev. N. Moloney), Winifred© Secombe: gold medal (gift of Mrs Gibbes), Mildred Sim; intermediate Royal Academy division, Zena Bright; senior Trinity division, Eileen Clark; junior Trinity division. Nora Burke; intermediate division, Lalla Oben; elementary, Iris Lowe; primary, Mary McJßimev. Diligence in music —Molly Rutter, Francesca Moleta, Doris Godfrey, Peggy Bagby, Kathleen Brosnahan. LoMa i'j. ' son, Jean Newton, Helen Waddy; violia playing, Marjorie O’Connor. Theory of Music—Art of teaching* Winifred© Secombe; harmony class, Mildred Sim; rudiments, Peggy Killick. Dressmaking—Prize, Dorothy Dealy; special mention, Mary Godfrey, Molly Rutter, Fay Brownlie, Ima Scholium, Menu Parata, Lena.Moleta, Nellie Burge, Gladys Robinson.

TRINITY COLLEGE PRACTICAL EX* AMINATIONS. Diploma Examinations Licentiate, Myrtle Pigoti (singing), Audrey Jamieson. Associate—Dorothy Hudson (singing), Mary Bolton (singing), Elvira Meban (singing), Mildred Sim (pianoforte), Winifred© Secombe (pianoforte). Higher Local (honours) —Ima Scholium (singing), Polly Carroll (singing). Pass— Kathleen Hennessy, Phillis Haswell, Molly Ellis. Senior division, (honours) — Norah Riddick, Eileen Clarke, Francesca Moleta. Pass Kathleen Mcßrearty, 3snbel Thompson. Intermediate division (honours) —Lalla Oben, Isabel O’Regan (singing). Gwen Spurgin. Pass—Monica Lander, Betty Gronbech, Stephen Johns. Junior Division (honours) —Nora Burke, Marie Stephen. Pass First Steps Division Mabel Watts (violin). j Royal Academy (practical examinations) —Local Centre—lntermediate. Zena Bright, Irene O’Brien, Evelyn Aplin. School Examinations—Lower division, Kitty Kirley, Joan Sidford, Joan Powell; elementary. Iris Lowe, Molly Duffy, Olga Bardebes; primary Frances Holland, Mary Mcßirney, Kathleen . Brosnahan, Helen Fay, Jean Newton, Nellie Johns. Trinity College—Theoretical examina* tiong (diploma certificates, art of teach* ing and rudiments)—Phyllis Blaker.ey, Lalla Vonderslort, Agnes Wright, Edna Tingey, Matian Hamerton. Winnie Seccmbe, Margaret Doherty (rudiments only). Mary O’Connell (art of teaching oniv); senior division. Myrtle Ohote. Royal Academy (qualifying paper for licentiate), Marie Hamerton; local centre (rudiments), Mvrtle Ohote, Phyllis Harwell. Linnea Nordell; intermediate Harmony, Audrey Jamieson, Agnes Wright; lower division, Dorothy Dealy. The Sisters of Mercy wish to thank the following donors of prizes:—His Grace Archbishop Redwood. Rev. Fathers Smyth© and Moloney, Lady Ward, Mesr dames Rose, Macarfchy-Reid, E. Clarke, Margaret O’Connor, Robinson, .Gibber, Messrs Brookes, Dealy, E. W. Kane, 1). Burke, and Denton. ,

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New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 12315, 9 December 1925, Page 3

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ST. MARY’S COLLEGE New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 12315, 9 December 1925, Page 3

ST. MARY’S COLLEGE New Zealand Times, Volume LII, Issue 12315, 9 December 1925, Page 3